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TP%e lAor\tgorr\&ry /Monitor
KiiU'ii >it> : tl.< I'-, in Mi. Vtirtnm. Oh. hm Hec,on'l-Clasa Mall Matter.
M. M FOLSOM, l,4ii«f *o4 Owner. Si * Year, in Advance.
00 I h ' ixi lovsrisbjjr be paid la advance, at the legal rata, and a. tli. law
direct*; ii i, ■ i iimi ; i.'.t than Wednesday morning of th«(lrit week of inwirtioii j
Mount Vornon, (in., Thursday Morninj?, Mar. 28, 1916.
The Chautau'iua has been in
our midst this week.
Villa no they had not naught,|
him uj i to last night..
< ongfi •is throatcning to ad
journ in ./iirn*. How nan it, unions
Villa is caught ?
The old Biennial joke about a I
South Georgia candidate for
governor is about ready to be
laid on the shell lor this season.
As soon as Uncle Ham catches
Villa he may as well get ready
10 catch Carranza and several!
other bandits that will be ready
to make trouble.
Some agricultural writers are
urging the planting of good cot
ton seed. 11 is lar more impor
tant that good need corn, and lots
of it, be planted.
A South (Jeorgia man who has
had lagrippe for two weeks is
not til for anything on earth hut
to be sent to Mexico to help plug
up some mountain pass ahead of
Much is being written about
the proper time to plant a garden.
In these parts we are waiting
until we can rise in the morning
and not lind the spot covered
with frost.
The several patriot a* (ieorgians
who are "considering entering
the race fur governor’’ are aboutj
as leisurely a set as the Germans
when they set about answering
one of President Wilson’s notes.
A few years ago it was not
thought that automobiles would |
1 1 used extensively except on
paved streets and houlevurds
around the cities Now they use
the things Io drive up the cows
and go po-Mitu hunting.
It there is a canning club girl!
m Montgomery county who has
had real experience in canning;
the products of a Montgomery
county farm we would like to
give publicity to her methods and
l ittle as you may think of it, j
two grand causes m Georgia are I
moving on the up grade. Prohi
bition and the Sunday school
work arc marching on to greater
achievements. The state Sunday
school convention in \ugusta on
May - I will show that our as
sertions are true as to the latter.
It is safe to say that there is
not one single farm in Montgom
ery county that could not bo im
proved wonderfully by fitting up
power that would eliminate much
hard work now performed by
mere brute force, to say nothing
of hundreds of things that would
make the ow ners more comfort
The more the sale of the state
road is discussed the more appar
ent it becomes that the people
have been kept in ignorance of
the real status of the matter.
Instead of a huge gwse that con
tinually dropped golden eggs it is
about to be shown that it tins
s inply been furnishing a hobby
for politicians to rule on.
We respectfu !y suggest to the
Montgomery v, .. '\ Livestock
1 breeders Association that they
begin to ih got ate for a few
head of Shorthorn oi Hereford
cattle to be used on the co-opera
tive plan by our t arm era. We’ve
simp \ got tv* make a beginning,
and this motion is made with the
iviea in view tnat ties eradication
in this county w i . soon tv ac
I Gleanings From 3
it Wisdom’s Field. 3
► 4
Tattnall County, our progresH
ive parent, has already published
a list, of the prizes to he given at
her fair next fall. The child
should at least he a chip oIF the
old block—ao let’s get busy and
bold a fair of our own. —Claxton
What Dublin needs is a few
small industries along the river
front. It’s the payroll that makes
the merchant prosperous Dub
lin Courier-Herald.
Safeguards are being placed
about the polls in all of the coun
ties of (be state. The object of
it is to get. rid of the venal voters.
Lowndes is to be congratulated
on getting in line. Valdosta
With applications on hand to
swell bis total issuance of motor
vehicle license well above MO,OOO,
Secretary of State Phil Cook still
is receiving scores more in every
mail. There Htill are about 6,-
otio autos in the state for which
applications for tags have not
been made so far. —Nashville
The price of white paper is ad
vancing. When we think of this
we marvel that some men should
want to ruin perfectly good white
paper by writing on it. Savan
nah Press.
In a letter to a constituent
(lovcrnor Harris pledges his sup
port to a measure increasing the
pensions of the soldiers. We
can never do too much for them.
Adel News.
When asked if women would
not want to sit on juries if they
could vote Dr. Anna Shaw re
plied that lots of women who
stand over wash tubs, or an
ironing board or behind a counter,
would lie glad to sit anywhere.
Greensboro Herald Journal.
Anyhow, we’re forced to the I
conclusion that the weather man
must have been overstocked on
wind and bus tried to give it to
us all at once. Forsyth Ad ver
After his lunch each day Presi-'
dent Wilson rests for an hour it
is claimed. He is fortunate if he I
is allowed that much time in
w Inch to rest during these tur-
Imleni days. Monticello News.
A few seed escaped the eye of
the neighbors’ chickens, but as
soon as they sprout they will be
trampled down by the neighbors’ j
children. So it’s all ths same in
the end. Macon News.
They are keeping mighty quiet,
might quiet, but art* wasting no
energy. The corn club boys are
preparing for the coming season
ami have no time or inclination
to make a noise. They will leave
the noise to the politicians. Da- j
rien Gazette.
Fortner President Taft savs
that "Mexico is an international
nuisance.” So much of a nui
sance. in fact, that Mr. Taft four
years ago sidestepped the very
same responsibility which he says
now rests on Mr. Wilson. Sa
vannah News.
It seems to be a sure thing now
that the l\ S. will be compelled
to have a bloody war with Mex-
Well, if this be* the last
resort, we want Unde Sam to
trim up his whiskers, oil up his
musket and let s do business and
be through with it. Milton New*. ’
’ I
New Road Notice.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Office of Commie*!orient of Road*
and Revenue* Montgomery Coun
ty, Georgia, March "111, 1916
L. C. Durden, Dave Courson,
A. K Hooks, Joseph Hutcheson,
O. O. Smith and others having
made application fur the opening
and estahlishing ot a new public
road beginning at and leading
from the Troup’* Ferry road al
Dave Courson’s place and leading
in a northerly direction through
the lands'if Dave Courson, L. C.
Durden, Willie (jay, A K Hooks,
O. O. Smith and Joseph Hutche
son, to the sand Hill ford on Pen
dleton Greek, being a distance of
two mile*,
And the reviewers appointed to
lay out and survey said road hav
ing filed their return, notice is
hereby given that said road will
t>e granted on the first Tuesday m
April, 1916, or at the next regular
meeting of said board, if ho good
cu ii s'* lie shown to the contrary.
Elijah Miller, Chairman.
Win. Jones, Clk. Co. Com’rs.
For Bids On
Co. Supplies.
State of Georgia, Montgomery
Office of the Hoard of Commis
sioners of Roads and Revenues
Notice is hereby given that on
the 121st day of March, 1910,
at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m.,
in the office of said Board, the
commissioner* will entertuin bids
for the furnishing of all or any of
the following items or parts of
items, the same to be delivered
ut tin) county convict camp,
wherever located, by the first day
of April, 191(3:
800 bushels corn, 14000 pounds
hay, 1600 pounds incut, 28 sacks
flour, 45 bushels meal, 125 pounds
coffee, 25 pounds sugar, one case
soul), one case washing powder,
two sack rice, five sucks limn beans
1()0 pounds salt, two pounds black
pepper, twenty gallons kerosene
Done by order of the Hoard in
regular session, this 7th day of
March, 191(3.
Win. Jones, Clerk.
Farm Loans.
I am in position to close some
good farm loans, from SIOO9 up,
at once. If you need money,
see A. B. Hutcheson,
•llstf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Hastings Catalogue Tells You All
About Them
No mutter whether you farm or only
plant vegetables or flowers in H smalt lot
you need Hastings 191t> Catalogue.
It U filled (100 pages) from cover to I
cover with useful farm and garden lafor
, uiation.
It tells of seeds of kind and quality that
i you can’t buy from your merchant or
j druggist, seeds that cost no more but j
give you real satisfaction and a real gar
j den.
It tells how every customer ean get al>- |
solutcly free five packets of easily grown,
yet showy and beautiful flowers.
Hastings U both the best anil largest
seed Lriu In the South, the only firm that
you should buy seeds from.
When you plant Hastings Seeds, yon j
meet "Good Garden Luck” more than
half way. Write today for their big l!Ut>
Catalogue. It is free. A postal card re
quest will bring It. aG. HASTINGS CO
Atlanta, Ga.—(Advt.)
Dental Surgeon
Office m Citizens Hank Building,
tl STUY tifcOKliU
A. L. Lanier.
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of*
the State
Sheriff Sale.
Gv\*nj»« Vwi>»gv itwr * (\*unty,
Will bt aefck MorD thv vvuit Immim *!*vr a Mt.
V«nMK> th<* Tu«**ia> m Apr . 19H, Nt*.
l«v>Ni IS* tag*] tiKkurt osf *&.«. to ih* behest: cWJer
for ovrt*n» lNvivrty. of wbivh tbo
, to * vvtupWur lioovrtpooß
cor tarn K*i <j>i hunt m iho Then of a> at lot:*#,
! *® Nk*i county . knot* •«! Wt N Ck N
fYvat n* UV fee; th# north Avo
nu« fetoJ vxteaHhs* bwcfc iVO foert Plrat strstiK,
vvut&unajt a «mg<« *Cur> h*. - *e> Sa vt iwxvorty
tovioxi v« 4UkI o tii bo «vk) o tho prvperty of
trvoe x'oonor to MkUsf> * Of* •waovi frw« tho
• J uaiKv s O.H*rt tho G M d *cr*ct in fxvo*
vi R. M MoNuy ** J A. &nd Irv io Qua our, l.ov j
•t»juni rtrtuntW to rtt* by K <ve vvnxuNv,
wnl »nu«a nv*;tvo of Wvy gtv«n okdVnuxiits. Ttu*
like Til day of M«u .
ttotrr. Shhoriif
Improved Chinese Velvet Beans
and Brabham Peas for sale.
A. L. Lanier, Mt. Vernon. Ga
For Sheriff.
At the solicitation of iinuierous frien-ls, I
aru Iji f'irt tlio p'ujplt: of Montgomery county
as a caudcJ&te for the <Ul,c of sheriff. Tin
<iof tins office, if ciitiiint*--'! to in> ahull
have afric*, Imainee*. ait'.-iiti'if, withorit f'-ar,
favor oi sffection. Iruty si,'i it, performance
shall he rnv wateliW' rd, and the nqiport of my
fe'.l'.w citizens Kentraiiy will be greatly appre
■ dated by me. K< spectfully,
X. J. IMVIB. j
For Sheriff.
To the Ohizmih of O»onty:
1 am a candidal* for re-election to tii» office
of HlieriflT of jrotir county. Am lieretofor<*, Ido
not propose to do imooNMible thinßa. but it
favored by you with the office, I guaran
tee to execute properly all matt* rn corning in
to my harnlH, and am warranted in claiming
experience aecond to no man m-our county.
AMMiii ing you of my liiglient appreciation of a
your Hiipport in former campaigiiH. ami aoiici
tii«g your voten in the coming primary, lam
Youth Ueapectfully,
.Jam: h Hektkb.
For Clerk Superior Court.
Having served you faithfully, and bring
thoroughly familiar with the work, I am auk
lug at ilie hands of Montgomery county ‘
citizens election again to the office of Clerk of
Muperior Court. My aervice us former clerk
and my record as a citizen are before you an
an open book. I will appreciate your support
in the approaching primary.
Yours lo serve,
>l. L. O’Biuen.
For Clerk Superior Court.
It ih my deairc to nerve the people of Mont
gomery county another term a a Clerk <»f the
Huoerior Court, and to thin end I earneal ly ,
ho lie it the nupport of tiic people generally
Luring my flint and prenent term I have en
deavored to give strict attention to the dulien j
»»f thiH office, hm can be observed hy any voter.
It Ims in v entire time and attention. My
candidacy, of courae, in Hiibjifct to the require
ments cf'trie Democratic executive committee,
t hanking one himl all for paHt favors, and ;
tniHling that I will continue to have the con- 1
lidenee of the people, lam
Youth very truly,
Ci. It. Tvlkr.
For Tax Receiver.
I call th«* attention of Montgomery county
votei’H to the fact that I Mil a cfttindidiito for
the olfice of Tax Receiver, ami am asking an
other term of thin office at the hands of toy
fellow citizeiia, the matter to he decided in
the primary to he called. Having served you
faithfully in this capacity oofore, an rccorda
will allow, I solicit your Hiipport, and assure
you that it will be my purpose to ierve you in
good faith and to the best of my ability.
John (1. Mouius.
For Tax Receiver.
After lining gnllciteil by my fi iemls to run
for the office ot Tax lit re iver, and wishing to
comply with their requests. I hereby announce
myself n candidate for tloil office, subieet to
llio action of the Democratic primary. If
oliicli d, I will fill the office to the best of my
ability. W. L. snow.
t'arrytown, Nov, lllth, 11115.
I ___
% Hfc
* A New Model Typewriter %
* TU Standard Visible Writer ®m®S®SS3S3S *
* Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is HERE! J
T For makers have striven a life-time to attain this ideal machine. And Oliver has won &
again, as.we scored when we gave the world its first visible writing.
There is truly no other typewriter on earth like this new Oliver “9.” Think of touch
J so light that the tread of a kitten will run the keys! g.
* #
* Caution! Warning! f
j, *
The new-dav advances that come This brilliant new Oliver comes at *
alone on this machine are all controlled the old-time price. It costs no more than „
& by Oliver. Even our own previous mod- lesser makes —now out-of-date when
els—famous in their day- never had the compared with this discovery. &
Optional Duplex Shift. For while the Oliver’s splendid new
* It ruts the whole control of 84 letters features are costlv-we have equalized £-
* and characters in the little fingers of the the added expense to u> b\ simplifying
v. right and left hands. And it lets you construction. sffc
write them all with only 2S keys, the Resolve right now to see this great
least to operate of anv standard type- achievement before you spend a dollar '
* writer made. for any typewriter. If you are using
3ji some other make you will want to see *
_ T ' trritt ■ t hi ** cum how much more this one does.
in m, *v’, •' OH -- - X> • "••■r “9” If you are using an Oliver, it natural- #
vii/t re u - loud • lv follows that you want the finest model. £
* *
£ #7 / - „ rkrtm.f R member this brand-new Oliver “9” is the greatest value &
inventions—visible writ • g, automatic spacer..’fit-ounce touch—«*< Optional Thq-lex
shift, ' ' • ' •i ■ t and all these other new-day features.
y. ■ fi t-, l fit.. «* t e erert/trhtre on aorfamom* payment plon—/f rents
.it-,’ Now everv user can e.isilv atford to have the world’s crack visible writer, with the
J famous PRINTYPE. that writes like print. « • M FREE if desired. J
♦ ax* \\ .i*.». *\,ll I . and be among the first to know about this
♦ lOPal ■■■ ’ ’ Iltt iOI till, tit tdll> marv el of writing machines. See why
# typists, employers. and individuals everywhere are flocking to the Oliver. Just mail a #
No obligation. It’s a pleasure for us to tell you about it. #
5 OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO. Oliver Typewriter Bldg.. CHICAGO *
* *
► y
► " 4
► ——————^
► j
; We have recently opened in the ;
► Hughes store a High-Class Restaurant
S and Fancy Grocery. It is our purpose \
► *' " <
l to sell or serve only the Best, at all J
► times. New and Fresh Goods «
► 3
»• M
t Ladies and Gentlemen j
► 4
: Invited to Visit Restaurant 3
t E. G. BOYLSTON, Proprietor 5
t *
* * A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
For Representative.
To tlift Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby announce my candidacy for the of
llc,nf rei leaentative of Montgomery county
in the General Assembly of Georgia for the
ensiling term subject to the democratic pri
mary. 1 believe that lam conversant with
1 the needs of the people of the county and if I
am entrusted with the duties jf this impor
tant office T pledge my best efforts to serve the
inlet est of each taxpayer of the county, and I
shall advocate no measure affecting the inter
nal affairs of the county without first taking
the people into my full confidence. I believe
that, every voter lias the right to have a voice
in any matter that affects the county’s interest,
ninilly thanking the people for their past
favors’ and earnestly soliciting the support of |
all, I am respectfully,
J. C. Cai.houn.
Bones Wanted.
Good, Dry Bones, in ton lots
or upwards, delivered Savannah
factory. Reply to XYZ, No 1,
Monitor office, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Notice From
State of Georgia, Montgomery
Office of the Board of Commission
ers of Roads and Revenues.
Notice is hereby given that on
and after this date all supplies for
the county’s use, except in cases
of emergency, shall be bought,
by the Board of Commissioners,
j J
only, or by some one duly author
ized by them to purchase such,
according to schedule to be fur
nished by said Board, or as the
demand may arise.
Done by order of the Board i n
regular session, this Ist day of
February, 1910.
Wm. Jones, Clerk.