Newspaper Page Text
The Third Quarterly Report
Os the Board of Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues Montgomery County, Ga.
(Vouchers Numbers 546 to 715 Inclusive. Warrants Nos. 765 to
1040 Inclusive. Dates Aug. Ito Oct. 3, 1916.)
Calvin & Evelina Pierce, pauper for July $ 5.00
M R Ricks, pauper for July 5.00
ndrew Right, pauper for July 5.00
Sallie Holton, pauper for July 6.00
Lottie Allen, pauper for July 7.00
Cassie Spivey, pauper for July 8.00
W E Dorsey, pauper for July 10.00
Elizabeth Chaney, pauper for July 12.00
EE Morris, pauper for July 22.50
L T Morris, pauper for July 22.50
Angus Morris, corn for camp 59.98
G F Clark, salary for July 30.00
W E Goff, salary for July 30.00
M B Ware, salary for July 30.00
J E Crawford, salary for July 45.00
D G McNeily, salary for July 35.00
C F Ferrell, salary for July 100.00
C F Ferrell. gasoline for July 10.00
T O Gibbs, work on bridge 5.25
W G Cooper, work on road 5.00
E J Wells, sawing lumber and work on road 10.58
J M Moxley, salary for July 35.00
Mack McMillan, work on farm 15.70
Bud McMillan, work on farm 3.08
Mose Mcßae, work on farm 3.65
J M Moxley, cash paid for farm work 7.15
Dr J E Hunt, salary for July 25.00
S J Elliott, salary for July 40.00
H V Thompson, threshing oats at Co. farm 25.20
W J & T A Peterson, sundries for camp 4.20
J A Z Brantley, corn for farm 42.50
G R Tyler, clerk, revenues & recording 4.50
W L Calhoun, hay for camp 28.60
Soperton Grocery Co., sundries for camp 12.43
F M Calhoun, syrup for convicts 31.40
W E Evans & Son, convict supplies 336.63
Homer D Strickland, clerk, convict labor 88.00
Jas. Hester, sheriff, board pris. & key turns 161.20
Willie T McArthur, * hay for camp 19.82
Pritchett & Logan, food for convicts 36.15
Fowler Warehouse Co., food for convicts 30.05
W P Calhoun, sundries for camp 1.60
C W Hamilton, hay for camp 33.80
H B Braddy, Jr., corn for camp 50.74
W J Hamilton, hay for camp 37.85
M F Adams, corn for camp 31.35
J A Thigpen, shop work 36.15
Mrs A B Dayis, corn for shop 10.52
Mcßae Bros & McLemore, farm supplies 7.28
D N Hughes, material & work on bridge 5.50
M F Adams, sundries for road work 5.57
F B Mcßride, material & work on bridge 14.25
B J O’Conner, lumber for bridges 35.94
J J Moses, lumber for bridges 42.89
G W Kelley, salary for July 25.00
J K Cartwright, salary for July 28.00
Dawson Wright, work on road .75
Soperton Hardware Co., sundries for camp 39.60
Darley & Mason, work on road and bridge 7.00
J M Craft, work on road 24.00
J J Love, work on road 3.75
Charles Ellis, work on road 2.75
Charles Reid, work on road 2.00
Wyley Sharpe, work on road 2.50
Wyley Wood, wood on road 3.50
J T Walker, work on road 2.50
P M Mosley, work on road and lumber 12.50
J D McDaniel, work on bridge 24.00
J S Durden, lumber for bridge work .65
W T Mcßride, work on bridge 2.50
H M Thompson, work on road 2.00
Soperton Racket Store, clothing for pauper 2.48
J T Walker, lumber for road work 1.87
Good Roads Machinery Co., parts for road machinery 9.00
C A Sumner, sundries for camp 51.98
Austin Bros., parts for road machinery 66.88
Happ Bros. Co., clothing for convicts 43.00
C H Goff, expense with prisoner 2.05
Mcßae Bros & McLemore, sundries for jail 1.25
Mason & Hughes, repairs at jail 2.00
Montgomery Monitor, advertising tax sales 12,00
Oscar Collins, expense with prisoner 12.35
M L Phillips, serving tax assessors notice 8.40
Marshall & Bruce Co., records for tax collector 61.08
Foote & Davies, Co., supplies for ordinary & elk. su. ct. 40.93
J S Higgs, expense with prisoner 5.35
W A Wooten, sol. gen., cost in 3 cases went to gang 70.50
Geo. D. Barnard & Co., supplies for clerk superior court. 44.85
C H Goff, work on road 3.50
Total for month of July, $2^49.98
C F Ferrell, J. H. Griffin, non-resident wittness 3.08
James Hester, sheriff, attending August court four days 20.00
A B Hester, dep. shff., attending August court two days 10.00
A B Hester, riding biff Aug. ct. 4 days with car 20.00
C T Braddy, riding bailiff Aug. court 5 days 15.00
J W Register, riding bailiff Aug. court 5 days 15.00
Henry Connell, riding bailiff Aug. court 4 days 15.00
C H Goff, riding bailiff Aug. court 5 days 15.00
H S Calhoun, riding bailiff Aug. court 5 days 15.00
J R Buttersworth, riding bailiff Aug. court 5 days 15.00
T J Hester, house bailiff Aug. court 6 days 12.00
M E Burns, house bailiff Aug. court 5 days 10.00
ICS Berner, riding bailiff Aug. court 5 days 15.00
B S Beatty, house bailiff Aug. court 6 days 15.00
M L Mcßae, house bailiff Aug. court 5 days 10.00
W C Ryals, grand jury bailiff Aug. court 5 days 10.00
J A Morris, sol. gen. bailiff Aug. court 6 days 12.00
W B Cadle, riding bailiff Aug. court 2 days 6.00
G R Tyler, clerk, attending August court 6 days 18.00
I’ B Mcßride, lumber for bridge work 8.24
J E Tharpe, material and work on road 52.25
W A Hughes, hauling culvert piping 2.00
James Hester sheriff, cost in tax sale 13.07
W A Wooten sol. gen., cost in 7 cases went to gang 153.50
G R Tyler clerk, cost in 7 cases went to gang 44.70
James hester sheriff, cost in 7 cases went to gang 38.75
Calvin & Evelina Pierce, paupers for August 5.00 ,
Andrew Right, pauper for August 5.00 ,
Sallie Holton, pauper for August 6.00
Lottie Allen, pauper for August 7.00
Cassie Spivey, pauper for August 8.00 ,
W E Dorsey, pauper for August 10.00
Elizabeth Chaney, pauper for August 12.00
E E Morris, pauper for August 22.50
L T Morris, pauper for August 22.50
M C Allmond, hay for camp 13.20 ]
A Morris, com for camp 10.18 i
J S Higgs, expense with prisoner 5.00 ,
J M Moxley, August salary 40.00
Mack McMillan, work on farm 16.94
'j M Moxley, cash paid for work on farm 1-4.201
I F Dixon, corn for camp 20.25
G F Clark, salary for August 30.00
W E Goff, 0 salary for August 30.00
M L Mcßae, salary for August 16.00
J E Crawford, salary for August 40.00
D G'McNeily, salary for August 33.00
M B Ware, salary for August 30.00
C W Strickland, salary for August 3.05
C F Ferrell, salary for August 100.00
C F Ferrell, gasoline for August 10.00
W M Phillips, Sr., lumber for road work 23.02
M F Adams, convict supplies 399.38
M F Adams, cash paid for freight 5.65
E G Gillis, corn for camp 55.80
D W Price, corn for camp 27.00
E E Burch, work on road 1.00
S J Elliott, salary for August 40.00
Dr J E Hunt, salary for August 25.00
James Hester, board of prisoners & key turns 107.60
JF Whitaker, food for convicts 13.30
C W Hamilton, hay and corn for camp 175.18
G W Hamilton, hay and corn for camp 54.00
J L Lowery, cash paid for road word 30.00
Noah Hutcheson, corn for camp 13.75
Emanuel County, convict labor 22.50
McQueen’s Store, axe handles for road word 2.25
B J O’Conner, corn for camp, 64.80
i A L Hamilton, corn for camp 20.13
i Soperton Hardware Co., sundries for camp 80.12
i A Segall, clothing for lunatic 2.35
; EL Gillis, work on road 7.00
i F E Wardlaw, building foot-ways 3.78
i Mcßae Bros & McLemore, supplies for farm 7.49
l Jas Hester, serving jury and attending Ordinary’s court 12.00
i Jas Hester, cost on tax sale 12.48
i W A Guyton, burying pauper 6.00
i Ailey Hardware Co., coffin for pauper 12.50
i H S Riddle, material and work on bridge 2.00
i Mcßae Bros & McLemore, court house & jail sup. 2.35
I C A Mason, parts for farm machinery 10.22
i Minter-Smith Hdw. Co., sundries for bridge wk. 7.75
i McQueen’s Store, soap for jail 1.00
i Mcßae Bros & McLemore, axes for road work 6.30
[ICS Berner, r. r. fare serving sub. Aug. court .80
i W E Evans & Son, food for convicts 32.53
1 J K Cartwright, salary for August 28.00
l G W Kelley, salary for August 25.00
) W H Moxley, work on road 7.50
! W T McCrimmon, hay and corn for camp 85.45
i J A Thigpen, sundries for camp 37.80
i Hicks Bros., auto hire for sheriff 6.50
I S Courson, team hire and corn 23.40
i J J Moses, lumber for bridge 9.96
: Wyley Sharpe, work on bridge 21.00
i J S Durden, furnishing and hauling lumber 1.80
I J D McDaniel, work on bridges 43.00
i E J Wells, lumber for bridges 9.98
! John Gillis, non-res. witness Aug. court 2.18
! Mcßae Bros & McLemore, non-res. witness fees Aug. court 15.69
I W A Johnson, 3 days service as jury commissioner 6.00
’ F M Mcßae, 3 days service as jury commissioner 6.00
i G W Coleman, 3 days service as jury commissioner 6.00
, J W Wardlaw, 3 days service as jury commissioner 6.00
i J E Hall, 3 days service as jury commissioner 6.00
i M R Davis, 3 days service as jury commissioner 6.00
1 Total for month of August $2728.10
i Calvin & Evelina Pierce, paupers for September 5.00
i Andrew Right, pauper for September 5.00
1 Sallie Holton, pauper for September 6.00
1 Lottie Allen, pauper for September 7.00
J Cassie Spivey, pauper for September 8.00
i WE Dorsey, pauper for September 10.00
Elizabeth Chaney, pauper for September 12.00
1 E E Morris, pauper for September 22.50
| L T Morris, pauper for September 22.50
L C Underwood, 3 mos. service as county atty. 37.50
Elijah Miller, 3 mos. service as county com. 43.00
J L Lowrey, 3 mos. service as county com. 43.00
J W Calhoun, 3 mos. service as county com. 43.00
J B Brewton, 3 mos. service as county com. 43.00
J B O’Conner, 3 mos. service as county com. 43.00
Alex McArthur, ordinary, all cost in lucy. case John Brantley 36.00
J M Moxley, salary for September 40.00
Mack McMillan, work on farm 17.71
Ches Moxley, work on farm 6.00
J M Moxley, cash paid for work on farm 12.45
J J Moses, bridge lumber 2.04
G F Clark, salary for September 30.00
W E Goff, . salary for September 30.00
M L Mcßae, salary for September 30.00
M B Ware, salary for September 30.00
Bennie Ware, salary for September 19.00
C W Strickland, salary for September 35.00
J E Crawford, salary for September 12.50
C. F. Ferrell, salary for September 100.00
C F Ferrell, gasoline for September 10.00
O H Morrison, sundries for jail 3.75
H V Thompson & Bro., food for convicts 45.55
J K Cartwright, salary for September 28.00
G W Kelley, salary for September 25.00
Dr J E Hunt, salary for September 25.00
J H Pritchett, food for convicts 13.30
M F Adams, convict supplies 87.83
Jesse Whitaker, hay for camp 19.85
E H Hayes. corn for camp 13.50
J M D McGregor, corn for camp 23.00
W T McCrimmon, corn for camp 21.85
Tom Morris, corn for camp 20.34
W H Mason, ■ hay for camp 85.82
M H Darley, hay for camp 21.33
H V Thompson, lumber for road work 50.55
Emanuel County, convict labor 22.50
Ailey Hardware Co., camp supplies 17.60
N B Pullen, food for convicts 36.00
W J & T A Peterson, food for convicts 201.95
James Hester sheriff, pris. board & key turns 49.00
Mt. Vernon Drug Co., medicine for prisoners 3.80
Mcßae Bros & McLemore, farm supplies 3.65
Mt. Vernon Grocery Co., farm supplies 5.45
C H Peterson, coffin for pauper 13.00
Soperton Hardware Co., 4 cost of coffin for M. R. Ricks pau. 20.50
Mcßae Bros & McLemore, sundries for court house 1.05 1
McQueen’B Store, sundries for court h**use 2.00
Foote & Davies Co., record for ordinary’s office 19.68 j
J Wade Johnson, work for county registrars 1.50
James Hester sheriff, cost on tax sales 26.06
M B Ware, balance salary for September 5.00
Mcßae Bros & McLemore, non-res. witness Harry Lee 7.20
J M D McGregor, work on road 109)0
W L Sessions, work on road 4.00
Atlanta Tent & Awning Co., 2 sets car curtains 80.00
B J O’Conner, moving convict camp 3.00
Florida Metal Products Co., culvert piping 1005.60
Austin Bros., paint for convict cages 13.75
Good Roads Machinery Co., parts for road machinery 112.40
A J Copeland, lumber for bridges 30.24
Total for month of September $2940.80
August Ist to balance, $12,092.25
August Ist to received from Tax Collector, 547.50
October 3rd, to received from Tax Collector 531.36
By warrants drawn August board meeting, $2349.98
By warrants drawn September board meeting, 2728.10
By warrants drawn October board meeting, 2940.80
To Balance, $5152.23
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