Newspaper Page Text
Unusual Cost of Printpaper
Makes the Change
After having given the matter
due consideration, and finding no
relief in sight, The Montgomery
Monitor, along with practically
every weekly paper in Georgia,
will on Nov. 15th raise its sub
scription price to $1.50 per year.
Any man who has kept abreast
of the times understands that
newspaper has advanced in cost
from 300 to 500 per cent, in the
past year, making it impossible
to issue a paper at the price of a
dollar a year.
Therefore, from Nov. 15, and
until the situation is relieved, the
following subscription rates will
obtain: One year, $1.50 in ad
vance; six months, 75 cents in
advance; three months 40 cents
in advance.
In order to get the benefit of
the present price it is necessary
to renew at once; no subscriber
will be carried for a dollar a year
after Nov. 15th. If you appreci
ate the work of the county paper,
at least call in and pay what you
owe, and renew if possible. Show
your county pride by co-operating
with the county paper. —Oct. 12.
Southern Farmers
Cheat Themselves.
According to the Savannah
Press there recently sailed from
the Savannah harbor for Scandi
navian ports seven vessels loaded
with cottonseed cake for cattle
feed, total value of this over a
million dollars. It is a fine thing
to have a product that other
countries want, and it is equally
good to sell it to them when we
don’t need it. But our farmers
are surely cheating themselves
when they sell such large quanti
ties of cottonseed meal to foreign
If these countries 4,000 miles
away can buy the cottonseed
meal, and pay heavy freight rates,
how much more valuable that
same product must be to us! We
are sleeping on our rights by
shipping such large quantities of
this product abroad. We don’t
blame the people in the foreign
countries who buy it, but we
blame our people for not using
more of it than they do. The
time is not yet ripe when the
South can use to. advantage all of
its cottonseed meal, but that day
will come. Certainly we should
use more right now. There is no
other feed selling as cheaply as
this same cottonseed meal on the
basis of protein content. Let’s
wake up and think along this
line. — Southern Farming.
Coffee to Vote for
Two Representatives.
The names of two Democrats
will appear on the ticket in the
November election for Represen
tative from Coffee County. They
will be C. E. Stewart and .John
Paulk, contestants Wednesday
before the Democratic Executive
Committee at the Kimball House
for the nomination.
The subcommittee heard from
both sides at length during the
afternoon. An agreement was
made for the contestants to go
before the people in the general
The contest between .J. B. G.
Logan and Oscar Brown for the
Senatorial nomination from the
Thirty-third district w T as decided
in favor of the former. The
hearing in the contest between
E. H. Beck, of Murray, and L.
F. Peebles for the Forty-third
district nomination was post
poned until October 21.—Atlanta
One dollar isn’t much to con
tribute to the national democratic
campaign fund, but if every
democrat in Georgia will con
tribute this amount it will make
a fine showing for democratic
Georgia And they ought to do it.
Butler Herald.
New Road Notice.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
Office of Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues Montgomery Coun
ty, Ga., October 3, 1916.
Norman Gbil 1 is, W. C. Futrell,
C. A. Holmes and others having
in proper form made application
for the opening and establishing
of a new public road, leaving the
Louisville and Mt. Vernon road at
or near the home of Wm. Bridges
and running in a westerly direc
tion a distance of about 1 1-2
miles through the lands of C- A.
iiolme9, I). F. Warnock and C.
\V. Cauley, thence in a north
westerly direction a distance of
about 2 1-2 miles and to run the
land lines of C. I. Gillis and Mrs.
Becky Brantley and the line be
tween Normau Gillis and H. A.
Braddy and the line between Nor
man Gillis and N. C. Coleman,
and through the lands of W. C
Futrell, entering the Town of So
perton at Oak Ridge Street at the
residence of O. O. Williams, said
proposed new. road being about
four miles in length. The re
viewers appointed to lay out and
mirvey said proposed new road
having filed their return, notice is
hereby given that same will be
granted on the first Tuesday in
November, 1916, if no good cause
he shown to the contrary.
Elijah Miller, dim.
Wm. Jones, Clerk.
Notice of New District.
State of Georgia, Montgomery
Office of Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues of said county, reg
ular meeting Oct. 3, 1916.
In the matter of laying out a
new Militia District in said coun
ty to be known as “Ailey Dis
The commissioners to lay out
and mark the lines of the pro
posed new district above mention
ed, to-wit : J.M. D. McGregor,
M. 11. Darley, and A. I’. Mclntyre
having filed their report with this
court conformably to law, in
which report they attach a plat
clearly defining and showing the
line of said proposed new district
as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
a point on the southern line of
the 1668th District where the
Ailey-Tarrytovvn public road cross
eg said district line and running
in a southerly direction along the
course- of said road to the point
where said road crosses Flat Creek,
thence along Flat Creek to where
the 2nd branch empties into Flat
Creek west of the Ailey-Tarrytown
road; thence from the mouth of
said branch south 2.} degrees west
110 chains to the corporate limits
of tlie Town of Ailey at the Brew
ton-Barker Institute ; t hence s
31.| degress oast 301 47 chains to a
stake; thence south 86 degrees
east 183.85 chains to a stake;
thence north 64 3 4 east. 88.04
chains to an angular point ; thence
north 44.1 degrees east 61 chains
to a stump; thence north 71 de
grees east 76 25 chains to an old
tram road; thence north 19 de
grees east 15 41 chains to the Har
den Bridge Road; thence along
said road south 83 degrees east
9 75 chains to the Vidaiiaroad;
t.hence following said Vidalia road
north 15A degrees east 42.80 chains
to an angular point in the road;
thence north 291 degrees west 200
chains to an angular point at, the
I intersection cf the old Higgston
district line; thence following
the old Mount Vernon-Higgston
district line and the Mount V<»r
liou-Kibbee district line back to
tlie original starting point.
After duly considering said re
port it is ordered by the court
that the same be approved and
that said proposed new District he
and t he same is hereby established
as one of the new Militia Districts
of the county of Montgomery, am!
liiat the place for holding Justice
Courts in said Districts to be
j Ailey, Ga.
It is further ordered that all th*
proceedings in said matter be en
tered on the minutes of this court.
Done in open court, at the regu
lar meeting, Oct. 8, 1916.
J. B. Brewton,
J. L. Lowrey,
J. B. O’Conner,
J. W. Calhoun,
Elijah Miller.
Wm. Jones, Clerk.
Go. Comm. M. Co. Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
I Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold bofoie the court house
j door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Nov., 1916, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest biddei
| for cash, certain property of which
j tin- following is a complete descrip
tion :
1 That certain tract, or parcel of land situate, Iy
! inx and beinjf in the 1343rd G. M. district of said
I county and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of Mis?* Rosa Belle Connell, on th«-
cast by lands of William Connell, on the south by
; lands of Nancy Bullard and on the west by land
of Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, containing 23 acres more
lor less. Levied on and will be sold as the property
i of Mrs. Queen Smith to satisfy an execution is
sued from the superior court of said county in fa
j vor of John E. Hall vs Sol Smith and Mrs. Queen
I Smith. Written notice driven Mrs. Smith a* re
l qntred by law. This the 3d day of October, 1916.
j Jaa. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on (lie first Tues
day in Nov., 1910, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
All that tract or pared of land situate, lying; and
beinir in the 1668th G. M. district of said county
and state, and bounded as follows: On the north
by lands of D. O. Colhoun. east by lands of J. O.
Phillips' estate, south by lands of W. B. Connell
and west by lands of Eliza Pitts and C. L. Phillips,
containing one hundred acres more or less. Levied
on and will l»e sold as the property of P. A. Phil
lips and J. B. Phillips to satisfy an execution is
sued from the superior court of Montgomery
county. Georyia, in favor of The First National
Bank of Vidalia vs P. A. Phillips and and J. B.
Phillips. Written notice of levy required by stat
ute this day Riven to said defendants. This the
3d day of October, 1916.
Jas. Hester, Sheri IT.
Patillo & Jackson. Attys. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, between
the loßal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following; i s
a complete description:
One hundred and seventy-one and one-half acres
of land more or less, situate, lyinß and being in
the 275th G. M. District of said county and state
and bound**! as follows: North by lands of J. W.
Sharpe ami J. S. Sharpe, east by lands of Clark &
Co., south by lands of Clark & Co. and west by
lands of Mrs. A. T. Johnson and J. W. Sharpe.
Levied on and will be sold as the property of A.
T. and K. M. Johnson to satisfy two fi fas issut J
from the superior court of said county—one in fa
vor of H. C. Moore and Sons vs A. T. Johnson and
K. M. Johnson ami one in favor of H. V. Thompson
«£ Bros, vs A. T. Johnson and K. M. Johnson.
Written notice of levy Riven in terms of the law.
This the 3d day of October, 1916.
Jas. Hester, SherilT.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for PlfTs.
Seed Oats.
I have for sale the early and
prolific Fulghum variety. Buy
now. M. H. Mason,
ts. Ailey, Ga.
We desire to make loans at
once on good farms in amounts
over SI,OOO, the loan running for
10 years at 7 per cent, interest
and with only 5 per cent, com
mission. We also make 5-year
loans at 6 per cent, interest. Re
payment privilege as desired.
We also make smaller loans at a
slightly higher rate. We can give
ers. Applications wanted on
property in Montgomery, Toombs
and Wheeler counties.
Let us hear from you.
J. B. Brewton, Manager
1 Saved Girl’s Life !
“I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-
X? ceivecl from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes
J Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky.
“It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, g
liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught
J saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, 1
went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s
Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no 1
more trouble. 1 shall never be without
2 in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzl- 1
0 ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar
01 ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe,
01 reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. 0
0 If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- #
© Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five ®
years of splendid success proves its value. Good for J
young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents.
From ei house to bairn yff- 3jjj)P j ‘ • *' /
inside erd naisldc, Red Devii Lye \ ’'•“SSj/
*e«7?s f&nt'S clean and SANITARY,
"\. 3" J • —' J'. ", ■il '-r owork possesses thn po-. rof converting \\ “^vA
j; '.\_ c:v ”• R '■• *<f '•• ‘1 <• ■ chns-T. trm rubbish into tic.i 1 .tiJtr 1; r >".i:;' ‘7 Jfl
c] ..1 :;■•:■ of on in m-. ; q;:iel:'v r < i-' for the Ls/ '\\ r y/ 1
po:-, put > .ii .-p ;•.••>, ..tore, .-hums retain iho fcnilizing elements. ‘
1 •."' ■" '■'.'" ( . , 1 ', l . , .ta\-ut n ol V",' 1 Devil Iye i.t m c., n.y . • •v. It
ijj lioors ;.t.a iuv V.. -a cpicfc ;..ul conn. p‘P s '■>*?>«? ■} - •«! m
'•■j une ccmutton an.l Ihr:.;-.
I'' D 17 •••(» nv'. Jv:. P ; 0.-. v. It -it • gpH
like rain- Ked E©VU Ly© lwaj
tj-.'k. j / v ii' ml i jury —and A tablespoonful is me: •* ;ov •. rful th i.i a yptT.
• c. ilv? cf. y ; t: • i agine. whole package of oulin iy cleansers or
■j2 tii; it f ipc-a c\«nv panicle of grease ASK US FOR BOOKLET telling of the
that goes into tl:j L ulo. many daily uses of RKi) DKVIL LYK. ■>
8 aTg™^Sii rffeg|j|i
m Ueo Red Devil J.yc if you want perfect RED DEVIL LYE. W|§j|s Y
jjE success with your compost pile. Ueii Devil V/<iA£!2>
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest, and the most liberal
terms of payments.
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am locatec
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
beet terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan Ree me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
W. 15. (ji HIMES,
Blacksmith & Repair
All Classes of Repair Work
Quickly and Correct ly Done
Bring Me Your Work.
Farms for Sale.
Several choice farms, well im
proved, conveniently situated
within three to five miles of
Moultrie, Ga., (Packing House
City) easy terms.
J. E. Ladson,
Moultrie, Ga.
A Leffler Company of Sav
annah possess every facility for
handling COTTON to best advan
tage of shippers. They want the
business of all honest arid respon
sible citizens of the County. Ship
your cotton to them. ad.
I have a strong connection with ®
large; amounts of money to loan on Q)
well improved farms in Montgomery
county for 5,7 and 10 years, at the
usual rates of interest, repayable as
you may desire—so much each year
or entire amount at maturity of loan
<g * |
f) There will be absolutely no dely if SU
!your titles are in good shape, as we ®
have the money and want to place it
immediately. Bring Your Papers
l Vidalia Monumental Co. «
t 5
► im i
t All Practical Dimensions and Make it :
> 4
► 4
up in Appropriate; Designs 4
► 4
► The public is invited to visit our yards and make personal 2
£ selections. You save salesmen’s commissions. We handle ,
► .... *
t from the smallest to the lagest. size in Georgia Marble. *
► *
t 4