Newspaper Page Text
Petition for Incorporation.
State of Georgia—Montgomery Coun
To the Superior Court of said County.
The petition of Julian H. Peterson
and J. B. Brewton, both of Mont
gomery county and State of Georgia,
First, That they desire for them
selves, their associates and succes
sors, to be incorporated and made a
body politic under the name and
style of “Ailey Insurance Agency"
for a period of twenty (20) years.
Second, The principal office of said
county shall be in the town of Ailey,
State and county aforesaid, but pe
titioners desire the right to establish
branch offices within this state or
elsewhere, whenever the holders of a
majority of the stock may so deter
Third, The object of of said corpo
ration is pecuniary gain to itself and
and its shareholders.
Fourth, The business to be carried
on by said corporation is to act as
general or local agents of fire insur
ance companies, life insurance com
panies,casualty insurance companies
fidelity and bonding insurance com
panies, and companies representing
any or all other brandies of the in
surance busines, to buy and sell
real estate, either for their own ac
count, or as agents for other parlies
for a commission, to act as lending
agents for lending companies, or pri
vate investors, placing money on real
estate and charging a commission
for such services, to act as agents for
borrowers in securing advances of
money on real estate, charging there
for a commission for such services.
Fifth, The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be Two Thousand Dol
lars ($2000.00), with the privilege of
increasing same to the sum of Five
Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by a
majority vote of the stock holders,
said stock to be divided into shares
of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
each. Ten (10) percent, of the whole
amount of capital to be employed by
them has been actually paid in. (Pe
titioners desire the right to have the
subscription to said capital stock
paid either in money or property to
be taken at a fair valuation).
Sixth, Petitioners desire the right
to sue and be sued, to plead and he
impleaded, to have and to use a com
mon sea), to make all necessary by
laws and regulations to do all
other things that may he necessary
for the successful carrying on of said
business, including tire right, to buy,
hold, and sell real estate and person
al property suitable to the purposes
of the corporation, and to execute
notes and bonds as evidence of in-!
debtedness incurred, or which may j
be incurred, in the conduct of the at- j
fairs of the corporation and to secure j
the same by mortgage,security deed, j
or other form of lien, under existing |
Seventh, They desire for said cor- j
poration the power and authority to j
apply for and accept amendments to ,
its charter of either form orsuhstance |
by a vote of a majority of its stock,
outstanding at the time. They also
ask authority for said corporation to
wind up its affairs, liquidate and dis- j
continue its business at. any time it
may determine to do so by a vote of i
two-thirds of its stock outstanding!
at t he t iine.
Eighth, They desire for the said
incorporation the right of renewel i
when and as provided by the laws of
Georgia, and that if have all such i
rights, powers, privileges and immu
nities as are incident to like incorpo
rations, or permissible under the
laws of this state. Wherefore, peti- j
tinners pray to be incorporated under i
the name and style aforesaid with j
the powers, rights, and privileges I
and immunities herein set forth and ]
as are now or as may be hereafter al '
lowed a corporation of similar char- i
acter under the laws of Georgia.
This Dec. 11th, 1917.
M. B. Calhotjn,
Petitioners’ Attorney.
Georgia—-Montgomery County.
I, M. Ij. O’Brien, Clerk of the Sn- I
perior Court for said County, certify
that the foregoing is the original ap-;
plication for charter of Julian H.
Peterson and J. B. Brewton, as the
same appears on file in this office, j
Witness my official signature and
the seal of this office. This the 11th ,
day of December, 1917.
M. L. O’Brien,
Clerk Superior Court, Montgomery
County, Georgia.
Ever have a puncture? We
have the stuff to fix it properly
and at small cost. Mason Gro
cery Co., Ailey, Ga. ad
TF\e Fl ount Vernon Bar^,
Located at Mt. Vernon, Ga., at the Close of Rusiuess Dec., 15, 1917:
Demand loans $ 6,476 05
Time loans 82,850 25
Overdrafts unsecured 268 00
Bonds and Stocks owned by
the Hank 5 000 00
Banking house, 4,000 00 j
Furniture and fixtures, 2.012 81
Due from banks and bank
ers in this state 128,297 94
Due from banks anti bank
ers in other states 4,943 02
C urreney 4 i 0,270 00
(fold 65 00
Silver nickels, etc. 9iß 14 11,253 14
Advances on cot ton 12.947 42 12,947 42
Set aside as capital for Com
mercial Bank, Uvalda 15,000 00
Safety deposit boxes 184 71
Advanced on Liberty Bonds 3.429 80
Total, 4272.514,12
STATE OF GEORGIA—Connty of Montgomery.
B«fure me came VV. A Peterson, Caalii rof Tho Mt. Vernon Bank, who being duly sworn
gavs that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of aai<l Bank, as shown by
the book* of file in said hank. W. A. PETERSON.
Sworn M> and subscribed before me this i9th day of Dee. 1917. I
Jut. t Currie, Com- N. P. M. Co., Ga.
fUbmigommj JMntttftir.
New Road Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Office of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues, Montgomery
county, Dec. 4, 1917. ■
J. M. Davis, J. \V. Dowling, L.
S. Adams, W. F, Globboii, VV. R.
Peterson, J. E. Moseley, James
Davis, J. N, Haltwanger and oth
ers having applied for the opening
and establishing of a new public
road, commencing at the lane be
tween the John R. Conner placo
and VV. A. Conner, passing over
said lane and through lands of the
John R. Conner estate, VV. A.
Conner and W. T. McArthur, in
tersecting with the Charlotte road
at York Drinks, thence onward
to mouth of lane between lands
of O. J. Whipple and A. Rvals,
thence over lands ol Hardy Davis,
J. A. Hall, I. Q. Coleman and I).
Q. Coleman, to Towns Bluff on the
Altamaha river, where it will in- 1
tersect, with a road extending up
to this point on the Jeff Davis
side, the same to form a link in a
north and south highway now be
ing established.
The reviewers appointed to lay
out and survey said proposed road
having filed their return, notice
is hereby given said new road will
lie granted on the first Tuesday in
Jan , 1918, if no good cause be
. shown to the contrary.
J. L. Lowrey, Chm.
A. B. Hutcheson, Clerk.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Ordinary’s Office, Dec. 8, 1917.
Louella Blanks has applied for
letters of guardianship of the per
sons and property of Mack E.,
Bessie, Alberta and Clarence
Wright, minors of Anna Murphy.
This is, therefore, to notify all
concerned, that same will be heard
on the first Monday in Jan., 1918.
Alex McArthur,
Ordinary of Montgomery County,
Sheriff Sale.
j Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mount
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Jan., 1918, between
the lej?al hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
! and being in the 275th G. M. district of said coun
. ty, containing 101 acres more or less, and hounded
'as follows: North by lands belonging to Joe Tho
i mas, cast by lands of Ira Anderson, south by lands
i of John Jay McArthur and on the west by lands
of Jas. W. McArthur, and known as the Ben Bird
place, and being the same tract of land conveyed
to John Jay McArthur by M. B. Calhoun on the sth
j day of February, 1913, as shown by the records of
the clerk's office of the superior court- of said
j county.
Also that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
! and being in the 275th G. M. district of said coun
j ty and state and containing 162 acres more or less,
bounded as follows: North by lands of Jas. W.
I McArthur and others, east by lands of Henry Bird
' and others, south by lands of Mrs. Penelope Mc-
Allister and west by lands of Joe Bellamy, and be
! ing a portion of a 600 acre survey of land originally
granted to Win. flyals, and being the same land
that was conveyed to John Jay McArthur by M.
T. Moses on the 14th day of March, 1912. as shown
by the records of said deed, page 394, or Deed Book
No. 19, of the records of the clerk’s office of the
j superior court of said county.
Also one-half undivided interest in the following
described lands: A certain tract or swamp land
consisting of 287 1-2 acres more or less (soldier’s
bounty) situate, lying and being in the 275th G. M.
district of said county and state, and bounded on j
j the north by lands of Mrs. Penelope McAllister
and Jas. W. McArthur, on the east by lands of J. |
J. Moses, south by lands of Moses and waters of |
the Oconee river and west by the Oconee rive* and
| lands of Jas. W. McArthur, and known as the
Pearson and Mobley lands, and being the same
i land that was conveyed to John Jay McArthur by
| Willie T. McArthur, by deed dated Nov. 28, 1911,
as shown by the record thereof in the office of the
clerk of the superior court of said county, page !
| 392 of Deed Book 19.
Also all of that tract of land known as the Ben
Harris place, containing 14 acres more or less, sit
uate, lying and being in the 275th G. M. district of
said county and state, and bounded as follows: On
the north by lands of M. T. Moses, east by lands of
the Ben Bird estate, south by lands of Willie T.
McArthur and J. m. D. McGregor, west by lands of
Mrs. J. C. McAllister, and being the same land
which was conveyed to John Jay McArthur by A.
D. Harris by deed dated January 18th, 1913, as
| shown by record of said deed on page 295 of Deed
i Book No. 19 of the records of the clerk’s office of
the superior court of said county.
Levied on and will be sold as the property of
' John Jay McArthur to satisfy a fi fa issued from
j the superior court of said county in favor of The
First National Bank of Sandersville vs John Jay
McArthur. Original levy made and filed in office
by James Hester, former sheriff. In possession
of said defendant and written notice of levy given
in terms of the law. This the 4th day of Dec.,
1917. I. J. Davis, Sheriff.
M. L. Gross and L. C. Underwood, A ttys. PlfTs.
i liabilities:
Capital stock pain in, $15,000 00
Surplus fond, 85,000 00
j Undivided profits, less cur
ex’s., ink. and taxes pd. 5,006 02 \
Individual deposits subject
to check, 151,850 01
| Savings deposits 12,609 97
I Time certificates . 62,384 53
Cashier's cheeks 656 77
| Cash over 622
Total, $272,514.12
TF\e .Monitor.
Entered at the Postoffice iti Mt. Vernon, Ga, as Second-Class Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Owner. $1.50 « Year, in Advance.
I Legal advertisements must invariably be paid is advance, at the legal rate, and as t lie law
directs; and must be in hand not later thau Wednesday morning of the first week of insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga,. Thursday Morning, December 27, 1917.
Best Way to Fatten Hogs.
During the next month or six
weeks the years’s supply of fat
tening hogs will be largely finish
ed off. Corn is high-priced even
though the South and the coun
try as a whole have produced
larger crops than usual. This
high price and the fact that the
Soutfy will need all her corn be-1
fore the next crop is harvested |
make it important that we waste;
none in fattening our hogs. In
some sections the hogs are fat
tened largely on peanuts, in oth
ers velvet beans are largely used,
while still others use soy beans.
These are our cheapest hog feeds
when gathered by the hogs and
their excellence is notquestioned;
but the hogs should be fed some
corn while grazing these crops.
The hogs will not only pay a good
price for the corn, but the feed
ing of say a quarter of a full feed
of corn each day will give a high
er value to the peanuts, sov beans
and velvet beans. Then, for the
last four or five weeks before the
hogs are slaughtered or sold, the
ration should consist of corn and
cotton seed meal alone—one part
of cotton seed meal to two or
three parts of corn. The gains
made by the hogs will about pay
for the feed and the quality of
the carcass will be much improv
ed, because the corn, and more
especially the cotton seed meal,
firms or hardens the fat.—The
Progressive Farmer.
Dwelling for Sale.
9-Room House in Mt. Vernon.
See Curtis Coleman,
Lyons, Ga.
Goodbye to Friends.
To my Friends:—
This will inform my Montgom
ery county friends that I have
moved to Moultrie, Ga., where I
will work for the W. M. Madin
Medicine Co., or enter business
for myself. I have endeavored
jto square up all accounts, and 1
1 trust that I will ever have the
good will of the generous people
of Montgomery county. Thank
ing one and all for their friend
ship and confidence, I beg to re
Yours very truly,
W. M. Stewart.
- •
Lost Notes.
This is to forewarn all parties
against trading for the following
notes, which were lost Nov. 19,
1917, in the vicinity of Soperton
or Tarry town: Dated Nov. 12,
1916, given by Eliza Morris to
! Minnie Morris, witnessed by
I Charley Donaldson —one note for
! SIOO, due Nov. 15, 1917; one for
S2OO, due Nov. 15, 1918; one for
S2OO, due Nov. 15, 1919; one for
S2OO, due Nov. 15, 1920; one for
S2OO, due Nov. 15, 1921; one for
S2OO, due Nov.
tained in red memorandum book,
with other papers. If found, re- 1
jturn to
Mrs. Minnie Lee Morris,
1264 Broxton, Ga.
Trespass Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
This is to forewarn* all parties
against removing wood or timber
in any form, hunting with gun
or dog. fishing, or in any manner
trespassing on the lands of the
undersigned, which are posted
according to law. And all par
ties violating this order will be j
prosecuted as the law allows.
This the 22d day of Nov., 1917.
11228 t L. C. Mcßae,
Mrs. Florence McArthur. •
Cotton Seed for Sale.
Lot extra staple Cotton Seed,
$2 per bushel. Early; prolific;
brings premium of 10 to 12 cents
above short staple. Write
J. F. Mills,
1129tf Uyalda, Ga.
-. —• —1
of Mt. Vernon, one pair rimless,
pliant gold framed glasses. The
| lens especially ground. Return
and receive suitable reward. S.
B. Morris, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Twenty-two carloads furniture,
stoves, ranges, rugs, art squares.
Our Organs have arrived. Hur
ry if you want one. Columbia
and Edison Phonographs on easy
terms. Vidalia Installment Co.
and Vidalia Cash Furniture Store.
Vidalia, Ga.
If you own a car, you need a
reliable vulcanizing and tire re
pair outfit, such as is sold by the
Mason Grocery Co., Ailey. ad
Mr. G. V. Mason, the furni
ture man, has just received two
carloads of new and tasty furni
ture. See him. ad.
Twenty-two carloads furniture,
stoves, ranges, rugs, art squares.
Our Organs have arrived. Hur
ry if you want one. Columbia
and Edison Phonographs on easy
terms. Vidalia Installment Co,
and Vidalia Cash Furniture Store,
Vidalia, Ga.
For several years I have been
selling pecan trees from one of
the leading Southwest Georgia
nuseries. Place your order now
for December or January deliv
ery. Lowest prices. H. B. Fol
som, Mt. Vernon.
Twenty-two carloads furniture,
stoves, ranges, rugs, art squares.
Our Organs have arrived. Hur
ry if you want one. Columbia
and Edison Phonographs on easy
terms. Vidalia Installment Co.
and Vidalia Cash Furniture Store,
Vidalia, Ga.
Nothing will add more to your
farm than a pecan grove. Leave
orders for high-class trees at The
Monitor office.
The better grades of pecan sell
for fifty cents per pound. The
tress bearing this class of nuts
can be bought to an advantage
through H. B. Folsom, at Moni
tor office.
Bancroft Seed Oats.
Fall grown and in perfect con
dition; rustproof. $1.50 per bu.
J. T. Brack,
920tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Loans on improved farm
lands of Montgomery. County can
be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in
terest in amounts of SI,OOO and
above, with the privilege of re
paying part of the principal at
any interest bearing periods in
amounts of SIOO or multiples
thereof, thereby stopping the in
terest on amount paid. Loans
can bejmade for periods of 5,7
or lOjyears to suit the borrower.
Commissions charged are reason
able. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon. Ga.
R. E. Ward,
Soperton, Ga.
If you want to bor
row money on real
estate at the lowest
rate and in the short
est time, write to B.
S. Wimberly, M aeon.!
Administrator’s Sale.
_ j Georgia—Montgomery County:
. Under and by virtue of an or
■ der granted liy the Ordinary of
said county, will be sold before
. the court house door in said coun
• ty, between the legal hours of
v sale, oil the first Tuesday in Jan
- nary, 1918, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following do
; scribed property to-wit: Fifty-one
and one-fourth acres of land more
■ or less, sitate, lying and being in
1886th G. M. district said county,
• and bounded as follows: North
! by lands of J. C. Williams and B.
A. Rowe, east by lands of Joe S.
Durden and south and west hy
lands of Dr. W. T. l’almer, as
shown hy plat. Sold as property
of the estate of Catharine Durden,
l j deceased, tor division.
J. S Durden, Adr.
i Est. Catharine Durden.
Sheriff Sale.
! Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be solil before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first,Tues
day in Dec., 1917, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
' for cash, certain property, of which j
i the following is a complete descrip
■ tion:
One certain farm, situate, lying and
I being in the 1836t.h G. M. district, of i
said county and state, containing I
94.4 acres more or less, and hounded I
as follows: North by Long Branch, i
, east by lands of Carrie Phillips,soul,li
. by lands of Mrs. E. M. Smith and
, west, by lands of Rosa. Bell Phillips!
and Mrs. W'. Powell, more fully de
scribed by a plat of same made by S.
i B. Morris, county surveyor, Nov. 9,
1906, and recorded in Book 10 id
1 Deeds, page 263, clerk’a office of the I
superior court of said county. Lev
ied on and will he sold as I he proper
ty of Hattie Mae Phillips to satisfy
afi fa issued from the superior court,
of said county in favor of Canadian
& American Mortgage & Trust Co.,
Limited, vs Hattie Mae Phillips.
Written notice of levy given in terms
, of the law This the 6th day of No
vember. 1917. I. J. Davis, sheriff.
Ilyals & Anderson, Aliys. for Pill's.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the Court of Ordinary
, of said county, will be sold before
the court house door of said coun
ty, between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary, J9lB, to the highest and
best bidder for cash, the following
described property to wit :
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the 2d
land district of Appling county,
Ga., containing 890 acres more or
less, being the 5590 aero tract
bought by Henry Horne From C.
VV. Cobb, and being all the bind
that said Horne died seized of in
the county of Appling, the same
lining a Lot of Lund No. 487 in
said county. L. Horne,
Adr. Est. Henry Horne.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery (Jounfy.
Will be sold before the court, house
door in Mt. Vernon on first Tues
day ill Jan., 1918, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
tlie following is a complete descrip
tion :
Two certain mules, described as
follows: One black mare mule, about
eight years old and about fifteen
hands high, named “Pet,.’" One black
mare mule, about seven years old,
and about fifteen hands high, named |
‘‘Kale.’’ Haiti property levied on
and will he sold as the property of j
Eliza Fountain to satisfy a fi fa is
sued from the superior court of said i
county in fa vor of The Home Ferti
lizer & Chemical <'o. vs Eliza Foun
tain. Original levy made and re
turned to fills office by A. B. Hester,
deputy sheriff. Written notice of
levy given in terms of the law. This
the 4th day of Dec.. 1917.
I. J. Davis, (Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun. Ally, for Pilfs.
Statement of th« Condition of
Citizens Bank,
Located at Alston, Qa., at the Close of Business Dec , 16, 1017:
Demand loans $ 92 48
Time loans 28,018 31
Overdrafts, secured 1,961 17
Bonds and stock owned by
t lie Bank 900 00
Banking house 5.400 00
Furniture and fixtures 2.277 28
Due from hanks and bankers
in ft,is state 69,514 08
Due from hanks and bankers
in other states 2,063,79
Currency $3 114 00
Gold 60 00
.Silver, nickels, etc. 311 87
Cash items 1.589 71 6,375 08
Total $110,632.44
litate of Georgia —County of Montgomery, „ , , . . . ,
before m« <-ame K S. .Marlin, cashier of The Citizen* >.a >k of Alston, fjtio, being duly
nwure, »aiH dial tin- above and foregoing statement 1* a true condition of said Sank aaibowa
1 by the book* <>f file in enid Hank. “• "• ■*"*•*<
| .Sworu to ami subscribed before me this 18th day of Dec. 1917. _„„ 0 „
Clifford Hoßride, If. P. M, 0, Qx.
Notioe of Application.
State of Georgia—Montgomery Coun
ty .
After four weeks notice pursuant
1 1 to section 8004 and 8066 of the Civil
I code of 1911, will be presented to the
, lionorable E. D. Graham, Judge of
the Superior court of said county, at
! his ollleo in Mcßae. Git., Telfair
county, on the 16th day of December,
1917, a petition for leave to sell all
the interest George Adams, a minor,
lias in and to the following two tracts
of land to-wit: One tract, or parcel
of land lying and being in the hlxtiih
district, G. M. of Montgomery coun
ty, Ga., and bounded on the north by
Youngblood lauds now owned by
Huberts, east, by J. 1). Calhoun ana
11. I). Phillips and south by B. B,
S cmirson and W. H. Moxley and west
| by Maggie E. Simons and Louisville
i public road, containing 215 acres,
more or less. Also 50 acres of land
lying in the 1654th G. M. district of
said State and county, bounded on
the north by lands of VV. L.Calhoun,
east by 15. K. Hamilton, south by VV,
L. callioun and west, by Maggie cal
liolin, the interest, of the said George
Adams being one-third undivided in
terest In the 215 acres of land and a
one-third undivided remainder in
terest in the 50 acres of land after the
death of his mother, c. J. Adams,
That said minor receives no income
whatever from his interest in said
property; that the larger tract men
tioned is all in the woods and expen
ses at Inched to the same is the inly
ing of the taxes and time and trouble
looking after such property to keep
the same from going to waste.
That it is necessary to sell saul
; property for said ward for the pur
, pose of reinvestment, of the proceeds
1 of the same in property which will
1 yield a present, income for said ward,
; because the larger tract, is several
j miles from any railroad station and
unimproved and not in a desirable
| locality and not fertile soil and the
j smaller tract, described is poor land,
badly hemmed with no outlet, and
said ward is now about eighteen
years old and it, will be to ids inter
! est. to sell said ward’s interest, In the
i above tracts of laud and reinvest, the
' same in land more suitably located
|aud surrounded for the interest, of
| said ward. This N0v,.21.5t, 1917.
O. J - Adams,
Guardian tor Geo. Adams.
L. Underwood, Atty. for Guardian,
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will lie sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., I9IH, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
tor cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
t loo:
All lliat tract or parcel of land sit
uate, lying and being in the 275th G.
M. district of said county and state,
and in the Town of Uvalda, Ga.,
known and distinguished in the plan
of said town as Lot, No. 7 ill Block
No. 17, fronting 06 feet, on Myrtle
street, and extending backJls6 feet to
an alley, as shown by the record of a
map of said town in Deed Book No,
12. folio 2HH of t lie records of deeds in
1 i,he office of clerk of the court of said
county. Levied on and will he sold
as the property of O. A. (fray to sat
isfy t wo' justice court 11 fas issued
| from the 275 G. M. District of said
county as follows: One fl fa in favor
of \V. A. Peterson, Receiver of the
Uvalda Bank vs J. It. Gray and <).
A. Gray, and one Ufa in favor of VV.
A. Peterson, Receiver the Uvalda
Bank, vs O. A. Gray and Mrs. O. A.
Gray, principals, Dess Gray, indor
ser. Levy made and returned to me
by M. A. Peterson; constable, and
written notice given in terms of the
law. Tills the 4th day of Dec., 1917.
I. J. Davis, Sheriff.
M. It. Calhoun, Atty. for PUT.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Ordinary’s office, Dec. 0, 1917.
J. VV. Palmer, as administrator
of the estate of Jus. A. Riddle,
! deceased, represents to the court
i that he has fully discharged the
1 duties of his trust,, and pr u ys for
letters <?f dismission. This is,
therefore, to notify ull concerned,
to show cause, if any they have,
on or before the first Monday in
January next, why said adminis
trator should not he discharged.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Capital stock paid in ♦Io,CKMJ <X>
Cndivided Profit . less Cur.
Ext)., I nt. and Taxes Paid 790 64
Individual deposits subject
to check 81.721 71
Time certificates 12,752 19
Cashier's Checks 807 87
NO. 35.