The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, January 06, 1916, Image 4

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    M I ——l I
!© 1 §
Hon. M. L. O’Brien, ox-clerk
of Montgomery Superior court,
was attending to business here
on Tuesday.
Mr. W. R. Adams of the Kibbee
District was transacting busi
ness here Tuesday. Mr. Adams
has 170 grand-children and great
grandchildren, and will be 86
years old on Feb. 21st next.
New and beautiful line of Veil
Pins, Vestie Pins and Midget
Pins at 25 cents a set at Mrs. J.
L. Adams’. ad.
Mr. A. C. Gillis of the Lands
burg section has moved to Mt.
Vernon with his family and they
now occupy the old Phil Mcßae
homestead. Mr. (jillis will farm
and look after property interests
Mr. W. E. Mathias and son,
Mr. B. Mathias, were hereon
He sleeps best whose home is
protected by ample fire insur
ance. Insurance on farm dwell
ings a specialty with us.
Mt.. V. L. & C. Agency.
Mt. Vernon depot has been
the scene of many merry school
meetings, the boys and girls
coming home for the holidays
and returning to school, and
many of the pupils of the Brew
ton-Parker Institute going home
and returning for the opening
Tuesday morning.
Mr. Ira Sharpe of Vidalia was
here on Tuesday last.
Dr. F. L. Rackley and wife of
Millen were here Friday and
Saturday of last week with rela
Misses Marie McQueen Juanita
Morrison, Inez Mcßride, Mar
guerite Montgomery, and Viola
McLemore returned to their
studies in college last Monday.
Miss Annella Cook also returned
to Wesleyan in Macon to complete
the course, having been detained
for some time by illness before
coming to Mt. Vernon.
Col. R. S. Wimberly of Lump
kin, (la., is here this week look
ing after legal matters.
Manicure sets, Baretts, Crepe
de Chine Handkerchiefs. Mrs
J. L. Adams, Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. -Thai! Huckabee of Syl
vester is here this week visiting
her mother and other relatives.
Mr. Taylor Stuckey has given
up his position with Mcßae Bros,
it McLenfore and returned to
(lienwood. Mr. T. D. Jennings,
of Plains, (la., is tilling the place,
and making new friends and ac
Miss Florence Willis of Greens
boro, (la., formerly with the
faculty of the Brewton-Parker
Institute, is here visiting friends. |
Mr. Thos. B. Hughes has ac
cepted a position with the Mt.
Vernon Drug Co., and assumed
the duties of the place.
SEED OATS—The Fulghum
variety, SI.OO per bushel. See
A. B. Hutcheson, Mt. Vernon,
Ga. ad
riacon, Dublin & Savannah R. R.
Timo Table No. 1 —Taking ElTect Sunday. January 3, 1915.
Kaciboumi W eitbouud
l ' ruiut ‘ STATIONS
No lb | N«*. 20 No. 19: No. 17
A M. P. M. A. M. P. M.
7 iki : ;> 25 UIV« Mtoou Arrive 11 20 11"
7 55 1 17 Jefferaouville 10 26 3 45
Sls 433 Danville 10 04i 825
S JK) I -1 40 Montrose 9 49 3 10
841 450 Dudley 9382 58
9LO 620 \r. Dublin I,v. 910 280
9 15 I 525 Lv. Dublin Ar. 9 05;
950 000 Roe Wedge 8 8(V 150
10 (Hi 017 Soperton 813 184
10 45 i 055 Vidalia 740 j 1 (.XI
A M. I I*. M. Arrive Leave A. M.|P. M.
Th- time cards of the Macon, Dublin A- Savannah Railroad are
printed for the general information of the public, and every etTort is
made to keep them accurate and up to date, but they are not guarati
teed, and the Macon. Dublin A Savannah Railroad reserves the right
to d> viat- from them without assuming any liability therefor.
J. A. Stkkykr, Taflic Manager.
Rev. W. D. McGregor was over
to spend the week end with his
brother, Mr. J. M. D. McGregor,
and occupied the pulpit of the
Mt. Vernon Methodist church on
Mr. and Mrs. Arpad Hicks
have moved in from the farm,
and are again residents of Mt.
Mrs. D. W. Folsom returned
Monday evening from a visit to
Bellville, bringing home three
children to enter school Tuesday.
Mr Grove Sharpe, the mill
man of Alston, was in to see us
Safety first. —Insure your cot
ton against loss by fire. We pro
tect you. Mt. V. L. &C. Agcy.
Miss Flora Smith has gone to
Mullins, S. C., where she will be
engaged in teaching.
Citizens from every section of
the county attended salesday,
the meeting of the county com
missioners and the meeting of
the county executive committee
here on Tuesday.
Hon. J. Clayton Clements of
Towns spent Monday with friends
in Mt. Vernon.
We do not ask any better col
lateral for a long term loan than
a Montgomery or Wheeler county
farm. Mt. V. L. &C. Agency.
Miss Marie Peterson and Mr.
Douglas McGregor of Ailey have
returned to college, the former
to Wesleyan and the latter to
Young Harris.
Mr. T. J. Thompson returned
from Savannah Tuesday morning,
where he had gone for treatment
His friends and family are look
ing forward to an improvement
in his condition. Mr. W. C.
Mcßae went down to accompany
him home.
Miss Eula Lloyd of Hepzibah,
Ga., came down Thursday to visit
her friends, the Misses Lee, on
Institute Heights, returning
Messrs. Max Segall, Carr Mc-
Lemore, Carl Geiger, and Charlie
Abt, all at home for the holidays,
have returned to college.
| Bed Bluff
Spooial Correa pouileoco
Mr. and Mrs, Esra Davis made
a business trip to Dublin Tuesday
Miss Annabel Webster has re
turned to her school after a visit
to homefolks at Milledgeville.
Mr. Carlos Reid spent last Sun
day with Mr. W. H. Smith.
Mrs. C. L. Johnson was the
guest of Mrs. H. R. McLendon
Mr. and Mrs. Esra Davis have
moved in their new home.
There was a sing at the home
of Mr. E. L. Gillis Sunday night
Messrs. J. H. and M. D. Davis,
W. P. Stephens and E. 1). Wal
ker made a business trip to Mt.
Vernon Tuesday.
Special Correspondence.
Rev. Sineath filled his regular
appointment here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson re
turned home Thursday after vis
iting friends and relatives in
Messrs. Whitney and Edgar
McLemore returned to Atlanta
Saturday after visiting friends
and relatives here.
Miss Josie Thompson left Sat
urday for Mcßae where she will
spend a few days before return
ing to Macon where she will re
sume her studies at Lanier.
Miss Hilda Hurst of Glenwood
spent the week end in Higgston,
guest of Misses Ruth and Atha
Misses Ethel Jackson and
Gladys Johnson were visitors in
Vidalia Saturday last.
Mr. Geo. Lane of Butts return
ed home after spending several
days in our little city, guest of
Mr. F. M. Johnson.
Mr. Ben Johnson, who holds a
responsible position at Millen, is
at home for a few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
We regret very much to learn
that Mr. Robert Gay has been
sick for several days. We wish
for him a speedy recovery.
Several Higgstoriians attended
a party at the home of Misses
Sadie and Mary Peterson last
Wednesday night. All report a
jolly time.
Mr. F. C. Jackson of Valdosta
is spending a few days with his
mother, Mys. Alice Jackson.
Mr. J. W. Linder and family
have returned home after spend
ing several days in Wrightsville.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hilton of
Vidalia are visiting Mr. Robert
Mr. J. (Jordon Johnson of
Mieanopy, Fla., spent the week
end here with friends and rela
Among those going away to
resume their school duties were:
Miss Gladys Thompson, who holds
a position at Bannockburn, Miss
Gladys Johnson, near Millen,
Miss Ruth Thornburg at Center.
Miss Mamie Lou Swan is visit
ing relatives near Garfield and
Swain sboro.
On last Friday evening, Dec.
31st, at her home, Miss Ethel
Jackson entertained a few friends
in honor of her brother, Mr. F.
C. Jackson of Valdosta.
Quantities of bamboo and
scarlet berries, artistically ar
ranged with a profusion of mis
tletoe added additional charm
to the surroundings. During the
evening delicious refreshments
were served. Those enjoying
this hospitality were: Misses
Ruth Riggs, Ruth and Atha
Thornbtmg, Malonie Knight, Sa
die Peterson, Rosannie Mosley,
Gladys Johnson, Lula Mcßride,
Mattie Thompson, Lugene Hall.
Lucile Bush, Josie Thompson,
Vera Knight, Mary B. Peterson.
Shellie Bush, Lura Knight, Lula
Gay, Annie Poole. Bessie Jack
son, Gladys Thompson, Bernice
Gay, and Mesdames Arthur
and Cleveland Johnson. Messrs.
Carpenter, McQueen, Fulghum,
Mosley. McQueen. McLemore,
Lane, Smith. Morris. Jackson,
McLemore. Mosley, Partin, Mc-
Queen. Morris, Mosley, Jackson,
Swan, Morris, Johnson, Mcßride,
Hilton, Hall. Carpenter. Morris,
Johnson, Salmon and Mcliemore.
The First Principle
of Good Health
One rrren. medical authority de
dans that sluggish bowels are the
cause of more than half Ills that
ntlliot mankind. A constipated con
dition quickly afreets the liver and
i tlicr organa, so that Indigestion and
constipation arc soon followed by bil
iousness, heudaehos, chronic bad
bre; th and a generally disarranged
condition of the system.
Foley Cathartic Tablet* nre an
Meal physic, for their action is whole
some and thoroughly cleansing, with
out griping, nausea or Inconvenience.
They Invigorate and strengthen the
bow. 1 action and have a good effect
on the stomach and liver.
L L Levey, Green Bay. Wi»..
writes "For a long time 1 suffered
.'mm constiiMtion and liver trouble.
Nothing seemed to help me. X Anally
ecu red Foley Cathartic Tablets anl
am pleased to state they have cured
me. They are the finest cathartic to
take 1 have over used and their affect
Is quick and sure."
Sold Everywhere. ad
1 ij
1 You Should Worry? No Need |
| We carry full line Chattanooga Plows and Fixtures. ||
| A post-card to us will bring them to you by Return
| Express, Parcel Post or Freight—Cheapest way. §3
1 Freight Charges Paid on all Orders of $5 or More. j|j
S »
| p
The Vidalia Hardware Co. I
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court hourc door in Mt. I
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Feb., 1916, between I
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a :
complete description:
The remainder interest of all of that tract or j
parcel of land situated, lying and being in the
1664th district G. M. of Montgomery county. Geor
gia. lying on the east side of the Macon. Dublin ;
& Savannah Railroad right of way and being']
bounced on the north by lands belonging to Mar
tha Calhoun (the public road being the dividing
line between the lands of Martha Calhoun and the
tract hereby levied upon); on the east by lands
belonging to J. J. Calhoun on the south by lands
of E. J. Simons, W. L. Simons, and S. T. Simons
and on the west by lands belonging bo Mary Ann
Phillips and containing thirty CIO) acres and be- |
ing a portion of a tract of land carved from the j
northern end of a tract of 14G 1-2 acres of land
conveyed to Mrs. M. M. Simons by James D. Si
mons by warranty deed dated October 14, 1901 and
recorded in Deed Book No. 1 page 25.
And being the remainder interest in the above
described tract of land conveyed to the said F. M.
Simons and S. Z. Simons and Mrs. M. M. Simons
by a warranty deed dated the 11th day of Sep
tember. 1914, as shown by the record of said deed
in Rook 21 folio 145 of the Records of Deeds of
Montgomery connty, Georgia, containing thirty
acres more or less. Property pointed out for levy j
by plaittifT s attorney, found in the possession of
the defendants in fi fa. Levied on and will be
sold as the property of F. M. Simons and S. Z.
Simons to satisfy an execution issued from The
superior court of said county in favor of The
American Fertilizer Co., vs F. M. Simons and S. Z. j
Simons, and written notice of levy given as re
quired by law. This the 4th day of January. 1916. j
James Hester, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Plffs.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of Montgomery
county, will be sold before the
court house door in said county
during the legal hours of sale on
the tirat Tuesday in February,
1916, at public outcry the follow
ing land to wit: Three lots in the
Town of Soperton, in said county,
being lots Nos. 4, 5 and 6. in block
No. 9, and fronting on First street
together with a four-room house
Hiid one out-house. Sold as the
property of the estate of Dessie
Outlaw, for the payment of debts
and distribution. Terms cash,
purchaser paying for titles.
John Oi' Sr.,
For Letters Dismission.
Georgia Montgomery County
W. R. Adams, administrator of
the estate of Asa Adams, deceased,
in his petition duly filed and en
tered on record, represents that
lie has fully administered said es
tate, this is therefore to cite ail
persons concerned to appear at my
office on the first Monday in Feb
ruary, 1916, and show cause, it
any they can, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged
and receive letters of dismission.
This Jan. 8, 1916.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Ginneries are included in the
line of Fire Insurance we repre- j
sent. Mt. V. L. & C. Agency,
[ Dodge-Brothers 1
► 4
► 4
*• ■' ■" 4
£ <
t The enthusiasm among owners is not J
t occasional, but general—the car is giv-
£ ing uniformly excellent results in every •
t city, town, village, and hamlet where it J
£ is being sold. It was largely expressions J
t from pleased owners that made it pos- 5
£ sible for us to deliver cars to the follow- 3
t ing parties since Oct. 26th last: 3
► <
► R. L. Kinchen Scotland 3
► W. S. Adams Scotland 3
► Dr. W. H. Lucas Towns 3
► Dr. F. R. Mann Lumber City
Dr. 0. B. Moye Soperton 3
► J. E. Hall Soperton 4
► I. F. Dixon Tarrytown 3
Green Fleetwood Lumber City 3
► A. J. Boney Rhine 3
► w. E. Currie Glenwood 3
► J. A. Brown ! Mcßae 3
► L. C. Burch Mcßae 4
► • A. L. Ryals Mcßae * +
Mrs. J. I. McMillan Mcßae <
► L. P. Rawlins Milan *
► J. M. Cook Milan 3
► ■«
£ -
t It is so easy to ascertain just what these l
* owners think of the comparative value 1
E of Dodge Brothers Motor Car. With j
► two exceptions, each one of these had J
t owned Fords and other cars. Nor does 2
► ■*
► it cost anything to get a demonstration. «
l i
l M’RAE, GA. 3
► GILLIS & HALL, Soperton, Ga. |
► j
l Local Representatives