The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, October 26, 1916, Image 5

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Unusual Cost of Printpaper
Makes the Change
After having given the matter
due consideration, and finding no
relief in sight, The Montgomery
Monitor, along with practically
every weekly paper in Georgia,
will on Nov. 15th raise its sub
scription price to $1.50 per year.
Any man who has kept abreast
of the times understands that
newspaper has advanced in cost
from 300 to 500 per cent, in the
past year, making it impossible
to issue a paper at the price of a
dollar a year.
Therefore, from Nov. 15, and
until the situation is relieved, the
following subscription rates will
obtain: One year, $1.50 in ad
vance; six months, 75 cents in
advance; three months 40 cents
in advance.
In order to get the benefit of
the present price it is necessary
to renew at once; no subscriber
will be carried for a dollar a year
after Nov. 15th. If you appreci
ate the work of the county paper,
at least call in and pay what you
ow T e, and renew if possible. Show
your county pride by co-operating
with the county paper.—Oct. 12.
Mob Lynches Negro
For Hitting White Man.
Abbeville, S. C., Oct, 21.—An
thony Crawford, a negro was
taken from jail and lynched here
this afternoon. The negro had
been arrested after striking M.
B. Crabb, a white man, in the
head with a hammer, probably
fatally injuring him. Crabb was
one of a crowd which had under
taken to whip the negro this
morning for cursing and abusing
a white merchant.
Struck by Train,
Cairo Lad Dead.
Cairo, Ga., Oct. 21.—Little
Roscoe Barber, who was hit by
an A. C. L. freight train here
yesterday afternoon, died in a
local hospital today. The little
boy never regained consciousness
after being given ether yester
day afternoon and physicians say
there was evidently some inter
nal injury which caused death.
The funeral was held from the
home this afternoon at 3:30
o’clock. The Rev. J. A. Wynn,
pastor of the First Baptist
Church, officiating. Interment
was at the Cairo Cemetery.
Carlton Williams, who was seri
ously hurt in a runaway yester
day afternoon is resting easy at
the hospital but his recovery is
still doubtful. Attending physi
cians say that a nail penetrated
the brain of the little fellow,
which necessitated quite a serious
operation, the result of which is
still in doubt.
The White Star
Pressing Club.
I am fully prepared for Clean
ing, Darning, Dying and Pressing
in the latest forms of the art.
All work correctly done and
promptly delivered. For regular
patrons, ladies or gentlemen, we
press four suits per month.
S S. fIINCBY, Jr., Proprietor
Rhone 70, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
In the Superior Court of Mont
gomery County, Ga.; November
Term, 1910. B. B. Gillis vs
Gertrude Purvis-Gillis. Libel
for Divorce. To the defendant,
Gertrude Purvis-Gillis:
You are hereby required, either
in person or thriugh attorney, to j
be and appear at the next superior!
court of said county, to be held on j
the first Monday in November,
1916, then and there to answer the
plaintiff in libel for divorce, j
Herein fail not, as in default of
such appearance the court will
proceed as to justice shall apper
Witness, the Honorable E. D.
Graham, judge of said court, this
the 19th day of April, 1910.
G. K. Tyler, Clerk,
Montgomery Superior C'>urt. I
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
About fifty acres of land situate, lying and being
in the 275th G. M. district of said county and state
and bounded as follows: North by lands of D. Q.
and I. Q. Coleman, east by lands of Gordon and J.
W. Moseley, south by Darien public road and west
by lands of D. Q. and 1. Q. Coleman. Levied on
and will be sold as the property of Mrs. Eliza Gray
to satisfy a fi fa issued from the superior court
of said county in favor of Vidalia Chemical Co. vs
Mrs. Eliza Gray. Also one house and lot located
in the Town of Uvalda, said county and state, and
known-and described as Lot No. 8. in Block 26,
measuring 66 feet on Main street and extending
back 155 feet, and known as the J. E. Jones home
place. Levied on and will be sold as the property
of J. E. Jones to satisfy a fi fa issued from tne
superior court of said county in favor of the Vi
dalaia Chemical Co. vsJ.E. Jones. Written no
tices of the above levies given to defendants in
possession in each case. Property pointed out for
levies by atorneys for plaintiffs. This the 3d day
of October, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilaon, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Nov., 19l(), between the
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following if a complete descrip
i ion:
All that tract or lot of land situate, lying and
being in the Town of Uvalda, said county and
state, and in the 275 G. M. district, known and dis
tinguished in the plan of said town as Lot No. 5 in
Block No. 14, fronting 66 feet on the front and ex
tending back 155 feet to an alley. Levied on and
will be sold as the property of J. P. Tomlinson to
satisfy a fi fa issued from the superior court of
Wheeler county in favor of R. K. Moseley vs J. P.
Tomlinson. Pointed out for levy by R. K. Mose
ley, in possession of defendant and written notice
of levy given in terms of the law. This the 3rd
day of October, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
L. C. Underwood, Atty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov. 1916, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and
being in the Town of Soperton, Ga., and in the
1386th G. M. district of said county, bounded as
follows: On the north by lands of Jas. Fowler,
east by First street, south by a street and west by
lands of the Bank of Soperton, containing 200 x
87 1-2 feet of land. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of J. C. Williams to satisfy afi fa is
sued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs J. C. Wil
liams, for state and county taxes for the year 1915.
Written notice given to defendant as required by
law. This the 3rd day of October, 1916.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Wili be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain lot of land situate, lying and being
in the Town of Tarrytown, Ga., and in the 1654th
G. M. District of said county and state, and bound
ed as follows: On the north by 4th street, on the
east by lands of Miss Martha Calhoun, on the
south by a 16-foot alley and on the west by lands
of Mrs. Ida Crowder, fronting 50 feet on 4th street
and extending back 142 feet. Levied on and will
be sold as the property of Frank Stephens to sat
isfy an execution in favor of the Sam Weichsel
baum Co. vs Frank Stephens. Written notice giv
en defendant as required by law. This the 3rd
day of Oct. 1916. James Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 16915 t G. M. district of said coun
ty and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north by Joe Moßley, east by lands of H. D. Mos
ley, south by lands of Mrs. Ruthie Adams and
west by lands of Mary Blocker, containing3o acres
more or less. Levied on and will be sold as the
property of the estate of Toney Mosley to satisfy
a fi fa issued by D. M. Currie, tax collector for
state and county taxes for the year 1914. Property
pointed out for levy by Ernest Mosley, in his pos
session and written notice given as required by
law. Levy made and returned to me by A. B.
Hester, deputy sheriff. This the 3d day of Octo
ber, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Wili be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, between
the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
Fifty acres of land more or less situate, lying
and being in the 1654th G. M. district of said coun
ty and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of Mrs. M. J. Calhoun, on the west
by lands of R. D. Beaty, on the south by lands of
B. F. Hamilton and on the east by lands of M. W.
Calhoun, said tract being carved from the southern
end of a tract containing 192 acres owned by Mary
J. Calhoun, (F. B. Calhoun, agent.) Levied on
and will be sold as the property of F. B. Calhoun,
agent for Wife, to satisfy a fi fa issue*] by D. M.
Currie, tax collector, for state and county taxes
for the year 1914. Original levy made and returned
to me by I. C. S. Berner, special bailiff. Written
notice given in terms of the law. This the 3d day
of October, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land, together with
all improvements thereon, situate, lying and being
in the Town of Soperton, Ga., said county and
state, and bounded as follows: On the northwest
by lands of A. D. Moye, on the northeast by lands
of Nancy Harvey, on the southeast by lands of A.
Gillis and on the southwest by lands of Joe Davis,
same being of the dimensions of 311 feet on the
northwest and southeast and 150 feet in the north
east and southwest, better known as the property
deeded from Nancy Harvey to Mrs. Eliza Morris.
Levied on and will be sold as the property of A. R.
Morris to satisfy an execution issued from the Su
perior Court of Laurens county in favor of Armour
Fertilizer Works vs A. R. Morris. Written notice
of levy given in terms of the law. This the 3d day
of October, 1916. Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
M . H. Blackshear, Atty. for Plffs.
New Road Notice.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Office of Commissioner of Roads
& Revenues, Montgomery County,
Sept. 5, 1910.
H. V. Thompson, B. It. Snooks,
J. M. D. McGregor and others
having made application for the
opening and establishing of a new
public road commencing at a
point on the Old Shell Road lead
ing from Mt. Vernon to Alstou
near J. M. D. McGregor’s barn
entending m a southwesterly di
rection through the lands of J. M.
D. McGregor, lands of the estate
of T. J. Thompson, deceased, ai d
Mrs. A. L. Lanier and intersect
ing the Mt. Vernon and Uvalda
highway at the corner of Mrs. A.
L. Lanier’s fence, and being about
seven eights of a mile in length,
and the reviewers appointed to
lav out and survey said road hav
ing filed their return, notice is
hereby given that said proposed
road will be granted on the seventh
{7th) day of November, 1916, if
no good cause he shown to the
contrary. Elijah Miller, Chm.
William Jones, Clerk.
New Road Notice.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Office of Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues Montgomery Coun
ty, Ga., October 3, 1916.
Norman Gillis, W. C. Futrell,
C. A. Holmes and ethers having
in proper form made application
for the opening and establishing
of a new public road, leaving the
Louisville and Mt. Vernon road at
jor near the home of Win. Bridges
and running in a westerly direc
tion a distance of about 1 1-2
miles through the lands of C. A.
Holmes, D. F. Warnock and C.
W. Cauley, thence in a north
westerly direction a distance of
about 2 1-2 miles and to run the
land lines of C. I. Gillis and Mrs.
■Becky Brantley and the line be
tween Norman Gillis and H. A.
Braddy and the line between Nor
man Gillis and N. C. Coleman,
and through the lands of W. C.
Futrell, entering the Town of So
perton at Oak Ridge Street at the
residence of (). O. Williams, said
proposed new road being about
four miles m length. The re
viewers appointed to lay out and
survey said proposed new road
having filed their return, notice is
hereby given that same will be
granted on the first Tuesday in
November, 1916, if no good cause
lie shown to the contrary,
Elijah Miller, Chm.
Wm. Jones, Clerk.
Georgia—Montgomery Cuunty.
Whereas, J, B. Geiger, adminis
trator of the estate of M. T.
Moses, represents to the court in
his petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that he has fully
administered said estate, 'i'llis is
therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why
said administrator should hot he
discharged from his administra
tion and receive letters of dis
mission on the first Monday in
November, 1916. This the 2d day
of October, 1910.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold bofoie the court house
door in Ml. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Nov., 1916, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, ly
inK and beinj? in the 1343rd G. M. district of said
county and state, and hounded as follows: On the
north by lands of Miss Rosa Belle Connell, on the
east by lands of William Connell, on the south by
lands of Nancy Bullard and on the west by lands
of Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, containing 23 acres more
or less. Levied on and will be sold as the property
of Mrs. Queen Smith to satisfy an execution is
sued from the superior Court of said county in fa
vor of John F. Hall v» Sol Smith and Mrs. Queen
Smith. Written notice given Mrs. Smith as re
qnired by law. This the 3d day of October, 1916.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
The rise in bread having re
vived home-baking, may also
give new life to the rolling pin as
a weapon of domestic warfare. —
Atlanta Constitution.
r g£=3£XHRX£3Pt~3CXSJaEa^
—■ * ' s
»«i ;
Your Summers Go Better $
. • o
thanks to the soda fountain— sodu fountains "
r are better, thanks to »
B —the drink that mode the soda fountain a national M
institution, That’s because it gave them u useful, f
k? wholesome, delicious and refreidiing beveruge to ■
W serve. H
j Demand the genuine by full name— »
nicknames encourage substitution.
J 1 Send for free booklet " The Romance of Coca-Cola .** | j
Notice of New District.
State of Georgia, Montgomery
Office of Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues of said county, reg
ular meeting Oct. 3, 1916.
lu the matter of laying out a
new Militia District in said coun
ty to be known as “Alley Dis
The commissioners to lay out
aud mark the lines of the pro
posed new district above mention
ed, to-wit: J. M. D. McGregor,
M. H. Darley, and A. P. Mclntyre
having filed their report with this
court conformably to law, in
which report they attach a plat
clearly defining and showing the
line of said proposed new district
as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
a point on the southern line of
the 1668th District where the
Ailey-Tarrytown public road cross
es said district line and running
in a southerly direction along the
course of said road to the point
where said road crosses Flat Creek,
theuce along Flat Creek to where
the 2nd branch empties into Flat
Creek west of the Ailey-Tarrytown
road; thence from the mouth of
said branch sou'll 2) degrees west
110 chains to the corporate limits
of the Town of Ailey at the Brew
ton-Farker Institute; thencesiuth
8l) degress eust 301 47 chains to a
stake; thence south 86 degrees
east 133.85 chains to a stake;
thence north 64 8-4 east 88.04
chains to an angular point; thence
north 44.) degrees east 61 chains
to a stump; thence north 71 de
grees east 76.26 chains to an old
train road; thence north 19 de
grees east 16.41 chains to the Har
den Bridge Road; thence along
said road south 83 degrees east
9.76 chains to the Vidalia road;
thence following said Vnlalia road
north 15.) degrees east 42.80chuins
to an angular point in the road;
thence north 29) degrees west 200
chains to an angular point at the
intersection of the old Higgston
district line; thence following
the old Mount Vernon-Higgston
district line and the Mount V«r
non-Kibbeo district lino back to
the original starting point.
After duly considering said re
port it is ordered by the court
that the same he approved and
that said proposed new District be
and the same is hereby established
as one of the new Militia Districts
of the county of Montgomery, and
that the place for bidding Justice
Courts in said Districts to be
Ailey, Ga.
It is further ordered that all the
proceedings in said matter be en
tered on the minutes of this court.
Done in open court at the regu
lar meeting, Oct. 3, 1916.
J. B. Brewton,
•J. L. Lowrey,
J. B. O’Conner,
J. W. Calhoun,
Elijah Miller.
Win. Jones, Clerk.
Co. Comm. M. Co. Ga.
The way the dealt Appellate
Judges from the button of the
deck is enough to make every
Democrat despise political con
ventions.—Nashville Herald.
99 per cent.
in a good bank their money is absolutely safe and al
l> ways available; checks are returned and become receipts; .
checks and stubs form a convenient record of income and
; j outgo, and best of all, when the bank depositor sees an op
: I portunity of using some money profitably, his acquaintance
I at the bank and record as a depositor make it possible for
him to procure a loan.
You can promote YOUR suc
cess by becoming a depositor with
yyyy Ts Ts
«| CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $33,000.00 RESOURCES, $175,000.00 |
i » Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier |
!! Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier J
• mTmmHmi r»TfTTVTTmfT?HTn’/mv»
[Just a Word;
[ to You?
fr 4
► <
► 4
► 3
£ There comes a time when you need \
► something in Hardware and Furniture. 3
► It may be a Poeketknife or a Window J
► Shade, or it may be a Hundred Dollar l
t purchase. Keep this in mind when 3
t that time comes. We are here to serve 3
► you with the right goods, with prices 3
t and quality guaranteed. When it is 3
► 4
t come to see us. 3
► 4
► 4
: AILEY, GA. \
•mK'mwMvs'mwmvsmrm'mwivivM x
We have for Sale one of the best j
| varieties of Seed Wheat known. Place j
| your order at once. We sold hundreds j
I of bushels of it last season and (‘very bit j
| of it proved up O. K. In fact the far- j
| mers say it the most prolific variety |
| ever planted in this section of Georgia. ]
| We can supply your needs at a fair j
| price. See
ft I
F 1
§J I
% {;
Jf v 1
1a j i