Newspaper Page Text
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Messrs. Tom and C. C. Daniel
of Bellville came up to visit rela
tives over Sunday.
touring car; 1917 model. Address
Box 117, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Misses Mary EfTie and Imogene
McQueen of Vidalia visited rela-;
fives in Mt. Vernon last of thej
week. They will shortly move to
Folkston to live with their bro
ther, Col. A. S. McQueen.
Stone’s Fruit Cakes and Fresh
Groceries of all kinds, and at all
times. M. E. Fountain, Mt. Ver
Miss Marion Lee, who is teach
ing at Pinehurst, N. C., spent
the week-end with her parents
at Institute Heights.
If you own a car, you need a
reliable vulcanizing and tire re- j
pair outfit, such as is sold by the
Mason Grocery Co., Ailey. ad
Miss Trudie Mason of Waycross
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. V. Mason.
Col. Rudolph Wimberly of Ma
con was among the court visitors
first of the week. He is a regu
lar visitor to our courts.
Texas Rust Proof Seed oats,
$1.36 per bushel, and Georgia
Seed Itye for sale by
M. E. Fountain, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Col. L. B. Lightfoot of Adrian, !
one of the oldest practitioners at
this bar, was a familiar figure
here this week.
Mr. Harry Parker of Liberty
county spent Sunday with his ■
sister, Mrs. Ernest Rivers of j
Glen wood. He spent an hour or j
two with Mt. Vernon friends.
Do not let court go by without
renewing your subscription to the
county paper.
Mr. G. V. Mason, the furni-!
tore man, has just received two
carloads of new and tasty furni- i
ture. See him. ad. j
Georgia Montgomery County.
Ordinary’s office, Nov. 6, 1917
L. Horne, as administrator of
the estate of Henry Horne, de
ceased, has applied for leave to
Hell all of the lands of said de
ceased, said lands located in
Appling county, state of Geor
gia. This is therefore to notify
all concerned to tile their ob
jections, if any they have, on or
before the first Monday in De
cember next, else leave will then
l>e granted as prayed for.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will lie Nold before the court bouse
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Dec., 1917, between the legal
hours of sab*, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of wlkich
tin* following is a complete descrip
tion :
Two certain tracts of land lying
and being in tin* IHSfith G . M. district I
of said county and state, containing
196.12 acres more nr less, and de
scribed ns follows: First tract con
taining llti 57 acres more or less, and
bounded north by hong branch, east
by lands of l'time Phillips, son!h by
lands ot Mrs. K. M Smith and west
by lands of Hattie Phillips; second
tract containing 78.75 acres more or
less, mid bounded north by lands of
Hattie Phillips, east and south by
lands of F. M Phillips and west by
land** of W illi*' Powell. Levied on
anil will lx* sold as the property of
Joseph K. Phillips to .satisfy a II fa
issued from the superior court of said
county in favor of tile Georgia Doan
«v Trust t 0,, vs Joseph K. Phillips,
'Written notice of levy given defend
ant as required by law. This the sth
day of Noyember, p. 117.
I.J. Davis, Sheri IT.
Uyals »V Anderson, Attvs. for Pigs.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—M intgomery l'nunty.
Will t>* soli! before the court house
doot in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in* Dec., 1917, between the legal
hours of sale, to tlu* highest bidder
,'or cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip- J
One certain farm,situate, lying and j
being iii ih* IXNtth (i. M. district of
said county and state, containing \
94.4 acres more or less, and bounded |
as follows: North by Dong blanch, j
east by lands of Carrie Phillip-", south |
by lauds of Mrs. K. M. Smith and |
w* st by lands of ltosa Hell Phillips
• and Mrs. W. Powell, more fully de
scribed by a plat of same made by S. !
It. Morris, county surveyor, Nov. 9.:
19*1(5, and recorded in book 10 of j
Deeds, page 1463. clerk 'a ottlee of llu-l
superior court of said county. Lev
. ied on and will be sold as the proper
ty of llattic Mae Phillips to satisfy
a li fa issued from the superior court
of said county in favor of Canadian
A American Mortgage A Trust Co.,
Limited, \> Haiti*' Mae Phillips.
Written notice of levy given in teims
of the law. This the til li day of No-j
vetnber, 1917. 1. J . Davis, sheriff.
Jiy aU A Anderson, Atty s. for Pills.
Miss Corine Mason of Sanders
ville is bere visiting relatives.
Mr. Cecil Lee of Savannah
spent the Sabbath with his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lee.
Mr. Max Fountain of Coffee
county spent Sunday with rela
tives in and around Mt. Vernon.
If you want to bor
row money on real
estate at the lowest
rate and in the short
est time, write to It.
S. Wimberly, Macon.
Messrs. F. M. Mcßae and M.
L. McLemore have been in At
lanta for a few days.
Col. J. S. Edwards of Buch
anan was a prominent visitor at
the courts this week. He is a
former representative of Haral
ison county, and is pleasantly re
membered as a former visitor
here on legal business.
Rev. F. M. Baldwin is attend
ing the Billy Sunday meetings in
Mrs. Alma McQueen and little
s-ins, Randall and Folsom, with
Mrs. Jas. W. Adams, left Mon
day for a trip to Macon.
FLAVORING.-I have a full
line of Flavoring. The best and
! cheapest: guaranteed. W. J.
Stephens, the Jeweler, Mt. Ver
non, Ga.
SSO,(MM) to loan at
once on real estate at
lowest rates. Address
‘Money,’ care Monitor.
Bancroft Seed Oats.
Fall grown and in perfect con
dition; rustproof. $2.00 per bu.
J. T. Bkack,
j 920tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Administratrix’s Sale.
Georgi a— Montgomery Con nty.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county, will bo sold before
the court house door of said coun
ty, between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in De
cember, 1917, to the highest and
best bidder for cush, the following
described property to wit:
Fifty acres of land situate, ly
ing and being in the 12215 t, G. M.
district of said county and state
and bounded ns follows: North
and eust by lands of Thos. New,
south by lands of the estate of
Smith and west by lands of Mor
ris and the estate of Smith. To
be sold as the property of the
estate of John A. Johnson, late of
said county deceased, for purpose
of payment of debts and distribu
tion. Mrs. V. C. Martin,
Adx Kst. John A. Johson.
Notice to Heirs at I. aw.
Georgta Montgomery County.
Mrs. Sadie B. Frizzells having
applied t* * the Ordiunry by peti
tion, asking that Mrs. Alice Wil
son, administratrix with the will
annexed of the estate of W. L.
Wilson, deceased, late of said
county, be required to make her a
deed to a certain lot of land sit
uate, lying and being in the Town
of Ailey, Ga., containing two
acres more or less and known as
tin* A. W. Collins place, in pursu
ance of a bond for title made by
W. 1.. Wilson in his life time, to
the said Mrs. Sadie li. Frizzelle,
the said Mrs. Sadie B. Frizzelle
alleging that she hus fully met
her obligation in said bond. This
is to notify snul administratrix
and the heirs at law ot said de
ceased to be and appear at the De-
I ceinber term, 1917, of the Court
jof Ordinary of said couuty, and
show cause, if any they have or
can, why said administratrix
should not be required to make
said deed as prayed for by the said
Mrs. Sadie B. Frizzelle, petition
er. Tins the 6th day of Novem
j her, 1917.
Alex McArthur, Ord’y.
Sued Oats.
Fulghum variety; clean and
free from obnoxious weed seed.
See or write at once
W. G. Williamson,
j92otf Alston, Ga.
Notice to Heirs at Law.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
L. D. McLemore having applied
to the Ordinary by petitiou ask
ing that Mrs. Alice Wilson, ad
ministratrix with the will annexed
of the estate of W. L. Wilson, de
ceased, late of said county, be re
quired to make him a deed to
eighty acres of land situate, lying
and being In the 1507th G. M.
district of said county, bounded
north by lands of the estate of W.
11. McQueen, east by lands of the
estate of Angus McQueen, south
by lands of Isaac McLeod and
west by lands of the estate ot Jas.
McLeod, in pursuance of a bond
for title made by W. L. Wilson in
his life time, to the said L. D.
McLemore, the said L. D. McLe
more alleging that he has fully
met his obligation in said bond.
This is to notify said administra
trix and the heirs at law of said
deceased to be and appear at the
December term, 1917, of the court
of Ordinary of said county, and
show cause, if any they have or
can, why said administratrix
should not be required to make
said deed as prayed for by the said
L. D. McLemore, petitioner. This
the sth day of Nov., 1917.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sale of Mortgage Property.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of the power
of sale contained in a certain deed to
secure debt given by Elizabeth Allen
of Montgomery county. Georgia, to
Calvert Mortgage & Deposit Com
pany of Baltimore City, Maryland,
under date of September 29, 1909. of
record in the Clerk’s office of Supe
rior court of Montgomery county in
deed book ten, page 453, the under
signed as successors to said Calvert
Mortgage A Deposit Company of Bal
timore City, will sell at i>ublic out
cry before the court house door of
Montgomery county, Georgia, on the
first Tuesday in December, 1917, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
All tract or parcel of land contain
ing one hundred and eighty-two
acres, situate, lying and being in the
12215 t, district, G. M., of Montgomery
county, Georgia, more fully described
by survey of S. B. Morris September
25, 1909, as follows: Beginning at a
stone corner to property of Barnes
and Mrs Gray, and running thence,
bounding on other property of Mrs.
Elizabetli Allen, north three degrees
east 55.74 chains to a dead pine;
thence bounding on property of W.
B. Greenway, south, 89 degrees east
44 chains to a stake; thence hound
ing on the property of Jennie Ster
ling, north 2 1-2 degrees east 12-42
chains to a stake - thence hounding
on property of Billy Smith and Da
vid Smith, northß9 degrees, west 20
chains to a fallen pine; thence south
82 degrees west, 45.75 chains to a
stake or stump on the hank of Mes
srs creek; thence in a southerly di
rection following boundaries of said
creek to a black gum tree; thence
hounding on lands of Barnes and
Mrs. Gray south 31 degrees east 44.75
chains to point of beginning.
Said land will lie sold for the pur
pose of paying the indebtedness of
Elizabeth Allen to The Calvert Mort
gage Company and the expenses of
tills proceeding, said indebtedness
consisting of one note for the sum of
SIOO.OO, dated September 29, 1909, and
duo November 1, 1914, with interest
due thereon at eight per cent, annum
from maturity.
Said property will be sold as the
property or Elizabeth Alien, and any
balance remaining after the payment
of said indebtedness and expenses of
sale, will be paid to the legal repre
sentatives of the said Elizabeth Al
len, and The Calvert Mortgage Com
pany will make to the purchaser a
deed to said property. This Novein- i
her sth, 1917.
The Calvert Mortgage Co.,
By W. J. DkLoach, Atty. I
Sale of Mortgage Property.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of the power
of sale contained in a certain deed to
secure debt given by Kate C. Dink
ins of Montgomery county, Georgia,
to Calvert Mortgage a Deposit Com
pany of Baltimore City Maryland,
on the first day of November, 1909, of
record in the Clerk’s office of the Su
perior court of Montgomery county
In deed book ten, page 506, the un
dersigned as successors to Calvert
Mortgage a Deposit,Company of Bal
timore City, will sell at public out
cry before the court house door ot
Montgomery county, Georgia, on the
first Tuesday in December. 1917, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing property, to-wit.
AU that tract or parcel of land sit
uate. lying and being in the 276th
district, G M., of Montgomery coun
ty, Georgia, bounded on the north by
lands of Pratt Daniel; east by lands
of J. F. Clark; south bv lands of Jets
McArthur: and west by lands of Jas.
W. McArthur, containing sixty-five
acres, more or less.
Saiil lands will be sold for tlie pur
pose of paying the indebtedness of
Kate C. Dinkins to The Calvert
Mortgage Company and the expenses
of this proceeding, saiii indebtedness
consisting of one note for the sum of
SIOO.OO, dated November 1, DfcW and
due November 1, 1914, with interest
thereon at the rate of sight per cent,
per annum from maturity.
Said property will be sold as the
property of Kate C. Dinkins, and any
balance remaining after the payment
of said indebtedness and the expen
ses of tills sale, will be paid to the
legal representatives of the said
Kate C. Dinkins, and The Calvert
Mortgage Company will make to the
purchaser of the property a deed to
said property. This Nov. glh, 1917.
The Calvert Mortgage Co.,
By \V. J. Deloach, Atty.
Mr. Geo. Stanford of Tarry- i
town was here Sunday. <
\ECJ L '' I'
er f jur ;• H
* * ” *7 HSjl
» J . r. jHgggj
stir/ :s of da- | S
r ; yr ■ ? and l
ny emergency. 1
• mptcr
’s v/iiv, Y |
€/• R. ■ %r :' * ?AI IT • f,795.00
Michigan F. 0.8. FACTORY
legal Car Co. E
Magazines el li! A Cost 1
S! END in your reraw-1 to o-■ pi - r r.ow ar.rl you
H “*\ 4 | can have your choice of an / :• ad.J ma„. air.e
u V 4_/ clubs at the spacin' prices s.iown L A ,w. VJt)
//"J This offer is open to both ' * e*v su; cr: ars. It y u
Wisaj 1111 m are already a subscriber to any of ir r.: yo i-r.*ib
gWayi | scription will be extended one yea ; .out ,:c of esp.ration vB?
1° RTTlim I Clul» A* ■ T?
Onr Paper. . . $1.50 ) •> 'r- -r . -■- ’ ta 10
to McCall's Magazine .75 S 5/42: \ «JLi RS
Today’s House w/Ss .75) ““ j. ..... »’» • J “
CIaS» c - I Citra St. ©9
Onr Paper . . $3.59 ) • : v'- s '* | fSJ
r it Wrasses World . .50 } ■ G■, *- •(
-JOME LIFE Fsrin& Fireside . .25 i ' .... .
{jlT-Aj Club E. Ci . F ;
Onr Paper . . $1.50 l Cr , r . a . . 5•- 7-' [ s'i93 0
Today’s Dousewifc .75 iv - _ * - ■ • -*-* . .*0 >v | —
Fan> & Fireside . .25 \ c - ;
Club G. r £*"-.■? . . SIAO *
IZ-l-TAj Oar Paper . . $1.50 1 «<• ‘*° \'i! >so 18
FaRMoFiRESIOE I Piwlt’i Uiirr Jiwrnal .78 ’-e . .*» i L~
''-“'rr-'rr Womens Woria . .53 \ C So )
lEa Ili We may bo compfeHed to ' ‘ th- o*. or ir, tire near AA
I f futui’e. Mii,azine prices arc <; Send in your
Wi'-B&S&m I E or^er NOW and be safe.
I You get them with the County Paper at A
The Montgomery Monitor has formed a contract by which
it is enabled to send the above High-Class Magazines to
its subscribers at HALF PRICE—an offer never before
dreamed of. War prices may not allow it to continue a
great while. Send for them today. See sample copies at ®
Monitor office. You will never again have opportunity of
such an offer. Look over the list and take your choice.
The Montgomery Monitor, §j
Box Supper Miller’s Mill
Tomorrow Evening.
There will be given at Miller’s
Mill school house tomorrow eve- ;
ning (Friday) a box supper.
The public is cordially invited
to attend. Proceeds of the occa- i
sion will be devoted to the benefit
of the school.
Trespass Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
This is to forewarn all parties
against fishing or hunting with
guns or dogs or in any manner
trespassing on the lands of the
undersigned. Nov. 8, 1917.
Mamie E. Mcßae,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Seed Oats for Sale.
I have for sale 3<X) bushels best
Appier Seed Oats. Get them
now, Priee right. See
10254. L, C. Mcßae,
Mt. Vernon.
Miss Eva Conner, student at
Bessie Tift, spent Saturday and
Sunday with relatives here.
I «