Newspaper Page Text
itfltttgmnmj Ulmtiinr.
Splendid Opportunity to Buy
Building Lots Near
8.-P. Institute.
The Brewton-Parker Institute
is having a very successful year,
and is growing. For some time
there has been quite a demand
for homesites for patrons of the
school who live at a distance, and
who desire to come toMt. Vernon
and be with their children in
school during the school term,
but such sites could not be had.
Last week, through the efforts
of Mr. D. A. Mcßae and Dr. J.
C. Brewton, two well known
gentlemen, an arrangement was
concluded by which Warren
Crawley, who owns considerable
property on the west side of the
8.-P. I. campus, placed about
ten acres lying on the east side
of the street from the Institute
to the Mt. Vernon depot in the
hands of the Overland Realty
Co., the well known town de
velopers, to be sub-divided into
home sites to be sold to white
The announcement was re
ceived with much pleasure here
because it was well known that
the growth of the school and the
number of its student body has
been retarded by the inability of
persons lining at a distance to
secure places to build homes
here. There was further pleasure
from the fact that the sale was
to be conducted by the Overland
Realty Co., as they have conduct
ed several sales recently in this
section and the people like their
methods of selling the land at
auction and on easy terms.
The property to be sold con
sists of about thirty lots, and lies
just north of the Ailey-Mt. Ver
non pike, with which it is con
nected by two streets. Mr. C.
W. Stuart, manager of the Ma
con firm, and Mr. Geo. L. West
cott, field agent, who is familiar
ly known as “George,” by many
in this section, are already on the
ground and the work of laying
off the property into lots and
streets is well under way, and
the improvement and develop
ment of the property is to be
made at considerable cost.
The property lies within a
stone's throw of the Institute and
the residences of Dr. J. C. Brew
ton, President R. E. Robertson,
Rev. J. D. Rabun, Rev. Dan
Walker, Mr. H. D. Lee, Mrs.
Outler and many others of our
best citizens, and is extremely
In honor of the occasion the
ladies of the Mt. Vernon Civic
League will serve a benefit din
ner on the ground at a small
price, so that the entire day can
be spent on the grounds. The
Macon firm has provided for the
occasion a uniform brass band
and daylight fireworks and bal
loon display, and will give away
absolutely free one choice resi
dence lot and 25 cash prizes to
those present. Mr. C, W. Stuart,
the auctioneer, is known to many
in this section, and he is a
smashing, sunflower philosopher
who keeps things going lively
with his rapid-fire character
sketches and anecdotes, and al
together a gala day is promised
for Mt. Vernon and Ailey. A
large crowd will attend. For
particulars read the page ad. in
this issue of The Monitor.
Building New Store.
Mr. John W. Morrison is dig
ging out the foundation for a
new store on the corner adjoining
his present place. The new
building is to be of brick and
will be occupied by Mr. Morrison
as a store.
Joyous Family Reunion, i
Perhaps no one in this section
had a more enjoyable Christmas
than Mrs. T. B. Abt and family
of Mt. Vernon. The rare ex
perience of having ali her broth
ers and only sister with her for
the first time in thirty years was
a novel and glad occasion. Be
sides Mr. John McDougald of
Montgomery county, Mr. H. D.
McDougald of Jersey, Ark., Mrs.
J. A. Crowley and Mr. Alex
McDougald of Fayetteville, N.
C. and Mr. Elisha McDougald of
Chesterfield, S. C., all gathered
around the Abt hearthstone for
an occasion of great rejoicing.
Every home in Mt. Vernon was
glad of the pleasure brought to
this home by the coming of these
good people.
The Christmas Tree.
The Sunday school of Mt. Ver
non joined in a Christmas cele
bration with a Christmas tree at
the Presbyterian church on Fri
day evening last. The occasion
is always one of great delight to
the children, and on this occasion
presented joys that are always
new\ The evening was delight
fully spent, and the presents were
distributed amid the usual mani
festations of intense interest.
Mr. Thos. M. Mason and
Miss Jeddie Cockfield
Were Injured,
On Friday morning last, as
everybody was in a rush and the
happy anticipation of the Christ
mas festivities, Mr. Thos. M.
Mason and Miss Jeddie Cockfield
of this place came near being
killed by the overturning of an
automobile in which, with Miss
Iris Simpson, they were out for
a joy ride.
They were near the branch
southeast of Ailey on the Vidaliai
road when Mr. Mason lost control!
of the car which turned over and
was stopped by a tree. Mr.
Mason and Miss Cockfield were
violently dashed out and badly
bruised, but Miss Simpson was
scarcely hurt, and ran to Ailey
for assistance. Frierfds quickly
came to the scene when Mr. Ma
son and Miss Cockfield were
found unconscious, and brought
them to Mt. Vernon.
Mr. Mason has so far recovered
as to be out of bed, but Miss
Cockfield has been very ill, and
is still suffering from the bruises
and the great shock.
Killed His Cow.
Mr. Dan E. Mcßae, postmaster
of Mt. Vernon, lost a valuable
cow last week, but whether as a
result of malicious mischief or
accident, we are unable to say.
The cow was shot either with a
pistol or rifle in a small pasture
near his home, a single shot be
ing found near the fore shoulder.
Carelessness or mean malice
caused the loss. Mr. Mcßae
would like to know which.
Bazaar a Success.
The bazaar held by the ladies
of the Mt. Vernon Civic League
on the evening of the 16th, was a
decided success fr#m a financial
as well as a social standpoint.
The attendance was fine and the
interest in the fancy articles of
fered for sale was intense. The
net result was about $77.00, and
we understand this sum is to be
used as a nucleus fora circulating
New and beautiful line of Veil
Pins, Vestie Pins and Midget
Pins at 25 cents a set at Mrs. J.
L. Adams’. ad.
q mmmm
1 mmrnmjmmmm
Miss Dorcas Mcßae, teaching
at Bellville, came home for the
Misses Susan and Rosa Daniel,
who recently came here to reside
with their mother, Mrs. D. VV.
Folsom, returned to Bell ville Fri
day to spend the Christmas tide.
Messrs. Max Segall and Carr
McLemore from the University
of Georgia, Carl Geiger from
I Furman University and Charles
| Abt from Mercer University,
were all home to enliven the
Christmas festivities. Prof. Ben
Segall, teaching in the State Uni
versity, was also at home during
Safety first.—lnsure your cot
ton against loss by fire. We pro
tect yqu. Mt. V. L. &C. Agcy.
Miss Marie Peterson of Ailey
is at home from Wesleyan Col
lege at Macon, and Mr. Douglas
McGregor of Ailey is also spend
ing the Yuletide here from school
at Young Harris.
Rev. C. M. Ledbetter of Guy
ton spent yesterday here with
former parishioners, and joined
in a reunion dinner with friends
at Mrs. W. H. McQueen’s.
Misses Inez Mcßride fron Bre
nau, Marie McQueen from An
drew, Jaunita Morrison and Mar
guerite Montgomery from Geor
gia Normal Institute, Viola Mc-
Lemore from State Normal, all
came home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Underwood
and Mrs. B. B. Wood went to
Uvalda Tuesday eve and were
accompanied home by Miss Anna
Morrison, who was visiting
friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bailey
of Vidalia were here with their
grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. D. Rackley, during the holi
We do not ask any better col
lateral for a long term loan than
a Montgomery or Wheeler county
farm. Mt. V. L. &C. Agency.
Mr. H. V. Lynn of Lyons visit
ed friend here Sunday.
Mr. C. A. Rackley of Long
pond came up with his family
Sunday and spent the day here.
Mrs. B. B. Wood and children,
Bert and Mary Bess, of Macon
came down Monday morning to
spend the week with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Spooner,
with master Wallace Spooner,
arrived here last week from
Whitewater, Wis., to spend some
time with relatives and friends.
Their coming South is always
looked forward to with great
pleasure by a host relatives
and friends.
SEED OATS-The Fulghum
variety, SI.OO per bushel. See
A. B. Hutcheson, Mt. Vernon,
Ga. ad
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams of
Vidalia, accompanied by their
children, Charlie, Hattielu and
Herbert, came up Tuesday to
visit relatives here.
The many friends of Mr. T. J.
Thompson will learn with regret
that his health is not improved,
and it is probable he will be tak
i er. to a Savannah hospital today.
Mr. Joe McCullough of Savan
nah came out Sunday to spend
the day with his family here.
Miss Norba Coleman, of Macon,
spent Christmas here with her
mother, Mrs. J. D. McCullough,
to the delight of many friends.
Messrs. Claude Wright, Mark
Mcßae and Waldo Rackley have
returned from Darien, having
‘ gone on a raft as a Christmas
Prof. W. C. Langston of the
8.-P. I. faculty went to his home
in Columbia, S. C., for the holi
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lynn and
little daughter, Margarett, of
Uvalda, spent the holidays here
with relatives.
Cashier E. S. Martin and Dr.
J. H. Dees were up from Alston
Little Miss Thelma Lee Morri
son of Boston, Ga., is visiting
her relatives here, Miss Bessie
and Mr. Taylor Stuckey.
Long term Farm Loans are
easy in small payments. If you
need the money, let us advance
it to you. Mt. V. L. &C. Agency.
Dr. Jas. A. and Herschel Mc-
Allister spent the holidays with
their parents.
Col. Morris Herrington of
Swainsboro is here with his
brother, Col. Pat Herrington.
Mr. John A. Morris and sister,
Miss Stella Morris, spent Christ
mas day with friends at Cedar
Miss Bessie Stuckey was called
to Dexter Tuesday to attend the
funeral of her brother-in-law,
Mr. D. E. Blankenship, return
ing Sunday.
Mr. Billie D. Martin of the Big
Bend and Judge Chas. D. Phillips
of the Tiger District were here
Mrs. M. B Calhoun has as
guests during the holidays her
mother,. Mrs. F. P. Griffith of
Athens, and her aunt, Miss
Naomi Jackson of Watkinsville.
Mr. Emmitt Hicks of Jackson
ville visited relatives here during
Mr. J. J Moses, of Uvalda, and
Prof. J. M. Davis, of Charlotte,
represented their respective
places here yesterday.
Mrs. C. W. Fox of Vidalia
spent Christmas day here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
D. Rackley.
Ginneries are included in the
line of Fire Insurance we repre
sent. Mt. V. L. & C. Agency.
Mr. John Mcßae, accompanied
by Mrs. Mcßae, Sheriff Hester
and Mr. Harry Geiger went up
to Atlanta and brought down a
new Maxwell car for Judge J. B.
The young ladies of the Kil
Kare Club entertained their
friends with a swell spread in
the Masbnic Hall on Tuesday
evening of last week, and the oc
casion was one of rare pleasure.
Killed For Cursing.
Dublin, Ga., Dec. 28.-Only
one tragedy has marked the
Christmas season so far in
Laurens happened Sat
urday night near Brewton. this
county, when Tull Williams, kill
ed Charlie Perry, because the
latter cursed while sitting on
Williams’front porch. The slay
er escaped.
School to Open.
Studies will be resumed at the
8.-P. Institute on Tuesday next;
4th inst. Pupils should bring
lunch for a full day’s work, and
everyone should be on hand the
first day.
Sawmill for Sale.
One sawmill outfit for sale,
i cheap, or will exchange for other
property. In good running order.
, For particulars, write or see
G. W. Sammons,
Soperton, Ga.
Fire at Alamo.
Alamo, Ga., Dec. 26.—Fire
broke out last night in the City
Case, destroying the Idelson De
partment Stores and the city
market. It is understood no in
surance was carried on anything
except the department stores
which was insured for about
It seemed for a while that all
adjoining buildings on Railraad
avenue would he destroyed, but
by quick work of the firemen no
other buildings were damaged
except the Wheeler County
Bank, of which the plate glass
front was cracked from the fire.
The total damage is estimated at
about $26,000.
Results that Show Profitable
Methods of Good
Quite often The Monitor re
ceives little remembrances from
its readers in the way of country
produce, or samples of some ex
traordinary product from the
farm, all of which is duly appre
Some weeks ago Mr. J. A.
Lowrey of Uvalda brought up a
sack of fine sweet potatoes not
merely a sample, but enough for
a week or more.
Recently Mr. J. N. Connell of
Route No. 1 brought in half a
dozen stalks of cane, some of
which were over nine feet long,
and well developed.
Mr. W. 11. H. Stephens of Kib
bee last week brought up samples
of his potatoes, including speci
mens of seed potatoes, planted in
July. He has a secret of plant
ing the vine so as to produce uni
formity in size as well as gocdly
The roads are full of wagons
loaded with household goods,
showing that moving time has j
come with farm tenants.
TO ]
\ Florida, Cuba, West Indies, Panama jj:
| Canal, Mardi Gras, New Orleans, j;
New York Bermuda
I Tours of Ten, Fifteen, Twenty, and j
| Thirty-Five Days Duration, Covering j
Many Points of Attractiveness
and Historical Interest
We have a Tour at extremely low cost including’ all ex- j
1 penses to Florida and Cuba, December 27th to January 7th, j
J especially attractive and <rf unlimited educational value to \
I Teachers and Students during their vacation—their only op- j
| portunity.
A Tour of Florida, the world’s greatest W nter Resorts, j
! during the height of their season; through the b» autifuhtrop- j
d ical country in nearby Foreign Lands; Steamship voyages in j
| Southern Seas; and the Isthmus of Panama, during the win- i
ter months at home, affording an opportunity for great com- j
| fort and pleasure.
1 We are sure one of our man v attractive ALL-EXPENSE- |
| ONED TOURS at a REASONABLE COST will interest you, j
| Salt is "Tours m, j
Tourist Agents, Seaboard Air Line Railway
NO. 35.
John. M Davis Was Shot
in Neck by Thornton
In a row at Charlotte on Mon
day night John M. Davis was
wounded in the neck by a shot
from Thornton Weeks. As the
row started with cursing between
the the parties it is supposed
that the usual Christmas booze
was the cause of the shooting.
Davis is not badly hurt and is
getting on very well. Weeks has
decided to lengthen his name
into months and has departed.
The name Davis should not be
confused with that of Prof. J.
M. Davis, the popular merchant
of Charlotte.
Many Twins in Atlanta.
Atlanta, Dec 28.—An investi
gation of Atalnta’s birth records
discloses the fact that this city
has more twins per capita than
the average American city of
the same size. The average is
one pair of twins to every nine
hundred babies, but Atlanta in
the past ten years has had an
average of one yair of twins to
every 820 babies.
Lively Times Ahead.
The Savannah Press is looking
for lively times head. It reasons
that if one man can run against
Judge Harris for Governor, sev
eral can run, and they doubtless
will run. Also there will be
others running, to-wit: Candi
dates for Congress, for the Leg
islature, for the Senate, for
connty offices and for other State
offices than that of Governor.
Next year will be the noisy
period for politics.- Moultrie Ob
Mr. Moore and Mr. Boyleston
have opened a stock of goods in
the Capt. Hughes store, prin
cipally groceries.