Newspaper Page Text
A Great Holiday Reduction and 1
Sacrifice Sale f
Vernon g
I Begins Friday, Dec. 10--Lasts 15 Days 1
I At the beginning of the fall, when the high prices of ij We are glad to say that we are more so in position to m
cotton prevailed, we were in expectation oi a huge and : ( | () since we bought in large quantities at extremely re- If
extensive business, and bought heavily an enormous stock I . n
Os Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes Hats and Notions to supply ij ,l " ,e < l l ,,,ceN - w,len ‘ ottou wus l,,vv - We are financially g
the expected demand. The amount of business, however, pressed, we must meet our obligations immediately, and ||
is far below our expectations. With an enormous stock on j here is your opportunity to buy your winter goods at enor
hand, and urgent obligations to meet, we must gel rid of :j niously low prices, never before in the history of merchan- |§
j® the one, in order to meet the other. To do so we are ij
1 going to offer at this sale the most astounding sacrifces ,l,so could ~sl' “ ,n,,, e “ l » umei,t t,m " the |
5 ever offered at any sale. | fabulously low prices quoted you below: 1
M wM.wiw*»v»v»w«v«<wv»vw»*VMMMv«M»vvrt»wwiw»v». n%mv»%uvuAwntmumM«mwuMMUMvmwivuMtM« M
Large Asssortmcnt of Calicos sc. Regardless of the great increase in \\ c will close out our most fash
§ Choice Checked Homespuns at sc. the wholesale cost of Shoes, we will ionable Dress Goods at these prices:
§ SI.OO Overalls in this sale for 78c. sell our large supply at much below *1.25 Dress Goods at .... 8 5 C h
| Handkerchiefs will bo offered at 3c. old cost. Save money on these prices: ?£ §
to t>,...... l>hi« fnr nnlv ‘F* $4.50 Shoes and Oxfords for-- - $3.78 50c Dress Goods at .... 37c Si
to 1 aper OI 131 USb UJCSS 1. lllb 10l niiy f>s . 4.00 Shoes and Oxfords for ... 3.38 35c and 26e Dress Goods at - -23 c and 19c to
m 15c. towels at 9c. 10c. towels Gc. and 3.50 Shoes and Oxfords for-- - 2.78 1 5 £, Dre . 8 . 8 Goods at extreme bargain price of 9c
; 3.00 Shoes and Oxfords for ... 2.38 10c Bleaching, the good and depedable kind, at only 7 l-2c fig
JS f)C towels for 3c 2.50 Shoes and Oxfords for-- - 1.98 12 l-2c Cambric in this special sail at attractive price of 9c §5
to * 2‘.<)o Shoes and Oxfords for ... 1.48 10c Ticking will be slaughtered in this sail at 7 l-2c fa
to S~~ I GTMI PU Ti 1.75 Shoes and Oxfords for the very small sum of 1.28 12 l-2c Ticking to be closed out at the easy figures, 8 l-2c to
M . . 10c Ginghams for-- -7 l-2c to
gjj $25.00 Men’s Suits for-- - - $10.50 Olir line Os hIIOCS IS CXteilSlVe. All 12 l-2c Ginghams at .... 8 l-2c gj
i K luS f” : : : i“ makes and leathers in Men’s Ladies' w= o„ti„ g to been cut down lo only - - «. |
P 1800 l 8 00 Men's iu|ts for- i i I 550 and Cliildren’s Shoes and Oxfords. He Otifing f« you in this sale at 6e. j|
RS 5.50 Men’s Suits for-- - 3.50 * a j u , 1 50 c Men’s Underwear for your economical buyers at 39c to
to # IVien S nats ana Veaps. 25c, 15c and 10c Socks and Stockings at 19c, 9c and 7c to
to Ladies Loat Suits and Lloaks. * Towels, the 10c kind, to be closed out at only 7c W
to „ Latest Styles and Colors. Winter Stock , in- fcf
m $15.00 coat Suits now selling for-- $7.50 , _ .. f , .. . , to oc(lo Overcoats at Reduced rnces. $5
?S 12.50 Coat Suits now selling for-- 6.50 $3.50 and $3.00 Hats for particular purchasers, $2.38-$1.9« to
S§ 12.50 Ladies’Cloaks are to sacrificed at only 6.50 $2.50 and $2.00 Hats for ... $1.78-$1.48 $15.00 Overcoats to be closed out at - - $9.50 to
to 10.00 Ladies’Cloaks for the extremely low price of 5.50 $1.50 and $1.25 Hats for ... 98c and 78c 12.50 Overcoats to be closed out at - - 7.50 B 8
to 8.00 Ladies’Cloaks will be closed out at only 4.50 »» > D ’ J /-.i *i j > r< 10.00 Overcoats to be closed out at - - 6.50
to 7.00 Ladies’ Cloaks are yours for the small sum of 3.75 IVleri S, DOyS cUnQ vAlliClrfen S LiipS 600 Overcoats to be closed out at - - 4.50 !5j
If 75c. Children’s Dresses for only 39c. worth 50c and 25c to be sold at 39c and i9c 50c, 35c and Men's and Boy's Pants Cheap. 1
to 25c Suspenders and Belts, at 39c, 23c and 19c. I ies worth J ~ g?
to 1;,...i x . ../wb./.tlAn nn 60c, 35c and 25c, to be sacrificed at 39c, 23c and 19c. $5.00 Men’s Pants to be sold at - - - $3.68 fi»
gg Port} per cent 1 educ tion on lU am- 3.00 Men’s Pants to be sold at - - - 1.98 33
te? _ , „ ... . . Our Dry Goods at great foacnflCC. 2.50 Men’s Pants to be sold at - - - 1.78 fs
I to-Vs ear Ladies furnishings, -Skirts i>i ace d at the mercy of the public. lataSt 1 ' - * 1 ! : I §£ 1
1 and Petticoats—Splendid Line. 7c. Sea Upland sold for-- sc. iS»,ttiitawd.l
| 7oc and 50c Men s Shirts at 43c & -9c. 7c |i| ( .aehing at the saving price sc. Suit ., ,ery large a»»„rt mCT „ at a great reduc
-1 81.25 and SI Dress Shirts, 89c & 79c. 7c Ginghams at - - - sc. toiß! n w P iii i g o af*i?B.‘ !Cial B '“ e Serießos ’“’ Suilß ’ Bize “ 8 8
Do not by any means hesitate to come over and he convinced of the opportunities we are ode ring you now to buy
g your goods at absurdly low prices. Necessity alone urges us to take this step, at a time when demand for goods is
I great and general supply so small. You cannot fad to take advantage of our sacrificing prices. A visit to the store
would be enough to convince you that at this sale we are beyond competition. Our oversupply must go at any cost.
Remembber the place and the date.
j A. SEGALL, Mount Vernon j