Newspaper Page Text
TP\e Monitor.
Entered at tlx- Postofllce in Mt. Vernon. Oa. as Second-Class Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Owner. si-S« a Year, in Advance.
tftr l/*»k*l Klvertiaemnnt* must. invariably be paid in advance, at the legal rate, and aa the law
directe; anil mnxt bo in band not later tliari Wodnoadav morning of the first week or inaortioD
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, August 2, 1017.
Life is too short to worry about
the weeds on your neighbor’s
sidewalk. Swat a few around
your own premises and leave the j
balance to the town marshal.
The Germans seem to think
that the Russians show one* qual
ity, whether acquired by nature
or training—that of running.
Pity these people cannot control
their feet at a critical stage of
the game.
The Georgia Assembly is now
perplexed as to the whereabouts
of 20,000 gallons of wine belong
ing to a rich estate in Southwest
Georgia, its legal status, why it
has remained unmolested by offi
cers of the law, and what dispo- \
sition can be made with it if left
up to the legislators.
Ever hear these mossbacks
growling about the cost of this
and the cost of that? Just ask
them how much they have ever
contributed to any enterprise,
and you will be greeted with a
golden silence. The man who
accomplishes things does not have
to blow; the man who does noth
ing has to blow in order to be
Ambition vs Ruination.
There are a thousand and one
elements in a new county fight,
everything from the sublime to
the ridiculous while the fate of
a people depends on the whims
of a few individuals. Fora dozen
years Montgomery county has
been the victim of the ambitions,
mainly financial, of a few in
dividuals who have gradually
seized the greater part of the
county. During this process the
country people have been hood
winked to a shameful degree,
and in most instances their ap
peals to the General Assembly
have gone unheeded. This state
of affairs doubtless applies to
other Georgia counties, but cer
tainly Montgomery is the clearest
example of county butchery for
individual benefits yet put before
the people of Georgia.
The sea pirates of old. or the
insidious methods of our present
foreign enemies, as for that,
have not been more bold than
the schemes resorted to in con
tinual efforts to divide up Mont
gomery county for the selfish in
terests of a few men—dollars for
some, political preferment for
others. Strictly speaking, the
country people of Montgomery
county have had in The Mont
gomery Monitor, and still have,
an advocate whose efforts have
been well spent toward the defeat
of the annual scheme to ruin the
county for the benefit of a few
energetic business men of Soper
ton. The political power of these
people is conceded, but when vital
interests of the county are at
stake, it is high time the citizens
of the county were demanding
their rights—rights which they
have long since been deprived of
by unholy ambitions.
How far we have succeeded is
known, and we believe appre
ciated by the majority of the
country people; how long we can
hold out against such heavy odds
remains to In? seen. And while,
in years gone by. we have had
the co-operation of a number of
loyal assistants, the county paper
has borne the burden and suffer
ed more financial loss than any
other man in Montgomery coun
ty—money which we will never
recall, and losses which we will
doubtless never regain. But be
that as it may, the country people
of Montgomery county are wel
comed to our efforts and our
limited means.
► Georgia State 3
E Press Expressions.
There are people who will not
cut the weeds on their own prem
ises. Still they raise Cain with
the town authorities for not clear
ing off their sidewalks and street.
Lee County Journal.
Repeal of the tax equalization
law would he an outrage. The
'demand for its repeal comes from
the big land owners who have al
ways been a favored class in
Georgia. Lyons Progress.
When we quit eating and wear
ing luxuries, we will have that
much more to pay for necessities
and help pay the cost of war. —
Perry Home Journal.
We have suspected for some
time that there has been waste
in expenditures for the State
printing. An intelligent and hon
est superintendent of printing
would probably save Georgia
many thousands of dollars an
nually. Metter Advertiser.
It is said by Commissioner
Brown that an effort is being
made to defeat the market bu
reau bill. We hope the effort
will not succeed, for we are con
fident a bill of that kind would
be a good thing for our farmers.
, —Darien Gazette.
Russia’s failure to hold up her
end of flu* fight is in keeping with
what that nation has been doing
for the past quarter century.—
Claxton Enterprise.
Don’t bank too much upon the
smiles and kisses that you are
promised by the French lassies
when you go to the front, son.
The fighting is done in the trench
es, and not on the boulevards of
Paris. —Bryan Enterprise.
It now looks as though Georgia
will have a state-wide school tax
law. It is to be hoped that our
educational laws will be improved
at this session of the state legis
lature. Education is one thing
that the Empire State has been
backward in and now is as good
time as any to remedy the evil.
The state-wide school tax bill has
been reported favorably by a
‘joint committee from the House
and Senate and it should, by all
means, pass without a hitch.
, Here’s hoping, anyway. Telfair
The Crazy-Quilt Idea.
Many of the new county pro
jects coming before the legisla
ture at each term have practical
ly no ground upon which to ask
for a new county. It is not be
cause we have got ours and don’t
care if the other fellow falls down,
but we think it is time to cut
out the new county business un
til a future date, when the people
are better able to pay the ever
increasing taxes. —Cairo Messen
Louisville Stock
Dealer A Suicide.
Louisville, Ga., July 29. —Wal-
ler C. Terrel, a stock dealer, 39
years of age, sent a bullet through
his brain at his home at Wadley,
ten miles south of here, early to
day and died this evening. No
reason is assigned for his act.
Feeling unwell this morning, he
had his breakfast sent to his
room, and a few minutes later,
hearing a pistol shot, his wife;
rushed to his room and found him
with the weapon still clasped in
his hand and a bullet hole in his !
He is survived by his widow
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will be »old before the court houiie door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Aug., 1917, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to thehigbest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
Is a complete description:
One mouse colored mare mule about 16 1-2 hands
high and weighing about 1000 pounds and being j
ai>out 12 yearn old. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of Major Summerset to natisfy a fi fa
issued from the superior court of said county in'
favor of E. T. Mcßride vs Major Summerset.
Written notice of levy given in terms of the law.
This day of July, 1917
1. J. Davis, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will lie Hold before the court house door In Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Aug., 1917, between
the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following iB
a complete description:
That certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying
and lx-irig in the Town of Uvalda and in the 275th
G. V. district, of said county and state, known and
distinguished as Lot No. 8 in Block 26, fronting
sixty-six feet on main street and extending bark
155 feet to an alley. Said lot levied on and will be
sold as the property of J. E. Jones to satisfy a tax
fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs J. E.
Jones, for state and county taxes for the y«ir 1916.
Levy made and returned to me by I. C. S. Berner,
special bailiff, ami written notice of levy given in
terms of the law. This the 3d day of July, 1917.
I. J. Davis, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
(leorgia— M Hittfuinery County.
Will lx wold before the court house
(loot in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Aug., 15117, between the legal
hours i's sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
t ion:
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, ly
ing and being in the 275th G. M. district of said
county and Htate, containing fifty-two and one
fourth acres more or less, and bounded as follows:
On the north by lands of W. A. Johnson and es
tate J as. W. McArthur, east by lands of estate of
.fas. W. McArthur, south by lands of C. C. McAll
ister. west by lands of W. A. Johnson and C. C.
McAllister, Jr. Levied on and will Is; sold as the
property of John Jay McArthur to satisfy a tax fi
fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs John
Jay McArthur, for state ami county taxes for the
year 1916. made and returned to me by I. C.
S. Berner, special bailiff, and written notice of
levy given in terms of the law. This the 3rd day
of July, 1917. 1. J. Davis, Sheriff.
(leorgbi- Montgomery County.
Will be sold before The court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first, Tues
day in Aug., IDI7, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
That tract or parcel of land situate, lying and
!>eing in the 12215 t G. M. district of said county
and state, ami hounded as follows: On the north
by Messrs. Creek, on the east by lands of J. A.
Barber, south by lands of the estate of J. J. Mill
er and on the west by lands of the estate of J. J.
Miller, containing 25 acres more or less. Levied
on and will be sold as the property of the estate of
.1. J. Miller to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by H. C.
Davis, tax collector, vs estate of J. J. Miller, for
state and county taxes for the year 1916. Levy
made and returned to me by I. C. S. Berner,
special bailiff, and written notice of levy given in
terms of the law. This the 3rd day of July, 1917.
1. J. Davis, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
(Icorgia—Montgomery <’ounty.
Will he sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon oil the first.Tues
day in Aug., 15117, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following if a complete descrip
lion :
Tlrnl tract or parcel of land nil onto, lyinir and
lieinir in the ItiSlat G. M. district of said county
and stutc ami hounded as follows: On the north
by lands of J. M. Phillips, on the east by lands of
C. C. Phillips, south by lands of Mrs. B. F. Ham
ilton and on the west by lands of G. I). Beasley,
containing 25 acres more or less. Levied on and
will l»e sold as the property of C. C. Phillips to sat
isfy a tax fi fa issued by 11. C. Davis, tax collector,
vs C. O. Phillips, for state and county taxes for
the year 1915. la*vy made and returned to me by
1. C. S. Berner, special Itailiff, anti written notice
given In terms of tin* law. This the 3d tlay of
July, 1917. I. J. Davis, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will Imt sold before the court house door in Ml.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Aug., 1917, between
the legal hours of Bale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
Thai certain tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being In the 1343rd
O. M. district of said county and
state, and bounded ns follows: On
the north by Hear Creek, on the east
by lands of John N. Connell, on the
south by lands of Kinnie darner and
and on the west by lands of the Jus.
Morris home place, the same to bo
cut from the southern part of the
home place of said James Morris.
Levied on and will he sold as the
property of James Morris to satisfy
an exocut ion issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of 11.
V. Thompson A Bros. vs Jas. Morris.
Pointed out for levy by defendant,
and written notice of levy given as
required by law. This the Hth day
of July, 1917. I. J. Davis, Sheriff.
W. L. Wilson, A tty. for l’ltfs.
Sheriff Sale.
< Georgia—Montgomery (’ounty.
Will be sold before the court hortse
door in Mt. Vernon on first Tues
day in Aug., 1917, between the legal
hours ot sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip-
I ion:
One certain house amt lot locates! in the Town of
Uvakin anil in the 275th G. M district of said coun
ty and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north hy lands of J B. Conner, on the east by
a street, on the south by lands of J. M. Amout.
and on the west by lands of W. A. Conner. Said
property levied on and will U* sold as the property
of W. S. I’arlin. aeent. to satisfy a tax ti fa issued
by It. C. l'a\is, lav collector, vs W. S. Partin.
(Went, for state and county taxes for the year
Uilti. la»v\ made and returned to me by 1. C. S.
Berner. M'.vial lsolid, ami written notice given in
terms of the law. This the dial day of July. 1917.
• 1. J. Davis, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will Im* sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Aug , 1917. be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for i ash. certain properly, of which the following
s a complete description:
That certain tract or parcel of land situate, ly
ling and being in the 12215 t G M. district of said
county and state, and bounded as follows: On the
>iorth by lands of Delaney Smith, on the south by ;
lands of Lizzie Allen, west by lands of J. A. Allen I
and on the east by lands of Lizzie Allen, and bat*
ter known a* the Elizabeth Allen tract now owned
by J. A. Allen and known as a pari of his home
place, containing 100 acres more or leas. Levied
| on and w ill be sold as the property of J. A. and .
j Bryant Allen to satisfy a ti fa issued from the su- ,
perior court of said county in favor of T. H. Smith 1
vs J. A. Allen and Bryant Allen. Written notice
of levy givi-n in term* of the law. This the 3rd
i day of July. 1917.
I. J. Davis. Sheriff.
Dentist !
Office over Mt. Vernon Poatotlice. I
Rule Nisi. Mortgage Foreclosure.
State of Georgia— Montgomery County:
In the Superior Court, May term, 1917.
C. M. Tripp vs M. C. Miller. It being repre
sented to the Court by the petition of C. M. Tripp,
; that by deed of mortgage, dated the 3rd day of
Dec., 1915, M. C. Miller conveyed to the said C.
M. Tripp, his one seventh undivided interest in
| the Miller estate, containing 237 acres, more or
: less, lying on the line of Laurens and Montgomery
. county, Ga.. The said land lying and being in the
Orland district, Montgomery county, Ga., bound
ed as follows: On the north by Andrew Barber,
on the east by Bud Foskey, on the south by Chas.
Johnson, and on the west by the A. T. Miller es
tate, this 237 acres known as the old John Miller
place. For the purpose of securing the payment
of a note made by the said M. C. Miller to the .-.aid
C. M. Tripp due on the Ist day of Oct. 1916, for
the sum of Two hundred and twenty-three dol
lars, one hundred and ninety-nine dollars of which
surn is now due and unpaid.
It is ordered that the said M. C. Miller do pay in
to this Court by the first day of Ihe next term the
; principal, interest, and costs due on said note, or
show cause, if any he has to the contrary, or that
In default thereof foreclosure be granted to the
said C. M. Tripp, of said mortgage, and the equity
of redemption of the said M. C. Miller therein be
forever barred, and that service of this rule be
perfected on said M. C. Miller according to law.
March 27th. 1917. E. D. Graham.
A true copy from the minutes of this Court.
M. L. O'Brien, Clerk.
Rule Nisi. Mortgage Foreclosure.
State of Georgia- Montgomery County.
In the Superior Court, May term, 1917. *
C. M. Tripp vs G. M. Miller. It being represent
ed to the Court hy the petition of C. M. Tripp that
by deed of Mortgage, dated the 21st day of July ;
1916, conveyed to the said G. M. Miller his certain
one seventh undivided interest in one hundred and
eighty acres of land in the 12215 t, G. M. district
Montgomery county, Ga., being known as the old I
J. J. Miller place, and bounded as follows: On i
the east by Andrew Barber, on the south by lands |
of G. L. Miller, on the west by Messrs Creek and
on the north by Messrs Creek.
For the purpose of securing the payment of a'
note made by the said G. M. Miller to the said C.
M. Tripp due on the Ist day of October, 1916, for
the sum of Two hundred and fifty Dollars, Two
hundred and six dollars of which sum is now duo
and unpaid.
It is ordered that the said G. M. Miller do pay
into this court by the first day of the next term
the principal, interest, and costs due on said note,
or show cause, if any he has to the contrary, or
that in default thereof foreclosure be granted to
the said C M. Tripp, of said mortgage, and the
equity of redemption of said G. M. Miller therein
be forever barred, and that service of this rule be
perfected on said G. M. Miller according to law.
March 27th 1917. E. D. Graham,
A true copy from the minutes of this Court.
M. L. O’Brien, Clerk.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the firstTuesday in Aug., 1917, between
the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
Thirty-five acres of land more or less, situate,
lying and being in the 16915 t G. M. district of said
county and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of Toney Phillips, on the east by
remainder of tract described, on the south by re
mainder of principal tract and west by lands of
Sam Mosley, being cut out of the northwest cor
ner of a tract of land belonging to the estate of
Margaret Mosley. Said division levied on and will
be sold as the property of the estate of Margaret
Mosley to satisfy a fi fa issued by 11. C. Davis, tax
collector, vs estate of Margaret Mosley, for state
and county taxes for the year 1917. Levy made
and returned to me by C. A. Holmes, special bail
iff, and written notice of levy given as required by
law. This the 3rd day of July, 1917.
1. J. Davis, Sheriff.
Sheriff Stile.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Aug., 1917, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
One certain tract or parcel of land, containing
ten acres more or less, situate, lying and being in
the 16915 t (i. M. district of said county and state,
ami bounded as follows: On the north by lands
of Henry Mosley, on the east by lands of Mary
Jane Blocker, south by lands of Mary Jane Block
er and on the west hy lands of Henry Mosley,
levied on and will be sold as the property of
Sophie Mosley to satisfy a fi fa issued hy 11. C.
Davis, tax collector, vs Sophie Mosley, for state
and county taxes for the year 1916. Levy made
and returned to me by C. A. Holmes, special bail
iff, and written notice given in terms of the law.
This the 3rd day of J uly, 1917.
I. J. Davis. Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgi a— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Aug., 1917, 1k»-
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a full and complete description:
Thirty-five acres more or less, situate, lying and
U*ing in the 1386th G. M. district of said countv
anti state, and bounded ns follows: North hy Alli
gator Creek, east by lands of J. H. Martin, south
by lands estate of W. F. Humphrey and west by
Beck worth lands. Boundaries of said tract more
definitely described: Beginning at black gum cor- i
ner on said creek, running south 20 chains ami 50
links to corner, thence west straight line to branch
on west line, north along said branch line to Alli
gator creek, thence east along meanderings of said
creek to starting point. Levied on and will be sold
as the property of the estate of W. F. Humphrey
to satisfy a fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collec
tor, vs W r . F. Humphrey’s estate, for state and
county taxes for the year 1916. Levy made ami
returned to me by C. A. Holmes, special bailiff, i
and written notice given in teVms of the law. This
the 3d day of July, 1917.
1. J. Davis, Sheriff.
Divorce Notice.
Divorce Montgomery Superior
Court, Aug term, 1917.
Mrs. Della Bass vs Luther Bass,
To Luther Bass, defendant in the
case: You are hereby command
ed personally or by attorney to be
and appear at the Superior Court
ot Montgomery County, on the
first Monday in Aug., next, then
and there to answer the plaint iff’s
libel for divorce, or m default
thereof the court will proceed ns
to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. E. D. (ira
ham Judge, this the Ist day of
May, 1917.
M. L. O’Brien, Clerk.
L. 0. Underwood, Atty. for I*l tT,
5 1-2 Per Ct. Money.
Unlimited funds for
loans on improved farm
property at 5 1-2 per
cent. Loans to run 5
years with privilege of
repayment at any time.
Also make 10 year loans.
Save money by seeing us.
We will arrange a loan
to your satisfaction.
J. B. Brewton, Manager
99 per cent.
b e cause
in a good bank their money is absolutely safe and al- ! |
;! ways available; checks are returned and become receipts; ,
! ' checks and stubs form a convenient record of income and ;
j| outgo, and best of all, % when the bank depositor sees an op- ;
1; portunity of using some money profitably, his acquaintance j
;1 at the bank and record as a depositor make it possible for ;
j[ him to procure a loan. ;
I You can promote YOUR suc
cess by becoming a depositor with
I CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $33,000.00 RESOURCES, $175,000.00
Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peterson, Cashier ]
Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier |
Something New
Combination American Fence
Specification "H”
Two Carloads Just Received
• trfTfTTfTfTTTTmvvvmm TmTTTmrvmmmmT*
> J
s Vidalia Monumental Co. J
i 5
l ! m
i tm :
► J
\ . \
E All "Practical Dimensions and Make it X
► X
t up in Appropriate Designs X
)► x
► The public is invited to visit our yards and make personal «
£ selections. You save salesmen’s commissions. We handle .
z from the smallest to the lagest size in Georgia Marble. X
► «
z «
Loans on improved farm
lands of Montgomery County can
be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in
terest in amounts of sl*ooo and
above, with the privilege of re-;
paying part of the principal at i
any interest bearing periods in
amounts of SIOO or multiples j
thereof, thereby stopping the in- >
terest on amount paid. Loans
| can be made for periods of 5,7
or 10 years to suit the borrower.
Commissions charged are reason
able. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon. Ga,
R. E. Ward.
Soperton, Ga.
This can be done by
using correct contain
ers. We can supply
unlimited number of
large, stout sacks, for
wheat, etc., 25c each.
Less than cost of ma
terial. Order now.