Newspaper Page Text
P. G. Hooks Spent $2,000
Trying to Restore His
Wife’s Health —Gains 16
Pounds on Tanlac.
Another wonderful indorse
ment for Tanlac that will be read
with interest by thousands of
frail, suffering women through
out the south was given recently
by Mrs. Elizabeth Hooks, of
Rome, Ga. Mrs. Hooks is the
wife of P. C. Hooks* a well
known Southern railway engi
neer. Mrs. Hooks made the re
markable statement that she had
received more benefit from four
bottles of Tanlac than from med
ical treatment that had cost her
husband $2,000, which he had
paid out in the past two years in
an effort to restore her health.
“For about two years,” said
Mrs. Hooks, “I have been in
very bad health and have suffer
ed from stomach trouble, extreme
nervousness and a bad form of
rheumatism. For more than
seven months I was confined to
my bed and was almost a ner
vous and physical wreck. My di
gestion was so poor I had to diet
myself and rarely ate anything
but soft boiled eggs and milk and
things of that kind, and even the
lightest of foods would nauseate
me and lay heavily on my
“Any sudden noise would af
fect my nerves, and my husband
had to quit setting the alarm
clock and the door to my room
had to be kept closed so I could
not hear the ringing of the tele
phone. I have had the rheuma
tism in my left hip and shoulders
so bad I could hardly bear any
thing to touch me.
“My condition became so bad,
my husband took me to Hot
Springs, Ark., where I remained
for a month. I had to use
crutches all the time. The treat
ment there helped me for a while,
and I returned home. I soon re
lapsed into my old condition, and
then I was taken to a specialist
in Atlanta.
“I had fallen off from one
hndred and twenty pounds until
I only weighed eighty-nine
pounds—just a shadow of my
former self.
“The specialist prescribed a
course of treatment, but before
using the medicine I decided to
give Tanlac a trial. I did this
because of what I had read of
Mr. Cooper’s new medicine and
because my husband had heard
so many railroad men recom
mend it.
“That w'as the best resolution
of my life. I am now on my
fourth bottle and feel better than
at any time since I became ill.
I can now eat anything I want,
and my food agrees with me—
besides, everything I eat tastes
good and I enjoy my meals.
“I have set my crutches aside
and actually feel so much better
I told my husband a few days
ago I belived I would turn off the
cook, but he insisted that I wait
“I now weigh one hundred and
five pounds, which is a gain of
sixteen pounds, and am improv
ing right along every day. Be
fore taking Tanlac I was so weak
and frail I was greatly dis
couraged and could not persuade
myself to believe that I would
ever be able to enjoy another
well day. But I don’t feel that
way now. lam not nervous like
I was, and I can see and feel a
great improvement. I sleep bet
ter and my strength is returning
Tanlac is sold in Mt. Vernon
exclusively by Mt. Vernon Drug
Co.; in Tarrytown by J. J.
Frost, successor to C. W. War
nock; in Ailey by Palmer Drug
Co.; in Uvalda by W. M. Moses;
in Alston by The Martin Drug
Store; in Soperton by J. J. Mor
ing; in Sharpe’s Spur by J. M.
Smith, M. D. adv.
To the Superior Court of Mont
gomery February adjourned term
1917. We the Grand Jury select
ed and sworn to serve as such as
of said court beg to make the fol
lowing presentments: That I. H.
Hall, Jr., be appointed and he is
hereby appointed as the person
to act as county Treasurer of and
for the said county of Montgom
ery, to begin the performance of
his duties as such immediately
under and by terms of the Act of
the General Assembly of Georgia,
approved August 16th, 1915. This
appointment having been made
upon the refusal and failure by
the commissioners of roads and
revenues of said county to per
form the duties set forth in said
act, and the said I. H. Hall, Jr.,
being duly aopointed as afore
said to perform and discharge all
the duties devolving upon said
commissioners of roads and reve
nues under the provisions of said
Respectfully submitted and ap
proved by the body of this Grand
Jury and the Hon. E. D. Gra
ham, Judge.
We have examined the jail in a
body and find it in good sanitary
condition except some repairs,
which are badly needed on the
building and we recommend that
the necessary repairs be put on
same at once,
We recommend that Mrs. Den
nison be paid $7.00 per month as
We recommend that the next
Representative to the next Leg
islature enact a law and repeal
the present law so that the coun
ty commissioners be elected by
the common people instead of by
the Grand Jurors.
Whereas, owing to the fact
that agitation during several
years on account of the efforts to
create the proposed Treutlen
county, which has divided the
people of the county into factions
which is detrimental to the best
interest of the county.
Whereas, Montgomery county
will be much better shaped geo
graphically after the proposed
Treutlen county portion is cut
off, which is so remotely situated
to the county seat, and
Whereas, believing tfye creation
of the proposed Truetlen county
to the best interest of both sec
tions of both involved. We the
Grand Jurors chosen for the Feb
ruary term, 1917, Montgomery
county superior court recommend
and urge our Representative in
the next Legislature, Geo. M. !
Barwick, as well as our Senator |
from this district and all other
members use their best efforts to
create the said new county of
Resolved, That a copy of this
recommendation be furnished our
Representative elect and our Sen
ator elect.
It having come to our know
ledge that at several places in
our county Jamaica ginger is be
ing sold and drunk as a beverage
resulting in constant drunken
ness. We therefore request that
all citizens desist in further sales
of said drink, and we further
recommend and direct that the
Solicitor General at the next term
of this court present to the Grand
Jury anyone who may sell said
drink in our county after the pub
lication of these presentments, as
we are advised that the same is a
violation of the prohibition law.
It also comes to our knowledge
that certain slot machines being
operated in the county are in
violation of the gaming laws of
our state. We recommend to
the citizens operating the same
that they cease to do so and up
on their failure the Solicitor Gen
eral is directed to present all par
ties who may operate said ma
chines after the publication of
these presentments to the next
Grand Jury.
We have examined through a
committee the dockets of the
Justice of the Peace and Notary
Public and found them correct
except a few errors and omissions.
The same being marked and some
failed to bring their dockets in.
We recommend that G. R. Ma
son be appointed Notary Public
Ex-Ofiicio Justice of the Peace
for the 1757 G. M.
We recommend that Benj Gil
[ lis be appointed Notary Public
Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace
of 1386 District G. M.
We recommend that W. H.
Dukes be appointed on the Board
of Education to fill the unexpired
term of office caused by the death
of Mr. Youngblood.
We recommend that the grand
and traverse jurys be paid $2.00
per day, the house bailiffs be
paid $2.00 per day and riding
bailiffs be paid $3.00 per day for
services rendered with their own
vehicles and jurors, grand and
traverse, be paid $2.00 per day
for the day they met on the first
Monday in February and court
! adjourned on account of the se
! vere cold weather and also the
[clerk of the grand jurors be paid
an additional $5.00 for his ser
vices rendered, said grand jurors
as such for February adjourned
We recommend that these pre
sentments be published in The
Montgomery Monitor and the So
perton Sentinel and that they be
paid $5.00 each for same.
The following special tax col
lected by H. C. Davis, T. G. M.
C., from Oct. Ist to Jan. Ist 1917.
Peoples Drug Store, Als
ton, cigarettes, $25.00
J. J. Moring, Soperton,
cigarettes, 25.00
J. J. Moring, Soperton,
soda fount, 5.00
Wheeler Bros, show 10.00
E. L. Cummings carnival 30.00
Sun Bros, show 10.00
P. J. McNatt automobiles 25.00
E. W. Weaver carnival 30.00
A. B. Hutcheson auto 25.00
W. A. Peterson insurance 10.00
Mcßae & Hicks auto 25.00
Fisher & Cullens auto 25.00
Gillis & Hall auto 25.00
Soperton Pharmacy ci
garettes 25.00
Soperton Pharmacy soda
fount 5.00
Peoples Drug Store ciga
rettes 25.00
Peoples Drug Store soda
fount 5.00
W. W. Wade cigarettes 25.00
F. C. Wade cigarettes 25.00
Bank of Soperton corpo
ration 20.00
J. E. Hall insurance 10.00
Soperton Hardware Co.,
pistols & cartridges 25.00
Soperton Hardware Co.,
automobiles 25.00
Soperton Hardware Co.,
corporation 10.00
Peoples Bank corporation 20.00
C. D. Green way cigarettes 25.00
J. B. Brewton insurance 10.00
Total $525.00
Yours truly,
11. C. Davis, T. C., M. C.
March 15th 1917.
B You Need a Tonic N
There are times in every woman’s life when she KM
LJ needs a tonic to help her over the hard places.
» When that time comes to you, you know what tonic
to take —Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com-
Bfid posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act n
gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs,
and helps build them back to strength and health.
KM It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak,
Lj ailing women in its past half century of wonderful YTT
success, and it will do the same for you. feQB
You can’t make a mistake in taking
P®s The Woman’s Tonic P@9
B£a Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., K|
says: “I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth,
for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was
889 so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy R9I
spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and
gfig as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.” pj
Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers.
H Has Helped Thousands, m
State of Georgia, Montgomery
, County.
The County of Montgomery. M.
L. O’Brien, Dr., to recording
criminal evidence in the follow-
I ing cases:
I State vs Riley Shepherd, 26,-
1 100 words at 15 cts per hundred
State vs Geo. Joice, 28,200
words at 15 cts per hundred 42.30
State vs Will Williams, 3,940
words at 15 cts per hundred 5.09
State vs Will Edwards, 3,600
words at 15 cts per hundred, 5.50
Total $92.85.
Before me the undersigned of
ficer of said state and county au
thorized by law to administer
oaths personally appeared M. L.
O’Brien, who after being duly
sworn deposes and says that the
above and foregoing account is
true and correct.
Sworn to and subscribed before
me the 27th day of March 1917.
J. C. McAllister,
Com. N. P., M. C., Ga.
We the grand jury in and for
the county of Montgomery rec
ommend that the above and fore
going account be paid to M. L.
O’Brien, Clerk, out of the funds
of said county by the commis
sioners thereof.
We recommend further that
the said M. L. O’Brien, Clerk of
the superior court of said county,
be paid by the commissioners of
roads and revenues of said coun
ty for issuing jury scripts and
certifying copies of sentences
when he is required to certify to
them as Clerk of said court, and
that he be paid for such services
the fees allowed by law.
We further recommend that
said M. L. O’Brien be paid out of
funds of the county, by the coun
ty commissioners the legal rates
for recording all criminal evi
dence that he is required by law
to record, and that he be paid the
legal rates for such service as he
is reuuired by law to do.
Civil Code section 6001, rec
ommended by the body.
We have received a report from
the Tax Collector of special taxes
collected and is hereunto attach
ed Exhibit Aas part of these
Whereas, we in taking leave of
his honor, Judge E. 1). Graham,
we extend to him our courtesies
and thanks and also our Solicitor
General W. A. Wooten, for their
kind assistance and untiring en
ergy and able manner in dealing
out justice to our fellow citizens.
W. A. Downie, W. T. Dickens,
J. F. Cromartie, Ira Thigpen,
W. R. Green way, M. R. Davis,
W. G. McDonald, C. L. Johnson,
C. Thigpen, G. W. McCrimmon,
W. M. Denton, W. A. Conner Sr,
B. L. Giliis, J. J. Calhoun,
C. A. Sumner, Dennis O’Brien,
Benj Giliis, A. McCrimmon,
J. H. Hudson, A. J. Giliis,
H. J. Right, foreman.
It is hereby ordered by the
court that the written general
presentments be approved and
received and spread upon the
minutes of the court, and the
same be published and paid for
as recommended in open court.
This March 30th 1917.
W. A. Wooten. Sol Gen.
J. L. Kent, J. I). C. presiding.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
I hereby certify that the above
and foregoing is a true copy of
the grand jury presentments of
the February adjourned term of
the suDerior court, of Montgom
ery county, as of record in the
office of the clerk of the superior
court of said county. This the
2nd day of April, 1917.
M. L. O’hrien,
Clerk Sup. Court M. C., Ga.
I have a strong connection with £
large amounts of money to loan on g;
well improved farms in Montgomery |
county for 5,7 and 10 years, at the gl
usual rates of interest, repayable as *
you may desire—so much each year glj
or entire amount at maturity of loan Ij
There will be absolutely no dely if i
tyour titles are in good shape, as we ||
have the money and want to place it gi
immediately. Bring Your Papers
;! (
5 1-2 per ct. Money
II have plenty of money to lend on farm j
lands in Montgomery and Wheeler <
counties. Interest at 5 1-2 per cent., j
j: You have the privilege of paying part
ji of the principal at any interest period, j
(and stop interest on amount paid; hut j
no annual payment of principal required j
Prompt Attention to All Loans
Entrusted to Me
iConte to see me at once if you want a ;
loan. lam well equipped to take care ;
11 of the loan business. See me.
j Syracuse j
I Plows
5/ i
| And Parts |
I Stand for Service
I Wise Farmers Use Them I
a !
n _______