The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, November 02, 1916, Image 4

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Railroad Man Says Tanlac
Is the Only Thing That
Ever Helped Him After
Suffering Four Years.
“If the peoDle of this town on
ly knew what Tanlac has done
for me you would sell a thousand
bottles tomorrow,” said Tom
Stringfellow, a well known em
ployee of the Southern Railway,
who lives at 120 East Ninth St..,
Anniston, Ala. Mr. Stringfellow
is well known in railway circles
and is on the Atlanta and Fir
ming division. His many friends
will be glad to hear of his com-j
plete restoration to health.
“1 suffered from stomach]
trouble and indigestion for four
years,” continued Mr. String
fellow, “and go so I couldn’t eat
hardly anything. I fell off until
I only weighed 119 pounds and fi
nally got so weak and rundown 1
Was on the point of having to re
sign my position. To tell you the
truth 1 just felt like life was not
worth living because I just seem
ed to be getting worse all the
time and nothing seemed to do
me any good.
“1 would have awful pains in
my back and kidneys and could
hardly sleep. Two hours each
night would lx* about all the sleep
I would get. Most always after
eating 1 would have gas on my
stomach and my heart would pal
pitate. 1 would get weak in my
limbs and have dizzy spells and
would have spots in front of my
"about a month ago 1 began
reading about Tanlac, and heard
the railroad men talking about
it. Several of my friends had
taken the medicine and said it
was a fine thing for stomach
trouble, so I decided to give it a
trial. The first.bottle helped me
so much 1 kept on taking it and
have just finished my fifth bot
tle. When I weighed the other
day I kicked the beam at 141
pounds, and was so surprised I
turned around to see if some one
was not standing on the scales.
Yes, sir, that’s a fact, I had ac
tually gained 22 pounds and feel
like a well man again for the
first time in four years.
“Tanlac helped me right from
the start, and before I had fin
ished taking the second bottle I
got so 1 would eat and sleep and
work as good as anybody. That’s
what the medicine did for me and
everybody who knows me will
tell you the same tiling. Why, I
can just eat anything now and
indigestion never bothers me a
particle any more. 1 can sleep
good, too, and feel just fine in
every way. Speaking of eating,
my grocery bills have gone up to
almost double.
“Just to show you what I think
of the medicine 1 bought a dozen
bottles today in order to always
have a supply on hand. 1 wouldn’t
lx> without it for anything in the
Tanlac is sold in Mt Vernon
exclusively by Mt. Vernon Drug
Co.; in Tarrvtown by C. W. War
nock; in Alley by i’almer Drug
Co.; in Uvalda by W. M. Moses;
in Alston by The Martin Drug
Store: in Soperton by ,1. ,1. Mur
ing; in Sharpe’s Spur by J. M.
Smith, M. D. adv.
Adomiistniter's Sale.
Ci erjji.'i Montgomery County.
Piidor uml by virtue of an order
grant'd Itv the Court of Ordiuary
of said county, will lie sold, bo
fur** tile court house dool lllSrtid
county, on the tirst Tuesday m
N*n “miter, IV* IC, to the highest
and in -t fodder, for cash, the fel
low ing proport v to w it:
N 2 1-2 aeros of land situate, ly
it g ar.d being in the lti'dlst ( 1 iger)
d -triet of sant county and state,
and hounded on all aides except
the southeast by lands of Clayton
Mole id, and on the southeast by
lauds of Kate Kmamiel, together
w ill all improvements thereon.
Sold as the property of the « state
of Mrs. Lucy Wilkes, deceased,
tor tin purpo-c of division. This
the 2d dav of October, 1916.
K. M. Wilkes. Adr.
Estate Mrs. Lucy Wilkes.
j Notice of Application For
Removal of Disabilities.
Mrs. Nina Morris vs Charles
! Morris.
Libel for Divorce in Montgom-
I ery Superior Court.
Verdict for total divorce grant
ed the sth day of May. 1915.
To Mrs. Nina Morris and to
whom it may concern.
Notice is hereby given to all
concerned that on the sth day of
Sept, 1916, I filed with the Clerk
of the superior court of Montgom
ery county iny petition addressed
to said Court returnable to the
next term thereof, the same being
the Noyember term, 1916, to be
held on the first Monday in No
vember, 1916 for the removal )f
the disabilities resting upon me
under the verdict and decree in
the above stated case by reason of
my intermarriage with Nina Mor
ris which application will lie heard
at the November term, 191(5, of
said court which convenes on the
6lh day of November, 191(5.
This the sth day of Sept. 1916.
Clias. Morris, Petitioner.
Win. Lewis, Atty for Petitioner.
Administratrix Salo.
ieorgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county on the 2d day of
October, 191(5, will he sold before
the court house door in said coun
ty, to the highest and host bidder
for cash, on the first Tuesday in
November, between the legal
hours of sale, the following prop
i rty to-wit: 127 acres of land,
bounded north and west, by lands
of K. (J. Oillis, south by lands of
Mrs. J, E, Tliarpe and east by
lands of Dr. O. 15. Moye Also
one store house and lot in the
Town of Orlaud, tin., all of said
property being in the 1 (587th (j.
M. district of said county and
state. Sold as property of the
estate of .Juhurdy Davis, deceased,
for purposes of division and pay
ment of debts.
Mrs. M. L. Davis,
Adx. Estate of Juhurdy Davis,
New Road Notice.
(ieorgia Montgomery County:
Office of Commissioners or Roads
Ar. Revenues, Montgomery County,
Oit. 55, 191(5.
S. D. Morris, Joe 15. Johnson,
J. W. Linder, A. A. Johnson and
others having in proper form
made application tor the opening
and establishing of a new public
road commencing at the home of
Joe Brown Johnson, and near
the Town of lliggston, tin., and
following a lane which is already
laid out, being the land line be
tween said Johnson and A. A.
Johnson, J. W. Linder, Mary
Brown and W. H. Walton to the
home of said Walton, thence
through Walton’s field and across
the corner of Emmett McLeod’s
land, thence folh wing a lane Im
tween Emmett McLeod’s place
and Ellen Cutler's place, which is
] the land line, thence through
lands of Mollie Blount and S. D.
Morris, to the residence of the
latter, intersecting the different
settlement roads, a distance of
about one and a fourth miles, bal
ance of the distance having al
ready been opened by private in
dividuals. The reviewers appoint
ed to lav out and survey said pro
posed new road having filed their
ret urn, notice is hereby given that
said new road will be granted on
the first Tuesday in November,
191(5, if no good cause be shown
to t lie contrary.
Elijah Miller, Chin.
Wm. Jones, Clerk.
Citat ion.
Georgia—Montgomory Countv.
The appraisers appointed noon
the application of Mrs. Rena
Thompson for a twelve mouths
support for herself and four minor
children out of the estate of T. J.
Thompson, late of said county
deceased, having tiled their re
turn, this is to cite all parties
concerned that said application
will he passed upon at the next
regular term of the Court of Or
dinary, to lx* held on the tirst
Monday in November, 1016. This
the 2d day of October, 1916.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Citat ion.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that D.
O. Calhoun, administrator of the
estate of J. I. Calhoun, late of
• said county deceased, has in prop
er form applied to the ordinary of
said county for leave to sell cer
tain lands belonging to said es
tate; notice is hereby feiven that
said application will he passed on
ai my office on the first Monday
in November, 1916. This the 2d
iiav of October, 191(5.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
To the Voters of the Twelfth Con
gressional District of Georgia:
I am a Republican candidate
for the National Congress from
the Twelfth Congressional Dis
trict o( Georgia, and respectfully
'solicit your support and votes.
First.. I favor full and complete |
protection for every American]
citizen’s life, liberty and property
wherever he may be under the
Second. I favor a high protec
tive turiff for the protection of
our working people, and for the
purpose of raising revenue to run
the affairs of our National Gov
ernment. About eighty per cent,
of our national wealth is due to a
protective tariff. Watch free trade
Great Bntian fall over herself to
get a high protective tariff for
herself and colonies at the close
of this war; her national life will
depend on it.
Third. I especially favor the
largest Merchant Murine in the
world, so constructed and suf
ficiently subsidized by our govern
ment, as to make it instantly
available in time of war as a
powerful auxiliary navy, and in
t ime of peace to carry our com
merce to every nook and corner of
the civilized world. Had we such
a Merchant Marine every farmer
would he selling his cotton today
at 25 cents per pound,
Fourth. I especially favor in
tervention and annexation of
Mexico, J think the southern bor
der of the United States should be
the Panama Canal. It is the
Christian duty of the United Sta
tes to spank Mexico, to feed,
educate, clothe and house Mexico,
and make Mexico a part of the
United States. This must and
speedily will come. Those of you
who oppose the annexation of
Mexico should favor turning back
to war-ridden Mexico, Texas,
Arizona, New Mexico und Cali
fornia, that was but yesterday a
part of Mexico. If you especially
oppose the annexation of Mexico
you should favor giving back to
the American Indian, the original
owner, this great country of ours.
Fifth. I fayor National Prohi
bition, I have arrived at the con
clusion that, alcoholic drinks nave
no place in the affairs of a civili
zed nation, on account of the
crime it produces nnd the lowering
in efficiency of its people.
Sixth. 1 favor National Wo
man’s Suffrage, and had it not
been for the arrogant bigotry of
man handed down from the dark
ages she would have been voting a
hundred years ago.
Seventh. I especially favor
amending the joke, the farce, the
makeshift, the vote catching act
us passed by the last National
Congress known as the “Land
Bank Act ” 1 want this national
legislation so amended as to make
ninety per cent, of any amount
up to five thousand dollars avail
able to any individual farmer of
good character who wishes to in
vest same in land on winch to
build liis home and farm; this
loan to hear interest at not more
than 5 per cent, and to lie payable
at any time within twenty-five
years. This is the only way that
the growing menace, tenantry and
landed aristocracy of the South
and West can he broken up, which
will one duv undermine the very
foundations of our government.
Eighth. 1 oppose with all my
being the pork-barrel appropria
tions as now conducted by Con
gress tor rivers and creeks that
were never intended by nature to
lie navigable for anything but a
fisherman’s bateau. 1 favor spend
ing this money on a national
highway all the way around, about
fifty miles from the border of our
country to he used by the general
public in time of peace, and that
would lie so absolutely necessary
for the protection of our country
in time of war.
Ninth. I want to see the po
litical solidity of Georgia and the
South broken up. I want to see
Georgia become a doubtful state
like Indiana, Illinois, New York,
etc. Georgia and the South will >
never prosper and come into her
own true greatness until its politi-!
cal solidity is broken tip. The j
next President of the United
States, Hon. Charles E. Hughes,
had this same idea in mind when
he said at Helena, Montana, a
few days ago. “I want to see the
South built up, it can be built up.
it uever will bo built iy> however'
without Republican principles
being applied. I think many of
the Southerners are beginning to j
realize that.”
Yours very truly,
ad. J. M.
Hogs For Salo.
About 200 head of good meat
hogs: good condition. Will sell
as a lot or smaller numbers. See
me at once. F. Lee Mcßae,
I Mt. Vernon, Ga.
I A New Model Typewriter |
VMU* WriUr Jj ji
Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is HERE! ||
For makers have striven a life-time to attain this ideal machine. And Oliver has won il
again, as we scored when we gave the world its first visible writing. gfix
There is truly no other typewriter on earth like this new Oliver “9.” Think of touch
so light that the tread of a kitten will run the keys! S'
Caution! Warning! I
The new-day advances that come This brilliant new Oliver comes at S?
alone on this machine are all controlled the old-time price. It costs no more than
by Oliver. Even our own previous mod- lesser makes-now out-of-date when s?
els—famous in their day —never had the compared with this discovery. 3B
Optional Duplex Shift. For while the Oliver’s splendid new gB
It puts the whole control of 84 letters features are costly—we have equalized
and characters in the little fingers of the the added expense to us by simplifying (#)
right and left hands. And it lets you construction. da
write them all with only 28 keys, the Resolve right now to see this great 2*
least to operate of any standard type- achievement before you spend a dollar
writer made. for any typewriter. If you are using J??
m .. - „ ~ .. some other make you will want to see sP
11, „s .enters of all other machines can how much more this one does. g|
immediately ran the (Hirer Numver “ 9 ” If you are using an Oliver, it natural- f§
mth more speed and greater ease. ly follows that you w&nt the finest model,
1J O Dnx/f Remember this brand-new Oliver “9” is the greatest value
* * Beilis d LSciy. ever given in a typewriter. It has all our previous special
inventions —visible writing, automatic spacer,, 65-ounce touch — plus the Optional Duplex gg
Shift , Selectire Color Attachment and all these other new-day features.
Yet ice hare decided to sell it to erryone everywhere on our famous payment plan—] 7 cents
« day! Now every user can easily afford to have the world’s crack visible writer, with the cS.
famous PRINTYPE, that writes like print, included FREE if desired. :j?
>< TO M* V \Y f/»»* full rLkf.illt! an d be among the first to know about this
jg lUUrxl » rite 101 11111 details marvel of writing machines. See why
the typists, employers, and individuals everywhere are flocking to the Oliver. Just mail a 0$
Qg postal "t once . No obligation. It’s a pleasure for us to tell you about it. @@
1 OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO. Oliver Typewriter Bldg., CHICAGO I
Jury List.
The following is the list of ju
rors drawn to serve at the Novem
ber term of Montgomery Superior
court 1916:
Grand Jury.
R W Cone A R Davis
T J Mcßae J R Carr
A II Johnson J 1) Johnson
R A Page VV \V Wade •
S I) Morris C It Davis,
James A Hughes F. Lee Mcßae
E S Martin 0 T Thigpen |
\V T Harris II H McAllister]
J W Linder W H Dukes
J B Brown PP Waller!
D E Walker M E Burns
M H Mclntyre C D-Greenway
J B Brogden M Wilkes
(J T Waller W II Smith, Sr
W T Mcßride E G G ill is
Traverse Jury.
J G Joiner J J Davis, Jr.
G E Fowler L Gillis
C A Soles .T E Palmer
C L Johnson John Blount
Geo W Coleman M Hutcheson
Dr. J C Collins It T Crumpton
W A Beasley J A Barber
T I’ McKay Lonnie Davie
C J Phillips M L Davis
John Knight J B Richardson
C G Dukes W F McAllister
Geo Rayford J R Beckmn
H J Fountain E V Davis
J Roscoe McQueen C M Morris
G W Knight J B Canady
W B Smith It H Mobley
C S Brantley B C Anderson
E D Miller W M Denton
J R Green wav J B Hammock
Green W Smith C W Whitaker
C W Mclntyre M L Mcßae
J 1) Calhoun J F Holton
W S Partin Wm Jones
M A Peterson Angus McQueen
Noticce to the Public.
Old Shoes Made New. Harness
and Umbrellas repaired. Work
neatly done while you wait.
Leave your work with me.
Thomas Roberson,
Main Street.
Mt. Vernon, Ga
Lots Eor Sale.
Two building lots near College
at Mt. Vernon. Will take cattle
or hogs as first payment.
Maggie Clarke.
Rhine, Ga.
| | n You Will f
i Comfort and ] )<l %} j);
; A first Jj qi l|;
| I
II! ~ Everything
I In its proper light if your glasses have been properly jjj
ground and skillfully fitted. The wrong glasses are costly at ijj
any price and never give comfort. Eye-strain dwarfs the jjj
mental power. A child suffering from it is seriously handi-
I capped and their efficiency is far below normal. Proper m
glasses places the eye on normal basis and gives free, easy
vision. We make a specialty of locateing and correcting tj
every defect. Matters not how complicated it is, or who has |:j
failed to give you satisfaction we would be glad to have a ijj
chance. The large number of just such cases that we have i;
I fitted in this section of country speaks for themselves. jj
I . VIDALIA, Ga. jj
1 for 1
I La Grippe Coughs J
us e FOLEY’S I
IfSC Honey 1
i inpk and lar i
E tan<^ Medicine S
I iij j Take No Substitute for
; II Foley’s Honey and Tar
niimisiiiimii SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY iiimiiniiiilir
5?old bv Mt. Vernon Drug C‘>., Mt. Wrnon, tin ad