Newspaper Page Text
(Ms? Joontoom?nj jlbmttar.
Made Final Arrangements
For County Primary
January 26.
The Democratic Executive
Committee of Montgomery coun
ty held a meeting here Tuesday
and made final arrangements for
the county primary, to be held on
Wednesday, 26th inst. The fol
lowing members represented
their districts:
Mt. Vernon, E. G. Smith.
Orland, D. E. Walker.
Longpond, (Uvalda)W.R. Philips.
(Alston) E. S. Martin.
Tiger, E. Willis.
Higgston, J. W. Linder.
Kibbee, J. R. Adams.
J. E. Hall. Chairman.
P. C. Herrington, Secretary.
A committee was appointed to
revise and make up voters’ list,
composed of D. 0. Calhoun, F.
M. Mcßae and A. D. Hughes.
A motion was carried “that all
voters having paid all taxes for
the year 1914 be termed qualified
voters for the primary to be held
on the 26th day of January,
We are informed that most of
the assessments for defraying
the expenses of holding the pri
mary have been paid in, and that
all candidates will be qualified
and ready for the primary when
the day arrives. This committee
will hold a meeting here Satur
day. by which time all assess
ments must have boen paid.
The committee meeting ad
journed subject to the call of the
Funeral of Justice
Lamar at Augusta.
Washington, D. C., Jan. 3.
Aarrangements were being com
pleted today for the funeral of
Joseph Rucker Lamar, associate
justice of the supreme court, who
died at his home here last night
of gradual heart failure. He was
58 years old, and had he lived un
til noon today would have com
pleted a service of five years on
the supreme court bench.
Although Justice Lamar had
been ill several months, the news
of his death came as a great
shock to his associates on the
bench. Following custom, the
court after meeting today was to
adjourn immediately in respect
to the memory of the late justice.
The burial will be at Augusta,
Ga., for many years the home of
the late justice. The funeral par
ty will probably include his asso
ciates on the supreme bench, and
will start for Augusta Tuesday
cl ' ' M
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One of the handsomest building of its class in the State of Georgia q
0 Complete with furniture and fixtures, its cost ©;
0 practically 560,000.00 , 0,
TO 0'
■mwmm> 000000 000000 000000 000000.0.0 0.0 000000
Grand Possum Hunt.
i Mr. Howell McLemore took a
party of young Mt. Vernon Nim
; rods out for a real possum hunt
! a few nights ago. The mighty
hunters were Richard Wilson,
; Tom Cockfield, Randal McQueen,
| Folsom McQueen and Chester
Mcßae, and enough dogs and
live negroes to assure a good
catch, which was one possum.
One boy offered fifteen dollars to
be landed back home, another
one declared they were in Capt.
Hughes’ pasture every time they
climbed a fence, two more of
I them thought before that possums
had feathers and wings, and
' another one thought they were
at Thompson’s Bros’ store in
Ailey when they came up behind
Mr. J. W. Morrison’s store in Mt.
Need to be Reminded.
An exchange says: “Many
merchants think that their names
i are so well known that they do
; not need to do any advertising,
j They, however, forget that every
year brings into trade a new
generation of dealers and but a
certain per cent of the older ones.
They also forget how easy it is
for one to drop the calendar of
time or to pass out of recollection
unless the cobwebs in memory’s
chain are constantly brushed up
by keeping one’s name before
his friend, the public. The fact
of letting the public know that
vou are still in trade brings many
a grist to the mill that would
otherwise stop somewhere else.
Men in trade are never too well
known to leave their business
out of the columns of the news
papers. ”
Would Be Sure
Os Getting Potash.
If any salesman now offered
me fertilizers containing more
than the 1 per cent of actual
soluble potash guaranteed in their
goods this spring by leading
monufacturers, this is what I
would do: If I was willing to
pay the price and had the cash,
j I would put my order in within
( 24 hours, with the understanding
that I should not pay for the
'goods until I had received them,
; and that I should have them at
: least three months before plant
ing time. I should want to hedge
in this respect so that in case
the goods were not delivered with
the high potash offered, I could
i turn around and get goods else-
I where of a grade which I felt
(sure would be delivered.—A
j Business Farmer.
Selling Lots in the Institute
Addition and Having
Grand Time.
The sale of the choice building
lots in Institute Addition will oc
cur today, the Overland Realty
Company being in charge. Great
inteest has been aroused by the
live and modern advertising giv
en the project by Mr. C. W. Stu
art, the manager. The sale has
attracted wide attention, and you
will miss a day of live realities if
you do not attend. Go out and
invest in a lot adjoining the
$60,000 plant of the Brewton-
Parker Institute, and hear the
music and see the sights.
First Basketball Game
Os This Season.
On Friday, Jan. 14th, there
will be a game of basketball be
tween the Tennille team and the
Brewton-Parker Institute team,
played on the campus here. A
close game is expected, as the
teams are more evenly matched
than they were when they con
tested before. Don’t forget the
Church Services.
There will be preaching at the
Mt. Vernon Methodist church in
Mt. Vernon on Sunday next, the
regular appointment of the pas
tor, Rev. C. E. Cook. Subject
of the morning hour, “What
Think ye of Christ?” Subject
for the evening hour, “God’s
Assuring Providence.” You are
cordially invited to attend these
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All parties having demands
against the estate of George T.
Johnson, late of Montgomery
county, deceased, are hereby no
tified to render in their dmands,
prop'fly attested, according to
law to the undersigned, and all
persons idebted to said estate are
required to make immediate pay
ment. '.l’llis Jan. 3d, 1916.
Mrs. V. C. Martin,
Ad ministratrix.
Sawmill for Sale.
One sawmill outfit for sale,
cheap, or will exchange for other
property. In good running order.
For particulars, write or see
G. W. Sammons,
Soper ton, Ga.
Long term Farm Loans are
easy in small payments. If you
need the money, let us advance
it to you. Mt. V. L. &C. Agency.
North and South Highway
Soon to Connect the
Extreme Ends.
We have had occasion before
in these columns to speak of the
fine highway being built by our
Superintendent of Roads, C. F.
Ferrell, the same connecting the
north and south ends of the coun
ty. The road force has reached
a point less than five miles south
of Soperton, and this splendid
stretch of modern roadway will
will soon be completed the entire
length of the county.
As soon as this can be finished
and a system of cross roads can
be constructed from the east side
to the river, Montgomery county
can boast of as fine roads as any
section of South Georgia. Mr.
Ferrell’s fine work has been the
subject of much favorable com
Missionary Society.
The Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian church will meet at
the church Monday afternoon,
three o’clock. A full attendance
1 8.-P. 1. ITEMS, i
In the grammar school we are
pleased to have enrolled children
from the families who have mov
ed into our community. They are
as follows:
Willie and Charlie Armfield,
Curtis and I). S. Edenfield, Annie
Ruth and Eula May Gray, Carrie
and James Cook, C. C. and Rosa
Daniel, J. Wade Johdson.
Besides these, John McDaniel
who will board in the dormitory,
and Homer Williamson who
boards in town, have been en
We regret to have lost the
the Maddox and Burch children,
who are moving away.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the Court of Oedinary
of said county, will be sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty, between the legal hours of sale,
to the highest and best bidder, for
cash, on the first Tuesday in Feb
ruary, 1010, the following proper
ty to wit:
A'one-third univided interest in
Lots of land Nos. sand (5 in Block
18, in the town of Alley, Ga., be
ing known as the hotel property.
Also Lots Nos 14, 15, 10 and 17,
in Block No. 18, said town. Also
Lots Nos 9. 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, 15,
10, in Block No, 11. Also Lot No.
8 and half of Lot No. 9, in Block
No. 18 Also a one-third undivi
ded interest in the following per
sonal property: Fourteen bed
steads, 14 bediprings, ten bureaus,
ten waslistands, five towel racks,
12 tableß, two dining tallies, 44
chairs, one parlor suite of furni
ture, one piano, one hat, rack, one
sewing machine, one iron safe,
one clock, 22 mattresses, one
feather bed, 87 feather pillows,
five rugs, forty-fopr quilts, three
blankets, 12 wash bowls, 14 pitch
ers, sixteen lamps, six soopdisbes,
one corn shelter, one crow bar,
one double-barrel shotgun, 'to
gether with the entire interest in
one office chair and one office
lamp. Said properly will not be
exposed for sale before the court
house door, bnt will be delivered
to purchaser in the Town of Ailey,
where all of said property is loca
ted. Sold as the property of the
estate of Mrs. M. L. Skipper.
J. M. D. McGregor,
Ad ministrator.
Whose Dog?
One certain bird dog, with new
litter of puppies, at the home of
Dr. J. C. Brewton, at Brewton-
Parker Institute. Owner can get
same by proving property and
1 paying cost of ohis notice.
I County Teachers’ Meeting.
The regular meeting of the
. Southern Division of the Mont
gomery County Teachers’ Asso
ciation will be held at Sadie
| school house Saturday, Bth inst
[Two programs, each different,
having been forwarded to this
office, and not being able to de
termine which is which, neither
of them is published. The co-op
leration of the teachers is again
asked, in matters of interest to
the organization, and to the pub
lic generally.
A Fair Offer.
Percy Fitzfilbert was truly
languid. He was too big in his
own estimation, and too small in
that of other people, to tackle a
1 man’s job, so he managed to get
a berth as a handwriting expert
—addressing envelopes.
One day the “boss” came along
and found Percy resting, as usual,
with his pen lying idle before
The exasperated man stopped,
swallowed his wrath, and then
said sweetly:
“Look here, Mr. Fitzfilbert,
don’t be afraid of that pen. Just
lean on it now and then. If it
breaks I’ll pay for it.”
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will bo uold before the court house floor in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Feb., HUB, be
tween the legal hour a of Hale, to the highest bidder
for caHh, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and taring in the Town of Kibbee, in the
IBHHth G. M. District of said county and Htatc, and
fronting on Main street a distance of 66 2-3 foot
and running back at right angler* to snid street a
distance of 150 feet., being bounded on the north
by the Macon, Dublin & Savannah Railway right
of way, on the east by Main street and on theHoutli I
and went try lands of J. K. Adams. Levied on and
will be sold as the property of Lucinda Williams
to satisfy an execution issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of The Citizens Bank
of Vidalia vs Lucinda Williams and O. O. Hamil
ton. Pointed out for levy by attorney for plain
tiffs and written notice of levy given in terms of
tlie law. This the 4th day of January, 19115.
James Hester, Sheriff.
W. J. DeLoach, Atty. for PUT*.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court hnufle door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday In Feb., 1915, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to thehighcNl bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that certain tract or parrel of land situate
lying and being in tho 1343rd G. M. district, con
taining twenty-three acres, more or less, of which
eight "acres are in cultivation, bounded as follows:
On the north by Kona Connell, on the east by Bill
Connell, on the south by Jno. Martin and on the
west, by Gordon Moore. Said property pointed out
for levy by I. V. Smith, and levied on as the prop
erty of said 1. V. Smith to satisfy one certain
Superior Court fi fa against I. V. Smith and in fa
vor of Dr. J. F. Hall. Written notice of levy
given defendant a« required by law. This 4th day
of January, 1916. James Hester, Sheriff. vnm*
TO ]
I Florida, Cuba, West Indies, Panama j
I Canal, Mardi Gras, New Orleans, ]
\ New York Bermuda
J>t I
I Tours of Ten, Fifteen, Twenty, and j
| Thirty-Five Days Duration, Covering j
Many Points of Attractiveness
and Historical Interest
it m "5
P We have a Tour at extremely low cost including all ex- j®
§ penses to Florida and Cuba, December 27th to January 7th,
| especially attractive arid of unlimited educational value to Sis
i Teachers and Students during their vacation—-their only op- &
$ portunity.
A Tour of Florida, the world’s greatest W nter Resorts, %
a during the height of thhir season: through the btautiful trop- x
ical country in nearby Foreign Lands; Steamship voyages in jg
Southern Seas; and the Isthmus of Panama, during the win- ;
p ter months at home, affording an opportunity for great com- j
p fort and pleasure.
We are sure one of ourmanv attractive ALL-EXPENSE
I ONED TOURS at a REASONABLE COST will interest you. j
I . Sattis Tours
Tourist Agents, Seaboard Air Line Railway •
Met and Organized Tuesday
With Two Additional
The regular meeting of the
Board of County Commissioners
was held on Tuesday. Under
the new law, the two additional
members qualified and entered
upon their duties, Mr. J. B.
Brewton of Ailey and Mr. J. B.
O’Conner of Kibbee are the new
Mr. Eiijah Miller was re-elected
chairman of the Board and Mr.
Willie Jones was elected clerk.
The Board was also in session
Tuesday, arranging details for
the work of the year.
Cotton Short in
Montgomery County.
By the cotton ginners’ report
issued by the U. S. Census Bu
reau, Montgomery county is over
3,000 bales short in number of
bales ginned, as compared with
the number ginned during same
period last year. The report
shows 13,188 bales ginned up to
Dec. 13, in 1915, as compared
with 10,505 bales up to same date
last year.
Georgia Montgomery County.
J. E. Hall, administrator of
the estate of M. J. llinson,
late of said county, has applied
to the undersigned for leave to
sell all tdie lands of said estate;
this is to cite all parties concerned
that said application will will be
board at my office on the first
Monday in Feb., 1916. Witness
my hand and official signature
this January 3, 191(5.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary M. 0
Dental Notice.
After February first I will be
away permanently. All patients
having who have started work
with me are requested to call at
once —not later than Feb. Ist.
Dr. H. H. Williamson,
Alston, Ga.
NO. 36.