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Miss Alberta McNattof Uvalda
spent last Sabbath with Miss An
na Morrison.
Mr. Chalmers Chapman, a
former pupil of The Brewton-
Parker Institute, stoppped over
with relatives and friends here-;
this week, en route home from \
Fort Valley, where he has been j
employed for the past few weeks. ! leaving Mt. Vernon he has
been a student in Mercer.
Mr. John A. Morris last week
. enlisted in the Coast Artillery at
Savannah, and will shortly leave
for the service.
Mr. M. L. Mcßae, stationed at
Macon with the Second Georgia,
spent last Sabbath with relatives
Mr. Jim McCullough has re
turned from an extended visit |
with relatives at Savannah and;
Misses Lessie Mae Rackleyand
Hattie Belle Burch are spending
a few days in Vidalia.
First Montgomery County Men
Drafted for Army Service.
The Montgomery County Exemption Board, composed of Clerk
M. L. O’Brien, Dr. J. E. Hunt and Col. A. B. Hutcheson, is busily
engaged in compiling a list of the drafted men from Montgomery
county, ‘2OO of whom, in the order in which they were drawn, are
given in the following list.
In order to publish the first list this week, The Monitor has
been held back a few hours. The serial number is not given.
The names appear in the order in which they are drawn. Notices
are being mailed to the men to appear before the Exemption Board
on the dates given, as follows:
Monday, August 6.
Eldred Adams. J. W. Dowling. John Evans. Spikes.
Frank Wilson. Wm. Acy Grier. Joe H. Cooper. John Chappel.
Richard Rawls. Jasper Everett. Carey Lane. Gordon Wright.
Jas. Phillips. Crawford Carswell. Andrew Phillips. Will Smith.
Daniel Johnson. Pleasant Williams. Leon R. Meeks. Simon P.
Conner. I. J. Davis. Chas. E. Jackson. Dunn Tapley. T. W.
Holmes. Robt Taylor. Frances Cook. Perry Blount. Sam Lang.
Wm. T. Palmer. J. B. Brown. Reubin Collins. Shade King.
Jas. Josiah Hamilton. Daniel Linsey. Ix)fton Allen. Joseph T.
Willis. Cullen Lee Lowrey. Oscar Benneman. John Baker.
Richard Stephen Carroll. Jonus Coury. L. J. Hamilton. Braddy
Baker. Willie Lett. Willie Brown. Isiah J. Collins. Otha H.
Morrison. Dennis Morris. C. Denton Green way. Tom Cummings.
Calvin Willis. Hilton D. Wilkes. Jas. R. Cock field. W. F. Taylor.
G. W. Martin. Pleas Lane. U 1 Andrew Adams. Louzey Twiggs.
Richard Johnson. C. G. Garrett. Mann Collins. Richard McGirt.
John H. Ross. Henry S. Smith. J. P. Curry. Jas. C. Walker.
Tuesday, August 7.
Lester Gillis. Clifford A. Shell. John Henry Smith. Cowsie
Meliendon. Seaborn Gordon Ricks. Lovett I*. Gay. Charey Black.
Freeman Miller. Henry Reed. Remus Washington. Neal Coney
Gillis. Harrison Shipman. Wm. Power Moore. Chas. R. Palmer.
Austin Couey Willis. Arthur Pierce Dixon. Joseph Atkinson Sam
mons. Ollie Davis. Casber Connell. Robt. Holton. M. E.
Morris. John Dasher. Henry Archie Gillis. Noah Mcßae. Wm.
Carlos Braddy. Grady Durden. Joe King. Carlos Hadden. Hen
ry J. Fountain. Colon Simpson. Jas. Wood. Griffin Griner. Wil
lie Sammons. Geo. W. Smith. Henry Hicks. Sinclair Ryals. Ed
Jones. Henry G. Martin. Frank Peyton. Thus. Ira Tapley. Wil
lie T. McArthur, Jr. Hillary Beasley. Walter Brown. Wm. Bar
ney Frost. Geo. B. Mclntyre. Jim L. Gillis. Lee Singleton.
Matthew Phillips. J. C. Bird. L. C. Gillis. John C. Edge. Thos.
Beasley. N. H. Brooks. Bailey Dailey. Willie James. Tom Wat
son Crawford. Clynt Guyton. Wm. Jessie Claxton. Dave Sed.
Wm. Simmons. Chas. C. Ware. Olen Crumley. July Joyce.
Henry Lee, Jr. Walter Prescot Dukes. Chas. Millier Willis.
Wednesday, August 8.
Bruce Meliendon. Leonard S. Graham. Willie Walter Sapp.
Archabold Hester. Ira Graham. It. A. Whitlock. N. H. Hart.
Henry H. Williams. Harry Riddle. Harlow Gillis. H. S. Fulford.
John C. Kendrick. Moses Jolley. Frank Rawls. Henry Grady
Barwick. David Bell. Jas. Emmett Hall. Jas. Herndon. Cars
well Leo Tyson. Kibbee Bell. Geo. W. Boyd. Clarence F. Mc-
Rae. Alvis Williams. Lenon Reeves. Frank Collins. Ben Eason.
Clarence Cartwright. John Lee Williams. Ira W. Searboro. Mar
ion Peter Mcßride. Ernest Mosley. Albert Curry. Bennie Fort.
Willie Lee Loyd. Sinclair Grant. Lester Bell. Jas. McDougald.
Grover Thigpen. Thos. B. Conner. Fred Richards. Frank Mobley.
Sam H, Fair. Leonard McGowan. Harry Holmes. Cleveland B.
Miller. Alfred S. Brown. Frank Faircloth. Claude H. Wright, i
Will Adams. Arthur Perry. Cleveland Harris. Lucius Kinsey.
Willie Newman. Jas. Jones. Tom Watson Ivey. Jas. VVadley.
Charlie Morris. Holloway Beachatn. W. Otto Foskey. Henry
Bradley. Willie J. L. Wills. Willie Williams. Albert Alex Holmes.
Frank Sheppard. Geo. W. Betha. Jas. Bobie Powell. Jas. Murphy.
Willie D. Waller.
Cans for Canning.
All the solder-hemmed govern- j
ment cans you want. 4c; s4perj
hundred: S4O per thousand. Act-.
ting for Farmers’ Llniou.
C. H. Kittrell.
Dublin, Ga.
Lost Cow. |
A butt-headed Jersey; white
pied; marks undersquare and
underslope. Strayed from my
place three months ago. Infor-.
mation leading to recovery will
be suitably rewarded.
W. T. Mcßride,
754 Alston.
Mr. Julian Fountain, a former
citizen of this place, visited rela
: tives here last week. He is re
siding at Wiliacooche.
Misses Thelma Hunt of Hagan
and Lillian Peacock of Vidalia
visited the family of Dr. J. E.
’ Hunt last week.
Miss Annie Randall of Reids
ville is visiting friends in Mt.
Vernon this week.
Messrs. M. L. McLemore and
W. A. McQueen are spending the
weeß at Indian Springs.
Miss Marie MuQueen is spend
ing the week with friends at
Shellman, Ga.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound for sale by The Mt.
Vernon Mercantile Co. Old price.
Mr. J. Carlton Geiger left
Tuesday for Savannah, where he
enters the navy.
Mr. Durham Cobb is visiting
relatives in Statesboro this week.
| Wilt Resistant •
Cotton Seed.
Place your order for next year’s
plnating seed now. This is a va- :
riety of seed recommended by the
; State Agricultural Department
for use against the boll weevil.
It is practically ltX) percent, wilt
proof, and fruits well.
Inspect the cotton now growing
on my place in Ailey, and place
your order now for fall deliverv.
Supply w ill be limited. Price #3
per bushel.
Ailey, Ga.
New Mail Carrier
Mt. Vernon Route.
After a service of many years
as carrier of Route No. 1 and
Route No. 2, Mt. Vernon, and
since these routes have been com
bined, Mr. J. L. Adams has re
tired from the service. He has
been a faithful and untiring work
er, and his many friends regret
to see his retirement.
Mr. C. B. Cummings, for j
many years with Mcßae Bros. &
McLemore, succeeds Mr. Adams,
and yesterday entered on his new
duties. Mr. Cummings is a train
ed business man, of very genteel
bearing, and no doubt will make
a successful carrier.
The Absence of the
Editor is Understood.
For many years the editor of
The Montgomery Monitor has
been forced to spend his summers
in Atlanta appealing to the mem
bers of the general assembly to
spare Montgomery county from
further division. During his ab
sence, the county paper has not
measured up to the standard us
ually maintained. News and ed
itorial matter have been lacking,
and almost every phase of the
business neglected, to the utter
loss of the paper and the incon
venience to many of its patrons.
However, it is felt that the ma
jority of its patrons are willing
to overlook its shortcomings while
it is engaged in a desperate effort
to save the county from ruination.
No censure comes from any one
except the benefit seekers, and
this class of growlers has existed
from time immemorial; they will
continue to growl when met with
honest and fearless opposition, or
when their questionable schemes
are brought to light.
Jury List.
The following is a list of the
grand and petit jury drawn for
August term of Montgomery su
perior court.
Grand Jury.
J. E. Smith, J. M. Phillips, Jr.,
Sewell Courson, A. Gillis,
I. H. Hall, Jr., J. A. Memory,
I). 11. Mitchell, R. J. Boyd,
J. A. Chivers, J. T. Walker,
J. F. Currie, W. T. McArthur,
W. M.JVI )Bos, E. S. Martin, I
11. L. Page, F. B. Mathias,
Oroshy Williams, W. L. Kitchens,
W. K. Mathias, J. C. Flanders,
G. E. Rogers, M. C. Coleman,
Joe B. Johnson, J. D. Pullen,
O. B. Braddy, W. H. Fowler,
T. W. Cullens, W. B. Greenway,
Joe Davis, M. H. Mason.
Petit Jury.
W. B. Connell, A. M. Davis,
Joe Richardson, G. R. Barwick,
F. Gibbs, Harry Holmes,
B. A. Mosley, S. I* Mills,
J. F. Mills, W. C. Sharpe,
S. Z. Salter, H. C. McLemore,
I. W. Hatcher, W. J. McDaniel,
J. 11. Williamson, H. D. Smith,
•I. B. Higgs, Green W. Brantley,
Wyley Sharpe, E. McLendon,
Hines Morris, A. R. Davis,
J. M. Hughes, C. G. Thompson,
F. L. Mcßae, Sidney Herndon,
B. F. Hart, Herman Conner,
W. T. Allen, Geo. W. Palmer,
It. W. Anderson, W, I*. Stephens,
J. I). McCrimmou, W. B. Snow,
A McCrimmou, W. B. Heath,
J. M. Spivey, Jim Crawford,
B. W. Summons, Harmon Fennel,
J. C. Curl, Dennis O’Brien,
J. F. Craft.
Our present business was es
tablished by our predecessors in
1882, thirty-five years ago, and
we are today doing business with
the same people as at the begin
ning. Our records will show that
during the past twenty years,
there has not been a day when
we have not had approved loans
in process of being closed, and
there has not been a day during
that time when business of the
right sort was delayed for lack of
funds. The explanation of this
: record is that from the beginning,
and without variation, our busi
ness has been characterized by
efficiency, good faith, and clean
methods. No investor has ever
claimed that we had knowingly
sacrificed his interests to our own.
and no borrower has ever claim
ed justly that we had misled him
with false promises or worked
any hurt to him for our own pro
fit. Our methods having been
perfected by years of experience;
all applicants can learn without
delay whether we can or cannot
accommodate them. The dis
patch with which we dispose of
business, favorably or unfavor
ably, is unsurpassed if equaled
by any people in our line. Our
rates are reasonable and all con
ditions favorable to borrowers.
Our supply of money is abundant
and seemingly inexhaustible. If
, interested, call on or communi
cate with
Howard M. Smith & Co.,
Macon, Ga.
* The Line of ALL STEEL ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED EQUIPMENT, Free Reclining Chair Cars and £-
J* Dining Cars Serving Meals on All Through Trains is the
I Seaboard Air Line Railway *
jL ilfr
T "The Progressive Rail tray of the South ”
Lv. Savannah Ar. Richmond Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New Itork
11:10 p. m. 5:20 a. m. 8:50 a. m. 10:01 a. m. 12:24 p. m. 2:40 p. m.
* 3:50 p.m. 7:52 a.m. 11:00'a. m. 12:10 p.m. 2:27 p.m. 4:35 p.m. „
* 12:35 a.m. 5:20 p.m. 8:40 p.m. 11:15 p.m. 3:30 a.m. 5:50 a.m. J
Our Magnificent Dining Car Service is Unexcelled £•
Lv. Savannah Ar. Brunswick Jacksonville Tampa St. Augustine Miami
8:35 a. m. 11:55 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 7:35 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 2:00 a. m. W
is 2:50 p. m. 5:47 p. m. 7:15 p. m. 6:45 a. m. 9:10 p. m. 11:00 a. m. i(fc-
* These Are the' Fast Trains Between Savannah, Eastern Cities and Florida
* C. W. SMALL, D. P. A., Savannah, Ga. £
K,bbee f Georgia
Montgomery County
rent** ,——j ~~ j
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HJatfnetK- Pn ‘ \ /
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Geo t°rn
surotvor A tV
w *
YEAR. There was never a better time to buy well located farm lands than now, lands
will never be cheaper. At present prices the products will pay for a farm in two or
three years.
The land shown by the above map is located tv/o miles of railroad station on Ma
con, Dublin and Savannah Railroad, 3 miles of Ailey on the Seaboard and five miles of
county site of Montgomery County, and is traversed by two public roads, near church
and school and in best farming section in Georgia.
Will sell you a large or small tract, just what you want and give you terms that
you cannot secure on any other lands in this section. GET BUSY AT ONCE AND
J. WADE JOHNSON, No. 30 Bryan Street, East,'
Mt. Vernon, Ga. . * Savannah, Ga.
Used for Twenty Years
TYYyjfJ. flrt Always has fftv.n satisfaction. Red Croat Liver
V. . -I Medicine is one of the dependable old-time reme-
RJiVID BCffOu! d,eß - All over lhe South u iiM relieved aufferera from
k E enAn J Biliousness Liver Complaint
1 1 I Billon. Cell. Kbrnsa.tlr I‘alna
- M|| F Coatlvenea. Sick Headache.
► F ro ** lT liy.pepala hour Stomach
SFliiHiiaarahl Rod Cross Liver Medicine
\Ff TJu mw Pnroly v does not pirken. Sold in powdnr
or3U)(S4rn.iuviß form; may be used <J iy or easily made into liQuid.
•. IJ r 25* The genuine Hod Pyer Ih mmlo only l»y
LKOS DRUG f;Oa, Inc M Jacksonville, Fla.
Out* a hoi, Mt «1 '•hitklk tsi nnd In general ntorex,
— ' or i»on;i>nld from the xnuuufaeturerM.
• I »
Offers Services.
It may be that some of the
drafted men or volunteers who
are to go to the army may want
some business attended to before
leaving home and I hereby tender
my service to attend to anv busi
ness. draw any paper or give any
legal advice I can. free of charge.
Don’t hesitate to call on me.
L. C. Underwood, j
l A Full Line. :
J of all automobile accessories
| ► from robes and robe rails to <
£ ' spark plugs and radiator covers ,
► means that you can find what
► .^syou need, if you come to us.
t jVI I M ; Intelligent and quick service ,
► lIS |1 ; adds to the pleasure. \
i HICKS brothers 1 garage
h g Mt. Vernon, Ga. d
: EVERY job guaranteed l
Mortgage Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Under and by virture of a power of
sale contained in a mortgage execu
ted by \V. K. Adams to D. 8. Moseley,
■ ecoidcd Dye. (i, 1913. Hook 41. page
254, in mortgage records of Montgoin
]ery county, the unersigned will sell
! for cash during the legal hours of
i sale, on the first Tdesdny in August,
1917. before the court house door in j
I said county, the property described!
| below:
I.ots. numbers one, two, five and j
i six in block number eight, each lot'
j being one hundred hv two hundred!
feetjaiso lot number one in block]
number six. being fifty by. one him-*
’died feet, also the south one half of
| lots number five and six. each being
lone hundred by one hundred feet,
and all of said property beingand ly
ing in riie town of Chrrlotte in tlie
two hundred and seventy-fifth dis
trict CL M. of Montgomery County,
State of Georgia.
Sale to he made to pay balance
principal sll3 no and interest due on
mortgage, and given to secure a!
promissory note for $395.00 and inter- !
est, dated September 22. 1913, due!
' Oct. Isr. 1914. A conveyance will be;
I made to the purchaser, by the under- j
signed. July fi, 1917.
\V. E. Adams, by Bis attorney in fact j
D. 8. Alosley. 1
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door iu Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Aug., 1917, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest, bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
Twenty-five acres of land more or less, situate,
j lying’ and being: in the 16915 t G. M. district of said
county and state, and bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of F. M. Phillips, on the east by
: lands of F. M. Phillips, south by lands of M. M.
. Phillips and on the west by lands of Mollie Mosley,
the same being: 25 acres cut out of the northeast
corner of the m. M. Phillips home place. Levied
on and will be sold as the property of Boss Phil
lips. agent, to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by H. C.
Davis, tax collector, vs Boss Phillips, agent, for
state and county taxes for the year 1916. Levy
made and returned to me by 1. C. S. Berner,
special bailiff, and written notice given in terms
of the law. This the 3rd day of July, 1917.
1. J. Davis. Sheriff.
The regular state examination
for teachers will be held the 3rd
and 4th of August. Let all the
residents of the county who con
template taking the examination
please be on hand,
i T. B. Conner, C. S. S.