Newspaper Page Text
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Mrs. D. E. Mcßae was called
over to Douglas this week on ac
count of the illness of her son,
Mr. Herman Mcßae, a student in
the Agricultural college. He re
turned with her, and with a few
days improvement will be able to
resume his studies.
Miss Bertha Lee Brewton re
turned last week to resume her
studies at Andrew College.
Miss Lillian Clifton is the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. H. D. Lee, on
Institute Heights this week.
Mr. H. C. Mclicmore was a
business visitor to Savannah this
If you own a car, you need a
reliable vulcanizing and tire re
pair outfit, such as is sold by the
Mason Grocery Co., Ailey. ad
Miss Mary McCrimmon visited
Lumber City recently.
Mrs. B. F. Waldron of Bruns
wick is visiting relatives here.
Miss Alice Thompson has re
turned to school at State Normal,
Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Brewton
have gone for a short visit at
Mr. Lattimore Morrison of
Camp Wheeler is visiting his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Morri
of Mt. Vernon, one pair rimless,
pliant gold framed glasses. The
lens especially ground. Return
and receive suitable reward. S.
B. Morris, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Mr. Hilton Williamson of Vi
dalia Route No. 2 was a business
visitor here Monday. He has
just installed a grist mill at
Sharpe Spur.
Messrs. It. L. O’Neal. J. H.
Grillin and Preston Moses of
Uvalda were here a few hours
Mr. B. It. Benton, one of the
most prominent citizens of
Wheeler county, was calling on
Mt. Vernon friends Tuesday.
Mr. Carl C. McAllister, for
some time located at Ocilla, was
here first of the week. He will
doubtless be detained at Ocilla
for some time looking after the
interest of a younger brother,
who recently enlisted in the ser
Mr. G. V. Mason, the furni
ture man, has just received two
carloads of new and tasty furni
ture. See him. ad.
I)r. and Mrs. Floyd L. llackley
and children, after visiting rela
tives here and at Longpond, re
turned Monday for their home
in Millcn. They made the trip
over in their car.
Mr. L. N. Ryals of the Lands
burg section of.Wheeler county,
was a business visitor here re
Mr. W. E. Dorsey of Alston
was a business caller at this of
fice Friday.
Miss Juanita Morrison is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Lola Mor
rison. Miss Juanita is a canning
expert, stationed at Appomattox,
Va. She has engaged in this
work for some time, having been
awarded the place last summer
immediately after finishing at
the G. N. & 1. C., Milledgeville.
Mt. Vernon friends are delighted
with her success.
$50,000 to loan at
once on real estate at !
lowest rates. Address
‘Money,’ care Monitor.
Mr. J. Wade Johnson of this
place has been appointed County
Explosive Agent, the exact na
ture of his duties not having been
learned by The Monitor. There
are certain restrictions placed on
explosives, and later they will be
stated by the paper. Those at
interest should, in the mean
time, see Mr. Johnson.
Miss Nell McGregor and Mr.
Alex McLeod of Lumber City
visited relatives here on Sunday
last. They were accompanied
home by Mrs. H. C. McLemore
and little daughter, Mary.
In this issue will be seen a new
announcement of Hicks Brothers:
& Peterson, county agents for
the Maxwell car. This car has
been in use in this county for
several years, has met every de
mand, and is one of the most
popular low price cars on the
market. They have just sold a
large consignment.
Alfalfa Weevil Control.
Spreading slowly but uniform
ly over cultivated and wild coun
try, the alfalfa weevil has invad
ed the western slope of the Rocky
Mountains. One of the most
common means of distribution is
through the movement of infest
ed alfalfa hay, but the insects
have been found also in clothing
and trunks.
Means of controlling the weevil
that are being used extensively
consist of flooding the field so as
to cover them with sediment,
spraying with arsenicals in the
spring and between cuttings;
progressive pasture; and harrow
ing the fields when they are dry
in order to produce something re
sembling a dust mulch, which
kills the insects.
Sugar Moving Slowly.
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 9. — Red
tape is still preventing the move
ment of Cuban raw sugars to this
country and as a result the big
plant of the Savannah Sugar Re
finery is not yet in operation.
There are indications, state of
ficials, that the sugar will soon
begin moving and then the plant
can start up again. Government
officials have no idea when bot
toms will be released for trans
portation of sugar to Savannah
and the United States.
■ ' \ rfjjhaw 13
%%r*+ r ' '^^X‘
When Business Needs You Most,
—Conserve Your Energy
When success means straining nerve
force to the utmost
—when minutes given to your affairs are
—when your strength is the driving force
of your store or factory or farm
—then you must have a motor car.
a a a a
A motor car saves valuable time—saves
your vitality—during business hours.
And—after business hours—provides
recreation and vigor—giving outdoor en
joyment that helps you in the daily battle.
a a a *
The economy, durability, and mechanical
perfection of the standardized Maxwell car
have been proved so conclusively they are
now accepted facts.
The Maxwell is the car without a peer for
the man who is working under full steam.
Tturtrtf Car $745; Roadster $745; Coupe $1095
Berime $1095; Sedas with IVire Wheels $1195
F. O. B. Detroit
Hicks Bros. & Peterson
A Report on Cotton
Ginned in Montgomery.
There was ginned in Mont
gomery county, prior to Decem
ber 18, 19,777 bales of upland
cotton. To this date of 1916
there had been ginned 13,380,
showing a gain of 6,397 bales for
last year.
The total for Georgia, 1917,
was 1,719,983. The total for the
state, 1916, was 1,780,310. The
cotton year ends March 10. Thus
it may be surmised that the yield
for 1917 will be very close to that
of 1916.
During the past year the boll
weevil had little effect on the
crop of Montgomery county;
however, this is no assurance
that the pest will not evade the
county this year. During the
past year weevils were found in
abundance in certain sections of
the county, but did not spread
over a very extended area. No
doubt but that the recent severe
cold will have slackened his pro
gress in this section.
German Soldiers Now
Moving to West Line.
Paris, Jan. 7.—At least 75,000
German troops have been moved
from the eastern front to the
western battle line, the military
expert of The Journal estimated
Artillery is again playing the
chief role in the operations of the
various fronts.
Heavy cannonading was report
ed today from various sections of
the western line, from the Italian
war theater and also from Mace
donia, where the Bulgarian and
Austro-German artillery has sud
denly become very active in the
Mon astir sector.
Along the lower Piave River,
in Italy, Austra-Hungarian and
Italian troops fought a sharp en
gagement across the stream, fir
ing at each other with rifles, ma
chine guns and small caliber ar
tillery. _____
Dwelling for Sale.
9-Room House in Mt. Vernon.
See Curtis Coleman,
Lyons, Ga.
Bankrupt Notice.
In the District Court of the
United States for the Southern :
District of Georgia, Eastern Di- :
In the matter of W. L. Brantley,
bankrupt, in bankruptcy.
To the creditors of W. L. Brant
ley, a farmer of Soperton, Ga.,
in the County of Montgomery and
district aforesaid, bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on
the 2nd day of Jan., 1918, the
above named party was duly adju
dicated a bankrupt, and that the
first meeting of his creditors will be
held at the office of the Peferee in
Bankruptcy, Real Estate Build- 1
ing, Savaunah, Ga., on the 19th
day of Jan., 1918, at 12 o T c!ock,
city time, at which time the cred
itors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine
the bankrupt and transact such
other business as may properly
come before said meeting. The ;
bankrupt is required to attend.
Savannah, Ga., Jau.,'B, 1918.
A. H. MacDonell,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
SafTold & Stallings,
Attys. for Bankrupt.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house ;
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Feb , 1918, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following if a complete descrip- j
Those certain tracts or parcels of ;
land situated in the Town of Soper
ton, Ga., being included in the sub- i
division of the Soperton Land and
Improvement Co., embracing lots
Nos. 1,2, 3, 4 and 10 in Block H, and
facing west for 200 feet on Railroad
street. (M.D.& S. Ry.) and 150 feet ;
north on College street. Bounded
on the east by an alley parallel with
Railroad street anti on the south by
an alley parallel with College street. ,
Levied on and will bo sold as the •
property of W. Mishoe to satisfy an •
execution issued from the superior ;
court of said county in favor of the i
First National Bank of Amityville. ■
N. Y., vs W. Mishoe. Written notice i
of levy given defendant in terms of •
the law. This the Ist day ofJauu- ■
ary, 1918. I. J. Davis.
Geiger & Harris, Attys. for Plff.
A New Grist Mill at
Sharpe Spur.
Having just installed a Grist j
and Feed Mill at Sharpe Spur, I
invite the patronage of the public.
Grinding days, Saturdays and
Thursdays. Get your meal and I
feed ground same time.
Sharpe Spur.
Cotton Seed for Sale, j
Lot extra staple Cotton Seed,
$2 per bushel. Early; prolific;
brings premium of 10 to 12 cents
above short staple. Write
J. F. Mills,
1129tf Uvalda, Ga.
Offers to the Public a
New and Complete Line
Staple and Fancy
Groceries, Fruits,
Soft Drinks, etc.
and the public is invited to let us
do it, with fair prices and cour
teous treatment. In charge of
Mr. Jim Truett, (formerly with
Thompson Bros.) who invites his
friends to call. In Currie old
drug store building.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments.
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga. |
:|i Electric Light and Power for Farms, ij;
Country Homes, etc.
I Two Sizes, $350 and $420 j
BUY YOURS NOW—Before Advance in Prices. i|j
Jan. 24, 1918, 5395 and $465.
Salesman, GEO. H. MIKELL, Swainsboro, Ga. h
C. W. HOWARD, District Mgr., |>
17 State Street, West, Savannah, Ga. |
| Prompt and Quick 1
I Money to Loan I
8 «r g
| on highly improved farm lands in Mont- |
I gomery and V- heeler counties. Interest |
I at lowest rates, with privilege of paying I
| off any time to suit borrower. Terms |
|of 5,6, 7,8, 9or 10 years, or 20 years, p
$ Lowest interest and best terms offered, g
» s
I Surveys promptly made where applicant J
|j * s
I has no plats. Special facilities for ah- §
iff $5
| stracting and securing loans. I
I °
§j Write or phone us for Prompt Service - jjj
1 S. B. Morris & Company
i j
f 3
Tuesday, Jan. 15,1918
One five-room frame dwelling, finished
throughout and neatly painted, together
with barns, stables, etc., on Two Acre Lot.
Also one five-room frame dwelling finish
ed throughout a d painted, on lot 80 feet
front by 160 feet deep.
Also one store-house, finished throughout,
painted, 25 x 60 leet, on lot 60 x 190 feet.
Also several head of good cattle, new
Barnesville Buggy and harness, nice buggy
horse, household and kitchen furniture, etc.
This is the chance to secure some very
desirable property, as it is well located in
lone of the finest farming sections in Georgia,
on G. & F. By., and it will be positively
sold for the high dollar.
Avail yourselves of the opportunity. Be
present Jan. 15. Sale starts 10 a. m.
For inspection before sale, call on either
C. L. BATTLE:, Owner,
or Sharpe Spur, Ga.
Manager of Sale, Mt. Vernon, Ga,