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Mr. G. W. Ik-ckworth of Tarry
town, one of the Monitor’s reg
ular patrons, was here Monday.
Mr. Ferdinand McArthur, a
well-to-do farmer of the Long
pond community, was here on
business Saturday.
If it is high-class stationery
you want and every business
man needs it The Monitor guar
antees the best, and at consistent
prices. Our experience has made
for us a skill which cannot be
excelled in Georgia, according to
those who know.
SEED OATS—The Fulghum
vari"ty, SI.OO per bushel. See
A. B. Hutcheson, Mt. Vernon,
Ga. ad i
Do not forget all of the good
things at the court house this
afternoon. Go out.
Ginneries are included in the
line of Fire Insurance we repre
sent. Mt. V. L. & C. Agency.
Long term Farm I/>ans are
easy in small payments. If you
need the money, let us advance
it to you. Mt. V. L. &C. Agency.
Teachers’ Association,
Northern Division.;
Program for meeting to be held:
at Soperton, Ga., December 18, |
1. Birds, Trees, and Flowers
Miss Abide Graham.
2. Literature for the Fourth,
Fifth and Sixth Grades—Mrs. G.,
W. Thomas.
8. Discipline Prof. B. H. Mc-
4. Primary number work —
Miss Lollie Combess, Miss Mary
Oyster Supper for
[Crooked Run School.
There will be an oyster supper;
at the home of Mr. Joel Davis,
near Soperton, on Friday evening
December 17th, the proceeds to!
be used for the benefit of the
Crooked Run Sob ul. The pub
lic is cordially invited.
Produce for Salt 4 .
For sale, at once, 3 tons pea
vine hay, 75 bushels of corn, 751
bushels sweet potatoes and one I
buggy. See me tit once.
H. T. Maddox,
(8.-P. I.) Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Best Tennessee Stock
Fair Treatment to Buyers
Nothin**- but High-Class Stock Offered the
farmers of Montgomery and the Adjoining
Counties. We have planned to do a nice
line of business in this section, and shall
extend every courtesy possible, and ask the
same treatment of those we expect to serve
at Once and Make Your Selections
Robinson Bros.
Mrs. J. W. Ogden is visiting
her sister, Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae.
Miss Marie McQueen, a student
in Andrew College will arrive
Saturday to spend ths holidays
with relatives here.
Miss Inez Mcßride is at home
from her studies at Brenau, to
spend the holidays with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Mrs. George J. Stanford, who
has been in Savannah some time
for treatment, is rapidly improv
ing, and Mr. Stanford will go
down for her in a week.
We do not ask any better col
lateral for a long term loan than
a Montgomery or Wheeler county
farm. Mt. V. L. &C. Agency.
Rev. P. B. Gibson, pastor of
one of the colored Methodist
churches, after having served
his people in Mt. Vernon the past
two years, has been transferred
to West Point, former pastorate.
He has been well thought of,
not only by those of his race,
hut is held in favor by a large
circle of white friends who wish
him well.
Pythian Notes
i Proceedings of Regular Meeting Held
by Pythian Literary Society
On Dec. 11th the Pythian Lit
erary Society met in the chapel.
Both the president and vice-pres
ident were absent and Mr. Willie
Wood was appointed to act as
chairman. The following program
was rendered:
Piano Solo—Theodosia Geiger.
Prophecy- Mae Burch.
Vocal Solo—Meta Vickery.
Current Events—Ora Kennedy.
Violin Solo—Effie Bedingfield.
Debate—Resoved, That in or
der for the United States to main
tain the trade gained during the
present conflict, it will necesssi
tate a much stronger navy.
Herman Kennedy and Fleming
Lester had the affirmative, while
Eugene Truitt and Hugh Peterson
upheld the negative.
The debaters upheld their sides
so well until the judges, Mae
Burch, Blanche Hogan and Miss
Stapler decided it was a tie.
Piano Solo—Catherine Curry.
Campus Notes—Carlie Warren.
A more enjoyable program has
not been given heretofore.
Af'er a short business meeting
the society adjourned.
I Special Correspondence
Misses Beulah Martin and
Francis Hunter of Longpond and
I Dr. Williamson and Mr. E. S.
Martin of Alston attended the
box supper at Uvalda last Friday
Prof. W. C. Langston and Mr.
, Albert Sidney Johnosn of the
8.-P. I. spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson.
The Teachers’ Institute met
, here last Saturday. On account
of the rainy weather, all of the
members were not present. Din
ner was spread in the school
building and all seemed to enjoy
the occasion very much. The
next meeting will be held at the
Sadie School house.
i ,
The school went to see the Ag
ricultural train at Mt. Vernon
The Progressive Club is pro
gressing fine selling their but
-1 tons for the library. We are
glad to have as new members,
I Prof. Langston, Mr. Henry Car
: penter, and Miss Minnie Wells.
The club will meet at the home
of Mr. Carl McAllister, next
Friday. A debate has been ar
ranged. Resolved, That the
1 teacher accomplishes more than
the preacher. Affim., Dewey
‘ Brantley, Henry Carpenter, Jim
Wells, and Miss Martin. Neg.,
Peter Johnson, Frank Pollet,
Hubert Corbin and Carl McAllis
: ter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson
1 and Mr. E. J. Wells visited Vi
dalia Saturday.
A large crowd attended the
dance at the home of Mr. and
, Mrs. H. H. McAllister last Fri
j day night. It was enjoyed very
! much by all that were present.
Messrs. W. A. Johnson and J.
J. McArthur made a business
trip to Denton Monday.
There will be a box supper
Tuesday evening, Dec. 28th, at
the school house. Everybody is
invited to attend.
, Mr. W. F. McAllister is at his
home for a few days.
For Tax Receiver:
, To tlio Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
l Tax Receiver of Montgomery county, and cor
m dially solicit the support of all voters in the
coming primary. Having been honored by
my people with this office once before, I be-
I lieve that the experience thus gained entitles
, me to the olaim of oompetenoy. I wish to
especially thank those who so kindly supported
I mo in roy past two races, as well as to thank
in advance all who will support mo in this
race. Obediently yours to serve,
Dec. 14, 1915 Isaac Bbooks.
The children are happy over
our new books and we hope to
make them still happier with
i another lot before many moons.
The average price is 50 cents and
your name goes down as a pro
moter of a library in our school.
Buy a book!
Mrs. Johns of Reidsville visited
our school as the prospective
home for her little son after the
holidays. We shall be glad to
enroll him.
The entertainment by the Glee
■ club and Orchestra last evening
was one of the greatest treats of
the season. Miss Lee’s work is
> appreciated and enjoyed.
• The banners have been held by
the sixth and seventh grades
since our last report. Let’s see |
who’ll have them for Christmas.
Everybody is thinking of
Christmas but each keeps it trom
‘ the other and all work right on.
The fourth month closes Satur
day, after the best fall’s work
we’ve ever had, but we are not
satisfied —we mean to do more in
the spring, and we want your
Don’t forget to buy a book!
Seed Oats for Sale.
Feagan and Fulghum Seed Oats
for sale. The two leading varie
ties. Best prices.
D. S. Williamson,
lo7tf Uvalda, Ga.
The Holiday Spirit is Pleasing, Yet in Buying p
for Yourself or for Others, You Must Always p
«! Reduced Prices on Our Entire Stock, Including a Special g
Discount on Certain Lines which we will Discontinue. 0
% The Following Prices Prevail Through Dec . 27: %
j>| Calumet Baking Powder, the 10 cents size $ .07 jg
Calumet Baking Powder, 25c size .18
P Wash Bowls and Pitchers, $1.25 values .87
eg ■ Stick Brooms, regular 35c values .29
Five-gal. Pump Oil Can, filled with Oil 1.98
(Regular 25c Plow Lines 22c. Charmer Coffee, 25c seller .19
Ten Pounds Green Coffee, SI.OO 18 Pounds of Rice 1.00
Beautiful Enamel Ware, regular 50c values .29
Dish Pans, the kind you pay 20c for, will sell for .16
Men's Fine Hats, $3.00 values 2.38
Men's Pants worth $1.95, $1.35. Men's 25c Suspenders .17
I Men's Winter Suits, $15.00 values, will sell for 11.49 p
Boys' Suits $2.95 values 2.15 0
Suit Cases, worth $1.15, to go at .85 g
Suit Cases worth $1.75, to be handed out at 1.23 ><
Boys' Express Wagons, $1.75 values, sold for 1.34
Self-rising Flour, per sack .79
Fruit Cake Supplies and Dainties §j
for Christmas Cooking %
Our patrons should not expect the above slashed prices to continue after the 0
27th. Come and enjoy our holiday offering to the buying public. 0
ailey, ga. |
Special Correspondence.
The social affairs around Ori
ana have been very pleasant the
past week.
Mr. Willis Dent invited the
school to drink cane juice Tues
day afternoon. One hundred
and twenty-five pupils and teach
ers enjoyed it. Thanks to Mr.
A very pleasant party enjoyed
a candy pulling at Mr. Arnold
Thigpen’s Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Page visi- ;
ted Stellaville, the home of Mrs.
Page’s parents.
Miss Thelma Jordan is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Page.
Miss Ruth Proctor of Swains
boro has accepted a position in
the Orianna High school.
Mr. J. D. Wilson is having his
house painted.
Mr. Lasso Moseley of the Lau
rens County Citizen spent Sun
day at home.
Misses |Sssie May Tillman,
Laura Ricks, May Ricks and
Messrs. Nunez Tillman and R.
J. Thomas spent Sunday with
Dr. Anthony’s family.
Rev. Rountree preached at the
Methodist church Dec. sth.
Our literary societies are
Mrs. Pierce and family of
j Toombsboro are visiting Mrs.
: McNealy.
Miss Elmo Thomas of Dublin
is visiting the family of Mr.
Enoch Avery.
An oyster supper will be given
at the school house Friday night,
Dec. 17th to raise money for
school improvements. Everybody
is cordially invited. X.
Rijjs for Sale.
Fine blooded stock: cross be
tween the Big Bone Guinea and
Tam worth; $lO per pair. See r
write jJ. W. Adams & Son.
Route 1, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
! 112515 j
j christhas is corn no I
w c are preparing to meet the demands I
I of the public for the great day, ‘Christ- 1
| mas.” We are getting in the prettiest |
jf line of jewelry we have ever had. Come J
| look us over. You will be pleased.
| Phone 215 VIDAUA- GA.
The Kil Kare Club
Holds Weekly Meet.
The Kil Kare Club met at the
home of Miss Marion Adams on i
last Monday afternoon. After an !
hour of business and pleasure, j
ambrosia and cake were served.
We were delighted to have as ,
visitors Misses Anelia Cook, Inez
j Mcßride ;md Mr. J. R. Cockfield.
The club members present .
were, Misses Alleen Mcßae, Jen- ,
nie Thompson, Lucile Mcßae, ,
Winnie Smith and Mrs. C. H. •
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Miss Lucile Mc-
Rae, Dec. 27th. K. K. C. S. <
If your Piano is worth anything, j
it is worth EXPERT tuning. *
Any other kind will ruin it. I
j have a diploma, and guarantee *
aii work. Write, and I will call. I
Charles L. Hamilton, s
Will Discharge All
Employes Who Drink.
Lyerly, Ga., Dec. 15. —Here
after every employe of the Sum
merville cotton mills who gets
drunk or otherwise be disorderly
will be discharged, according to
the announcement of E. Mont
gomery, superintendent of the
mills. Mr. Montgomery says that
if any employe is guilty of any
misbehavior he need not go back
to work, but ask for his salary
and seek a new position else
Two Towns to Unite.
G*aymont, Dec. 14.—The twin
cities of Graymont-Summit have
enlisted on the side of progress
Bonds have been passed by
them for the erection of a joint
electric light plant. This will be
a great means of unifying the
two towns, as the electricity to
be supplied to both towns will be
generated at the same plant, the
joint property of the two towns
and located midway between
them. The plant to be installed
will be up-to-date in every re
spect. It will have storage bat
teries and will furnish a current
for twenty-four-hours in the day.