The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, October 05, 1916, Image 6
| LOCAL - PERSONAL % ;© pf ©; gg000:©: :© 0. ©.'© ©a© Mf®l & Mrs. F. M. Mcßae has return ed from Atlanta, where she went for treatment a few days ago. Her recovery is looked for ward to by many friends. Miss Bessie Stuckey spent Sun day with relatives in Dublin. Mrs. W. H. McQueen and Miss Daisy Hughes spent Tuesday in Glenwood with Mrs. Ernest Rivers, the latter two being cousins. The removal of the hogs from the streets is a great relief, but the presence of t he cows is a per- 1 petual nuisance. It is no uncom mon sight to see them remove from a buggy or wagon several dollars worth of merchandise or products. ,Safety Firkt: High Class Service Too. That’s what you want. Ship yous cotton to A. Leffler Company, Savannah, ad. Football Saturday afternoon, Lyons High School vs Brcwton- Parker. Mrs. H. C. Davis and children visited in Soperton last week. The Brewton-Parker has con traded for a series.of entertain ments to bp gi ven under the aus pices of the Redpath Lyceum Bu reau, and the first number will ap pear shortly.' Tbit company put' on last season’s entertainment, j and it was pleasing in eVery re- j sped. The first number will be a ladies’ quartet. New Road Notice. i t Georgia Montgomery County. Office of Commissioner of Roads \ l<rvnmif*H, Montgomery County, Sent. 6, 1016. II V Thompson, 15. It. Bnrtoks, .1. M. 1). McGregor and others biivmg made application for the opening and establishing of a new public r«>ad commencing at. a point nn the Old Shell Road load-; mg from Mt. Vornop to Alston ' near .1. M. D. McGregor's barn » entending in a southwesterly di-‘ root ion tli rough the lands of J. M. , 1> McGregor, lands of the estate i of T. .1. Thompson, deceased, and i Mrs. A. L. Lanier and intersect-j mg the Mt. Vernon and llvaldu i highway at the corner of Mrs A. j L. Lanier’s fence, and being about seven eights of a mile in length, and tlie reviewers appointed to lay out and survey said road hav ing tiled their return, notice ts hereby given that said proposed road will be granted on t lie seventh (7th) day of November, 1916, if no good cause he shown to the contrary. Elijah Miller, Chin. William Jones, Clerk. Sheriff yule. Cconrlft Mnnttromory County. Will l*»* .‘•vihl Im fviiv thi* cuwit houau? door In Mt. \ rin<*it Turndnym Nov. between j thf Ictfnl hourit of haJc, to tin? highest bidder for «*nah cn iniii iimwiy. of which the following in n ’ complete ilen* riptiuu: All thnt trnrt or i»mvil of land nitunte, lying and | Ih-iiu in the Town of Soperttm, tin., find In the ; 1 M. district of tiaid o>unt\, btftindod ay On the nottlt In ’ Ihitilh of Jn». Fowler; J «*nM l'\ Kino aluwl, mhiili h\ u ntToet and wont by ! land* of the )<ank of Sop«*ru»n, containing 200 x 1 y. 1-2 feat of Imvlwl on umi will ht aijd an j tin pivpi it\ of J. O. William* to satisfy a ti fain ninil h> II C \ Mvi tax collector, vs j. C\ Wil liams*. !«•! '.!»»« ami county tJ»<«*a forlkniwur Writun inMi'i given to defendant an required by Inw . l itis thi rd day of OftnU'r, 1916. Jhs. Heater, Sheriff. TVtVTmmmTTtrnmTTt TTTmTTTTTTmTTTTTTTtTH 4 Vidalia Monumental Co. « m 1 • WE HAVE IN STOCK A 3 FULL LINE OF J MONUMENTAL MATERIAL 4 All lPractical Dimensions and Make it : 4 tip in Appropriate Designs * The puLßc is invited to visit our yards and make personal « selections. You save salesnlbn’s commissions. We handle < .. « from the smallest to the latest size in Georgia Marble. ; HIGH-GRADE IRON FENCING VIDALIA MOUMENTAL CO. ] VIDALIA, GA. \ ► 4 »AUAm4iuu*iuiAUAUiiUimtiiiAt4maitiaiA» - j Misa Viola McLemore left re i cently for Barwick, Ga., where • she will teach. "j Mr. F. M. Wilkes of near Lyons , was a business visitor here yes -1 terday. Mr. Clayton Gillis of Soberton i was in Mt. Vernon yesterday. 1 A Leffler Company of Sav • annah possess every facility for : handling Cotton to best advan ! tage of shippers. They want the business of all honest and respon sible citizens of the County. Ship your cotton to them. ad. ! Messrs. S. D. Morris and Joe B. Johnson of Higgston were here Tuesday. Messrs. J. W. Greenway, W. J. Dent, Jr., J. A. Curry and A. F. Paul were visitors from the Orianna section Tuesday. Mr. J. F. Parrish of Lothair was a caller at The Monitor of fice Tuesday. Regular meeting of the Board of Education yesterday. Arrange ments for the opening of the public schools are well under way. The meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues was well attended Tuesday. Mrs. D. A. Mcßae is in Atlan ta this week. She was ac companied by Mr. Mcßae, who returned Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mcßae is quite unwell. New Road Notice. Goorgia— Montgomery County: Office of Commissioners or Roads tfc Revenues, Montgomery County, Off. 8, 1910. S. I). Morris, Joe B. Johnson, J. W. Linder, A. A. Johnson and others having in proper form I made application tor the opening land establishing of a new public , road commencing at the home of Joe Brown Johnson, and near .the Town of Higgston, Ga., and ' following a lane which is already | laid out, being the land line be- I tween said Johnson and A. A. Johnson, J. W. Linder, Mary brown and W. H. Walton to the home of said Walton, thence through Walton’s field and across the corner of Emmett McLeod’s land, thence following a lane be tween Emmett McLeod’s place and Ellen Cutler’s place, which is the land Hue, thence through lands of Mollie Blount and S. D. Morris, to the residence of the latter, intersecting the different settlement roads, a distance of about one and a fourth miles, bal ance of the distance haviug al ready been opened by private in dividuals, The reviewers appoint* I ed to lav out and survey said pro posed new road having filed their return, notice is hereby giveu that. I said new road will be granted on the first Tuesday iu November, 1910, if no good cause be shown to the contrary. Elijah Miller, Chin. Win. Joues, Clerk. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR-THURSDAY, OCT 5, 1916. TALENT SELECTED FOR OUR COMING LYCEUM COURSE Attractions For Season of 1916-17 Announced. ALL TASTES CONSIDERED. Local Committee Provides Belect Year’s Proijram at Popular Prices. a With more than 15,000 Lyceum courses In the United States, averaging five numbers each and attended annu ally by 10.000,000 people the supply of clean, wholesome winter’s entertain ment In this country Is enjoying a substantial and healthy growth. Thou sands of towns and cities have learned from experience that a Lyceum course Is beneficial to community life In many ways. Only entertainment which Is worth while can grow and stand the test of years as the Lyceum movement has done. For the coming fall and winter In our community a choice program has been selected by the local auspices, and tickets will be sold at popular prices. A description of each number on this course follows: Notice of New District. State of Georgia, Montgomery County, Office of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said county, reg ular meeting Oct. 8, 1916. In the matter of laying out a new Militia District in said coun ty to be known as “Ailey Dis trict,” The commissioners to lay out and mark the lines of the pro posed new district above mention ed, to-wit: J. M. D. McGregor, M. H. Darley, and A. P. Mclntyre having filed their report with this court conformably to law, in which report they attach a plat clearly defining and showing the line of said proposed new district as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the southern line of the 166th District where the Ailoy-Tarrytown public road cross es said district line and running in a southerly direction along the course of said road to the point where said road crosses Flut Creek, thence along Flat Creek to where the first branch empties into Flat Creek east of the Ailey-Tarrytown road; thence from the month of said branch south 2) degrees west 110 chains to the corporate limits of the Town of Ailey at the Brew ton-Parker Institute; thence south 31) degress east 801 47 chains to a stake; thence south 86 degrees east 188.85 chains to a stake; thence north 04 8-4 east 88.04 chains to an angular point; thence north 444 degrees east 01 chains to a stump; thence north 71 de grees east 70.25 chains to an old tram road; thence north 19 de grees east 15.41 chains to the Har den Bridge Road; thence along said road south 83 degrees east 9.75 chains to the Vidaliaroad; thence following said V idalia road north 15) degrees oast 42.80 chains to an angular point in the road; thence north 29.) degrees west 200 chains to an angular point at the intersection of the old Higgston district line; thence following the old Mount Vernon-Higgston district line and the Mount Ver nou-Kibbee district line back to the original starting point. After duly considering said re port it is ordered by the court that the same be approved and that said proposed new District be and the same is hereby established as one of the new Militia Districts of the county of Montgomery, and that the place for holding Justice Courts in said Districts to be Ailey, Ga. It is further ordered that all the proceedings in said matter be en tered on the minutes of this court. Done in open court at the regu lar meeting, Oct. 8, 1916. J. B. Brewton, J. L. Lowrey, J. B. O’Conner, J. W. Calhoun, Elijah Miller. Wiu. Jones, Clerk. Co. Comm. M. Co. Ga. Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County, . Notice is hereby given that D. O. Calhoun, administrator of the I estate of J. I. Calhoun, late of :said county deceased, has in prop er form applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to sell cer j tain lands belonging to said es tate; notice is hereby given that | said application will be passed on at my office on the first Monday in November, 1916. This the 2d I day of October, 1916. Alex McArthur, Ordinary. IA BIGGER DAY ’ I* *■ # ... * J New Grounds, New Buildings, New Features, New # Amusements £• # £ \ 12th District Fair 1 f DUBLIN, GA I J A Solid Week of Display From Farm, Home, % Factory And Shop $ ! Oct. 23rd to 28th ! * & * $r % Amusements And Free Entertainment J * Morning, Noon & Night j f GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY EACH NIGHT % * & J Nearly Two Thousand Dollars Given Away in Premiums J # to People of The 12th District. Get Your Exhibit Heady * # % For The 15ig Fair % jjt s^- % TWELFTH DISTRICT FAIR ASSOCIATION * # E. ROSS JORDAN, Manager, W. B. RICE, President, N. G. BARTLETT, Secretary. & Km l lye Evprijuiherp •r of converting & tilizer by rotting g jy | for the heap to 1 ;nts. Vi r j - \.V.X Z 5/ As (j is ease. ; and poultry m always uni- /.r 3 convenient /f is tan! use. powerful than a --T_ v -v^ ary cleansers cr XL: !T telling of the --5 5 ) DEVIL LYE. f \ m \ Stores Sell D L’L. !l. 1..... %Yl§jrL.| 1 11 < X-.yZjdtt Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 191*1, he. tween the le»ral hours of sale, to thehijrhest bidder j for cash, certain property, of which the following: is a complete description: About fifty acres of land situate, lying: and being: in the 275th G. M. district of said county and state j and bounded as follows: North by lands of D. Q. and 1. Q. Coleman east by lands of Gordon ard J j W. Moseley, south by Darien public road and west by lands of D. Q. and 1. Q. Coleman. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Mrs. Eliza Gray ! to satisfy a fi fa issued from the superior court of said county in favor of Vidalia Chemical Co. vs Mrs. Eliza Gray. Also one house and lot located in the Town of UValda, said county and state, and known and described as Lot No. 8. in Block 26, measuring 66 feet on Main street and extending: hack 155 feet, ami known as the J. E. Jones home place. Levied on and will be sold as the property of J. E. Jones to satisfy a fi fa issued from tne superior court of said county in favor of the Vi daiaia Chemical Co. vs J. E. Jones. Written no tices of the above levies griveri to defendants in l possession in each case. Property pointed out for levies by atomeys for plaintiffs. This the 3d day of October, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff. W. L. Wilson, Atvy. for Flffa. Vidalia Monumental Co. In this issue will be found the 1 announcement of the Vidalia Monumental Co. This is a new in stitution, owned by Mr. L. K. Yeomans of that city. They have a complete line of grave stones, from the smallest to the largest, ; and are prepared to fill all orders and meet any prices. Mr. Yeo mans especially invites patrons to call at the yard and inspect the material and workmanship of their product. They employ only the most skilled workmen, and make a specialty of high i class work at reasonable prices, j Tax Collector’s Notice First Round. I will be at the following places on dates named below for the purpose of collecting state and county taxes for the year 1916. Longpond, Oct. 9 8 to 9 a. m. Uvalda, Oct. 9 9:30 to Ip. m. Alston, Oct. 9 to 4 p. m. Tiger, Oct. 10 10 to 11 a. m. Higgston, Oct. 10 Ito4p. m. Kibbee, Oct. 11 Btolla. m. Tarrytown, Oct. 11 12 to 3 p. m. Lothair, Oct. 12 9to 10:30 a. m. Soperton, Oct. 12 11 to 4p. m. Orland, Oct. 13 9t012 m. Mt. Vernon. Oct. 14 7 to 3 p. m. Yours truly, H. C. Davis, T. C. M. C.