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TTP\e lAor\tgorr\&ry r\or\itor.
Knt«;r<;d at tin l’ostollicc in Mt, Vernon, Ga. aH Hccond-ClasH Mail Matter.
H. It. POLSOM. Editor and o»ncr. si-5 1 ® Year, in Advance.
*«r !,< •:<! h lv< rti“' merit- muHt invariably be pairl in advance, at the lc(?al rate, and at* the law
direct-; ami mtirt be in band not later than Wednesday morning of the drat week of insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, Jan. 4, 1917.
With the holidays over, let us
get down to work—sure enough.
Your new year’s resolution is
four days old. Any cranks in it
Do not allow 1917 to get too
fur advanced before you execute
those good plans.
Some signs of debauchery dur
ing the holidays, hut, taken as a
whole, it was saner than in for
mer years, as far as this section
is concerned. The day will yet
come when this will he a sober
Peace talk may serve to pro
long the war, but we cannot see
it that way; sentiment of the
neutral powers, with Woodrow
Wilson in the forefront, will
eventually bring the combatants
to terms.
The boll weevil will he here in
numbers as plentiful as the
Egyptian plague of flies before
some farmers will admit the
presence of such a pest. The
wise planter is preparing to live
and prosper with the weevil
around him.
Experience is a thorough teach
er, but sometimes employs very
stern methods. One trip up
North during the winter season
is quite enough for the average
Southern darkey. Their appeals
for aid with which to return
home are pitiable in the extreme.
It appears that Savannah will
land the federal judgeship, and
the appointment of a Savannah
man would be consistent. Col.
W. W. Osborne of that city has
been practically named the suc
cessor of the late Judge Lamb
din, as reported from headquar
As a measure of economy and
efficiency, the new sheriff of Ful
ton county will reside in the coun
ty jail where he can be at home
to his friends. It may be sug
gested that before the advent of
prohibition, and for the past few
years, the official family had been
crowded out.
The law allows a minimum of
two quarts per month, for men
who will have it. hut no legal
provision is made for the young
ster; he cannot legally buy liquor.
Yet boys have been seen in an
intoxicated condition in Mt. Ver
non, 1 aving no doubt been sup
plied ! y older heads. Such cases
should be investigated by the
The retiring sheriff of Ben
Hill county went out of office
with a vexing problem on his
hands the legal disposition of
aver sixty barrels of whiskey
which he had confiscated during
the past year. It is certainly no
violation of the law to pour it
out a few barrels at a time.
Judas-like, there are those who
will hate to see it wasted.
Your boy may be a sharp kid
- wiser than his dad—but the
chances are that he will not gain
any educational or moral uplift
from the idle or mischievous
hours spent on the streets. Using
the unmistakable signs of va
grancy as a basis for calculation,
a large per cent, of the parents
have no regard for the future
welfare of their boys or girls,
either, as for that matter. Boys
and girls are good to make men
and women out of, at least.
Georgia State 3
Press Expressions. |
The experiment of the govern
ment on the border has convinced
almost everybody that the militia
system as conducted at present
is doomed. This is merely an
other instance of the several
states losing power through in
efficiency, although the nature of
the needs of the country seem to
require that the soldiers depend
upon for defense should have
a common training.— Valdosta
We do not expect to lose a
single subscriber on account of
the raise in subscription. Our
readers realize that we are up
against a paper famine, and that
we are forced to raise our rates.
At $1.50 a year we will not make
as much as we use to make atsl.
Nashville Herald.
Whenever you see a man get
real mad in an argument, you
may bet he’s on the wrong side.
—Greensboro Herald-Journal.
The sudden drop in the cotton
market has taken a lot of the
Christmas joy out of some local
speculators. We hope they are
able to hang on, however, for the
price of cotton is bound to ad
vance. —Dublin Courier-Herald.
The democrats in congress will
not he faithful to duty if they
permit any legislation that re
duces the volume of political
rights now enjoyed constitution
ally by the states. —Perry Home
Begin making your plans now
for the greatest year of your life
on your farm, in your office,
business place and in your com
munity. Walker Co. Messenger.
The lawyers of this section of
the state who have applied for
appointment to the vacant place
on the court of appeals had about
as well saved stamps and their
endorsements. As far as the
present administration is con
cerned this part of Georgia is not
in the state. This is a Macon
and Atlanta administration. All
places of importance are filled
with men from these cities. — Ly
ons Progress.
Switzerland, the little country
of natural beauty, commends
President Wilson’s appeal for
peace. It seems to us that it is
time for every neutral country to
raise its voice in a supreme effort
to stop the wanton murder of
thousands of people. This gigan
tic struggle was begun without
an excuse and surely it is high
time that it cease.—Adel News.
We hope Senator Hoke Smith’s
bill to prohibit the use of the
mails for letters, postcards, cir
culars or pamphlets offering for
sale, soliciting the purchase or of
advertising intoxicating liquors,
will pass and soon become a law
of the land.—Darien Gazette.
Pershing went into Mexico
with his 10,000 soldiers to hunt
down Pancho Villa. They say
Villa is now in northern Mexico,
the boss there. Why shouldn’t
i Uncle Sam turn Pershing loose
now? Cordele Dispatch.
We put everybody on notice,
right now: If the water wagon
wants any of our trade during
the coming year, it must have
cushion seats, rubber tired
wheels, low steps, a schedule
with frequent stops, and para
chutes, so if you fall off you
won’t hit hard.—Swainsboro
1 Forest-Blade.
One to the Acre.
Discussion of plans for a meat
curing plant in Montgomery
county apparently has been given
new impetus by the weight of the
celebrated hog which was slaught
ered in Mount Vernon the other
day. This porker, which weighed
956 pounds gross, has been one
of the chief topics of conversa
tion in that section for the last
few weeks, and the fact that it
was not a freak, but merely a
normal animal, indicates the
pork possibilities of that commu
nity and the great need of the
meat curing plant. The hog in
question produced 230 pounds of
lard; its middlings weighed 136
pounds each; and the hams,
“with the large bones removed,”
weighed sixty pounds each. Ani
mals like that would be worth
while even if it were possible to
produce only one to the acre. -
Savannah News.
A Farewell Note.
With much feeling of regret on
leaving, Mrs. Segall and myself
bid farewell to the many friends
we have formed during our stay
in Mt. Vernon. We shall never
forget the true and friendly in
terest accorded to our family dur
ing the years of our residence
here. The memory of the asso
ciations formed here will last
with us through life as the most
pleasant ones. As it is impos
sible for us to bid an individual
good-bye to everybody, we ask
everyone of our friends here to
read this note with personal
reference to themselves, and ask
them to see us whenever they
happen to be in Glenwood.
Very cordially,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Segall.
For Sale or Rent
Two-story nine-room dwelling
on 8.-P. I Hill, Mt. Vernon, for
sale or rent. J. D. Rabun,
Lyons, Ga.
i; To Grind Your Corn and Gin Your j»
Corn in tlic Best Manner Possible. jj
I Soliciting Your Patronage and Promis- jj
II ing the Best Service, lam
Yours truly jj
|| AILEY.SA. i:
► Vidalia Monumental Co. J
[ * |
I :
t All Practical Dimensions and Make it 1
P 4
► up in Appropriate Designs l
p <
£ The public is invited to visit our yards and make personal *
£ selections. You save salesmen’s commissions. We handle 4
p 4
r from the smallest to the lagest size in Georgia Marble. *
► 4
Subscription price of The Montgomery
Monitor after Jan. 1, $1.50
jg Located in Montgomery County, Ga. 0
/o66ee , ► Geory/c, 0
Montgomery ‘County gjx
ra 0&» » r ’° T L. |
I/;r° // ** J
sy y t *' e y / 9Soef] ($ 1|
j io * cce! ‘ /' j/__ 77
{* j | w iiof & jj
% /**«•< * 2 ' f 'V U
2k s .rv'Vtd Oy *■"« ■ Courts \ / £8
s!? - aeo Conn \J W
0$ surveyor . * Mt
> ? w ey trees flB
££ Above lands located in Montgomery county, Ga., 3 1-2 miles north of Ailey, on the £
Seaboard Railway, and 2 miles of Kibbee, a station on the Macon, Dublin & Savannah Ry.
It is located in a fine farming section, traversed by two improved public roads, with a third
touching it. Within one mile of church and good school. Y
Three hundred acres of this tract in high state of cultivation, with five good settle- gj
i? ments on the same, with fairly good houses. Ample timber for improvements. g
This is the opportunity to secure just such a farm as you wish, as tract will be cut to
J?' suit purchasers. Will sell you a small farm or the entire tract, at surprising prices, and on 3
<*) terms that any one can meet. These lands will be on the market only a short time; if you
(¥} will avail yourself of the splendid opportunity offered, see or write at once @
| or W. H. Stillwell, Owner, \ \
1 J. Wade Johnson, No - 30 Br y an Street > East ’ $j
Mt. Vernon, Ga. SAVANNAH, GA. ft
99 per cent.
|| BEC Al 3D
in a good bank th< • money is absolutely safe and al- ]
ways available; checks ; i returned and become receipts; k
I f checks and stubs form convenient record of income and
j | outgo, and best of all, v,. n the bank depositor sees an op
jj portunity of using some m ey profitably, his acquaintance
II at the bank and record a. \ depositor make it possible for t|
;; him to procure a loan. h ;
You can promote YOUR suc
cess by becoming a depositor with S
y y y y y ly yy y yy y If y y
CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $33,000.00 RESOURCES, $175,000.00
Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier
Alex McArthur. Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier
# ? YTTTTfTf mffTffnnmT#
l The Best Registered Stock \
► Any Age or Size _ <
► :
► Herd contains Best Blood Lines
t in America. Tell me your wants. <
► The public is invited to call and make <
t personal selections. \
► 1 4
► Address T. J. JAMES «
£ \