Newspaper Page Text
T?\e Montgornery r\or\itor.
Entered at the Poitofflce in Mt. Vernon. Ga. as Second-Class Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM. Editor and Owner. si.s<> « Year, in Advance.
*«-I,CKsI »<lvertmomi nt« must invariably b« paid in advance, at the Ictfal rate, and ax the law
direct.; and nut be in band not later than Wednesday atorntoa of the first week -.t insertion
Mount Vernon. Ga.. Thursday Morning, October 4, 1917.
| Georgia State 3
► Press Expressions, i
When something happens that
might be termed news or of in
terest to the readers of the news
paper, don’t try to conceal it from
the editor. He is only human
and can’t find out many things
unless he is told of them. Met
ter Advertiser.
Been reading up on this camou
flage stufr, and when October Ist
comes the hill collectors won’t
even get a chance to dun us.
Hartwell Sun.
Hoover says that starvation
will win this war. Well, we are
of the “peace at any price” kind.
We would like to win and bring
the war to a close, but if we’ve
got to starve to do it, we’d like
to put it off for some time yet.—
Swainsboro Forest-Blade.
We are having real conscrip
tion of wealth in this country. It
is no longer a question of what
shall be done with the millonarie’s
millions, but merely how much of
his excess wealth may lie borrow
ed by the government at four
per cent, and how much shall be
taken by the government in tax
es.—Dublin Courier-Herald.
Do you think that when the
cotton crop reaches the other fel
low’s hands the price will go to
thirty cents? Can’t say hut it
generally goes up when the far
mer turns his all loose.—Wrights
ville Headlight.
Senator Hoke Smith is urging
farmers to hold their short staple
cotton for .‘loc. The Herald be
lieves our farmers should hold.
They are in better condition to
hold than in former years, if
they will try they can dictate the
price this year. Nashville Her
l/>ts of folks allow their friends
to mention them for big offices
like the United States Senate or
the governor’s job who couldn’t
get out of a slow walk for justice
of the peace.—Laurens Citizen.
Things down in Mexico seem
to be real nice and quiet now,
and it is something to be thank
ful for. And Woodrow Wilson
is the man to thank.—Darien Ga
The weather prophets are
right. It’s always a “hard win
ter” when we can’t raise the
coal dust. Atlanta Constitution.
This country is now in the
clutch of organized labor on one
side and capitalism on the other
—two evils that know no limit to
greed. Lyons Progress.
Are you going to let your coun
ty fair not measure up to its full
possibilities because you are not
interested in helping to work up
a community exhibit? Don’t do
it. Jump in now if you are not
already working on your com
munity exhibit. Walker County
One exchange has said that it
is not as dangerous to go to war
as it is to go automobile riding.
We don’t doubt but what the
writer was right, but so many
people had rather tackle the most
dangerous proposition any time.
—Pembroke Enterprise.
With Tom Watson interned by
the government, a lot of editorial
space in the newspapers can now
be used for other purposes.—Vi
dalia Advance.
The man who married just to
escape the draft will quit his wife
the very first time he gets an op
portunity says an exchange. Yes,
and the woman who married the
man so that he could escape the
draft is no better than the man
and she ought to Ik* deserted.
Them’s our sentiments. Spring
field Herald. I
Special Notice to Tax
The following Act, paused by
the last, legislature, fixes the dale
on which executions shall Issue;
requires the payment of interest
by delinquent Tax payers from
the 20th of December; requires
Tax Collectors to make monthly
reports of delinquent Tax payers,
and amount of interest collected
by them. It also imposes severe
penalties upon Tax Collectors for
failure to comply with the law,
and gives the Comptroller-Gener
al no discretion to remit these
penalties. I suggest, therefore,
that you read carefully this Act
and follow strictly every provision
of the statute, which went into ef
fect August 20, 1917.
VVm. A. Wkioht,
An Act fixing the time when the
State and County Tax Hooks shall
close; when executions shall is
sue; provide for the payment ol
interest on all State and County
taxes remaining unpaid after the
same become due, fixing the time
when the several Tax Collectors
of this State shall make final set
tlements with the state and Coun
ty ; and for other purposes.
Section 1. lio it enacted by
the General Assembly of the State
of Georgia, and it is hereby en
acted by authority of the same,
That from and alter the* passage
of this Act all tuxes duo the State
or any County thereof remaining
unpaid on December 20th in each
year shall bear interest at. the rate
of seven per cent, per annum from
said date, and the several Tax
Collectors of this State arc re
quired to collect the interest on
such unpaid taxes and account
lor same in their final settlements.
Sko. 2. He it further euucted
by the authority aforesaid. That
on the 20th day of December in
each year the several Tax Collec
tors of this State shall furnish to
the Comptroller-General and to
the Ordinary or county officer
having charge of the county af
fairs, as the case may be, of their
respective counties a report show
ing the amount of State taxes and
the amount of county taxes re
maining unpaid on said Tax Di
gest., and shall, every thirty days
thereafter until a final settlement
is made with both Hie State and
the County, furnish to said offi
cers a report showing the amount
of State tax collected and the
amount of county taxes collected
from December 20th to the date
of rendering such report, and also
the amount of interest collected
from said delinquent or default
ing taxpayers.
Sko. 51. lie it further enacted
by tin* authority aforesaid, That
from and after the passage of this
Act the several Tax Collectors of
this State shall keep a record,
showing the amount of interest
collected from delinquent or de
faulting taxpayers, iln* date upon
which saiii taxes and interest
were collected and from whom
Sko. 4. Be it further enacted
by the authority aforesaid, That
freui and after the passage of this
Act the several Tax Collectors of
this State are required to make
final settlements with both the
State and County within four
months from December 20th of
the year in which said taxes be
came dm*, and upon failure of
! any such Tax Collector to make
i such final settlement within the
time, such Tax Collector shall
forfeit one-fourth of his commis
sion unless some good and miffi
cient reason be given rendering
the making of such final settle-;
meat impossible.
Sko. 6. He it further enacted |
by the authority aforesaid, That!
all interest so collected by the
several Tax Collectors of this
State shall be by them paid to the
State and County at the time and
: m the same manner the taxes are
now required to be paid.
Sko. 0. He it further enacted I
by the authority aforesaid. That
I the failure or refusal of any Tax
Collector of this State to carry
out any of the provisions contain
ed in this Act shall constitute
malpractice in office, and a con
viction therefor shall subject the
offender to removal from office.
Sko. 7. He it. further enacted!
by the authority aforesaid, That
all laws and parts of law s iti con-1
tlict with this Act lie and the,
same are hereby repealed.
I Approved August 20th, 1917.
Notice of Hond laeue.
To The Qualified Voters of the Town
of Ho pert on.
Notice is hereby given that on the
24th day of October, 101 T, an election
will be held in the town of Soperton,
at. which will be submitted to the
qualified voters of said town, for
their determination the question
whether bonds shall he issued for
said town in the aggregate amount
of ten thousand (SIO,tXX).(XJ) dollars
which shall he applied and used for !
the purpose of installing an electric
light system in and for the town of
Soperton. purchasing a site for the
same and necessary equipment there
for, said bonds to bear date Decem
ber 15t.1i, 1917, to bear interest at the
rate of six per cent, per annum, pay
abb- semi-annually, on the 15th day
of June and the Istli day of Decem
ber of each year, to Ik.- in denomina
tions of five hundred ($500.00)dollars
each and to he paid off and mature
as follows, to-wit: Two thousand
iJO) dollars on the 15th day of
December, 1997: two thousand (S9OOO.
oO) dollars on the 15th day of Decem
ber, 1989; two thousand ($9000.00)
dollais on the 15th day of December,
1987; two thousand ($9000.00) dollars
on the loth day of December, 1942;
and two thousand (S2OOO 00) dollars
on the lot 1 1 day of December, 1947.
Principal and interest to he paid in
gold coin of Hie United States, of the
present standard of weight and fine
ness at the Hanover National Hank
of New York City, State of New
York. Polls will he open at (I o’clock
a. in. and close at three o’clock p. in.,
at the Council Chamber of the town
of Soperton. in the rear of The Hank
of Soperton, in said town.
Those desiring to vote in favor of
the issue of said bonds will do so by
casting ballots having written or
printed thereon the words “For Light
Bonds” and those desiring to vote
against the issue of said bonds will
do so by casting ballots having writ
ten or printed upon them the words
.“Against Light Bonds.’’
Ordered and ordained by the May
or and Council of the town of Soper
ton in regular meeting assembled,
this the 12th day of September, 1917.
J. E. Hall,
Mayor of the town of Soperton.
I. H. Hall, Sr.,
Clerk of the town of Soperton.
Notice to the Public.
This will notify the public and,
all parties at interest, that my
will, drawn about three years
ago, together with other papers,
was removed, by force, Sept. 23,
1917, from the home of I. J. Rad
ford. Unless this particular will
is returned to me immediately,
the same is hereby annulled and
every provision of same made
void. Robbery cannot prevent
me, in soundness of mind, to is
sue a substitute.
This Sept. 27. 1917.
J. J. Coleman.
Seed Oats.
Fulghum variety; clean and
free from obnoxious weed seed.
See or write at once
W. G. Williamson,
920tf Alston, Ga.
Lost Raincoat.
Ixmg rubberized raincoat; be
tween Ailey and Tarrytown;
small bottle linament in one pock
et; suitable reward for return;
leave at Monitor office or send to
Fred Andrews,
For Sale.
Five-room house and four acres
, land ih one block of Ailey depot
and three-quarters mile of Brew
ton-Parker Institute. House fin
ished throughout and painted in
side and out. Built of best ma
terial. An excellent opening for
any one desiring school facilities.
Price $52500. Terms can be ar
ranged if desired for part.
Can also sell three-horse farm
one and a half miles of Ailey at a
bargain price.
If interested see or write,
J. B. Brewton,
Ailey, Ga.
T. C. Rounds.
I will be at the following places
for the purpose of collecting state
and county taxes for year 1917.
|Uvalda Oct. Bth 9t012 m.
Alston “ “ Ito 4p m
Tiger " 9 10 to 12 m
Higgston “ 9 1:30 to 4p m
Kibbee “ 10 9 to 12 m
Ailey " 10 Ito 4 p m
Lothair " 11 9toll a m
Tarrytown “11 1 to 4 p m
Orland " 12 10 to 1p m
Soperton ” 13 9t04 p m
Mt. Vernon “15 9 to 4 p m
Yours truly,
H. C. Davis, T. C. M. C.
Bancroft Seed Oats.
Fall grown and in perfect con
dition: rustproof. $2.00 per bu.
J. T. Brack.
920tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County:
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by Hon. Alex McArthur or
dinary of said county, will be sold
before the court house door of said
county, between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in Nov.,
1917, to the highest bidder for cash,
certain property, of which the fol
lowing is a complete description :
One tract of land containingZ acres j
more or less, hounded on the south, |
west and north by lands of the estate
of Eliza McArthur, northeast by
lands of Moseley & Matthews, being
carved out of the lands of Eliza Mc-
Arthur at the junction of (lie Louis
ville road, as shown by plat of same.
Also 5(5 acres of land more or less,
known as the Hardy Bell place,
bounded on the northwest, by lands
of T. A. Peterson, northeast by lands
of Alex Peterson, southeast by lands
of Alex Peterson, southwest by lands
of Hugh Peterson.
Also 26 1-2 acres, more or less,
bounded as follows: On the northwest
by lands of J. C. Brewton and others,
on the northwest by Limestone Creek
on the south by lands of the estate of
L. B. McLemore and on the south
west by lands of W. T. McArthur.
Also one other tract containing 49
acres, more or less, granted to Daniel
McGregor, and bounded on the west
by Limestone Creek, on the south by
lands of Miss Inez Mcßae and others,
northeast, by lands of the estate of J.
A. Riddle, on the northwest by a
street leading from The 8.-P. Insti
tute to the Town of Ailey. Ga.
Also 18 acres more or less,bounded
on the northeast by Gordon street,
on the southeast by lands of W. J.
Peterson, Jr., and the grave yard lot,
on the southwest by other lands of
the estate of J. A. Riddle, and on
the northwest by a street leading
from Mt. Vernon to Ailey.
Also 7 acres morg or less, lying
northwest of the street leading from
The Brewton-Parker Institute to the
Town ot Ailey, southwest of an old
road or street leading from Ailey to
the old Louisville road at or near the
chicken farm, and on the west by
Limestone Creek, the same being
carved out of what, is known as the
A. W. Collins land and lands of J.
M. I). McGregor.
Also one vacant business lot, lo
cated in the Town of Ailey, bounded
on the south by an alley, north by
tlie right of way of the Seaboard Air
Line Ry.,east by lands of VV, A. Mc-
Nutt. west by lands of Peterson, be
ing 80 x 125 feet.
Also one improved lot located in
the colored section of Ailey, contain
ing 60 x 185 feet, bounded oil the west
by Lee street, south by lands of Sam
Register, east by an alley, and on the
north by a vacant lot.
Also one vacant lot, located in the
colored section of Ailey, bounded on
the west by Lee street, south by
lands of the estate of J. A. Riddle,
and on the east by an alley, north by
vacant, lot,, being about 30 x 185 feet.
Lot No. 1, containing 125 acres of
land more or less, bounded on the
north and west by lands of Mrs. M.
A. Abt and others, on the south by
lands of Moseley & Matthews, and on
the east by Flat, Creek, and known as
the Jones place.
Also Lot No. 2, containing 120 acres
of land more or less, bounded on the
west by the old Louisville public
road and lands of D. A. Fountain,
north by other lands of the estate of
Jas. A. Riddle, and known as Lot
No. 5, east by anew public road lead
ing by the home place of M. H. Par
ley, and on the southwest by lands
of Moseley & Matthews.
Also Lot No. 3, containing 117 acres
more or less, bounded on the west by
a new public road leading by the
home place of M. H. Parley, on the
north by lands of T. A, Peterson,
southeast by the Ailey and Kibbee
public road and lands of T. A. Peter
son, on the south west by lands of
Moseley «& Matthews and Hugh
Also Lot No. 4, containing 134 acres
of woodland land more or less, bound
ed on the west by a new public road
leading by the home place of M. H.
Parley to Kibbee, north by lands of
M. H. Parley, east, by the Ailey and
Kibbee public road and lands of T.
A. Peterson, south by lands of T. A.
; Peterson.
Also Lot No. 5, containing 184 2-3
• acres more or less, as shown by plat
of the same, bounded on the west by
the old Louisville public road, on the
north by lands of H. D. Lee and M.
, H. Parley, on the east by new public
road leading from the place of M. 11.
Parley to Ailey, south by other lands
. of the estate of Jas. A. Riddle,
known as Lot No. 2. m the division
of said lands. All of the above lands
being situated in the Ailey G. M.
District of said county and state.
Said lots aggregating 630 2-3 acres
more or less.
Said real estate to be sold as tlie
property of the estate of J. A. Riddle,
deceased, for the purpose of division.
A plat of each tract or parcel will be
provided purchaser on date of sale.
All of said property situate, lying
and being in ttie new Ailey Gl M.
district of said county, and shown in
detail on plats covering same.
J. W. Pai.mkr. Adr.
Estate of Jas. A. Riddle.
Wilt Resistant
Cotton Seed.
Place your order for next year’s
plnating seed now. This is a va
riety of seed recommended by the
State Agricultural Department
for use against the boll weevil.
1 It is practically 100 per cent, wilt
proof, and fruits well.
Inspect the cotton now growing :
on my place in Ailey, and place
your order now for fall delivery.
Supply will be limited. Price *3
j per bushel.
Ailey, Ga.
Office over Mt. Vernon Postolfiee.
Lost Cow.
Red heifer; slightly brindled
face; year and a-half old: crum
pled horns; unmarked. Left my
place in the spring. Information
leading to her recovery suitably
rewarded. Write or telephone
P. P. Waller,
9274 t Tarrytown, Ga.
99 per cent.
' >
in a good bank their money n absolutely safe and al- I 1
!’ ways available; checks are returned and become receipts; .
checks and stubs form a convenient record of income and jj
l! outgo, and best of all, when the bank depositor sees an op
j| portunity of using some money profitably, his acquaintance !
! j at the bank and record as a depositor make it possible for
; I him to procure a loan.
You can promote YOUR sue- jj
jj cess by becoming a depositor with
wwwvwvvwwwwwwv j;
:j CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $33,000.00 RESOURCES, $175,000.00 i!
! > Willie T. McArthur, President W. A. Peter.son, Cashier j !
| \ Alex McArthur, Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier J j
1 " 1
I All Lines High-Class ft
i . S
§ Auto Repairing p
Special Attention to ||
Repairs and Adjustments
of Self Starters and tt
Electrical Equipment
Quick Service and Satisfaction lj
Guaranteed. Yor work solicited. 8
Something New
Combination American Fence
Specification it
46 t " . .
E=-s- -- - Larr-isaa. L pa— |
V • •—V jfL. ‘ 'l * A.-' -*-r-
Two Carloads Just Received
Lost Hog,
Red Du roc Jersey male; red
and black spots; about a year old;
swallow fork in each ear. Left
iny place in the spring. Suitable
reward for information leading
to recovery. Notify
G. W. Galbraith,
:9272t Sharpe Spur, Ga.