Newspaper Page Text
Wht fMflntgmttm? ilnnitor.
Chautauqua Was a Success
and Gets a Renewal
Saturday evening brought to a
close the three-day series of en
tertainments of the Radcliffe
Chautauqua at The Brewton-
Parker, after a most successful
appearance here.
The entertainments, varied in
character, were very well attend
ed each performance. This sea
son’s program, while entirely
different from that of last year,
was thoroughly appreciated. It
would be difficult to pronounce
either of the events superior to
the others, hence it can only be
said that they were all good.
Before the closing engagement
Saturday evening the local asso
ciation was reorganized, on a
grander scale than heretofore,
and a contract for next year’s re
turn of the Radcliffe Chautauqua
was entered into. This associa
tion is composed of the business
men of Ailey and Mt. Vernon.
They have the interest of the ;
community at heart, and will pull)
together as never before. These ]
towns have a joint interest in the;
big school, and a more ideal loca
tion for the Chautauqua could
not be found.
The school authorities have
been especially liberal in their co
operation and a vote of thanks is
due them. The Chautauqua is a
benefit to the school and the
towns surrounding it, civically,
morally and patriotically. This
class of entertainment appeals to
every temperament, whether
child or mature manhood or wo
manhood —each finds something
to enjoy and uplift.
Mt. Vernon, Ailey and The
Brewton-Parker will look for
ward to the return of the Chau
tauqua next season, and before
the return date the local manage
ment will have organized for
greater interest and more effec
tive work. It has been a fi
nancial success to the promoters
and a season of entertainment
not to be forgotten by the people
of this section.
Guardian’s Sule.
Georgia — Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the court of Ordinary
of said county, will be sold be
fore the court house door in said
county, between the legal hours
of sale, on the first Tuesday in
May, 1917, to the highest bidder,
the following property to-wit: A
1-22 undivided interest in and to
498 acres of land more or less, be
longing to the estate of Mrs. M.
A. Warnock, situate, lying and
in the 1054th G. M. district of
said county, and hounded as fol
lows: North, east and west by
lands of J. P. Mixon and south by
1 mds of the estate of S. Collins.
Sold as the undivided interest of
Frank Warnock, minor heir.
Mrs. Nancy Price,
Guardian Frank Warnock.
Shoes Half-Soled. Men’s, 50c;
Ladies’, 40c. Bring your repair
work to W. B. Miller, at black
smith shop, Mt. Vernon.
l A Spring Leaf :
► gone? We have them as well *
► as a * los * ; °th er automobile ■*
t ! t Mjf-ff supplies. It will pay you to t
► yf \ come to see us before telegraph- *
► \f j ing for parts and paying the <
► \| freightage on them. Prices «
* /I lowest and most satisfactory. *
X jf Mt. ernon * a - 3
Longpond Dots.
Special Correspondence.
Miss Belle McAllister has re
turned from Milan, where she
visited Mr. H. G. McAllister.
Mrs. J. C. Johnson went toMt.
Vernon Saturday to visit her son, I
Mr. J. Wade Johnson.
Miss Velma McArthur of Vi-!
dalia visited relatives here Sun- 1
Mr. C. C. McAllister made a
business trip to Milan last week.
Miss Ora Mobley has returned i
from a visit among friends at
Many of the men folks from
here attend court in Mt. Vernon
last week.
Mr. Clement McArthur, a stu
dent of 8.-P. 1., spent Sunday
with home folks.
Misses Lillie Sharpe and Cleo
Mathis of Alston were here last
Judge Collins of Reidsville,
Rev. J. D. Rabun of Lyons and
Dr. J. C. Brewton of Mt. Ver
non were here Thursday.
Miss Mae Carpenter has re
turned from Alston where she
visited Miss Sharpe.
Messrs. W. E. Adams and Wil
liam Fentress of Mt. Vernon at
tended Sunday school here last
There will be services at the
Methodist church next Saturday
at 11 o’clock and Sunday after
noon at 3:30. We will be glad to
[ see everyone out.
Mr. Charlie Armfield visited
his mother in Mt. Vernon Satur
day and Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Hughes has return
;ed to her home at Hack Branch
i after a weeks visit to her daugh
| ter, Mrs. E. E. Burch.
Mr. Gibbs of Hack Branch spent
| Sunday at the home of Mr. E. E.
j Burch.
Mrs. W. T. McArthur, Miss
Jennie Butler and Sarah McAr
thur of McGregor visited at the
home of Hon. C. C. McAllister
last Saturday afternoon.
Several of the Longpond peo
ple attended the Chautauqua last
week and we hope we will have
it with us again next year, for
we enjoyed it very much.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court
house door of said county, on the
first Tuesday in May, 1910, under
and by virtue of an order granted
by the court of ordinary, between
the legal hours of sale, to the
highest and best bidder for cash,
certain property, of which the
following is a complete descrip
tion : J 74 acres more or lees and
in the 1054th G. M. district of
said county and state, bounded as
follows: On the north by lands
of the estate of Mrs. M. A. War
nock, on the east by the lands of
Stella Braddy, Leader & Rosansky
and Minnie Memory, on the south
by lands of Minnie West and D.
H. Phillips and on the west by
lands of Minnie West, Saphronie
Collins and Chas. Collins. Sold
as the property of the estate of
Sikes Collins, for the purpose of
division among heirs.
H. A. Braddy,
Adr. Est. Sikes Collins.
Miss Mary Lou McNatt of
i Uvalda was the guest of Miss
. Jeddie Cockfield last Sabbath.
Miss Emily Williams, daughter]
of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams of
this city, and Mr. Jesse J. Moore
of Glenville were united in mar
riage last Sunday afternoon. The
marriage was a great surprise to
the friends of each as no one sus- (
pected that they contemplated it. j
Each of the young people are
well known here, the bride hav- ]
ing been practically raised here
and the groom having been con
nected with the Reidsville Hard
ware Co. for some months. They
are among the most popular of
the younger set of the city.
They went to the home of the
groom in Glennville where they i
will be for some time.—Tattnall
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery (bounty.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in May. 1017, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
That l.iaot or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the 13H8th (}. M.
district of said county and state,con
taining 125 45-100 acres more or less,
and bounded as follows: North by
lands of S. (!. Phillips, east by lands
of II..). Kight, south by lands of
John McUaliee and west by lands of
John McOahee and Henry Braddy,
being levied on as the property of .1.
L. Lowrey. Also another tract or
parcel of land situated In the 1386th
G. M. district of said county, and
bounded as follows: North by lands
of Elbe Durden, east by lands of A.
L. (iillis, south by lands of A. L. 1
Gillis and L. D. Powell, owned by l
Willie Gay. Said tracts levied on
and will be sold as the property of J.
L. Lowrey and Willie (Jay respect
ively to satisfy a fi fa issued f.iom the
superior court of said couuty in favor
i of W. S. Baugh vs J. A. Wade, Jr.,
and others. Written notice of levy
given defendants. This the 3rd day
of April, 1917. I. J. Davis, Sherilf.
Escliol Graham, Atty. for PI if.
Tax Collector H. C. Davis
made a business trip to Dublin
Special Appearance Here to
Co-operate With Local
On Saturday evening, 7th, the
“Collegians” will appear at The
Brewton-Parker Institute. This
is a male quartet, and one of the
Redpath numbers.
In order for the public to un
derstand and appreciate the ap
pearance of this splendid com
pany at the local auditorium, it
may be said that the company is
an extra number to be sent here
by the Redpath people byway of
a fill-in engagement. In the se
ries contracted for, and which
was enjoyed by all, there were
four numbers, given during the
winter and spring.
On account of conditions which
could not be controlled, the local
management lost money. The
public, by extending a hearty
support to the “Collegians,” will
in a measure, reimburse the man
agement in its losses.
As a special inducement, the
reduced admission of 35 and 20
cents will prevail. Go out, en
joy a high-class entertainment,
and show your appreciation of
the efforts the local management
to give public something worth
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia - Montgomery County.
Will be wold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesdfty in May, 1917, be
tween the lejfal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Ninety-one acree of ewainn land
more or lese situate, lying and being
in the 1221*1 O. M. district, of said
county and state, and bounded as
follows: On the north by lands of
James Branch, on the east by lands
of J. S. Higgs, on the south by lands
of (1. H Peterson and on the west hy
the Oconee river, and better known
a* the Mary Higgs swamp land. Lev
ied on and will he sold as the prop
erty ot J. H. Higgs to satisfy a tax II
fa issued hy H. C Davis, tax collec
tor, vs J. S. Higgs, for state and
| county taxes for the year 1916. Levy
made and returned to me hy I. C. S.
{ Berner, special bailiff, and written
! notice of levy given in terms of the
jlaw. This the 3rd day of April, 1917.
i. J. Davis, Sheriff.
Ludowici, Ga., March 31.
Miss Norma Belle Martin of
Hinesville and Alfred Renaidi of
Bridgeport, Conn,, were quietly
married Friday afternoon at the
bride’s sister, Mrs. J. C. Hines
at Hinesville. Rev. G. P. Ri
viere of the Methodist Church
performed the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Renaidi left on an even
ing train for Rocky Mount, N. C.
From there they will go to
Bridgeport, Conn., where they
will make their nome.
The Collegians One of Most
Pleasing on Public
Mnny Lyceum courses never ai rnngo
» year's program without Including a
male quartet. In many places It has
route to he looked forward to us much
rs a Lyceum course Itself.
In the Collegians the Redpath Bu
reau presents a male quartet which
renders a progrum without waits, a
program In which there Is plenty of
This type of male quartet has tilled
an important place lu the Lyceum In
the last few years, as It combines not
only good music, but entertainment of
a nature which delights both grownups
and children.
The program of the Collegians also
will consist not only of vocal quartets
and solos, blit Instrumental numbers
ns well, still further adding variety to
the evening's presentation.
T. R. Rounds.
I will be at the following places
for the purpose of receiving state
and county taxes for the year
Geo. Spivey’s, Apr. 12, 9 to 12 m.
Orianna, 12th, 1 to 4 p. rn.
Orland, 13th, 4p. m.
Sonerton, 14th, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Lothair, 16th, 4p. m.
Barnhill’s St., 17th, 8 to 11 a. m.
Zaidee, 17th, 1 to 3 p. m.
Longpond, 18t,h, 9 to 11 a. m.
Charlotte, 18th, 12 m. to 3p. m.
Uvalda, 19th, 9a.m.t04 p. m.
! Alston, 20th, 9a.m.t04 p. m.
I Sharpe Spur, 21st, 9 to 12 m.
! Mt. Vernon, 23d, 9a.t04 p. m.
Ailey, 24th, 9 a. to 4 p. m.
Higgston, 25th, 10 a. to 3p. m.
Tiger, 26th, 10 a. to 2 p. m.
Kibbee, 27th, 9 a. to 3 p. m.
Tarry town, 28th, 9a. to 4p. m.
Yours very truly,
W. L. Snow,
T. R., M. C.
Honor Roll of
McGregor School.
Martin Morris, W. T. O’Neal,
Foy Mitchell, Magdalene Row
land, Harvey Rowland, Henry
McArthur, Theodore Mitchell,
Ruby Carpenter, Sarah McAr
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Will Vac Bold before the court house door in Mt.
; Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1917, between
j the letf&l hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is
i a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lyinjc
: and being in the 275th G. M. dist. said county and
state, containing 500 acres of pine and bay land
and bounded as follows: North by iadds of the
estate of W. J. Peterson and M. T. Moses, and
James McArthur, east by lands of Mrs. J. C. Mc-
Allister and Jas. W. McArthur and south by lands
of Jas. W. and J. H. McArthur. levied on and
will be sold as the property of John Jay McAr
thur to satisfy a fi fa issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of Vidalia Chemical
Co. vs John Jay McArthur. The above decribed
land bounder] on the west by lands of Jas. W. and
J. H. McArthur. In possession of said defendant,
pointed out by attorney for plaintiff and written
notice of same given in terms of the law. Inis
the Jd day of April, 1917.
I. J. Davis, Sheriff,
j W. L. Wilson, Atty. for Plffs.
1 8.-P. I. ITEMS. |
The Twelfth District school 1
meet convenes in Mcßae at the
South Georgia College, Thursday
and Friday, April 6th and 7th.
This great gathering of people in
tended in the upbuilding of
schools and the welfare of chil
dren, will mean much to the
school that entertains the crowd.
Such meetings are full of help
and inspiration to anyone who
has eyes to see and minds to un
derstand. We hope the town
people will encourage their chil
dren to go, and will attend some
of the features themselves. See
the features listed on another
page. May we not receive tnis
self-help next year by entertain
ing the contest of our district?
Only seven more weeks of
school! We still have plenty of
work to do. Let us “get to
gether”, “stay together” and
“pull together” more than ever,
and have perfect attendance, and
perfect punctuality these last
few weeks, for the last of school
moans as much to a child as the
The Juniors are making plans
for their annual reception. They
rsalized quite a neat sum from
their tea room during the Chau
tauqua, so hope to have a swell
We observed “clean up day”
last Wednesday, and our campus
has presented a nice appearance
for several days. Won’t you
help keep it in this condition?
Encourage your child and friends
to lend a helping hand.
Miss Lowrey gave her music
class a very enjoyable picnic at
the brick yard Monday.
The Chautauqua was splendid.
The majority of our teachers and
students attended each enter
tainment and we feel doubly re
paid for any effort that we made.
So here’s a hurrah! and three
cheers for the 43 guarantors for
the 1918 Chautauqua.
Did you see the parade? It
was only a small demonstration
of the spirit shown at the ball
games. We had to be polite and
let our visitors win but just wait
until we go there.
(Condensed From the Report to the State Bank Examiner $
March 20th, 1917) ;|
Loans and investments $182,812.29 |
Overdrafts unsecured 1,164.30
g? Overdrafts secured 1,533.44 |
« Other resources 1,326.50 «3i
Buildings and fixtures 23,872.47 |
Cash on hand, due from banks
and advances on cotton 60,167.99 g
1 $270,876.99 &
fej Capital stock $25,000.00 I
d Surplus and profits 16,563.23 b
® Bills payable 10,000.00 |
§ Other liabilities 19,256.84 5S
1 DEPOSITS 200,056.92 |
I $270,876.99 1
®N. L. GILLIS, President W. D. MARTIN. Vice-Pres. |
M J. E. HALL, Pice-Pres. and Cashier
Bg I. H. HALL, JR., Assistant Cashier
NO. 49.
List of Civil and Criminal
Cases Disposed of
Last Week.
Jack Griffin vs H. S. Riddle;
H. V. Thompson & Bro. vs Jas.
Morris; judg for p 1 ft*.
B. B. Gillis v Gertrnde Purvis
Gillis; total divorce.
E. H. Holland v John Jay Mc-
Arthur; judg for cost.
First Nat. Bank Sandersville v
J. B. O’Conner et al: judg plff.
Ernest Mosley v Henry Steph
ens et al; dis cost to plff.
E. Dreyer v L. A. Arrington;
judg plff.
D. S. Brandon & Co. v L. A.
Arrington; judg plff.
Vidalia Grocery Co. v L. A.
Arrington; judg plff.
J. L. Collins v Durden Timber
& Burn Co.; judg for plff.
First Nat. Bank Amityville v
VV. Mishoe; rule absolute.
Mrs. Emma Koehler v F. Dees
et al; settled.
Pearce & Battey v John Jay
McArthur; judg deft for cost.
Soperton Gro. Co. v Oscar Ruia;
judg plff.
H. C. Moore, Sr., v GeorgeS.
Blaxton; judg plff.
Altamaha Fert. Co. v L. N. and
R. L. Foskey; judg plff.
Altamaha Fert. Co. v B. A.
Smith; judg plff.
American Fert. Co. v Mrs. B.
F. Gray and L. N. Foskey; plff.
Davis & Fargo vs J. W. Sharpe
& Sons; judg plff.
E. H. Holland v John Jay Mc-
Arthur; to plff for cost.
Altamaha Fert. Co. v B. A.
Smith; for plff.
T. H. Smith v James McNatt;
C. T. Braddy v 0. B. Moye;
| ver for plff.
W. H. Moxley v J. E. Taylor;
judg for plff.
T. H. Smith vJ. A. and Bryant
Allen; judg plff.
Criminal Cases.
Robert Johnson, plea of guilty;
6 months or SOS.
E. Wilkes, plea guilty; $25 or
4 mos.
C. L. Battle, plea guilty; SIOO
or 12 mos.
Boh McNatt, ver. guilty; SSOO
or 12 mos.
Richard Tapley; settled on pay
ment of cost.
A number of the young people
i indulged in a hike to Vidalia
Monday. They left Mt. Vernon
7:30 a. m., reaching Vidalia short
'ly after noon. Just how many
I tracks they made no one knows.