The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 27, 1917, Image 2
Preparation and Fertil ization Os The Orchard T. H. McHATTON, Prof. Horticulture, Ga. State College Os Agriculture j The man who has a cover crop on his orchard this year is lucky, for It has prevented a (treat deal of wash inn during the rainy season of the winter, nnd, when turned under, which should be done in March, will add hu mus and make a more friable and wa ter-holding soil for the coming crop pea .-on. The orchard should bo plowed during March. Where it has been } lowed fr in year to year, the plow ing should be from 6 to 8 inches deep. 1 'low' it in the opposite direction this year from that plowed last year. This, of course, ha reference to level orch ards. Where the trees are set on ter rares, the plowing, of course, Is done In the same direction each year. Diso , with a tw' -horse disc as soon after | plowing as convenient. Fertilizer should then be applied. With potash costing as much as It does, the orchard fertilizer should he 100 pounds of cottonseed meal, or some other nitrogen carrier ns sul phate of ammonia, or nitrate of soda. Mix the 100 pounds of cottonseed meal with 200 pound) of acid phosphate. | Where nltrai- of soda or sulphate of ammonia is u: «d, mix with -100 pounds of acid phosphate, and from 500 to 7uo pounds of tlii- mixture should be ap plied broaden i pet acre and disced in as soon after as possible. The orchard should then be kept In shape by going j over it witli a spring tooth or spike j tooth harrow every ten days or two wi <-ks. The time to sow the cover crop Is in the late summer. Bat Fly Os The Horse By Dr. W. M. BURSON, Professor of Veterlnaiy Medicine, Georgia State College Os Agricul ture, Athens, Ga. The mature hot fly of the horse j closely resemble: a honey hee. During hot weather the female fly deposits eggs <m the hairs of tho neck, breast | and legs of horses and mules. The eggs ! are eemented tightly and are Quite difficult to remove. The eggs hatch, and the larvae crawl on the surface of the skin causing a tickling sensa tion. The horse or mule licks Itself. STATEMENT OF §j | THE BANK OF SOPERTONI SOPERTON, GA. | gjj (Condensed From the Report to the State Bank Examiner S jjg Sept 10th, 1917) I B RESOURCES 1 Loans anti investments $180,702.10 il £3 Buildings and fixtures 23,929.07 ||j Other resources 1,222.50 § jw Cash oil hand, due from banks and advances on cotton 150,519.57 | | $302,375.90 | | LIABILITIES | Capital stock $25,000.00 I |j Surplus and profits 21,016.13 :bj Hills payable 12,500.00 | g DEPOSITS 303,859.77 § 11302,375.90 | "Safety First, Then Service, Promptness and 8 Eificiency”. Courtesy Always. g OFFICERS & N. L. GILLIS, President W. D. MARTIN. Vice-Pres. <|| J. E. HALL, Vice-Pres. and Cashier g I. H. HALL, Ju., Assistant Cashier |3| We are Prepared to Take Care of Your Banking H; Business. Q Something New Combination American Fence Specification "H” 58 inch AMERICAN STEEL 4 WIRE COMPANY *—,>..' ', vVw .yj’W*.- - *>»’*' y. 4 . f ' _ - . t , . »• V. .- J ", AiA » •* v “• 'l Two Carloads Just Received MT. VERNON MERCANTILE CO. and tnc larvae are transienea to me mouth and are then swallowed with food. Upon reaching the stomach, they attach themselves to the mucous | membrane lining by means of hooklets with which the heads are armed. They remain in this location for about 10 1 months and gradually reach their maxlum growth. Having attained full growth they release their hold and pass through the Intestines to the ground with the manure. An earthy c.ccoon forms around them and they lln dormant for a time, finally emerg ing from the coccoon as fully develop ed adult flies. If horses and mules are constantly supplied with salt the in festation of the stomach Is kept at a minimum. Cars for Sale. Five Ford Touring Cars, 60-in. tread; in Good Shape. Prices range from s2sojto $350. L. B. Godbee, Chevrolet Dealer, 118tf Vidalia, Ga. Seed Oats. Fulghum variety; clean and free from obnoxious weed seed. ; See or write at once W. G. Williamson, 920tf Alston, Ga. Auto for Sale. Brand new Overland Touring Car, 6 Cylinders, for sale or | trade. Bargain. J. E. Hall, 1129tf. Soperton, Ga. MULES! Carload Tennessee Mules, all good, sound stock, just received. See me for the best in farm stock. Price right-—stock right. D. A. Mcßae, Mt. Vernon, Ga. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1017. l !! < | 99 per cent. I| OF THE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MEN AND WOMEN ARE BANK DEPOSITORS M beca u s e in a good bank their money is absolutely safe and al ways available; checks are returned and become receipts; checks and stubs form a convenient record of income and outgo, and best of all, when the bank depositor sees an op portunity of using some money profitably, his acquaintance i at the bank and record as a depositor make it possible for ;; him to procure a loan. You cun promote YOUR suc cess by becoming a depositor with jj MT. VERNON BANK, MT. VERNON, 6A. CAPITAL, $15,000.00 SURPLUS, $33,000.00 RESOURCES, $175,000.00 I ! Willie T. McArthur. President W. A. Peterson. Cashier ] ! Alex McArthur. Vice-President H. L. Wilt, Assistant Cashier MT. VERNON, GA. II 5 1-2 per ct. Money TO LOAN jj I have plenty of money to lend on farm j || lands in Montgomery and Wheeler | counties. Interest at 5 1-2 per cent., I FIVE YEARS TIME—EASY PAYMENTS I I You have the privilege of paying part ;; i| of the principal at any interest period, i 11 and stop interest on amount paid; but j ii no annual paymentof principal required jj Prompt Attention to All Loans Entrusted to Me |i Come to see me at once if you want a jj I loan. lam well equipped to take care jj of the loan business. See me. L. C. UNDERWOOD jj I MT. VERNON, GA. I CALHOUN’S 1 OARAGE I All Lines High-Class ii Auto Repairing I I EXPERT WORKMANSHIP § Special Attention to || Repairs and Adjustments of Self Starters and Is* Electrical Equipment SUPPLIES, GAS, OILS, GREASES, ETC. jj Quick Service and Satisfaction | Guaranteed. Yor work solicited. TARRYTOWN, GA. I | DELCO-LiICrHT | jij; Electric Light and Power for Farms, | Country Homes, etc. § - Two Sizes, $350 and $420 | ||!| BUY YOURS NOW—Before Advance in Prices. | Jan. 24, 1918, 5395 and 5465. |j; Salesman, GEO. W. MIKELL, Swainsboro, Ga. | C. W. HOWARD, District Mgr., | :|i 17 State Street, West, Savannah, Ga. | :l J j Prompt and Quick j f Money to Loan S P on highly improved farm lands in Mont- | | gomery and Wheeler counties. Interest 1 | at lowest rates, with privilege of paying g I off* any time to suit borrower. Terms *£ lof 5,6, 7,8, 9or 10 years, or 20 years. g { THE CHEAPEST MONEY I I Lowest interest and best terms offered. ]\ I • £ % promptly made where applicant g ■ j!- | has no plats. Special facilities for ah- g 1 stracting and securing loans. . .lx a Write or phone us for Prompt Service I | S. B. Morris & Company I MT. VERNON, GA. 1 | ,;s jin i ....... >T ■ 11 ■l. II AUCTION SALE OF IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Tuesday, Jan. 15,1918 WE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC OUTCRY THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY, LOCATED AT SHARPE SPUR, GA. One five-room frame dwelling, finished throughout and neatly painted, together with barns, stables, etc., on Two Acre Lot. Also one five-room frame dwelling finish ed throughout and painted, on lot 80 feet front by 160 feet deep. Also one store-house, finished throughout, painted, 25 x 60 feet, on lot 60 x 100 feet. Also several head of good cattle, new Barnesville Buggy and harness, nice buggy horse, household and kitchen furniture, etc. This is the chance to secure some very desirable property, as it is well located in one of the finest farming sections in Georgia, on G. & F. By., and it will be positively sold for the high dollar. Avail yourselves of the opportunity. Be present Jan. 15. Sale starts 10 a. m. For inspection before sale, call on either C. L. BATTLE, Owner, or Sharpe Spur, Ga. J. WADE JOHNSON, Manager of Sale. Mt. Vernon, Ga.