Newspaper Page Text
Atlanta. —Special.)—After tho Grand
Circuit races, which will bring to Geor
gia the finest horseflesh ever seen on
a southern race track; after the exhi
bition of the finest cattle, hogs and
poultry in the United States; after
“Larkiand,” with all its attendant
pleasures and amusements, and many
other features already briefly mention
ed, the first annual Southeastern Fair
In Atlanta, October 14 to 21, inclusive,
is going to be a real fair, an exposi
tion of all that is finest and best in
the agricultural and industrial resourc
es of the southeast.
H. G. Hastings, agricultural expert
and seedsman, known throughout the
south, is chairman of this department,
and has already succeeded in bringing
together for this first showing, one
of the finest exhibitions of farm prod
ucts together with farm machinery
'V - •'.*
- .-s . " ♦ _» . - -< • . c
- r-. V-*. ,
.. .'' '
Bulls Like This Mean Money For Georgia Farmers.
and other things pertaining to agricul
ture, ever shown anywhere in tho
$60,000 In Prizes
It stands to reason that in a state
fair offering an aggregate of $60,000
in prizes, there is going to be a show
well worth anybody’s traveling to see,
outside of amusement and other fea
tures to which the fall holiday season
so strongly summons.
In connection with these agricultu
ral exhibits are offered more than $lO,-
000 in prizes alone; and if the Boys’
Corn and Pig Clubs and the Girls’ Can
ning Clubs be included, the amount
will run far in excess of that.
Any county in anyone of the seven
southeastern states may compete in
the county exhibit contest for the first
prize of SSOO and six subsidiary prizes
ranging from S4OO down to SSO. The
best individual farm exhibit will draw
a first prize of S3OO, with six other
prizes ranging down to sls.
The agricultural school exhibits are
limited to Georgia, and there will be
eleven of them, one from each school
with a first prize of SIOO and five
But there are other contests in
which expert farmers from other states
are at liberty to compete to their
heart’s content, among them individu
al exhibits of corn, wheat, oats, bar
ley, millet, grasses, hay in bales, pea
nuts, cotton, sorghums and syrups, le
gumes, country cured meats, potatoes,
sweet and Irish, vegetables of many
kinds, melons, fruits and practically
everything the farm gives birth to.
Next comes the competition between
the members of the Farmers’ Five
Acre Corn Club, in the-states of Geor
gia, East Tennessee and North Flor
ida, careful rules for which are laid
down and special prizes offered.
Will Give 10 Per Cent More
In addition to the prizes offered
for all agricultural exhibits of what
ever nature, the Southern Ituralist will
give cash prizes of ten per cent addi
tional to any exhibitor who is a sub
scriber to that publication. For ex
ample, if an exhibitor who is one of
its subscribers, wins a SSO prize for
his display, he will receive from the
Southern Ruralist an additional prize
of $5. In this way this publication will
add approximately SI,OOO to the pres
ent agricultural premium list.
The sixth annual Georgia Corn Show
of the Boys’ Com Clubs, generally con
sidered a big show within itself, will
be held this year at the Southeastern
Fair, and some $2,000 in valuable
prizes will be given the boys who are
successful in these contests. Included
among the prizes are agricultural im
p! inents, blooded stock and scholar
ships at some of the foremost agri
cultural schools and colleges. The
Boys’ Pig Clubs, Including those boys
who have raised a pig into a full
grown hog, will also make their ex
hihits at the same time. There will
likewise be prizes for th'-m.
Cash premiums, and fifteen scholar
ships will be offered for the best work
of the Girls’ Canning Clubs, which will
include home demonstration work and
labor-saving devices for use in the
country home made by girls and
Educat onal Display
In the educational department, un
der the direction of M L. Brittain,
Georgia's state superintendent of
schools, competitions wiil be open to
elementary county schools in writing,
essay work, original stories, drawings,
water color work, painting, sewing
and fancy work. Many cash premiums
are offered in these school contests,
and similar contests will be open to
town and city schools, both elemen
tary and high, for the same class of
work. The educational exhibits will
also include special school contests
for elementary and advanced depart
ments, and an especial competition
among all public schools for map and
chart work, drawings and domestic sci
ence work.
The Women’s Department
In the women’s department, with
Mrs. Samuel I.umpkin as chairman,
sales will be conducted and work done
by women will be disposed of for ex
hibitors who desire it.
The exhibition of woman's work will
I be at the same time one of the exten
sive and distinctive features of the
fair, and handsome cash prizes are
offered in the various contests, includ
ing arts and crafts work, needle work,
culinary work, arrangement of booths
and the displays presented in them.
There are six cash prizes for instance,
with a first of SSO, for the best indi
vidual booths.
Other features of the women’s dis
play will include Jewelry work, basket
ry, meta! work, leather work, weaving,
bead work, stenciling, designing, deco
rative art, textile work, embroidery,
lace work, ladies’ articles, infants’ gar
ments, sofa pillows and dressed dolls.
There will be a special section for
work done by old ladies.
Good Cooking
The culinary exhibit under direction
of Mrs. Alonzo Richardson, will be
distinctive in itself, showing all varie
ties of home-made jellies, preserves,
canned goods, cakes, breads and can
dies, with appropriate prizes in each
The work of the blind will be shown
under special direction of Miss Mildred
Harris. The “Better Babies” contest,
with five divisions, arranged according
to ages, under Dr. Elizabeth Broach,
promises to be a specially attractive
feature. Mrs. T. O. Plunkett will have
charge of the plant and flower exhibit,
and the fine arts exhibit will be un
der Mrs. S. N. Evins.
Nothing of interest to woman, that
is done by woman, will be omitted.
One of the showings of chief interest
wiil be a model rural cottage well
planned and well kept, in charge of
Mrs. H. G. Hastings and Mrs. Dan Ca
Many Other Feature#
It would be impossible in the space
of a brief article to call attention to
every interesting feature comprised
under the broad headings of agricul
ture, corn and canning clubs, educa
tion and woman’s department; it is
sufficient to say these will be the most
extensive, the most attractive and the
most complete ever seen at a southern
President Ivan E. Allen and General
Manager It. M. Striplin have left no
stone unturned to make the first an
nual Southeastern Fair the most com
plete ever seen in this section, not
from one but from every standpoint;
and with that purpose as a foundation,
it is their determination to build upon
it and make it bigger and better and
more interesting every year that
Fair Amusement* «
Especial and particular attention
was given to fair amusements. While
the Gland Circuit races may be in
cluded under that feature, there is a
large park devoted exclusively to
amusement features, with the roller
coaster, the old mill, the biggest and
finest “merry-go-round” in the South,
high class shows of all sorts, with free
vaudeville acts and everything else
that goes along with a fair that is
worth while.
Every one who is coming up for
opening day should have one of the
little blue keys, the admission ticket
that actually unlocks the gates. These
are on sale in all the country banks,
and they carry with them an addition
al advantage in that the possessor of
one of them will go home at the
end of the fair the owner of a new
SI,OOO Reo automobile.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed uuou
the application of Mrs. Rena
Thompson for a twelve months
support for herself and four minor
children out. of the estate of T. J.
Thompson, late of said county
deceased, having tiled their re
turn, this is to cite all parties
concerned that said application
will be passed upon at the next
regular term of the Court of Or
dinary, to be he 1 d on the first
Monday in November, 1910. This
the 2d day of October, 1916.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
• Administratrix Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county on the 2d day ot
October. 1916, will be sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty, to the highest and best, bidder
for cash, on the first Tuesday in
November, between the legal
hours of sale, the following prop
erty to-wit: 127 acres of land,
bounded north and west by lunds
of E. G. Giliis, south by lands of
Mrs J. E. Tharpe and east by
lands of l)r. 0 B. Moye. Also
one store house and lot in the
Town of Orland, Ga., all of said
property being in the 1687* li G.
M. district of said county and
state. Sold as property of the
estate of Juhardy Davis, deceased,
for purposes of division and pay
ment of debts.
Mrs. M. L. Davis,
Adx. Estate of Juhardy Davis,
Georgia Montgomery County.
YV heroas, J. B. Geiger, adminis
trator of the estate of M. T.
Moses, represents to the court in
his petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that he has fully
administered said estate, 't his is
therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why
said administrator should not be
discharged from his administra
tion and receive letters of dis
mission on the first Monday in
November, 1916. This the 2d day
of October, 1916.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov.. 1916. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain lot of land situate, lying and being
in the Tuwn of Tarrytown, Ga., and in the 1664th
G. M. District of said county and state, and bound
ed as follows: On the north by 4th Blreet, on the
east by lands of Miss Martha Calhoun, on the
south by a 10-foot alley and on the west by lands
of Mrs. Ida Crowder, 1 renting 50 feet on 4th street
and extending hack 142 feet. LevieJ on and will
be sold as the property of Frank Stephens to sat
isfy an execution in favor of the Sam Weichsei
baum Co. vs Frank Stephens. Written noticegiv
en defendant as required by law. This the .Ird
.lay of Oct. 1916. James Hester, Sherilf.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Pills.
Sheriff Sule.
Georgia Mon t gornery Cou n ty.
Will be sold l»efore the court house-door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
foreash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 16915 t G. M. district of said coun
ty and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north by Joe Mosley, east by lands of H. I). Mos
ley, south bv lands of Mrs. Ruthic Adams and
west by lands of Mary Blocker, containing#) acres
more or less. Levied on and will be sold as the
property of the estate of Toney Mosley to satisfy
a fi fa issued by D. M. Currie, tax collector for
.-,1 ate and county taxes for the year 1914. Property
pointed out for levy by Ernest Mosley, in his pos
se-siOM and written notice given as required by
law. Levy made and returned to me by A. B.
Hester, deputy sheriff. This the 3d day of Octo
ber, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, between
the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
Fifty acres of land more or less situate, lying
and being in the 1664th G. M. district of said coun
ty and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of Mrs. M. J. Calhoun, on the west
by lands of R. D. Beaty, on the south by lands of
11. F. Hamilton and on the east by lands of M. W.
Calhoun, said tract being < a« ved from the southern
end of a tract containing 192 acres owned by Mary
.I. Calhoun. (F. li. Calhoun, agent.) Leviel on
ind will be sold as the property of F. B. Calhoun,
rent for Wife, to satisfy a fi fa issued by L). M.
Currie, tax collector, for state and county taxes
for the year 1914 Original levy made ami returned
to me by I. C. S. Berner, special bailiff. Written
noth e given in terms of the law. This the J day
of October, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
jl You and Your Friends— and j|
rtf; You tried it because Wo told l
Sou how good and delicious
H it was. ]p I
£&*',■ But Sour frioni i began
Wc '■ drinking itbecausc you told them
$ jLA x '3 liow good it was This l» the end* W
fk'Tt' l‘<S r/ "Ml V less chain of entl usio«m th,t baa tr
f, | ■' vy rritjdc Coca-Cola the beverage of
<i \ Demand A* stnuifie fcjr full mm —
\ I | j b.V:;< . nicieuunaa cnuuumsu aubatitutmo.
F. & A. M.
Meets Third Saturday Mornings,
Hull in Mt. Vernon.
S. J. Elliott, W. M.
J. E- Me Rah, Secv.
Meets Third Friday Night, 7:80.
J. T. Walkkh, W. M,
H. G. Martin, Secy.
Harmony Lodge 405, F. & A. M.
Meets Third Saturdays, 10 a. m.
Soperton, Ga.
G. W. Sammons, W. M.
J. J. Frost, Secy.
Lothair Lodge No. 486 F. &. A. M.
Meets on First Saturdays, 2 n. m.
M. L. O’Brien, W. M.
Ira Ricks, Secy.
Meets Each Monday Night, Hull
in Mt. Vernon.
T. B. Art, N G.
S. J. Elliot, Secy.
AILEY LODGE 229 1. O. O. F.
Meets Each Saturday Afternoon,
Hall in Ailoy.
Chas. Frizzkli.e, N. G.
M. H. Darley, Secy.
Tarkytown Lodge 492 I. O. O. F.
Meets Fridays before Ist and 3rd
Sundays, 2 p. m., Tarn town.
I. J. Joiner, N. G.
I. C. S. Berner, Secy.
Tarrytown Camp 716 W. O. W.
Meets Fridays before Ist and 3rd
Sundays, 5 p. m., Tarrytown.
C. W Bkckworth, S. C.
I. C. S. Berner, Clerk.
Each Lodge in the county is in
vited to furnish for this column u
card as above, free of charge.
If your Piano is worth anything,
it is worth EXPERT TUNING.
Any other kind will ruin it. J
have a diploma, and guarantee
all work. Write, and I will call.
Charles L. Hamilton.
Dental Surgeon
Oflice in Citizens Bunk Building.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Office over Mt. Vernon Postoffice.
L . W. BUSH,
Dental Surgeon,
Officei 2d Fluor Bank of .Soperton Building
Soperton, Ga.
A tty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
Seed Oats.
I have for sale the early and
prolific Fulghurn variety. Buy
now. M. H. Mason,
ts. Ailey, Ga.
1 October 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. I
■ *
Distinctly Different. New and
| Novel. Big and Busy. Live and Pro
| gressive. The Fair for the Family.
Complete and Comprehensive Ex*
| hihits of Agricultural Products and Live
| Stock, Woman’s Work, Girls’ Canning
| Clubs, Boys’ Corn and Pig Clubs. *
Mammoth street parades, fast har
| ness races, spectacular aeroplane flights, |
| dnzzling displays of fireworks, Monster |
One Fare Plus Twenty-Five |
Cents Round Trip on ail I
Railroads I
I Complete Water Systems f
11-4 IT. P. Engine and Pump Stand, |
Jack, Cylinder and Belt
ft <1
!I $65.00 F. O. B. Macon
This offer does not include pipe or
pump rod. Pipe (Galvanized, 1 1-4)
and Pump Bod, cut to fit your well, \ >
20 cents per foot. ( >
451 Broadway Street Phone 1786 , v
MACON, GA. | *
A Source of f ,T co^l
\ You Less IN
> lon&koh
i Pride
| And lasting satisfaction is beautiful jewelry. It becomes
v a more valuable treasure with each succeeding year. Our ( ,
| jewelry carries with it that distinctness of its quality and |
\ workmanship that always insures satisfaction to both the |
wearer and the purchaser.
Also we make a specialty repairing high grade watches |
j and jewelry. We have the largest and best equipped repair
j department anywhere in this section of the country. We so
li licit your mail order work and give it our best attention and
; get it hack to you as quickly as possible.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will \*i eold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land, together with
all improvements thereon, situate, lying and being
in the Town of Soperton, (is., said county and
»taU% and bounded a* follows: On the northwest
by lands of A. I>. Moye, on the northeast by lands
of Nancy Tiarvey, on the southeast by lands of A.
OUHh and or. the sooth west by lands of Joe Davit,
same being of the dimensions of XII feet on the
northwest and southeast and lfiOfeet in the north
cast and southwest, letter known as the property
d-eded from Nancy Harvey to Mrs. Kliza Morris,
f.'-viod on arwl will be sold as the property of A. R.
Morris to satisfy an execution Issuer! from the Hu
perior (U,urt of county in favor of Armour
fertilizer Works vs A. R. Morris. Written notice
of levy riven in terms of the law. This the 3d day
of October, 1916. Jas Hester, Sheriff.
M. H. Blackshear, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
| Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be .old before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on th« flrat Tuesday in Nov. I*l*. betwtan
the legal hour, of .ale to the highest bidder for
cuh, certain property, of which the following !■
I a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land. 25 z 132 feet,
.iluate. lyjng end being la the Tawa of Uvalda
and In the 27fith G. M. dietrlet of akl county and
; atate, with all improvements thereon, coneiating
of e une-.tory brick .tore houae IS z (0 feet. Lot
No. 3in Block No. 10. and bounded ae follows:
(in the north by land, of H. Groher. aaat by right*
of-way of Georgia A Florida railway, south by
land, of J. ft. Kennedy and west by public alley.
! levied on and will be sold aa the property of J.
I ft. Kennedy to eatiafy an ezecution Ixued from
I the .uperior court of said county in favor of W.
A. Peterson, receiver for the Uvalda Bank, va
1 Karhel .Smith, principal. John L. Smith and J. 8.
Kennedy. Indorser*. Written notice of levy
given J 8. Kennedy. This the 3d day of October,
i Jaa. Heater. Sheriff.
| M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for PIC.