Newspaper Page Text
Attractions Will be Grander
Than at Previous
Macon, Ga., October 16.-The
Georgia State fair, which opens
in Macon November 2 and lasfs
until November 11, will bring 'o
the Central City one of the best
colleetionsof agricultural and live
stock exhibits ever assembled in
Georgia. Arrangements have
been made by the fair association
to accomodate a large increase in
the number of exhibits in the
agricultural and live stock de
partments. Twenty-five counties
will have displays in the agricul
tural building, which has been
improved and enlarged. New
swine sheds and barns have been
Official shows of corn, canning,
poultry and pig clubs and the
Dixie Pigeon association and
Georgia division of the American
Poultry association will be held
in Macon during the fair. Thou
sand 1 of birds have been entered
for the poultry department and
hundreds of additional pens have
been built.
Six days of horse racing will be
one of the features of the fair.
Seven thousand dollars in cash
purses have been offered and
some of the fastest horses in the
country have been entered.
A new building, 50 by 150 feet,
which will be capable of accomo
dating about seventy-five automo
biles, has been built and every
foot of space has already been
Contract has been closed with
the Lincoln Beachy company,
through W. IT. Pickens, for the
services of , Lawrence Brown a
well-known aviator, who made a
success at the Trenton, N. J.,
fair. He will be required to make
night flights with an illuminated
machine, fly upside down and
loop the loop.
The fair association has spent
much money this year and prom
ises the best fair that Georgia
has ever hail, barring none.
Foreign Ships Being
Held at Savannah.
Savannah, Oct. 12. Because
of the German submarine sus
pected off the mouth of the Sa
vannah River, fifteen foreign
vessels, including steamers, ships
and barks, of British, Spanish,
Danish, Norwegian and Italian
nationality, are remaining in port.
Not a foreign ship has left here
since Sunday.
Yesterday the British steamer
Noya, hooked for Liverpool with
a million-doilar cargo of cotton
and pigiron, took out her clear
ance papers, but, acting under a
warning supposedly coming from
the British Consul, did not sail.
She is still in port.
The American steamer Minne
sotan, which sailed Tuesday for
Now York, is the only vessel out
oft: harbor since Sunday. The
wireless operator on the Minne
sotan, H. C. Bigelman, is the
man who is credited with picking
up the w ireless message warning
that a Gere in submarine was
utf Martin’s Industry, an island
at the mouth of the Savannah
River. But Bigelman denies this.
Because of a United States
statute imposing a fine of SI,OOO
on a wireless operator who vio
lates the terms of his license in
giving out a message which he
has picked up or received in reg
ular channels, it is impossible to
find an op rator who will admit
receiving the submarine wireless
warnings Monday night The
United States revenue cutter
Tampa, stationed at Charleston,
is understeod to be on the lookout
for the German submarine.
Seed Oat s.
1 have for sale the early and
prolific Fulghum variety. Bu\
now. M. H. Mason,
ts. Alley, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
I Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house do or in Mt,
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the foUowintc
is a complete description:
Al»out fifty acre* of land situate, lyinsr and bein*r
in the 275th G. M. district of said county and state
and bounded as follows: North by lands of IT. Q.
and 1. Q Coleman, east by lands of Gordon and J.
W. Moseley, south by Darien public road and west
by land* of D. Q and 1. Q. Coieinan. Levied on
and will be sold as the propertyof Mr*. Eliza Gray
to satisfy a ft fa issued from the superior court
of said county in favor of Vidaiia Chemical Co. vs
Mrs. Eliza Gray. Also one house and lot located
in the Town of Uvalda, said county and state, and
known and described as Lot No. 8. in Block 26,
measuring 66 feet on Main street and extending
liack 156 feet, and known as the J. E. Jones home
place. Levied on and will lie sold as the property
of J. E. Jones to satisfy a ft fa issued from tne
superior court of said county in favor of the Vi
dalaia Chemical Co. vs J. E. Jones. Written no
ot the above L-vU's given to defendants in
possession in each case. Property pointed out for
levies by atomeys for plaintiffs. This the 3d day
of October, 1916. Jan. Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson. A tty. for Biffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will !>*• Hold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first. Tues
day in Nov., 1918, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of wnich
l lie following if a complete descrip
tion :
All that tract or lot of land situate, lyintc and
lieintf in the Town of Uvalda. said county and
Htate, and In the 276 G. M. district, known and dis
tinguished in the plan of said town as l»t No. 6 in
Block No. 14, fronting 66 feet on the front and ex
tending bark 166 feet to an alley. Levied on and
will lie sold as the property of J. P. Tomlinson to
satisfy a ft fa issued from the superior court of
Wheeler county in favor of K. K. Moseley vs J. P.
Tomlinson. Pointed oat for levy by K. K. Mose
ley. in possession of defendant and written notice
of levy given in terms of the law. This the 3rd
day of OctobM 1 , 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
L. C. Underwood, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the ftrst Tuesday in Nov. 1916, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bolder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lyingand
lielng in the Town of Soperton, Ga., and In the
1386th G. M. district of said county, hounded as
follows: On the north by lands of Jas. Fowler,
• •ast by First street, south by a street and west by
lands of the Hank of Soperton. containing 200 x
*7 1-2 feet of land levied on and will be sold as
the property of J. C. Williams to satisfy a fi fa fa
nned by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs J. C. Wil
liams, for state and county taxes for the year 1915.
Written notice given to defendant as required by
law. This the 3rd day of October, 1916.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Bale.
Georgia -Montgomery County.
Will lie sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the ftrst Tuesday In Nov., 1916. !*•-
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
Is a complete description:
One certain lot of land situate, lying and being
in the Town of Tarrytown, Ga.. and in the 1654th
G. M. District of said county and state, and bound
iil as follows: On the north by 4th street, on the
cast by lands of Miss Martha Calhoun, on the
south by a 16-foot alley and on the west by lands
of Mrs. Ida Crowder, fronting 50 feet on 4th street
and extending back 142 feet, lawied on ami will
I*e sold as the property of Frank Stephens to sat
isfy an execution In favor of the Sam Weichsel
liaum Co. vs Frank Stephen*. Written notice giv
en defendant as required by law. This the 3rd
ilay of Oct. 1916. James Hester, Sheriff.
W L. Wilson. Atty. for PlfTs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will lie sold iwfore the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the ftrst Tuesday in Nov., 1916. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete deacription:
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and lieing in the 16915 t G. M district of said coun
ty arnl state, and bottlldod as follows On tin
north by Joe Mosley, east by lands of H. I). Mos
ley, south hv lands of Mrs. Kuthie Adams and
west by lands of Mary Blocker, containing 30 acres
more or lea*, levied on and will be sold as the
property of the estate of Toney Mosley to satisfy
a ft fa issued by I). M. Currie, tax collector for
ntate and county taxes for the year 1914. Property
pointed out for levy by Ernest Mosley, in his pos
session ami written notice given as required by
law. I*evy made and returned to me by A. B.
Hester, deputy sheriff. This the 3d day of Octo-
U*r, 1910. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will la- sold before the court hmiaedoorin Mount
Vernon on the ftrstTueeday In Nov.. 1910, between
the legal hour* of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain pro|a*rty, of which the following is a
complete description:
Fifty acre* of land more or less situate, lying
and being in the 1054th G. M. district of said coun
ty and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of Mr*. M. J. C-alhoun, on the west
by lands of K. D. Beaty, on the south by lands of
B F. Hamilton and on the east by lands of M W.
Calhoun, said tract Wing carved from the southern
end of a tract containing 192 acres owned by Mary
J. Calhoun. (F. B. Calhoun, agent.) Levied on
and will U* sold as the property of F. H. Calhoun,
agent for Wife, to satisfy a ft fa issued by D. M.
Currie, tax collector, for state and county taxes
for the year 1914. Original levy made and returned
to me by 1. C. S. Berner, special Itaihff. Written
notice given in terms of the law. This the 3d day
of October. 1916. Jaa. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the ftrst Tuesday in Nov.. 1916. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cosh, certain property, of which the following
is a complete deacription:
All that tract or iiarcel of land, together with
all improvements thereon, situate, lying and lieing
in the Town of Soperton. Ga.. said county and
state, and tmunded as follows: On the northwest
by lands of A. D. Moye. on the northeast by lands
of Nancy Harvey, on the southeast by lands of A.
Gillis and on the southweat by lands of Joe Davis,
same being of the dimensions of 311 fret on the
northwest and southeast ami 160 feet in the north
east and southwest, better know u as the property
deeded from Nancy Harvey to Mrs. Elisa Morris.
Levied on and will be sold as the property of A. R. j
M rria to satisf> an execution issued from the Su
perior Court of I<aurens county in favor of Armour I
Fertiliser Worka vs A. R Morris. Written notice (
of levy given in terms of the law. This the 3d day j
of October, 1916. Jas Hester, Sheriff.
M . H. Bin. kahear, Atty. for PUTa.
New Road Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Office of Commissioner of Roads
tfc Revenues, Montgomery County.
Sept. 6, 1016.
H. V. Thompson, B. R. Snooks,
J. M. D. McGregor and others
having made application for the
opening and establishing of a new
public road commencing at u
point on the Old Shell Road load
ing from Mt. Vernou to Alston
near J. M. D. McGregor’s barn
i ntending in a southwesterly di
rection through the lands of J. M.
I) McGregor, lands of the estate
■>f T. J. Thompson, deceased, and
Mrs. A L. Lanier and intersect
ing tho Mt. Vernon and Uvalda
highway at the corner of Mrs A.
L. Lanier’s amt lieing about
■-even eights of a mile in length,
and the reviewers appointed to!
lay out and survey said road hav-:
ing filed their return, notice is:
hereby given that said proposed j
road will be granted on the seventh j
(7th) day of November, 1916, if i
no good cause be shown to the
contrary. Elijah Miller, Chiu.
William Joues, Clerk.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, J. B. Geiger, adminis
trator of the estate of M. T.
Moses, represents to the court in
his petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that he has fully
administered said estate. This is j
therefore to cite all persons con-,,
eerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why]
said administrator should not be 1
discharged from his administra
tion and receive letters of <1 is- 1
mission on the first Monday in 1
November, 1916. This the 2d day
of October, 1916.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
E FOR sale!
1 I
I We h ave for Sale one of the best 1
| varieties of Seed Wheat known. Place |
I your order at once. We sold hundreds §
I of bushels of it last season and every bit |
I of it proved up (). K. In fact the far- i
| mers say it the most prolific variety |
I ever planted in this section of Georgia. |
» We can supply your needs at a fair f
j AILEY, GA. |
► 4
[Just a Word]
| to You? ]
E There comes a time when you need *
E something in Hardware and Furniture. 4
► It may be a Poeketknife or a Window J
► Shade, or it may be a Hundred Dollar j
t purchase. Keep this in mind when 4
t that time comes. W e are here to serve 4
t you with the right goods, with prices 4
E and quality guaranteed. When it is 4
► 4
t come to see us. 4
* «
\ AILEY, GA. - |
► 4
, mwvvmvmTvvfvmuf * vtvvvtwwtvvvvvvvvvtvvvv*
► ■*
: The Best Registered Stock ;
► , . _. •<
► Any Age or Size *
► «
Herd contains Best Blood Lines 4
: in America. Tell me your wants. 4
i The public is invited to call and make 4
: personal selections. 4
► j
► Address T. J. JAMES ; |
E 4
Tax Collector’s Notice
First Round.
I will be at the following places
on dates named below' for the
purpose of collecting state and
county taxes for the year 1916.
Longpond, Oct. 9 8 to 9 a. m.
Uvalda, Oct. 9 9:30 to Ip. m.
Alston, Oct. 9 830 to 4p. m.
Tiger, Oct. 10 10 to 11 a. m.
Higgston, Oct. 10 Ito4p. m*
Kibbee, Oct. 11 Btolla. m.
Tarrytown, Oct. 11 12 to 3 p. m.
Lothair, Oct. 12 9to 10:30 a. m.
Soperton, Oct. 12 11 to 4p. m.
Orland, Oct. 13 9'to 12 m.
Mt. Vernon, Oct. 14 7to 3 p. m.
Yours truly,
H. C. Davis,
T. C. M. C.
When in Vidalia I
See m for |
i! “FRLE AIR” 1
Church Street VIDALIA, GA. jj
ll 6 per cent. Money!
j: I have plenty of money to lend on farm j
11 lands in Montgomery and Wheeler j
jj counties. Interest G and 7 per cent., :
jj You have the privilege of paying part
!of the principal at any interest period, i
and stop interest on amount paid; but j
no annual paymentof principal required j
I Prompt Attention to All Loans
Entrusted to Me
Come to see me at once if you want a
loan. lam well equipped to take care jj
of the loan business. See me.
j 99 per cent.
bec a u e
in a good bank th< • money is absolutely safe and al- 1 1
* ways available; checks a: returned and become receipts;
If checks and stubs form a xmvenient record of income and ||
outgo, and best of all, wh n the bank depositor sees an op- jj
jj portunity of using some money profitably, his acquaintance !j
; j at the bank and record as a depositor make it possible for j!
j! him to procure a loan. j;
You can promote Y OUR suc
cess by becoming a depositor with
ij CAPITAL. $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $33,000.00 RESOURCES, $175,000.00 jj
;! Willie ?. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier ] .
11 Alex McArthur. Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier \
riacon, Dublin & Savannah R. R.
Time Table No. I—Taking Effect Sunday, January 3, 1915.
Eastbouud j Westbound
Trams STATIONS I ra il!
No 18 No. 20 No. 19 No. 17
V_ M. P.M. A, M. P. M.
700 325 I.euve Macon Arrive 11 20 440
755 417 ; Jeffersonville 10 20 3 45'
815 433 ! Danville 10 04 325
330 440 ! Montrose 949 310
841 450 ; Dudley 938 258
910 520 Ar. Dublin I-v. 910 230
915 525 I,v. Dublin Ar. 905
950 000 Rockledge 830 150
10 00 017 Soperton 813 134
10 45 655 Vidalia 740 100
A M. P. M. Arrive LeavejA. M.|P. M.
The time cards of the Macon, Dublin A Savannah Railroad are
printed for the general information of the public, and every effort is
made to keep them acearate and up to date, but they are not guaran
teed, and the Macon, Dublin & Savannah Railroad reserves the right
to deviate from them without assuming any liability therefor. *
J. A. Strf.yer, Tafiio Manager.
Mueou, <Ja.