The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, November 23, 1916, Image 5
THE RESULT OF SUP. COURT Civil Adjustments and Penal ities for Many Evil Doers. Mary L. Spaulding vs S. C. Spaulding; dismissed. Blackshear Mfg. Co. vs C. H. Peterson; settled. Mrs. Ida J. Wilkes vs W. J. Peterson; settled. Bank of Vidalia vs Mrs. E. A. Fountain et al; ver. for plff. E. T. Mcßride &Co vs W. J. Peterson, Jr.; ver. for deft. Vidalia Grocery Co., vs Dennis O’Brien; ver. for plff. Oconee Fertz. Co., vs L. S. Adams et al; ver. for plff. (Two cases.) J. E. Grady & Sons, A. Leffler Co., Ward Truett Co., Inter natianal Harvester Co., H. S. Meinhard & Bro., Folsom & Till man Hdw. Co., A. Ehrlich Bros. Grocery Co., and Hofmayer Dry Goods Co., vs H. L. Wilt, Admr.; verdicts for plffs. Robt. L. Foreman vs P. M. Moseley; ver. for plff. W. S. Baugh vs J. B. O’Conner et al; ver. for plff. Home Fertz. & Chem. Co., vs Eliza Fountain; ver. for plff. Commercial Credit Co., vs J. B. O’Conner; ver. for plff. Peddy Horse & Mule Co. vs J. P..Cui’ry; claim dismissed. Avery Loan & Trust Co. vs J. A. Allen; dismissed. Geo. Walker & Co. vs C. W. Beckworth; ver. for plff. Mrs. S. H. Parrish vs J. M. D. McGregor; dismissed. Jas. McNatt vs A. M. Moses; ver. for plff. G. L. Bush vs G. L. Spivey; dismissed. Akerman & Akerman vs C. H. Peterson; ver. for plff. W. P. Calhoun vs A. M. Moses; ver. for plff. J. M. Davis vs John R. Conner; referred to arbitrator. Eliza Fountain vs Jas. McNatt; mistrial. Criminal Cases. State vs Will Williams; 12mos. Andrew Adams; SIOO or 12mos. Jim Reeves; s4l or 3 mos. Dennis McCormick; S4O and costs or 8 mos. Will Davis: SSO or 8 mos Jack Drummer; SSO or 8 mos. Will Evans; 12 mos. John Outlaw; not guilty. Jim Register; not guilty. Kelley Collins; S4O or 6 mos. Ernest Smith, plea of guilty; S4O or 6 mos. Braxton Smith, plea of guilty; S4O or 6 mos. Dan Sellers, plea of guilty, S4O or 6 mos v Calvin Willis, plea of guilty; S4O or 6 mos. Richard Johnson, plea of guilty; S4O or 6 mos. Sam Canty; SSO or 6 mos. Leßoy Joiner, plea of guilty; S4O or 6 mos. Ben Canty; S4O or 6 mos. Will Edwards: SIOO or 12 mos. Ethel Cotton; S4O or 6 mos. Homer McLeod; S4O or 6 mos. Bob Mosley; not guilty. Ben Horne; SSO or 8 mos. Josh Collins; verdict insane. Pulaski Farmer is Killed By Horse. Hawkinsville, Ga., Nov. 16. — J. G. Meadows, a well known farmer, 53 years old, was found dead at noon yesterday with his neck broken, near the public road on the plantation of J. P. Wat son, six miles west of Hawkins ville, on which place he lived and was employed as overseer. His body was still warm when dis covered and his horse was stand ing nearby. It is not known how he came to his death, but it is supposed he was killed by being thrown from his horse. Trying to do business without advertising is like winking at a pretty girl through a pair of green goggles. You may know what you are doing but nobody else does.—Butler Herald. Thomas County Has Good Satsuma Crop. Thomasville, Ga., Nov. 21. — The crop of Satsuma oranges is I good in this county this season, although the drouth in the early part of the season prevented the trees from bearing as largely as they otherwise would have done. With the opinion of the expert from Washington sent out to make a painstaking examination of the trees, that there was ab solutely no trace of citrus canker on any of the groves in the coun tv, the industry has taken on a fresh impetus. B. W. Stone of this city, who has a grove of a hundred acres in this fruit, re ports a fine crop of oranges, though his trees are only three or four years old. The oranges find a ready market and are of very fine quality. There are a number of groves around the county of various ages. Libel Action Filed Against Deutschland. New Haven, Conn., November 18.—Papers in a libel action to recover for the loss of the tug Thomas A. Scott, Jr., against the German undersea merchant man Deutschland, were filed in federal district court here today by Foye H. Murphy, attorney for the T. A. Scott Company, Inc., of New London, owners of the tug, the value of which is given as $12,000. .*> xX&X-?£££&)s* ySjicr Iho C salki jdl ijonr first and. best thought is Jf|| 11 | \ 1 Oftenest thought of for its delicious ness— ||f| highest thought of for its wholesomcness. Refreshing and thirst-quenching. l&Jp Demand the genuine h'J fuU name — S§|j| nicknamaa substitution. THH COCA-COLA CO.. ATLANTA, CA. jj | for Fr.a Booklet, " Tl:a o/' C ocu-Cula." \ Iff! £, r . W( y if lf> i' a Boy Misses Death Under Large Truck. Savannah, Nov. 18. — Charlie Meehan, 15, a messenger boy, son of C. F. Meehan, railroad en gineer, was not born to die on Friday, Nov. 17. Yesterday a two-ton autotruck passed over Meehan’s stomach, and he escaped with slight bruises. The boy was riding a bicycle, which saveed his life. The handlebars were caught under the front wheel of the truck, pre venting the full weight from crushing the boy. Dr. W. B. O’Rear, who at tended the boy, said death would have been instantaneous if it were not for the protecting handlebars. Corn Wanted. Will pay 75 cents per bushel cash for 1000 bushels of corn delivered to us Darby & Gar butt Co., Sharpe Spur, Ga. Nov. 14, 1916. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR-THURSDAY, NOV 28, 1016. Simple Inauguration for President Wilson. Washington, Nov. 19. —Presi dent Wilson’s second inaugura tion probably will be a compara tively simple affair. It is accepted as certain by officials that there will be no inaugural ball, in sDite of the hope of Washington citizens for such an event. In addition to the President’s opposition to elaborate ceremony at his inauguration in 1913, of ficials point to the recent death |of his sister, Mrs. Anne Howe, the fact that March 4 falls on Sunday next year, and the pros pects that the European war still will be in progress next March as reasons why the next inaugural exercises will be as simple as possible. Wealthy Alabamian Sentenced to Chaingang. Wetumpka, Ala., Nov. 21. —E. L. Debardelaben, one of Elmore county’s wealthiest men, today was fined $2,000 and given twelve months hard labor on the chain gang for burning his home to de fraud insurance companies. The Democrats won’t be able to accomplish a great deal in the line of legislation for the next two years on account of the fact that the House will probably be Republican. The vote will be so close, however, that it can be overcome. Springfield Herald. nt Always Helps N >. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In f her experience with Cardui, the woman’s he says further: “Before I began to use gOi my back and head would hurt so bad, I [he pain would kill me. I was hardly able \of my housework. After taking three bottles Rjß i, I began to feel like a new woman. I soon 5 pounds, and now, Ido all my housework, Ipa as run a big water mill. sh every suffering woman would give K1 B CARDUI 5 E3 The Woman’s Tonic U a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, Ififl and it always does me good.’’ mjA Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, P-*! frryd tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ££2H ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s p9B tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui rTj for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing lOff women for more than fifty years. tel Get a Bottle Today! ISI For Long Term Farm Loans, SEE A. B. HUTCHESON. I am negotiating some very attractive Long Term Farm Loans for the best companies doing bus iness in Georgia, with lowest rates of interest and the most liberal terms of payments I have several years experience ;in the loan business, am located at the county site and believe that I am in position to give you the best terms and as prompt services as any one. If vou need a loan see me before application. A. B. Hutcheson, Mt. Vernon, Ga. W. B. GRIMES, Blacksmith & Repair Works, ALSTON, GEORGIA. All Classes of Repair Work Quickly and Correctly Done. Bring Me Your Work. TEN YEAR FARM LOANS! We desire to make loans at once on good farms in amounts over SI,OOO, the loan running for 10 yeurs at 7 per cent, interest and with only 5 per cent, com mission. We also make 5-year j loans at G per cent, interest. Re j payment privilege as desired, iWe also make smaller loans at a slight ly higher rate. We can give QUICKER SERVICE than oth ers. Applications wanted on property in Montgomery, Toombs and Wheeler counties. Let us hear from you. BREWTON LOAN & INSURANCE CO J. B. Bkewton, Manager AILEY. GA. j A. L. Lanier, Attorney at Law, MT. VERNON, GA. Will Practice in all the Courts of the State. I FARM LOANS) 1 WANTED I dS WttWWMWWWWWmMIWaWMWWMWWWWWWM Cj i II have a strong connection with largo amounts of money to loan on well improved farms in Montgomery 0 county for 5,7 and 10 years, at the usual rates of interest, repayable as 0 you may desire—so much each year & or entire amount at maturity of loan |j& NO DELAYS $ There will be absolutely no dely if g| !your titles are in good shape, as we 0 have the money and want to place it immediately. Bring Your Papers 0 X CALL. ON OR WRITE jjg J. R HALL | SOPERTON, GA. 0 jj 5 1-2 per ct. Money TO LOAN j I have plenty of money to lend on farm ; lands in Montgomery and Wheeler ! counties. Interest at 5 1-2 per cent., FIVE YEARS TIME—EASY PAYMENTS | i 5 i You have the privilege of paying part i of the principal at any interest period, i and stop interest on amount paid; but | no annual paymentof principal required Prompt Attention to All Loans Entrusted to Me | Come to see mo at once if you want a ji j loan. lam well equipped to take care | of the loan business. See me. | L. C. UNDERWOOD j; MT. VERNON, GA. j SAVE YOUR MEAT! | The Turley Meat Salter | j Will Do it For You j | Injects brine or preservative into joints. 1 | Easy to handle and sure in its effects. & j Nothing like it ever known. WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD I | Every instrument guaranteed to serve the purpose for which j; jjj it is used or money refunded Used also for inoculating j; p hogs against cholera, with slight change. This little instru- i % meet should be in the hands of every farmer or stock raiser. ]j Perfectly Made and Guaranteed » Complete with all attachments. Parts in stock. To see it is J to appreciate it. Ask for a demonstration. On display at ; Soperton Hardware Co., Soperton. Price Complete. $5.00, j v/ith two needles and two glasses- Ail orders must be ac- ; » companied by price. For further particulars, etc., see, | * write or phone 1 MACK NEW, Agent, ]j Route 2, -Box 25, SOPERTON, GA.