The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 13, 1916, Image 3

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Expenditures Board Commissioners Roads
& Revenues Montgomery County, Quarter
Ending Mar. 31, 1916.
[Warrants Nos. 323 to 521 inclusive.]
Warrant Issued to For Acct of Amt. of Warrant
Feb. Ist, 1916.
C W Warnock, salt for farm $ 3.75
Cassie Spivey, pauper for January 5.00
G. W. Kelly, 23 days ferryman at Bell’s ferry 19.09
M. Bridges, 7 days ferryman at Bell’s ferry 6.09
Sarah Fuller, pauper for January 7.00
W. B. Mathias, camp supplies 64.70
Wm. Campbell, 74 days ferry. Lammons ferry 10.60
A. C. Moxley, hay for camp 63.25
J. M. Moxley, Jan. salary as farm Supt. 35.00
Bud McMillan, work on farm 9.24
Haywood Smith, work on farm 6.57
Uley Mitchell, work on farm, 10.50
J. M. Moxley, supplies for farm 6.47
Elizabeth Chaney, pauper for January 12.00
M. E. Fountain, camp supplies 180.99
F. C. Bailey, taking evi. in L. M. Blaxton case 5.00
Mason & Hughes, shop work for camp and C. H. 18.25
Champion Supply Co., camp supplies 1465.91
J. O. Holmes, shop work for camp 6.95
B. S. Beaty, camp supplies 2.65
W. L. Snow, “ —.70
C. W. Warnock, “ “ .60
Vidalia Grocery Co., camp supplies 43.65
Dr. J. E. Hunt, Jan. salary as physician 25.00
J. Sellers, Repairs on road machinery 2.25
Mrs. M. J. Thompson, nails for camp .40
W. B. Cadle, camp sup., telephone rent (farm) 21.20
Mcßae Bros & McL., farm sup. and key for C. H. 5.20
Louis Robison, work on road 3.00
E. E. Morris, pauper for January - 22.50
Mrs. Eady Powell, 12.00
Calvin and Evelina Pierce 5.00
Betty Anderson, “ “ “ 7.00
Lottie Allen, “ “ “ 7.00
Mills Printing Co., supplies for Com. office 5.50
Millis Printing Co., supplies for clerk’s office 18.25
Alex McArthur, Ord,, official duties and frt. paid 2.50
Marshall & Bruce Co., records for Clerk’s office 44.94
J. K. Cartwright, salary as ferryman 28.00
J. K. Cartwright, labor, money pd. etc. fer. boat 16.20
J. A. Cawley, hauling lumber for ferry boat 4.00
J. 11. Foskey, cut. and haul. lbr. for ferry boat 2.25
Hicks Brothers, car hire for sheriff 3.00
Mt. Vernon Drug Co., medi. for jail camp & farm 5.75
Happ Bros. Co. clothing for convicts 148.84
T. W. Cullins, car hire going for convicts 10.00
C. H. Calhoun, lumber for road work 7.16
William Jones, clerk, transfers to Co. road, fund 1000.00
February 7th, 1916.
E. J. Wells, examining county officers Books 12.00
N. L. Spooner, examining county officers Books 12.00
S. B. Morris, examining county officers Books 12.00
A. L. Green burg Iron Co., part pay. on order for Culverts 2300.00
February 10th, 1916.
J. I. Case Thresh. Mch. Co-, part pay. on road engine, due Decem
ber 15th, 1916 840.00
February 12th,1916.
Jas. Hester, sheriff, attending court six days 30.00
J.'W. Adams, riding bailiff Feb. Ct. 5 days 15.00
A. Hester, “ “ “ “4 days car 20.00
Dan Horne, 3 “ 9.00
Hillary Calhoun, “ 5 days 15.00
I. J. Joiner, “ 5 “ 15.00
C. T. Braddy, “ “ “ “ 6 “ 18.00
J. E. Golf “ “ “ “5 “ 15.00
JimAuld, “ “ “ “2 “ 6.00
Mark Mcßae, house bailiff Feb. Ct. 6 days 12.00
T. J. Hester, “ 12.00
J. R. Buttersworth, “ “ 12.00
Morris Herrington, “ 12.00
J. W. Register, 3 “ 6.00
J. R. Cockfield, “ 3 “ 6.00
E. Phillips, “ “ “ “ 6 “ 12.00
M. D. Hughes, Grand Jury bailiff Feb. Ct. 5 da 10.00
J. A. Morris, Sol. Gen. bailiff Feb. Ct. 6 days 12.00
C. F. Ferrell, auto hire to Vidalia and oth. places 3.50
February 14th, 1916.
Homer D. Strickland, elk., con. la. to Feb. 1, 1916 109.00
February 15th 1916.
W. E. Evans & Son, convict supplies 277.79
C. A. Holmes, conyict supplies 21.71
H. Lee, convict supplies 25.20
W. T. McCrimmon, convict supplies 85.00
Mrs. Nannie Horne, hay for camp 25.06
March 7th, 1916.
G. F. Clark, Feb. salary 30.00
W. E. Goff, “ “ 30.00
D. G. McNeily, “ “ 35.00
C. W. Strickland, “ “ - 35.00
N. B. Ware, “ “ 35.00
J. E. Crawford, “ “ 45.00
John Gaskin, “ “ 45.00
C. F. Ferrell, “ “ 100.00
C. F. Ferrell, gasoline for car 10.(X)
H. S. Calhoun, car hire for witness Feb. court 4.00
William Jones, Clk., transfers to Co. road fund 675.00
L. T. Morris, pauper for Feb. 22.50
E. E. Morris, “ “ “ 22.50
Mrs. E. Powell 12.00
Calvin and Evilina Pierce “ “ “ 5.00
Sarah Fuller, ...... 7. 00
Bettie Anderson, “ “ “ 7.00
Lottie Allen 7.00
Cassie Spivey, “ “ “ 5.00
Elizabeth Chaney “ “ “ 12.00
Dr. J. E, Hunt, Feb. salary as physician 25.00
G. W. Kelly, Feb. salary as ferryman 25.00'
J. K. Cartwright, Feb salary as ferryman 28.00
G. R. Tyler, Clerk, official duties 72.06!
B. F. Hamilton, expense with prisoner 3.75|
-H. Zeesman, clothing for convicts 5.00
Good Roads Mch Co., parts for road macnine 33.30
Globe Refining Co., oil and axle grease 35.53 ;
Mcßae Bros, ci McL , sup. for road and ferries 18.12
Mills Printing Co., blank for Ordinary’s office 4.07
H. H. Williams, repairs at jail 1.50 .
H. S. Ca cun, non-resident fee (W. R. Autry) 5..%
W. B. Hart, non-resident witness 5.20
Cralie Paradise, non-resident witness 4.75
Robt. Paradise, non-resident wdtness 4.75 ,
D. J. Thompson, non-resident witness 2.60 <
H. J. Fountain, non-resi. wit. (W. E. Fountain) 9.48
B. L. Wolfe, non-resident witness 5.44
Hamp Carpenter, non-resident witness 3.02 h
J. R. Morris, non-resident wit. (W. T. Vileman) 7.10 ;
Warrant Issued to For Acct of Amt. of Warrant
J. D. Youmans, non-resident witness 8.18 ;
Mcßae Bros. & McLemore, non-resident witness
(Mrs. J. W. Mosley, J. W. Mosley, Gray
Hadden. John Brooks, J. B. Stuart and
GibbsSiles.) 32.00
Soperton Repair Shop, supplies for camp 37.75
W. T. McCrimmon, lumber for road 25.05 |
Soperton Grocery Co., convict supplies 18.00 j
Soperton Hdw\ Co., supplies for camp 55.55 j
M. H. Darley, work on road 4.00
W. B. Hilton, return of J. P. elect. Ivibbeedist. 2.00
Mt. Vernon Drbg Co., medicine for jail 3.35
Homer D. Strickland, Clerk, convict labor 90.00
April Ist, 1916.
Alex McArthur, Ord., exp. Homer Horne lunatic 48.00
April 3rd, 1916.
William Jones, Clk., transfers to Co. road fund 30.00
April 4th, 1916.
Cassie Spivey, pauper for March 8.00
Sallie Holton. 6.00
L. T. Morris, 22.501
E. E. Morris. 22.501
Elizabeth Chaney, ...... 12.00 j
Bettie Anderson ...... 7.00
Lottie Allen, “ “ “ 7.00
Calvin and Evilina Pierce “ “ “ 5.00
Andrew Kight, “ “ “ 5.00
G. F. Clark, March salary 30.00
W. E. Goff, “ “ 30. (H)
I). G. McNeily, “ “ 35.00
C. W. Strickland, “ “ 35.00
M. B. Ware, “ “ 35.00
J. E. Crawford, “ “ 45.00
John Gaskin, “ “ 45.00
C. F. Ferrell, “ “ 100.(K)
C. F. Ferrell, gasoline for car 10.00
J. M. Moxley, March salary 35.00
Bud McMillan, work on farm 18.21
Alex McMillan, work on farm 10.41
Uley Mitchell, work on farm 9.10
J. M. Moxley, moving bill and two Bu. peanuts 10.95
Bank of Soperton, cash paid for lumber 161.14
Jas. Hester, Shf., Board of pris. and key turns 33.40
S. J. Elliott, March salary 40.00
Elijah Miller, 3 mos. salary as Commissioner 43.00
J. L. Lowery, 3 mos. salary as Commissioner 43.00
C. C. McAllister, Jr., 3 mos. salary as Com’r. 43.00
J. B. O’Conner, 3 mos. salary as Com’r. 43.00
J. B. Brewton, 3 mos. salary as Com’r. 43.00
F. H. Hendrix, parts for loom at Bell’s ferry 4.92
C. C. McAllister, Jr., freight paid on cable 6.84
W. E. Dorsey, pauper for March 10.00
Dr. J. E. Hunt, March salary 25.00
W. L. Snow, convict supplies 3.50
W. W. Wade, 1) bu. Chufas for farm 5.25
S. Z. Salter, hav for camp 100.00
J. A. Thigpen, shop work for camp 76.90
T. W. Cullins, car hire going for prisoners & gas 24.13
J. A. Holmes, shop work for camp 5.50
Soperton Grocery Co., sundries for camp 12.19
Austin Western road Mch. Co., repairs for Road Mch. 39.95
A. L. Green burg Iron Co., part payments for culverts
due January Ist, 1917 2300.00
A. L. Green burg Iron Co., part payment on culverts,
due January Ist, 1918 2300.00
J. K. Cartwright, March salary 28.00
G. W. Kelley, March salary 25.00
L. C. Underwood, three mos. service as attorney 37.50
Homer I). Strickland, Clerk, convict labor 77.50
A. E. Hooks, corn for camp 89.88
L. C. Durden, corn for camp 55.88
Sewal Courson, corn for camp 124.83
Soperton Hardware Co., sundries for camp 4.25
Mt. Vernon Drug Co., jail, camp and farm supplies 2.55
W. T. McCrimmon, hay and corn for camp 102.35
F. M. Mcßae, wood for jail 4.00
I). S. Barnhill, work on road 5.00
Alex McArthur, Ordinary, official duties 2.00
D. S. Williamson, cable for Bells ferry 108.66
Mcßae Bros. & McLemore, screen wire for jail • 1.45
Mcßae Bros. & McLemore, non-resident fee (John Brooks) 5.15
G. R. Tyler, Clerk, Official duties 62.75
Marshall & Bruce Co., supplies for Clerk Sup. Court 5.75
Mcßae Bros. & McLemore, farm supplies 10.95
Standard Oil Co.. Oil for engine 9.05
W. A. Wooten, Sol. Gen. cost in 2 cases went to gang 61.00
Vidalia Goocery Co., supplies for camp 32.20
Vidalia Grocery Co., supplies for camp 61.69
Vidalia Grocery Co., supplies for comp 41.30
Total for Quarter $16,012.29
Sheriff Sale. Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County. Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be kol<l before the court house ! Will be Hold before the court house
door in Mi. Vernon on the flint Tues-, door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in May. 191(1, between the legal day in May, 1910, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder hours of sale, to the highest bidder
, , , . f I * 1 i for c fifth, certain property of which i
tor cash, certain prnperty, of | t | le followlnj? is a complete descrip- J
the following is a, complete descrip- 1 tion:
,10 .“ 1 : 1 .... , ~. - , I That parcel of land situated in the
All that tract or parcel of iand sit- , IWJ7Ih M ( , jK , „ f Hai(| coullty an ,|
vate lying and being in the loo7th Ktat Containing nine and a-half 1
(~ M . district of said count y H„cl or less a-ld hounded as
slate, beginning at t ie north oast . f „ North by the lands Henry I
corner ol that Mae of land conveyed , al)(1 JaK . M (j o ok, east by land's i
by isaae Me eod to Josephine Cook f , Cook, south by lands of !
Jan. 21. 904. (containing 25
recorded in Ih ed Hook (~ page 2H2) ; , aH M eLeod, and being the same I
and running down the eastern hoe , d ~„n V(;y<!( | to JaK . L . ok.k hv
ofsai.l tract toae.u point thenee j McL ,,,? tl oc t. 23, 1901. recorded
a direct line across said tract o the in i >ee d Hook 6, page 283, March 21,
western boundary to a corner hence 1 1W) . Thft property is levied \
along the 110,•them line of said tiact nnd will no l l(J * aH t } H , property
to the starting point, said lines to be | ()f JaH> j (Jook so Kft ,.,„f y a ' tax ‘ „ fa |
so run as to form a te„-ae,e tract to , d b H c l>av j K . ta ' x ooilector .
t,e ..arved from th. i.oriliern part of yH j j e ook , for Htatefllld CO unty
said 20-acre tract. Levied on and f for tho year , 9 ,«. Written no
will he sold as the property of Jose- |,, f lev / K , ven terms of the
phme ( 00k to satisfy a lax fa is- , Thlll t, lc *4, h (lav M av. lOIH.
sue,l by I. < . Davis, tax collector , J a „. HaHter si.eritf.
vh Oik, for sfato
county taxeH fer tho ( voar 1915. Writ- 0 " J
ton notice of levy givon in terms of ShonfT Sale.
Iholavv. This tin- 411) (Jay of April, I
Itiin 11 pufpr its Georgia— Montgomery County. I
JAS - n * Hr<1 ’ WflOlin. | Will be sold before the court house door In Mt. j
j Vernon on the first In May, 1916, between j j
■ *fq | the legal hours of sale, o the highest. bidder for |
onerin ocilC, rash, certain property, of which the following Im a ,
| complete description:
Gcory a -Montgomery Count v. All of that certain tract or parcel of land, aitu- , ,
Will be id : -;re thecourr houtdoor in Mount aUs jyj,,* an/ j being in the 276th district, G. M.. 1
Vernon on m firs’ lu< vlay in May, Jjl > .between Montgomery county, Georgia, containingfifty-two
! the leyal hours of sale to the hiyhcHt bidder for arid one-fourth acres more or less and U>und<*«J on
cash, certain property, of which the following is a the north \ iy | an# j H of W A Johnson and Jas. W. ! -
completed* cnption; McArthur, on the east byiandsofJas.W.Mc-
AII teat certain tract or pa -> I of land contain- Arthur and south by lands of C. C. McAllister, Jr., f
ing 2' acre*, won or I* - ar,<] lying and being in and on the west by lands of W. A. John son and
the 27f)th f i>i*' G. M. of Mon tgornery county, K C. McAllister and C. C. McAllister, Jr. ;
Georgia, an <t funded a follows: On the north Also all of tbStt certain tract or parrel of land *
hy the lands of T. G. P« t* r >ii, orr the east by situate lying and being in the 27&th G. M district,
McArthur land or th* south by M Dees, and on Montgomery county, Gerjrgia, known as part of ,
U' w* * hy /*. ' *• Jg-tt. .-:t.d prop*-- yis in the John J. McArthur’s father's estate and containing *
po«.M- on of said J. W. l>;tt at the time of the 1 two hun/JrerJ eighty seven and one-half acres ’ V
levy, ar.*l is levied upon as the property of J. W. more or less and bounded on the north hy lands of
L* *1 to -i infy a execution iscje*J on thelftrh day ./. if. &W. T. McArthur, on the east and south 2
of June, 1914, from the Just ire’* court of the 275th hy lands of Jas. W. McArthur and on the west hy
district G. M. of a d state and county, .n favor of the Oconee river. Said property levied on and
the Macon Fertilizer Work- again:.* “aid J.W. will be sold as the property of John J. Mr Arthur :
Lett. Ix .y rna/;* t A M. /, . * on >• able, to satisfy one execution issued from the Superior I g
and return**] to rn» for ad v*-r’ 1 *:»i*:nt arai sale. f>/urt of Montgomery county, Georgia in favor of ( |
Written no- » *• * l«-/y yiv«-r. J. in terms of Pearce A Hatley and against John J McArthur. ;
law. Property pointed 01 . > hy plaintiff. This Written dotice of levy given defendant in fi fa as .
April sth, 191 c Jaa. ti* ter. Sheriff. I rerjuired by law. TTiis April 4th, 1916.
J. Li. Geiger, A tty. for PlfTs. Janies Hester. Sheriff. I
199 per cent.
in a good bank their money is absolutely safe and al- '
ways available; checks are returned and become receipts; ,
11 checks and stubs form a convenient record of income and
ji outgo, and best of all, when the bank depositor sees an op
j| portunity of using some money profitably, his acquaintance
at the bank and record as a depositor make it possible for
; I him to procure a loan.
You can promote YOUR suc
cess by becoming a depositor with
IVW V W V W V V W V V V V V V V w w
CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $33,000.00 RESOURCES, $175,000.00 |
| I Willie T. McArthur. President W. A. Petonwn, Cashier j
] ! Alex McArthur. Vice-President 11. L. Wilt, Asßiatunt Cashier
riacon, Dublin & Savannah R. R.
Time Table No. I—Taking Elfect Sunday, January 3, 1915.
East bmt 11 d W est bou 11 d
TraihH STATIONS Tr;l " lH
No is No. ‘2O No. 19 No. 17
A M. P. M. A._M M ‘
700 826 Leave Mason Arrive 11 ‘2O 440
7 55 4 17 Jeffersonville 10 20 8 45
816 488 Danville 10 04 826
880 440 Montrose 940 810
841 450 Dudley 088 258
010 620 Ar. Dublin I,v. 010 280
915 525 Lv. Dublin Ar. 906
960 000 Rock*edge 880 150
10 06 017 Soperton 818 184
10 45 066 Viditliu 740 100
A- M. P. M. Arrive Leave A. M. P. M.
The time cards of the Macon, Dublin & Savannah Railroad are
printed for the general information of the public, anil every effort is
made to keep them accurate and up to date, but they are not guaran
teed, and the Macon, Dublin & Savannah Railroad reserves (be right
to deviate from them without assuming any liability therefor.
J. A. Stueykii, Tallic Manager.
• VVVVVVVVV VYVVVVWVVVTVVVV vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvv*
[Just a Word!
[ to You?
Z «
► J
p The re comes u time when you need :
E something in Hardware and Furniture, 2
t It may be a Pocketknife or a Window «
£ Shade, or it may be a Hundred Dollar <
E purchase. Keep Ibis in mind when 2
t that time comes. We are here to serve 2
t you with the right goods, with prices 2
E and quality guaranteed. When it is 2
► , «
t come to see us. :
► <
[ AILEY, GA. |
If your Piano is worth anything,
it is worth EXPERT TUNING.
Any other kind will ruin it. I
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton,
Notice to Automobile
The law requires that all motor
vehicles he registered by March
Ist. I have just received a sup
ply of application blanks for this
purpose, and these may be had
by calling for them. This Feb.
28th, 1916. William Jones,
Clerk Co. Commissioners.