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Thinks it is Time to Start
Enterprises to Give
A lady remarked to the Herald
man the other day that she wished
some one would come to Spring
field and start up something to
give people employment. It would
be the proper thing to make our
little city grow, but why can’t
we people of Springfield start
something? If we haven’t confi
dence enough in our own town to
invest in enterprises for it we
certainly can’t expect people on
the outside to come and make the
break. We must make a start
first, then invite outsiders to
come in and join us, but unless
we do this it will be some time
before the start is made. We
need organization in Springfield
worse than anything else right
now. The people must get togeth
er and be as one man for devel
opment, and when this condition
exists we will soon see enterpris
es come here.
Springfield was once on a big
boom, grew rapidly for a time,
but the gas all gave out of the
boom and it settled down to actu
al reality. The city has not real
ly gone backward, but for a few
years it has been at a standstill.
We must wake up—start some
thing as it were—and the best
way to get started is to first get
organized and have co-operation.
We must clean our little hive of
drones and make every man a
worker, and right now at the
beginning of the year 1916 is the
time to make a resolution to work
for Springfield or hunt a new
home.—Springfield Herald.
Orange Trees Covered
With Mantle of Snow.
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 31.
Dawn today revealed at many
points in the Southern California
citrus fruit district the remarka
ble spectacle of orange trees cov
ered with a mantle of snow. It
was a scene which had not been
witnessed in years, but tempera
tures did not range below 32 de
grees and the orange crops suf
fered no damage. Snow fell in
Hollywood, a suburb of Los An
geles. Snow also fell in San
Barnardino, Riverside, Altadena,
Rialto, Bloomington and other
places in the heart of the citrus
region, but melted rapidly. Rain
was falling before noon through
out the region.
Effingham Farmers
Plan for Developments.
Guyton, Ga., Dec. 31. —Effing
ham farmers are going in for
fruit and grain crops next year
and many of them are planning
to get away from the one-crop
cotton. The pecan industry in
this county is also growing by
leaps and bounds. Many of the
farmers are now buying seedlings
and planting large orchards. A
prominent planter, who has a
large plantation a few miles from
Guyton, is going to plant twelve
acres in peach trees- half in El
bertas and the other half in the
famous Georgia Belle variety.
S. H. Morgan, who has a large
farm near Pineora, plans to have
a dairy farm in connection with
other agricultural interests. He
is now conrstructing a large silo
for the purpose of saving ensilage
for his stock.
Has Interesting Map.
Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 31. —
Among the many early maps
that New’ Yorkers and others call
to see is one hanging in a hand
some frame in the office of Dr.
W. B. Burroughs. It is the
“Duke’s Plan” of the map of
“Longe Island,” containing a
description of the town of Mann
ades or New Amsterdam, made
in September, 1661, Anno Domini.
This is a certified copy taken from
the King’s library and shows the
“long wall” from w’hich Wall
street received its name.
For Sheriff:
At the earnest golicitation of many of
my friends, I am offering for the office of
Sheriff of Montgomery county. The change
from my intention to offer for Collector is made
at their special demands I believe thorough
ly iu the enforcement of law and good order,
and to that end I pledge mvself to faithfully
discharge the duties of this important office,
if favored with the nomination. My candidacy
is subject to the rules and regulations govern
ing the primary. Soliciting your votes, lam
Yours respectfully, '
U. V. Mason.
For Sheriff.
At the solicitation of numerous friends, I
am before the people of Montgomery county
as a candidate for the office of sheriff. The
duties of this office, if entrusted to me shall
have strict, busineegs attention, without fear,
favor or affection. Duty and its performance
shall he my watchword, and the support of my
fellow citizens generally will he greatly appre
ciated by me. Respectfully,
I. J. Davis.
For Sheriff.
To the Voters of Montgomery Comity*
I beg to announce my candidacy for the
office of Sheriff of Montgomery county, sub
ject to such rules .as may be provided for a
primary by the county executive committee.
1 am fully appreciative of the strong support
tendered lit my former race, anil beg to ask of
my friends the same kind consideration.
Thanking one and ail for past and present
assurances of support, I beg to remain
. Yours very truly,
S. Z. Salter.
For Sheriff.
To the Citizens of Montgomery County:
1 am a candidate for re-election to the office
of Sheriff of your county. As heretofore, Ido
not propose to do impossible things, lint il
again favored by you with the office, t guaran
tee to execute properly all.matters routing in
to my hands, and am warranted in claiming
experience second to no limn in our county.
Assuring you of my highest appreciation of
your support iu former campaigns, and solici
ting your votes in the coming primary, Itun
Yours Respectfully,
For Clerk Superior Court.
Having served you faithfully, and being
thoroughly familiar with the work, I am ask
ing at the hands of Montgomery county
citizens election again to the office of Clerk of
Superior Court. My service as former clerk
and my record as a cit izen are before you as
an open book. I will appreciate your support
in the approaching primary.
Yours lo serve,
M. L. O’Brien.
For Clerk SuDerior Court.
It is my desire to serve the people of Mont
gomery oounty another term as Clerk of the
Superior Court, and to this end I earnestly
solicit the support of the people general!)
During my first and present term I have en
deavored to give strict attention to the duties
of this office, as can he observed bv any voter.
It lias my entire time and attention. My
candidacy, of course, is subject to the require
ments cf the Democratic executive committee.
Thinking one and all for past favors, and
foisting tlmt 1 will continue to have the con
fidence of the people, I kip
Yours very truly,
G. It. Tyler.
For Clerk Superior Court:
To the Citizen** and Voter** of J/ontgomery
After mature deliberation, and bached by
what T deem a Mibutantiiil support, at* already
tend ered me, I lien by make formal announce
ment of my candidacy for the office of Clerk
of the A’uvieiior Court. My candidacy, of
course, is subject to the rules adopted by tin
county Executive Committee Having Idled
this office many years ago, ami having kepi
iu el 'se touch with the c ounty’s affairs and.
as a citizen, serving its better interests, I
hel justith d in submitting my experience in
< Xpert clerical work as a basis for my candida
cy. Fully appreciative ot the many favors
extended me. and asking the continued kind
mss of my fellow citizens, i beg to remain
Yours truly,
S, 15* Morris.
For Tax Collector.
To the Voters of d/ontgomery County:
I beg to announce myself a candidate for
the office of Tax Collector, subject to such
rules and regulations as may he provided by
tlio Democratic executive committee govern
ing a primary. .Should Ibe favored with this
important office, it shall have my best efforts,
i okipg to the service of the people, and a
faithful and Competent discharge of the duties
thereof. -Very truly,
N. E. Dattlso.
For Tax Collector.
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Having served you as Tax Collector part of
olio term, I beg to ask re-«d« ction at the hands
of the citizens of the county. If again cbosin,
it will be my purpose to serve the county and
fulfill the duties of the office to the very best
of my ability. My candidacy is subject to
such rules ami regulations as may be provided
for the approaching primary. Your votes will
he duly appreciated. Years to serve,
H. C. Davis.
For Tax Collector:
I take this method of announcing my candi
dacy fur the office of Tax Collector of Mont
gomery county, subject to the approaching
pilinary. Your vote will be appreciated.
Very respectfully,
W. FitANK Stephens,
Dec. 8. 1915. Tarrytown, Oa.
For Tax Collector:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I am before you a candidate for the office of
Tax Collector, feeling my record as a
public set vant, together with my experience,
warrant me in asking this favor of those who
have reposed confidence in me in the pant. I
need the place, and if favored with it, the of
fice shall continue to have rny best efforts for
a safe, economical and busim ss-like adminis
tration Subjecting my candidacy to the re
sult of the pnrnarv. and thanking one and all,
1 am Yotyrs truly.
D. M. Cl-rbie.
For Tax Receiver.
1 call the attention of Montgomery county
voters to the fact that I am a caundidate for
the office of Tax Receiver, and an. asking all
ot Iter term of this office at the hands of my
fellow citizens, the matter to he decided in
the primary to he called. Having served you
i faithfully in this capacity before, as rtcords
will show, I solicit your support, and assure
you 'hat it will be m • purpose to serve you iu
good faith and to the best of rny ability.
John G. Morris.
For Tax Receiver.
I am offering my services to the citizens of
Montgomery county as tax receiver. Iu 'lie
coming primary I will appreciate the support
of the'citizens and tax payers of the county.
If elected to the place 1 guarantee a faithful
discharge of the duties involved.
Yours to serve,
Geo. \V. McCiummon.
For Tax Receiver.
After being solicited by my friends to rnti
for the office ot Tax Receiver, and wishing to
comply with their requests, I hereby announce
myself a candidate for that office, subject to
the action of the Democratic primary. If
elected, I will till the office to the best of my
ability. \V. L. Snow.
Tarrytown, Nov. Kith, 1915.
For Tax Receiver:
To tlio Voters of Montgonu ry County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Montgomery county, and cor
dially solicit the support of all voters in the
coming primary. Having been honored by
nit people with this office once before, I lio
lieve that the experience lints gained entitles
me to the claim of competency. I wish to
especially thank those w ho so kimllv supported
me in my past two races, as well as to thank
in advance all who will support me in this
ruee. Obediently yours to serve,
Dec. 14, 1915 ’ Isaac Brooks.
For Ordinary.
My candidacy for re election to tlio office of
Oidim.iv of Montgomery comity in hereby
placed before the people of the county. If
again favored, the same faithful service shall
characterize my effort**. Very truly,
Alex McArthur.
For Ordinary.
To the Voters of .Montgomery County:
I announce that lam a candidate
for the office of Ordinary of Montgomery
county, subject to the rules and regulations ot
of the white primary* If elected, 1 promise
to faithfully pci form each and every duty in
cumbent upon the office of Ordinary.
Respectfully yours,
A. L. Wheeler.
For County Surveyor:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Again I appeal to yon for support in my eani
paign for the office ot County Surveyor.' I am
especially anxious to serve my people in this
eapueity, au<) earnestly ssk the support of the
pnhhe generally if elected, ntv best efforts
shall go toward the fulfillment of the duties ol
the office. Very tt nly,
I?. V Hamilton, Jr.
For Co. School Superintendent.
To the Citizens of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of County School Superintendent of
Montgomery comity subject to such primaries,
rules ai d regulations as may he prescribed b\
♦he law* governing the election of County
School Superintendents
I have always stood for and advocated tin
education of the masses of the people, for
better schools and better educational advan
If elected, I promise to give my undivided
attention to the school affairs ot the cour t\
and will put forth every effort to make tin
schools of the county better each year.
Iti the past I have had the hearty co-opera
tion of the people that were interested in hot
ter schools and better education, and 1
earnestly solicit their support during this
campaign. Respect fully,
A 15. Hutcheson.
For Representative,
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce mv candidacy for the of
fice of rei resentative of Montgomery county
in the General Assembly of Georgia for the
ensuing term subject to the democrat c pri
mary. I believe that lam conversant with
the needs of the people of the county and if I
am entrusted with the duties of this impor
tant office l pledge my best efforts to serve the
iiiteiest of each taxpayer of the county, and I
shall advocate no measure affecting the inter
nal affairs of the county without first taking
the people into my full confidence. I believi
that every voter has the right to have a voice
in any matter that affects the county’s interest.
iieily thanking the people for their past
favors and earnestly soliciting the support ol
all, I a»n respectfully,
J. C. Calhoun.
Constant Backache
and Rheumatism
Foley Kidney Pill, fixed up Texas brakemsn
so he’s Kood a. aver.
Almost down and out. with kidney
trouble. Rheumatism ho bad he could
scarcely get up when he Hat down.
Rack ached all the time.
No wonder Mr. F. A. Wooley, brake
man on the road from Dallas to Jack-
Bon, Texas, “was tired of living."
“I saw Folc-y Kidney PUIh adver
tised," he Bald, “I took some and after
a short time I was thoroughly cured
and am having no more trouble.
Your kidney Ills will disappear—•
and with them the backache and rheu
matism, by the use of Foley's Khlney
Fills. Once your kidneys become
strong and active, aches and pains
will disappear like magic.
There’s nothing to equal the genu
ine. Will help any case of kiduey or bladder
trouble uot beyond the reach or mediciuas.
Couutiu no harmful drugs. Try tharn.
Sold Everywhere. ad |
For Long Term Farm
I urn negotiating Home very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site und believe that
lam in position to give you the
best, terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before j
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Office over Mt. Vernon Postoffice.
L . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices U Floor Bank of Sopcrton Building
Sopertnn, Ga. i
I. J. Davis.
ij As the year 1915 draws to a close, and the w
jj| dawning of 1916 is near at hand, we take §|
H great pleasure in using this opportunity of
extending to all customers and friends our
H many thanks and hearty appreciation for their S
I patronage during the past. It has been our §3
sincere endeavor to serve the public with high- g
class wearing apparel at fair and legitimate
prices in the past, and it is our aim to improve g
in 1916 if possible. Our business has been on g
a steady increase, noth withstanding the fact
that we were all anticipating a depresssion.
Again we thank you and heartily wish for you g>
I a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
S Saved Girl’s Life :
“I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re
ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes
Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
“It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds,
liver and stomach troubles. 1 firmly believe Black-Draught
saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles,
they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s
Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no
J more trouble. I shall never be without
in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi- 1
ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar j
0 ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, 0
0 reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. 01
• If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- *
• Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five •
years of splendid success proves its value. Good for
Z young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents.
• rj«i •
|; Eleventh District
| Agricultural School
j: (Branch State College of Agriculture)
This school offers splendid opportunities to young men
j and young women. Thorough courses in Mathematics, En
glish, History, Science, Agriculture, Domestic Science and |
Arts, Mechanic Arts, and Surveying.
Tuition, free; board, $11.00; uniform for boys. $7.70,
j and for girls 110.50. Work done by students is credited on
Military training; Athletics under direction of compe
j tent coach who is a member of the faculty. Farm for prac
| tical work and experimental purposes.
Class A of accredited schools of Georgia.
Work after the Holidays begins on Jan. 6th.
i; For further information, address
J. W. POWELL, Principal, Douglas, Ga.
: : I
F. & A. M.
Meets Third Saturday Mornings,
Hall in Mt. Vernon.
Adkn Ga hurt, VV. M.
S. V. Hicks, Secy.
Meets Third Friday Night, 7:90.
J. T. Waj.kkk, VV. M,
H. O. Martin, Secy.
VERNON LODGE 680 I 0.0. F.
Meets Each Monday Night, Hall
in Mt. Vernort.
J. IF Aoamhon, N G.
G. V. Mahon, Secy.
AILKY LODGE 229 1. O. 0. F.
Meets Each Saturday Afternoon,
Hall m Ailey.
Ciias Frizzku.k, N. G.
M. 11. Dari.kv, Secy.
Takkvtown Lodok 192 I. (). O. F.
Meets Fridays before Ist hikl Brd
Sundays, 2 p. m., Tarry town.
1 .J JniNKK, N. O.
I (J. S. Bkrnkk, Secy.
Tarrytown Cami* 716 \V'. O. VV.
Meets Fridays before Ist and Brd
Sundays, 5 p. in., Tarrytown.
C. W Bkckworth, S. C.
1. U. S. Bkknkh, Clerk.
Each Lodge in the county is in
vited to furnish for this column a
card as above, free of charge.
Dental Surgeon
Office in Citizens Bank Building.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Atty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia