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Noticeabr; Change in Office
Sheriff, Clerk and School
The new year found a number
of changes in county officers,
the change in the ofaces of clerk
of superior court, sheriff and su
perintendent of sch.ols attract
ing more attention than others,
on account of having quarters in
the court house.
Mr. I. J. Davis assumed the
duties of sheriff Monday, and
with hi? family is occupying
r ioms in the jail. Mr. D. M.
McLendon has been appointed
jailer. Sheriff Hester has moved
to the dwelling formerly occupied
by Clerk of Court Tyler on Rail
road avenue. Mr. A. B. Hester
' is occupying the Browning resi
dence near the depot.
Sheriff Davis has appointed as
Irtis deputies Mr. B. F. Hart of
and Mr. H. H. Adams of
Tarry town. They are good men,
and their appointment gives rep
\ resentation in each ” end of the
county and making an efficient
After serving a term as clerk
of the court, Mr. G. R. Tyler has
removed with his family to their
home in Soperton. Many friends
regret to see them leave. Mr.
M. L. O’Brien reassumed the du
les of clerk, but for the present
will not bring his family here.
He drives down every morning.
Mr. Thos. B. Conner is now
at the head of the county’s public
school system, the office which
has been ably filled by Col. A. B.
Hutcheson for a number of years.
Mr. Conner is an able and ener
getic young official, and under
his supervision the county school
system will continue to flourish.
At its monthly meeting Tues
day the Board of Commissioners
of Roads and Revenues elected
Mr. Hutcheson county attorney
1 and of the board. Thus he
will resume the practice of law,
in this capacity at least.
The two new members of the
Board of Commissioners, Dr. J.
H. Dees and Mr. D. G. Green
way, have been installed.
Ordinary McArthur and Tax
Collector Davis were re-elected,
while Tax Receiver Snow will
not assume his duties until the
spring. Surveyor Hamilton is
ready to operate in his line, and
Coroner Hammock is likewise
ready for business.
Ju Jge W. W. Lambdin
Died in Savannah.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 24.
J dge Wallace W. Lambdin of
the United States district court
f r the southeastern district of
Georgia, died shortly after noon
• odav in his office in the federal
building from an attack of acute
indigestion. With him at the
time of his death were his wife
nd son and daughter and a num
ber of his friends who had been
called to the office by the report
of his critical illness. His death
came about an hour after he was
stricken. Interment was held in
Barnesville, where the judge for
merly lived.
Cilat ion.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Whereas, Mrs. Nancy Price,
guardian of the person and prop
erty of Frank Warnock, has in
proper form applied to the under
signed for leave to sell a half in
terest in a certain tract of land
in the lt)s4th district of said
county; notice is hereby given
that said application will be heard
at my office on the first Monday
in February next. This the Ist
day of January, 1917.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
(Eh? iMmttgmnrrg JUnniinr.
Miss Mamie Hughes and Mr.
Elza Martin were quietly married
at the home of the bride Wednes
day morning, December 27th,
and the happy couple left for
Dublin, where they will reside.
The bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Hughes, and
is admired by many friends.
The young husband is a son of
Mr. J. H. Martin. The knot was
tied by Rev. Dan Walker.
Success and happiness to them.
8.-P. L ITEMS. |
—————---- - - s
Head marks won in the Third
grade during the month of De
cember are as follows:
Gaston Davis 2
Priscilla Stanford 1
Charles Buttersworth 2
Ralph Martin 2
Claude Mcßae 1
Jane Mcßae 2
J. Wade Johnson 2
Beverly Salter 2
Bessie Hughes 1
William Mcßae * 2
Edgar Hunt 1
Elizabeth Calhoun 2
Theodore Cooper 1
T. A. Peterson 1
Bob Peterson 2
Murry Frozelle 1
Eula Williams 1
Ammie Gray 1
Robert McCrimmon 1
Esther Wells 1
Headmarks won by the Second
grade are as follows:
Rosa Daniels 2
Winnie Gillis 1
Dorthy Hunt 2
Louise Smith 1
Margaret Salter 2
Emmit Stanford 2
Gregory Hughes 2
Ruth Mason 1
Charles Hicks 1
Honor roll for Third grade,
pupils who have neither been
tardy or absent during the month
of December.
Elizabeth Calhoun, Gaston Da
vis, Murry Frozelle, Edgar Hunt,
J. Wade Johnson, Claude Mc-
Rae, Jane Mcßae, Eula Williams,
Charles Buttersworth and Bessie
Honor Roll, 2nd Grade.
Rosa Daniels, Gregory Hughes,
Dorthy Hunt, Margaret Salter,
Ernestine Underwood and Chas.
Jury List.
List of Jurors drawn to serve at
the February term of Court. 1917:
N A Downie, W T Dickens,
J F Cromartie, Ira Thigpen,
W It Greenway, M R Davis,
W G McDonald, T C McArthur,
C L Johnson, G Thigpen,
W C Langford, G W McCrimmon,
M F Davis, 11 J Right,
H II Adams, J A Walker,
John J McArthur, Elijah Dixon,
W M Denton, W A Conner, Sr.,
B L Gillis, J J Calhoun,
C H Peterson, 1886, (J A Sumner,
Dennis O’Brien, Benj. Gillis,
A McCrimmon, I A Smith,
J H Hudson, A J Gillis,
E D McNeil, Jim Sellers,
J H Drew, Theodore Sharpe,
I H Hall, Jr., Sual Coursen,
M E Fountain, J M Phillips, Jr.,
I) H Phillips, Eulin Brooks,
G A Gurbett, G II Beasley,
J B Davis, Perry Blount,
M A Rico, W N Reid,
W B. Greenway, A R Sumner,
Angus McLeod, Lee Ricks,
F F McArthur, J II Smith,
Jim Herndon, M D Hughes,
CC McAllister Jr., H H Johnson,
J F Currie, I E Brooks,
N C Gillis, W A McCoy,
Clifford Mcßride, SV McLendon,
E L Gillis, D S Barnhill,
J McDonald, Calvin Willis,
J II Dorsey, J W Ward law,
H C Logan, J N Price,
N N Barwick, B L Ricks,
Hiram Dixon, Charlie Barwick,
Albert Morris, W A Sammons,
G I Radford, L C Graham.
Preached Sunday at
Presbyterian Church.
Rev. Daniel A. McNeil of Nor
folk, Va., preached two able ser
mons at the Mt. Vernon Presby
terian church last Sabbath, morn
ing and evening, and was heard
by a fair-sized congregation, con
sidering that his coming had not
been previously announced. In
the afternoon he was heard by
the congregation at Hack Branch.
Mr. McNeil is a young minister
of unusual force and eloquence,
and did not fail to impress his
hearers. It is understood that
the church at this place, and pos
sibly others of the group, have
called Mr. McNeil to the work,
and his answer will be forth
coming within the week. This
work has been without a minis
ter lor the past nine months, in
cluding Mcßae, Erick and Hack
Branch. In the spring Vidalia
withdrew from the group.
During the past few months
these churches have been ably
served by Mr. G. W. Stradtman,
a laymen, of Savannah, and
while he has been very accept
able, the churches are looking
forward to the acceptance of the
work by a regular pastor.
New Bankruptcy Dist.
For South Georgia.
Waycross, Ga., Dec. 30.—The
appointment of Hal Lambdin of
Savannah, as referee in bank
ruptcy for the newly created dis
trict in South Georgia was re
ceived with genuine pleasure by
Mr. Lambdin’s many friends in
Waycross. He formerly resided
here and his friends believe he
will make a most acceptable
referee. Before engaging in the
practice of law in Savannah Mr.
Lambdin served as official re
porter for the Waycross circuit,
resigning to become secretary
for Congressman J. It. Walker of
the Eleventh. While he has not
decided where he will reside it is
understood Mr. Lambdin will
make his home either at Cordele
or Fitzgerald.
Meet at Brewton-Parker Jan.
13.—Luncheon by Local
On Saturday December 2, 1916,
the Southern Division of The
Teachers’ Association organized
with Jennie Butler as President
and Zelle Mcßride Secretary. We
have decided to have the county
contest again and in order to do
this, the teachers must come to
gether at these monthly meetings
in order to plan and arrange for
same. The usual method of
meeting at the different schools
each month was adopted and the
next meeting will be at B. P. I.
the second Saturday in January.
Dinner will be served by the B.
P. I. teachers. Come; we need
you. Zelle Mcßride, Sec’y.
The following program will he
rendered at the Jan. 13 meeting:
Orchestra selection 10:30
Address Mr. T. B. Conner
Address, “Consolidation,”
Mr. Bunyan Smith
Orchestra selection
“The Teacher’s Calling,”
Mr. C. A. Sydnor
Lunch will be served the teach
ers at 12 o’clock. All teachers
of the county are not only invited,
but urged to be present.
Ruth Chesnut,
Cbm. Program Com.
The Civic League
Meets Wednesday.
The next meeting of the Mt.
Vernon Civic League will he held
at the court house next Wednes
day afternoon, 10th, at 3 o’clock
All members are invited to attend.
Carload Furniture.
Mr. G. V. Mason, the furniture
man, has just received a carload
of new goods, consisting of a
choice assortment of furniture,
stoves, household goods, etc.
Since opening in the fall, Mr.
Mason has had splendid success,
and his business is growing. He
will later have something to say
to the people regarding his line,
In the District Court of the
United States for the Southern
District of Georgia, Eastern Di
In the matter of Win. B. Kent,
Under and l>v virtue of an order KranttHi by Hon
orable A. 11. MacDonell. Referee in Bankruptcy,
the underßiffned, ns Trustee in Bankruptcy of
William B. Kent, Bankrupt, will offer for Halt* at
public outcry before the courthouse door of Mont-
Koniery County, Georgia, located at Mount Ver
non. in said county, between the I**khl hours of
sale, Baid sale to commence about two o’clwk p.
m. t standard time, on the first Tuesday, that be
ing: the sixth day of February, 1917, the following:
described property located in Montgomery County,
Georgia, belonging to said bankrupt:
AH that certain tract or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the 1343rd lJist. G. M. said State
and county and in the town of Mt. Vernon, Ga..
and bounded as follows: On the north by lot of
Wm. B. Kent, on the east by a twenty (20) foot
alley running between the lot now conveyed and
lot of W. B. Langford, on the south by Spring
Street, and on the west by Washington Street or
Old River Road and containing two hundred (200)
feet from north to south along Washington Street
and one hundred and seventy-five (175) feet back
along Spi ing Street to said alley and bet ter known
as the Mt. Vernon Normal and High School house
and lot, ami being the property conveyed to wm.
B. Kent by D. A. Mcßae, M. Morrison, M. 1).
Hughes. Wm. Bland, W. B. Langford. W. H. Mc-
Queen, L. B. McLemore, J. W. Morrison, J. C.
McAllister, T. J. Thompson and W. E. Foun
tain ns Trustees of The Mt. Vernon Normal and
High School, on the Nth day of September, 1906,
and recorded in Deed Book No. “9”, page 80, of
the Clerk’s office Montgomery County, Ga.
Also all that tract or parcel of land situated, ly
ing and being in the 1343rd District G. M. of
Montgomery County, and in the Town of Mount.
Vernon, Georgia, bounded on the north by lands
belonging to Hicks Bros.; on the cast by Fulton
Street: on the south by lands belonging to Mrs. H.
L. Wilt and on the west by an alley, said lots
fronting fifty feet each on Fulton Street and ex
tending back one hundred atid sixty-five (165) feet
to and alley, and being the same land conveyed to
Wm. B. Kent by M. L. Currie by warranty deed
dated the 16th day of September 1902, as shown by
tin* record of said deed in Book No. 1, folio 355 of
the Records of Deeds in Montgomery County, Ga.
Also all of those four lots or parcels of land situ
ated, lying, and being in the Town of Mt. Vernon,
Montgomery County, Georgia, and in the 1343rd
District G. M. of said county, each lot fronting fif
ty feet on Washington Street, and extending bark
to an alley one hundred and sixty feel and being
bounded on the north by Ml. Vernon Street; east
by a twenty foot alley; south by the Ml. Vernon
Academy lot and west by Washington Street or
Darien Dublin Public Road and being the same
four lots of land convoyed to Wm. B. Kent by D.
E. Mcßae by warranty deed dated the 6th day of
October, 1902, as shown by the record of said deed
in Book No. 1, Folio 378, of the Records of Deeds
in the office of Clerk Superior Court of Montgom
ery County, Georgia.
Also all of these two tracts of land situated, ly
ing and being in tht; Town of Mt. Vernon, Georgia,
and in the 1343rd District G. M. of Montgomery
County, adjoining cash other, bounded on the
north by Spring Street, east by Fulton Street,
south by lands of Mcßae & Bro., and west by
Washington Street or Darien & Dublin Road, be
ing the lot of land conveyed to T. K. Burch by M
li. Currie by a warranty deed dated first day of
March 1892 as shown by the; record of said deed in
Book “R” folios 285 and 2.36, of the* recorels of
Deeeis of Montgomery County, Georgia, and also
the lot of lanej conveyed to Wm. B. Kent by Mary
L. Langford by warranty deed elated February
27th, 1901, as phown by the; roce>rd e»f said de;ed in
Book “FF”, folio 463 of the Rewords eif Deads of
Montgomery County, Ga., the T. K. Bure h lot
above mentioned having boon convoyed to Wm. B
Kent by Minnie E. Campbell on the 12th day of
February 1901. as shown by the Record of said
deed in Book “FF”, folio 454 of the Record e»f
De;e*eis of Montgomery County, Ga.
Also all of that tractor parcel of lanei situated,
lying and being in the Town of Mt. Vernon, Mont
gomery County, Ga., containing one acre, more or
less, and known as the* Win. B. Kent residence
and be;ing bounded on the north by Spring Street,;
on the east by Railroad A venue; on the; south by
lands of D. A. Mcßae and on the- west by lauds of
Mrs. H. L. Wilt, composed of twe> separate tracts
lying adjacent to e*ach other, to-wit: One- quarter
(1-4; of an acre being the* property conveyed to
Wm. B. Kent by Mrs. A. O. McCullough asadmin
istrator on the estate of Chester Coleman on the?
4th day of July, 1899, as shown by the recore J of
said deed in Book “ZZ” folio 192 and 193 of the*
Records of Deeds of Montgomery County, Georgia,
and also a tract e>f lanei conveyed to Wm. B. Kent
by A M. Bland on t he* 25th »iay of November J 399,
as shown by the record of said deeel in Book “I F”
folio 12H of the Records of Montgomery County,
Also all of that tract, or parcel of lanei situated,
lying and l>eing in the; Town of Mt. Vernon, Mont
gomery County, Georgia, e-ontaining approximate
ly eight (8) acre's, more* or less, being comprise d of
three (3) separate tractv all lying adjoining each
other, to-wit: One; tract, of erne* and one-half
(1 1-2) acres, more; or less, bounded on the north by
lands eif (J. V. Mason; east by lands of J. C. McAllis
ter, seiufh and west by lands of Wm. B. Kent and
being the same tract of land conveyed to Win. B.
Kent by W C. Ryals by de*«d elated Noverrdnw
16th, 1909, as shown by the reword of said deed in
Book No. 13, folio 265 of the* Rereads of Deeds of
Montgomery County, Georgia, also one and one
half (1 1-2) acres, more or less, bounded north and
e*ast. by lands of J. C. McAllister, on tlie? south by
laneis of J. C. McAllister and Wm. B. Kent, and on
the west by lands of Wm. B. Kent and being the
same; tract of lanei conveyed to Wm. B. Kent by J.
C. McAllister by a warranty deed dated the 16th
day of March 1903; also all of that tract or parcel
of laral situated, lying and being in the Town of
Mt Vernon, Montgomery County, Georgia, con
taining five and one-half (5 1-2) acres, more or
less, bounded on the north by lands of G. V. Ma
son and Wm. li. Kent, on the- east by lands eif J.
C. McAllister and Win. B. Kent; on ihe south by a
60 foot street and iands of D. W. Folsom and on
the went by Railroad Avenue ami laneis </f D. W.
Folsom and being all of the* lanei conveyed to Wm.
B. Kent by C. C. Browning on the. 23rd day of Feb
ruary, 1903, as shown by the record of saiel cle-ed in
Be»ok No. 1, folio 654 of the records of ej« eds of
Montgomery County, Georgia, except a 60 foot
street out all the; way across the; south e-nd of aid
tract and also a 1 1-4 acre tract, more or less, in
the southwe*st corner of said Browning tract con
veyed to D. W. Folsom by Wm, B. Kenton the-2nd
flay of March, 1908, as shown by the.record of said
deed in Book No. 11, folio 151 of the; KccoreJs of
deeds of Montgomery County, Georgia.
Saiel property will lx; sold fr<-«? and clear from all
liens, except liens for taxes, the proceeds to take
the place- of the property so sold, anej to he applied
in extinguishment of all valiei liens upon the-same
All sales to be; made subject to confirmation bv the;
Court and the successful bidder must deposit at
least ten per cent, of his bid with the; Trustee
at the; time and place of sale;, and the balane-e of
the purchase; money to be- paid in cash upon con
firmation of the sale and te.-nder to the purchaser
of deed by the Trustee. Said properties will beof
fereej in separate- lots and parcels and where more
than one lot or tract are covered by any security,
said property after being first offered separately,
will them be offered as a whole, and the highe-stof
fer received under eitherr method will lee reported
to the Court for confirmation. The- undersigned,
as trustee, will file report with the said Ke;feree; at
Savannah. Georgia, of all sales made by him on or
before 12 o'cloak norm of Friday, February 9, 1917,
at which time; and place* action upon said re port
will lie; had, the right being reserved by the Court
to reject any or all bids for any or all of said prop
erty, anej at the time; anel place above mejntioned
to receive open bids for any of said property, and
if at such time and place satisfactory bids higher
than those; received at the public sale- shall f** sub
mitted, the property may them and there be sold
to the liighest anej best bidder, or such other dlree
tion given in the premises, as the; Court may then
order. Dated Savannah, Georgia. Jan. 2, 1917.
O. J. MAv, Trustee,
Pout Office Addhem, Sandekhville, Ga.
Holiday Wedding.
Miss Iris Simpson and Mr. H.
L. Smith of this place were mar
ried last Wednesday evening, 8
o’clock, in Lyons, at the residence
of Rev. J. D. Rabun, by whom
the ceremony was performed.
They were accompanied to Ly
ons by Miss Jeddie Cockfield and
Mr. Jim McCullough.
The bride is the only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Simpson
of this place, and is admired for
her many graces. Mr. Smith is
a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Smith of Mt. Vernon, and is rec
ognized as a young man of splen
did qualities. They left Thurs
day afternoon for Stilson, Ga.,
where they will reside, and
where Mr. Smith is interested in
farming. May their pathway he
strewn with roses.
Miss Moses and Mr. O’Neal
Parties to the Happy
One of the prettiest weddings
of the season, and one of much
interest to a large circle of
friends, was that of Miss Beulah
Moses and Mr. Robert Lester
O’Neal, which took place on last
Wednesday, December 27t.h, at
the home of the bride in Uvalda.
The Rev. David A. Lastinger,
pastor of the Methodist Church,
performed the ceremony. The
hall and parlor were artistically
decorated in ferns, palms and
Christmas green.
I’receeding the ceremony, “1
Love You Truly,” was sweetly
sung by Miss Mildred Kent of
The bride was attended by her
sister-in-lav/, Mrs. William M.
Moses, as matron of honor and
Dr. Wm. M. Moses was Mr.
O’Neal’s best man.
The bridal party entered the
parlor to the strains of Lohen
grins Wedding March, rendered
by Mrs. Wallace Moses, and dur
ing the ceremony, “The Flower
Song,” by Blumenlied, was soft
ly played. The bride was beauti
fully gowned in white satin em
broidered in silver arid gold and
trimmed in silver and gold laee,
and silk net. Her veil was dainti
ly caught up in Dutch cap fashion
with lilies of the valley. She
carried a bouquet of bride roses
and lilies of valley. Mrs. Moses,
her matron of honor, wore blue
satin trimmed in maribon. She
carried Killarney roses.
After the ceremony the bride
donned her traveling suit of blue
broad cloth. Her blouse was of
flesh colored georgette crepe and
her hat was black velvet faced
with georgette crepe and trim
with ostrich tips.
Mr. and Mrs. O’Neal left im
mediately for Savannah arid
points of interest in Florida. Af
ter their return, they will he at
home in Uvalda. Mrs. O’Neal is
the charming and accomplished
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Moses. Mr. O’Neal is a prosper
ous young business man, being
junior partner of The Minter-
Smith Hardware Co,, of Lyons
and Uvalda.
Judge Blood worth on
Court of Appeals.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 3. —O. H.
B. Blood worth of Forsyth, Ga.,
has been appointed judge of the
state court of appeals by Gover
ernor Harris to succeed the late
Judge Robert Hodges of Macon.
Mr. Bloodworth will be sworn in
Mr. Bloodworth was a candi
date in the primary last summer
for one of the newly created
judgeships on the court of ap
peals and led the field of aspi
rants but lost out in the conven
Athletics will Come in For
Consideration During
After a twelve days vacation,
The Brewton-Parker Institute
opened Wednesday for the spring
term. The fall term was consid
ered unusually good, but indica
tions point to a still better term
for the spring. Practically all of
the old pupils hrve returned, as
well as a number of new ones.
At the opening exercises the
athletic pins were awarded the
successful contestants in the field
day exercises of Dec. 12. The
following were the successful
contestants: Herman Mann,
Helen I jee, Tommie Keene. Wil
liam Peterson, C. C. Daniel,
Jack McGahee, Eula Gray, Alma
Mason, Esther Mason and Irene
Martin. Prospects for athletics
for the winter and spring are
good. The boys under the direc
tion of Mr. Slaughter and the
girls under Miss Martin are get
ting down to basket ball practice,
and several games have been
Other features of the spring
term will be a contination of the
Lyceum course, orchestra, glee
club, medical inspection, field
day exercises, etc.
Special Corr<*Bpoml«»nce.
Miss lola Hartley, music teach
er, who has been spending the
holidays with her parents at Rid
dleville, returned Monday.
Mr. Frank Sumner of Danville
was mingling with friends here
Miss Gerty Dickerson and Mr.
Jake Greenway of Glennville
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Zeesman Sunday evening.
Miss Sallie Mae Gibson spent
last week at her home in Agricola.
Miss Erline Currie, who has
been visiting her parents, return
ed to her school near Cordele
Mr. D. E. Holliman was the
week end visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fowler near
Mr. John R. Stanford visited
relatives at Mt. Vernon one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Zeesman of Glen
ville visited their brother, Mr. H.
Zeesman, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Algerine Braddy
of Kibbee were transacting busi
ness here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Snow and
family and Miss Lillie Mae Joiner
were the Sunday guests of the
former's brother, Mr. John
Snow, near Uvalda.
Mr. and Mrs. I). E. Holliman
spent the holidays in Warrenton
and Sandersville.
Mr. Lewis Calhoun of Hamlet,
N. C., was at home last week.
Miss Stella Hobbs of Milan,
Miss Clara Mae Hoobs and Mrs.
J. Evans of Lothair were the
spend-the-day guests of Mrs. C.
It. Crowder Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kemp re
turned after a visit to relatives
near Rockledge Sunday.
Mr. Pierce Calhoun, a student
at the B. P. 1., spent the holi
days at home.
Mr. John McGahee of Soperton
was a pleasant visitor at the
home of Mrs. C. H. McGahee
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. J. 0. Holmes and family
will leave this week for Summit,
where they will make their future
NO. 36.