Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the Pos to After Id Mt. Vernon. (>a. as Heeond-Class Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Owner. $i a Vear, in Advance.
Kl vcrtincniprit • must invsrixlily lx-|iiiid in a Ivan re, at tin lty-al rtf, and an tin* law
direct*; and nnut he in hand not later than Wedneaday mortilnfc of the fir*t week of insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. ‘Thursday Morning, Apr. 13, 1916.
Civic pride demands that the
cows should be taken ofT our
streets. Election next Saturday.
You can bank on beans because
they give double dividends—soil
fertility and the finest stock feed.
The old story about lawyers
picking fat geese* is being exem
plified in the Jim Smith wrangle.
Come to think of it, what’s the
need of Villa having any It gs at
all so long as his mustang pony j
has four good ones?
Let us hope that President
Wilson’s second term will not be
so turbulent as the present one.
lie deserves four years ol rest.
South Georgia is not adding
any inducements to its attractive
ness for home seekers by the va
rious deadly knife and pistol duels
of a few of its lawless citizens.
We have no peanut oil mills in
Montgomery county, hut our peo
ple understand perfectly the
process of getting the oil by the
hog-rooting plan. A ‘ |l the in
dustry pays immensely.
If you thought yourself a little j
too previous about leaving oil j
your winter underwear wlnle tie
frost was pinching the beans and
potatoes Monday morning, don’t
worry, you will strike it right ;
about August.
The auto-mortuary report for
last week was about up to the
average. High priced gasoline
will not prevent the things from
killing folks, notwithstanding the
prevailing idea that they are
made to play with.
That hoy out behind the cy
press pond or creek may be a
leader of men. Give him a chance.
Bring him to the county school
contest here on the 2Sth inst.,
and, at least, let him got an idea
of what the other boys are doing.
News item states that a cotton
exchange is about tube organized
at Rotterdam to make Holland
independent of the German and
Liverpool cotton exchanges. It
is quite probable that these
Dutchmen have not heard about
the boll weevil, and that we are
planting thousands of acres of
velvet beans.
Now that the Western X- At
lantic railroad commission has
secured from the Interstate Com
merce Commission the serv ices of
an expert, it would be a fine
thing for the taxpayers of the
state if said expert would give
us some facts, in plain figures,
as to wha* the state is really get
ting out of the road.
If you do not think that the
prohibitionists have power that
will assert itseif in the next ses
sion of the Georgia legislature,
keep your eye on a few fellows
who voted with the whiskey ele
ment as long : s they th night it
would profit them to do so, hi u
see them try to crawl on the wa
ter wagon tog t tin ir pet scheme s
through at the approaching se>
The state is deing a gr at work
along agricultural the
people appreciate it. But all the
efforts of state and national ex
perts could not be centered in a
more important matter than that
of soil fertility. The vv hole ques
tion of prosperity for our people
goes back to that one problem.
We suggest that Montgomery
county people keep in mind cows
and velvet beans.
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrwrvrrtrrrrw •
► . , 2
► Gleanings From <
l Wisdom’s Field. 3
► *!
We are of the opinion that the ;
average corn club boy will never 1
deteriorate into a peanut politi-1
cian but will grow up to be a
successful farmer or even some
thing better.—Darien Gazette.
I f the price of print paper keeps
soaring, some ot us editors are
going to he compelled to get out
and put into actual practice some
of that advice we have been giv
ing the farmers,—Laurens Citi
: zen.
We take it that these fellows
who are always sighing for a
life in the country never tried
turning a grindstone for a husky
agriculturist who believed in
hearing down with all his might
when sharpening his axe. —Macon
There’s one thing certain, when
you lose time, its gone; you can
never catch up with it. You can
regain lost wealth by economy;
lost knowledge by study; lost
| health by careful living but Old
Father Time waits for no man. —
i Greensboro Herald-Journal.
Let’s make Mcßae a clean
j town. It can be made one of the
! most beautiful towns in this sec
tion if all the property owners
will go to a little trouble and ex
pense. The cost of this “renova
tion” will not be near so great as
the enhancement of the property
value. Telfair Enterprise.
Villa may be a long time get
ting what is coming to him, but
Uncle Sam usually gets them
when he starts, In the mean
time, he makes it very uncom
fortable for thq fugitives while
he is looking for them. —Valdosta
■ Times.
If gasoline goes to fifty cents
! a gallon as some say it will, we
will have to offer our old gasoline
! engine for junk and go back to
muscle power. Can’t print a
dollar paper with fifty cents gas
[olene especially on whitepaper
that cost 5 cents a pound.—Pem
broke Eenterprise.
Georgia eclipsed all the states
in the union on its farm products
last year. It was Georgia’s first
year in diversification. What
CAN we do when we really get
all of our farmers interested in
diversification? Walker County
As time passes the thinking
people of Georgia who have no
political ax to grind become more
and more convinced that the
proper thing to do with the state
railroad is to sell it. The state
road is a valuable asset for the
politicians to play with but a;
poor investment for the state.— j
Lyons Progress.
A recruiting officer of Columbus
says that a man led man’s place
is at home, and that he should
i o: be forced to join the army.
That has been our opinion over
s e the w. r started. Hawkins
\ i o' Dispat ’h News.
It is a ' llacy to believe that a
i■ i• ile or South Georgia farmer
t in tun corn, Hour, oats, rye,
i *iu*o s. syrup, peas or other i
d pioih.ots cheaper than he • it, or them. Perry
Home Journal.
Ihe third man candidate for
governor is gradually fading
away.* The only salvation for
those not contented with Hard
man or row rests in Hugh
1 iorsey. \\ e believe he is a man
of too much brains to permit
h;it s t to be slaughtered. But
ilcr Herald. |
New Road Notice.
I Georgia—Montgomery County.
Office of Commissioners of
Roads a lid Revenues Montgomery
County, March 7, 1910.
J. B. Powell, A. Gill is, G. B.
I Graham, A. A. Calhoun, Lester
iGillis and others having applied
for the opening aed establishing
of a new public road beginning at
Oriand and running eastward ,
: through the lands of VV. R. Green- f
I way, E. G. Gillis, striking the
i line of E. G. Gillis and B. Green
: way and following same to a cer
] tain pond, thence crossing E. G.
Gillis’s land and intersecting
with J. E. Tharpe’s lane and the
! lane of Mrs. J. H. Davis, turning
|at end of said lane and crossing
j lands of Mrs. .). H. Davis and
|running through lands of VV. D
! Martin, Mrs. J. B. Davis, estate
of T. J. James, Jodie Powell, J
1). Reynolds, P. E. and George
Williams and J. IJ. Wilson, and
intersecting with the Orianna
and Soperton road on the east.
And the reviewers appointed to
lay out and survey said road hav
ing filed their return, notice is
hereby given that said road will
be granted on the first Tuesday
in May, 191(5, if no good cause be
shown to the contrary.
Elijah Miller, Chin.
Win. Jones, Clerk, C. C.
Notice From
State of Georgia, Montgomery
Office of the Board of Commission
ers of Roads and Revenues.
Notice is hereby given that on
and after this date all supplies for
the county’s use, except, in eases
of emergency, shall he bought
by the Board of Commissioners,
only, or by some one duly author
ized by them to purchase such,
according to schedule to be fur
nished by said Board, or as the
demand may arise.
Done by order of the Board in
regular session, this Ist day of
February, 191(5.
Wm. Jones, Clerk.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus-j
iness m Georgia, with lowest rates j
of interest and the most liberal 1
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
W. 15. GRIMES,
Blacksmith vS: Repair
All Classes of Repair Work Work
Quickly and Correctly Done.
Bring Me Your Work.
\ The day of the croup scare is
T over. No longer need parents
'!■,i|l re-j* fear and tremble at the hoarse,
1 brassy cough of croup.
Foley’s Honey and Tar
Relieves the little croup sufferers
from the very first doses. It eases at
once the tightness in the throat, cuts
and clears away the thick strangling
phlegm, and the little ones are soon
resting quietly.
Keep Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in the house and
you are prepared both to ward off the approach of croup, or to
relieve it at once from the very first cough.
iivrd K * y a Honey and Tar Compound in my YORK. **l ft a bottle of Foley s Honey and Tar
tan', ly lor years and recommend it. i it Compound “dnw <to w bto liri.
nev triads i o cure our coughs and colds and would surely ha\e had the croup but roiey a
prc\ anta croup;” * Honey and Tar stopped it at once.
n >. W« _ Tl,;®. To give all a chance to try Foley & Co.’s family remedies.
t IVIISS 1 ms. send to ;p o j e y & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., this
clipping and sc, with your name and address written clearly, and they will mail you
trial package containing samples of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, Foley Kidney
Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets.
I t*old Every wheie. ad
Farm Loans.
I am in position to close some
good farm loans, from SIOOO up,
at once. If you need money,
see A. B. Hutcheson,
415tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Mule For Sale. See W. H.
'Carter, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
XA f * & A. M.
Meets Third Saturday Mornings,
Hal! in M.. Vernon.
S. J. Elliott, VV. M.
.1. E. Mcßae, Secy.
Meets Third Friday Night, 7:90
J. T. Walker, W. M,
H, G. Martin, Secy.
Harmony Lodge 405, F. & A. M.
Meets Third Saturdays, 10 a. m.
Soperton, Ga.
O. VV’. Sammons, W. M.
J J. Frost, Secy.
Lot-hair Lodge No. 48(5 F. & A. M.
Meets on First Saturdays, 2 n. no.
M. L. O’Brien, W. M.
Ira Ricks, Secy.
Meets Each Monday Night, Hall
in Mt. Vernon.
T. B. Abt, N G.
S. J. Elliot, Secy.
AI LEY LODGE 229 1. O. O. F.
Meets Each Saturday Afternoon,
Hall in Ailey.
Chak. Fuizzeli.e, N. G.
M. H. Darley, Secy.
Tarrytown Lodge 492 I. O. O. F. i
Meets Fridays before Ist and 3rd ;
Sundays, 2p. m., Tarr\ town. ;
I. J Joiner, N. G.
1 C. S. Berner, Secy.
Tarrytown Camp 716 W. 0. W.
Meets Fridays before Ist aud 3rd
Sundays, 5 p. m., Tarrytown.
C. VV’ Beckworth, S. C.
I. C. S. Berner, Clerk.
Each Lodge in the county is in
vited to furnish for this column a
card as above, free of charge.
Dental Surgeon
Office in Citizens Bunk Building
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Office over Mt. Vernon Postoffice.
L . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Offices 2d Floor Bank of Soperton Building
Soperton, Ga.
Attv nt Law,
Mt V’ernon, Georgia
|the bank of soperton I
|| At the Close Business March 10, 1916 ||
£3 (Condensed from report to State Bank Examiner)
j§ Resources: m
g Loans and Investments $139,179.62 g
II Buildings and Fixtures 23,872.47 ||
g Prepaid Insurance 363.33 s§
g Cash in Vault, due from g
p other Banks and ad- ||
vances on cotton 38,433.92 g
8 $201,849.34 1
Liabilities: 1?
& Capital Stock $25,000.00 |j
|jj Surplus and Profits 10,297.46 f|
§? Bills Payable 10,000.00 S?
j| Total Deposits 156,551.88 ||
I $201,849.34 I
ij Deposits Mar. 10th 1916 $156,551.88 11
jg Deposits Mar. 10th 1915 97,856.49
I INCREASE $ 58,695.39 |
|| 6 per cent. Money !j
|| I have plenty ol money to lend on farm j
jj lands in Montgomery and Wheeler |
jj counties. Interest G and 7 per cent., jj
ij You have the privilege of paying part j
I of the principal at any interest period, jj
and stop interest on amount paid; but jj
no annual payment of principal required ij
Prompt Attention to All Loans
Entrusted to Me
jj Come to see me at once if you want a j
jj loan. lam well equipped to take care j
jj of the loan business. See me.
|j l_. C. UNDERWOOD j
Fine Velvet Rugs!
| I
! 27 x 54 Price $2.19 |
j § 3
I 36 x 72 $3.29 I
a 1
i §
8 I
S *5
I Syracuse Plows 1 and 2-Horse J
i !M 3
| They are appreciated by their
» i
v? |
users. Call on us and inspect
| I
8 1
1 5
5. B
| I
{2 #5
i §
» 4