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TFv 3 r\or\tgorr\Gry Monitor
Knl«;r<‘d at tin- PontofHce in Mt. Vernon, Oa. as Second-Class Mail Matter.
h. I). POLBOM, I d ll <>r ami Owner. $• ■ Year, in Advance.
advertiHi rimnU ninut invariably be paid is advance, at tbe legal rate, and aa the law
directs; ari l muni In- in hand not later than Wodneaday morning of the flrat week of inaertion
Mount Vernon. Ga.. Thursday Morning, Nov. 2, 1916.
Mexican bandits, like prairie
dogs, are difficult to exterminate.
Hut little time to hold another
massmeeting before the general
election November 7th.
It does not add anything to
the fruitful qualities of apolitical
egg to pronounce it a chick before
the shell is cracked.
Good fortune smiles on those
who help themselves; the devil
winks at those who will not bet
ter themselves or accept aid from
The selfish individual does not
realize how much he misses while
closed up in his little shell. Ti e
big old world rolls on and the
egotist does not hour the click of
progress or the tramp of success.
The tax man is again abroad in
the land. The obligation of tax
paying is the most difficult in the
realm of citizenship, and a duty
which even the most patriotic
citizen enters into with a certain
degree of reserved ness.
Most of the criticisms offered
by the Republican party seem to
be of the balloon type easily
punctured by truth and enlight
enment. Teddy is credited with
doing more than his share, and
he is a worker in whatever field
Already those |'regressivecoun
ties which have held county fairs
are planning to enter more large
ly into the enterprise for 1917.
All of the counties surrounding
Montgomery have had very suc
cessful county shows. Fairs to
the right of her, fairs to the left
of her, but Montgomery is still
unmoved a wretched example
of civic stupidity.
If you fail to go to the polls
Tuesday and cast a vote for Wil
son you have done an injustice to
the South and to the Democratic
party. If you fail to do this,
you have, in a manner, deducted
just that much from the “solid
South." Again, in failing to
vote the Democratic ticket, you
substantiate the Yankee charge
that the South is fickle and un
stable. Do not shun a duty.
Virginia’s prohibition law went
into effect yesterday, and, like
the plan adopted in Georgia just
before the advent of prohibition,
thousands of gallons have been
stored away for future use. Pro
hibition is a success in Georgia,
regardless of opinions to the con
trary. Thousands drink liquor,
of course, just as men pursue
other crimes, but the cause of
prohibition is in the ascendency. |
A pure blooded hog or cow is
an asset to any farm, however
small. During the past few years
much interest has been manifest
ed in stockraising in Montgomery
county. The dipping vat is a I
great aid to stockraising. In
telligent cattlemen are agreed
that it is a matter of feeding the
cattle and securing results or:
feeding the ticks and losing the
cattle or the profits therefrom.
Glynn county is going in heavi
ly on satsuma oranges. Glynn
county bears the distinction of
having once had in its bounds a
town (Frederica) whose streets
were planted with rows of orange
trees. And there once existed
on St. Simons Island the largest
oliye grove ever known in the
South. Certain early citizens of
this old county ranked as the
foremost agriculturists in the I
South, and it is hoped that the |
orange and the olive will again
blend their fragrant verdue with
the marshes of Glynn.
► Georgia State ◄
Press Expressions. 3
If we had our way there would
never be another “freak" shown
at a fair in Dublin. There is very
little of the educational in look
ing at one of nature’s slip-ups
and a trip through the average
freak tents will give even an in
toxicated man the blues. People
attend the fair largely to be en
tertained and amused and clean
fun and the inspiration of a happy
crowd are worth hours to exag
gerated lectures on the mistakes
of nature. — Dublin Courier-Her
John Hull believes that a coun
try not engaged in the war should
maintain strict neutrality, that is,
if it can not be induced to be par
tial to the said John Bull. —
Springfield Herald.
In creating a demand for an
article neatness has lots to do
with fixing a price at which it
will sell. If properly prepared
and put up neatly there is no
reason why every gallon of
cane syrup produced in South
Georgia this year should not
bring a dollar. One of the great
troubles of the past is that our
people have not given proper at
tention to neatness in preparing
syrup and other articles of that
character for the city market.—
Lyons Progress.
Should the cost of living climb
much higher it is a cinch that
some newspaper men are going
to have to take a mighty long
siege of fasting. Wrightsville
Some auto drivers should not
be allowed to own a car that will
run faster than 15 miles an hour.
Every day records terrible acci
dents due to “speeding” of auto
mobiles.—Monticello News.
If the price of shoes continues
to rise it would seem that in a
short while it will be profitable
to raise cattle for the hide alone.
, There also seems to be a scarcity
in beef cattle and it is a golden
opportunity to start to raising
cattle in this country.—Cochran
Cotton seed was bringing sixty
dollars a ton this week in the
country and some say the top of
the market has not yet been
reached. Just think cotton seed
at 3 cents a pound and only a
few years ago they were con
sidered almost worthless.—Bryan
With packing plants going up
all over the state the raising of
cattle and hogs is going to receive
a great impetus in this section of
Georgia, and this will.mean great
prosperity for the farmers. —Vi
dalia Advance.
You just can’t keep a good
thing down—just now anyway.
| Cotton continues to go up.— Da
rien Gazette.
The time is fast coming when
ground peas will be in the first
rank of farm products in Georgia.
Perry Home Journal.
We verily believe that the com
ing of the boll weevil is going to
spell prosperity for the farmers
of this county. It is going to
force them to diversify, and di
versification is a synonym for
prosperity, it matters not where
it is practiced.—Butler Herald.
In two weeks two Macon banks
have sold out. Selling banks
seems to be a pretty good busi
ness just now, and we’re really
very sorry that we haven’t got
one to sell.—Swainsboro Forest-
I Blade.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgornery County.
Will be sold before the court house
floor in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Nov., 1916, between the legal
hours of nale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is k complete descrip
tion :
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lyinK and
beinjc in the 1668th G. M. district of said county
and state, and bounded aa follows: On the north
by lands of D. O. Colhoun. east by lands of J. D.
Phillips' estate, south by lands of W. B. Connell,
and west by lands of Eliza Pitts and C. L. Phillips,
containing one hundred acres more or less. Levied
on and will be sold as the property of P. A. Phil
lips and J. B. Phillips to satisfy an execution is
sued from the superior court of Montgomery
county, Georgia, in favor of The First National
Bank of Vidalia vs P. A. Phillips and and J. B.
Phillips. Written notice of levy required by stat
ute this day given to said defendants. This the
3d day of October, 1916.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
Patillo & Jackson. Attys. for Plffs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will la? sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Nov., 1916, lx*tween
the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following i H
a complete description:
One hundred and seventy-one and one-half acres
of land more or less, situate, lying and being in
the 27£»th G. M. District of said county and state
and bounded as follows: North by lands of J. W.
Sharpe and J. S. Sharpe, east by lands of (.'lar k &
Co., south by lands of Clark & Co. and west by
lands of Mrs. A. T. Johnson and J. W. Sharpe.
Levit«l on and will Ire sold as the property of A.
T. and K. M. Johnson to satisfy two fi fas issui*!
from the superior court of said county one in fa
vor of H. C. Moore and Sons vs A. T. Johnson and
K M. Johnson and one in favor of H. V. Thompson
& Bros, vs A. T. Johnson and K. M. Johnson.
Written notice of levy given in terms of the law.
This the .‘id day of October, 1916.
Jas. Hester, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plffs.
YVo dosire to make loans at
once on good farms in amounts
over SI,OOO, the loan running for
10 years at 7 per cent, interest
and with only 5 per cent, com
mission. We also make 5-year
loans at G per cent, interest. Re
payment privilege as desired.
We also make smaller loans at a
slightly higher rate. We can give
ers. Applications wanted on
property in Montgomery, Toombs
and Wheeler counties.
Let us hear from you.
J. B. Brewton, Manager
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts cf
the State.
H You Need a Tonic H
There are times in every woman’s life when she PS|
needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to take —Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com
■2a posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, fe
r~ 1 ailing women in its past half century of wonderful El
success, and it will do the same for you. SiQft
You can’t make a mistake in taking
P@l The Woman’s Tonic pel
■2b Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., IQb
says: “I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before 1 began to take Cardui, I was
■Qb so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy
spells and a poor appetite. Now 1 feel as well and
flWl as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.” BQI
Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers.
M Has Helped Thousands, w
From cellar to garret, house to karri, W-l-JiSSO
9 - outside, Red Deril Lye \ ■x-?'. 'dF v'- - V
t keeps things clean aud SANITARY.
'’ E T ’ T .V!?: rral i h sc*. r ork Lye possesses the power of converting f\l
4a X > ary. . * chas -r. farm rubbi !i into rich fertilizer by : ?A- // |
jjjg b . i.n.n the main rpiic’.ly enough for the heap to \*J(' ft
Cl , i -»r tin'.. ~ • i i: ;e:ators, churns retain the fori»h::u:g elements.
■ j ,! .0.Y..;' ; ’.e' cos cf o' .3" ia
i: , V -r: .st U/’niin- Red Devil Lyc l' always uni
1v ' " OTOt s t! * e cin anJ hves rubbing, forrr.iy pulverise-;'. - convenient Ll L_ Jpy\
1 ! :j ' y‘ — anti read y for instant use. 'dj
/A. t* !y j* y with -it i; jury and A tablespoonful vj more powerful than a —*"- ~
i inert*:.!.. - the .y c* the engine. whole package of ordinary cleansers or
c • '.c il. rap ’i.t.iys <■ cry particle of grease ASK US FOR BOOKLET telling of the
that goes i.ito the kettle. many daily uses of RED DEVIL. LYE. m V
Uio Red Devil Lyc if y;u want perfect RED DEVIL BE. J
jftS success with y «ur compost pile. Red Devil
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most libera!
terms of payments.
I have several years- experience
in the loan business, am located
at tho county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Blacksmith & Repair
All Classes of Repair Work
Quickly and Correctly Done.
Bring Me Your Work.
Farms for Sale.
Several choice farms, well im
proved, conveniently situated
within three'vto five miles of
Moultrie, Ga., (Packing House
City) easy terms.
J. E. Ladson,
Moultrie, Ga.
A Leffler Company of Sav
annah possess every facility for
handling Cotton to best advan
tage of shippers. They want the
business of all honest and respon
sible citizens of the County. Ship
your cotton to them. ad.
(#) @@
II have a stro g connection with ®
large amounts » f money to loan on gj
well improved farms in Montgomery
county for 5,7 and 10 years, at the Sj
usual rates of interest, repayable as |g
you may desire—so much each year p
or entire amount at maturity of loan ||
There will be absolutely no dely if sh
!your titles are in good shape, as we ||
have the money and want to place it f|
immediately. Bring Your Papers §j
L*' r ivwvmwviwuwuwii
i J. E. HALL t
5 1-2 per ct. Money
I have plenty ol money to lend on farm j
lands in Montgomery and Wheeler ;
counties. Interest at 5 l- fc 2 per cent., j
You have the privilege of paying part
of the principal at any interest period, j
and stop interest on amount paid; but j
no annual pay mnt of principal required j
Prompt Att ention to All Loans
Ent >ted to Me
Come to see m< it once if you want a jj
loan. lam well equipped to take care j
of the loan busii ss. See me.