The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 13, 1916, Image 4
iir ods, Shoes, ClOthing, Flats | i 1 Begins Friday, Apr. 14--Lasts 15 Days j f. s vti vL vL \ 'i ' v *i ■*.■ M vti vHi vti vW vVi vLi vb «b vki di 'A(* vti d/. »u It d| di \W did/ vW vW *W X&4 di vL vti vL vti vHi J*J vti \Ai vL v&j x>j vii. vli vU «.Li vu di wLi vb d/. 22 A LARGE STOCK | KX . ; & A1 Ibe hegi ming of the fall, when the high prices of | cotton pro; i n, \\i were in expectation of a large and i extensive business, and bought heavily an enormous stock : of Dry (iooc’s, Iring, Shoe's, !iats and Notions to supply i tin; expeci d(f in uid. Tin* amount of business, however, j P is far bob \> our expectations. With an enormous stock on j hand, and ui igations to meet, wc must get rid of ; the one, i neet the other. To do so we are j going to olTc.; '• i s sale most astounding sacrifices | ever offered at ary sale. r r A WW% WWW V\Vk > » V' . * WWW *u y>WWWW%W *WWW% WWWW D Our Dry Goods at groat Sacrifice, u-v Placed at the mercy of the public. M t . Lai (' Assortment ofOalicos 5 l- k 2c. w Choice ( lux H mespuns at 5 l-2e. 5i.2.) On era in this sale for 03c. u 1 Lmdkerohiei - will lx offend at 3c. Paper of lira's Ore.-s Pins for only 3c. ra l he. towels ; be. 10c. towels be. and || he. towels for 3c. | CLOTH ENG. W $25.00 Men’s Suits for-- - $16.50 W 20.00 Men’s Suits for-- - 12.50 tet 15.00 Men's Suits for .... 9.50 B 3 10.00 Men’s Suits for .... 6.50 KJ 800 Men’s Suits for- 5.50 ks 5.50 Men’s Suits for- 3.50 » Toe. Childrens idesses for only 3t)c. forty per cent reduction on Roady to-Wear !.adie ’ Purnishings, Skirts, and Petticoats- —Sj>! ■ uiid Line. ?jj Tse. and 50e. Men’s satl3 & 39c. 51.25 and $1 Dress Shirts, 89c. & 79c. 7c. Bleaching at Pie living price se. fe : W -%* »• r < . t % %W%»W%WWWW%%%WWWW%WW%W%VW>W%%%WrfWWWW>%'%%W%W<VWW>%% gi Do not by a n tiieans lu'sitate to conn* over and he convinced of the opportunities we are offering you now to buy j| your good* a -unity low prices. Necessity alone urges us to take this step, at a time when demand for goods is great § and gen ral mi ; i Miiall. You cannot fail to take advantage of our sacrificing prices. A visit to the store would he etioii- h t< coiin •: a you that at this sale we are beyond competition. Our oversupply must go at any cost. Remember tlie place and tin date. | 1 A p rr* ,0 All R/f ■ \T I; a GALL, Mount Vernon t 7 1; 1,, - 1 THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY; APRIL 18, 1016 W «\V«>W%WM\UWVWW Regardless of the great increase in tin' wholesale cost of Shoes, we will sell our large supply at much below the old cost. Save money on these prices: #4.50 Shoes and Oxfords for ... $3.78 4.00 Shoes and Oxfords for ... 3.38 3.50 Shoes and Oxfords for-- - 2.78 3.00 Shoes and Oxfords for-- - 2 38 2.50 Shoes and Oxfords for ... 1.98 2.00 Shoes and Oxfords for ... 1.48 1.75 Shoes and Oxfords for ... 1.28 Our line of Shoes is extensive. All makes and leathers in Men’s, Ladies’ and C hildren’s Shoes and Oxfords. Men’s Hats and Caps. Latest Styles and Colors. %/ $3.50 and $3.00 Hats for particular people, $2.38 and $1.98 2.50 and 2.00 Hats to be closed out at 1.78 and T4B 1.50 and 1.25 Hats will go in this sale for 98c and 78c Men’s, Coys’ and Children’s Caps Worth 50c and 25c to he sold at 39c and 19c. 50c, 35c and 25c Suspenders and Belts cut down to 39c, 23c and 19c. Our handsome line of Ties sold before at 50c, 35c and 25c, to be sacrificed at 39c, 23c and 19c. He. Sea Island sold for-- do. 10c. Sheeting will be handed to you for only 7 l-2e. I WONDERFUL BARGAINS i I We are glad to say that we are more so in position to || do it, since we bought in large quantities at extremely re- « Iduced prices, when cotton was low. We are financially pressed, we must meet our obligations immediately, and here is your opportunity to buy your spring goods at enor- || niously low prices, never before in the history of merchan- j§ disc could we use a more convincing argument than the fabulously low prices quoted you below: || We will close out our most sash- || ionablc Dress Goods at those Prices: j|| $1.25 Dress Goods at .... 85c ® 1.00 Dress Goods at .... 73c 75c Dress Goods at .... 43c ]1 50c Dress Goods at .... 37c < g 35c and 25c Dress Goods to go at - -23 c and 19e ;» 15c Dress Goods cot down in this sale to only 9c gj 10c Bleaching, the kind your mother always buys, at 7 l-2c «w 12 l-2c Cambric, put down to you this time for only 9c KX 10c Ticking, to make your mattresses new, closing out 7 l-2c s 3 12 l-2c Ticking to go in this sale at the easy figures, 8 l-2c £S 10c Ginghams, the good and dependable kind, at only 7 l-2c gH 12 l-2c Ginghams, extra r.icb goods, measured off at 8 l-2c jig 10c Outing has been marked for this sale at only 8c £ Bc. Outing to you in this sale at he. | Bc. Ginghams at - - - 6c. ;| Half-dollar Underwear for economical buyers going at 39c jj: 25c. 15c and 10c Socks and Stockings at 19c, 9c and 7c 5 Towels worth 10c offered to everybody in this sale at 7c j«E Men’s and Bays’ Pants Cheap. $5.00 Men’s Pants to he sold at - - - $3.68 C j 3.00 Men’s Pants to be sold at ... 1.98 2.50 Men’s Pants to he sold at - - - 1.78 83 1.50 Men’s Pants to be sold at - - -98 c 1.50 Knee Pants also to be closed out at -98 c 1.00 Knee Pants to be sacrificed at the low price of G9c gs 75c and 50c Knee Pants at the bargain prices of 43c and 39c 33 35c and 25c Knee Pants at the extreme figures of 23c and 19c eg Boys’ Easter Suits in great variety at tempting prices. S Fifty Special Blue Serge Boys’ Suits. sizes 8-18, will Jg be offered at the sacrifice figures $2 98. 31