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Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McLemore
and little daughter, Mary, of
Savannah came out last Wednes
day to visit relatives, returning
Mr. John W. Abt, stationed at
Wilmington, N. C., is at home on
a furlough. He has been in the
service over a year, and is a typi
cal soldier.
Mr. Herschel H. Morrison,
stationed at Quantico, Va., spent
part of the past week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
I)r. F. L. Rackley and family
of Millen spent part of last Sab
bath with the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. D. Rackley.
Mrs. J. 1). McCullough of Sa
vannah visited relatives here part
of last week.
LOST A browm leather card
case, between home of J. L. Ad
ams and Mt. Vernon postoffice.
Contained two S2O bills, three $1
hills and photo of husband. Lib-1
eral reward if returned to Mrs. |
Will Bruce, Mt. Vernon. 711
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wood of
Macon and daughter, Mary Bess,
returned home yesterday, after
spending a few days with rela
tives here. Master Bertrand re
mained over.
Mr. D. N. McLemore of Fort
Screven is spending the day with
relatives here.
Editor and Mrs. H. B Folsom
spent last week with relatives in
Liberty county.
New Forms for Use
in Buying Sugar.
Sugar certificate for household
I hereby apply for the pur
chase of pounds of sugar for
household use, at Ga. There
are persons in my family in
cluding servants. 1 hereby certi
fy on my honor that 1 will not
attempt to purchase sugar else
where in excess of three pounds
per person per month for home
consumption, in conflict with this
I further certify that this pur
chase including sugar now on
hand or in my possession or un
der my control w ill not exceed a
thirty days supply on the above.
Date Signed
Sugar Pledge for home canning
and preserving.
Desiring to purchase sugar for
immediate canning and preserv
ing purposes, I hereby pledge
myself to use such sugar ex
clusively for such purposes and
under no circumstances to sell
nor loan the same. Permission
is sought to buy pounds from
merchant, at Ga.
1 hereby certify that the above
amount of sugar was this day
sold by me for use bv the above
purchaser for preserving and
canning purposes only, and I
further certify that 1 have rea
sons to believe that such sugar
will not be used than in accord
ance with the regulations of the
U. S. Food Administration.
A tty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
1 '" "" ' " ~~ ■■■■ "■ 1
Every potato In the land Is crylnc to be eaten, crying to be allow eg
to save wheat Satisfy your hunger with potatoes.
Arrange a layer of sliced raw et boiled potatoes in a greased baking
dish and sprinkle with grated cheese Repeat until the dish is nearly
full. Pour milk over the w hole, about one half cup to every three pota
toes Skim milk may be used Bale in a moderate oven until done.
The length of time required depends upon »heftier the potatoes are raw
or boiled and whether the baking dish used is deep or shallow Boiled
potatoes baked in a shallow dish will take onjy 20 minutes Haw pota
toee in a deep dish may take as much as 1 I t hours.
Grease a baking dish; cover the bottom with uiashed potatoes Add
a layer of cooked minced meat or fleh. seasoned well and mixed with
meat stock or gravy. Cover with a layer of mashed potatoes at least an
inch deep. Bake long enough to heat through, >0 to to minutes.
Miss Gladys Hughes left yes
terday for her home near Ludo
wici, Liberty county, after a ten ,
days visit with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Rogers,
Miss Stella Morris and Mr. J. R.
Cockfield made a trip to Glenn
ville Saturday, returning Sunday.
They were accompanied home by
Miss Beatrice Stanfield, sister of
Mrs. Rogers.
Mr. H. L. Wilt spent last week
in Sandersville, returning Mon
day with Mrs. Wilt and little son,
Clay, who had spent the week
previous with relatives there.
While away they visited Americus
and other points.
Mr. Walter Morrison has re
turned from an extended visit to
Mrs. Morgan Hughes and chil
dren of Picayune, Miss., are vis
iting relatives in and around Mt.
Col. Will Stallings and Mr. J.
R. Fisher of Soperton were here
on business yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Smith of
California, who have been visit
ing in Toombs county for several
weeks, spent a part of the week
with relatives here, guests of the
family of Mr. W. C. Mcßae.
Miss Dorcas Mcßae returned with
I them today.
Messrs. Ethan Stephens and
Chester Mcßae, who Jhave been
ill, are now at their regular posts
of duty.
Heavy Fine Violator
of the Food Laws.
Atlanta, July 2. —Illustrative
of the firm hand with which food
violators are now being handled
is the following report just re
ceived by Dr. Andrew M. Soule,
federal food administrator:
The J. Kulla Co., flour dealers,
2 Stone St., New York City, has
been given the alternative of
paying $25,000 to the Red Cross
or going out of business entirely
for violations of the United States
Food Administration rules. The
company has not indicated
whether it will pay the money or
take file other alternative.
After a full investigation it was
established that this firm was
guilty of selling flour and substi
tutes at excessive margins of
profit and making sales of flour
without proportionate sales of
substitutes. The investigation
disclosed that in one month over
three-fourth’s of the company’s
transactions showed an excessive
profit and that the preceding
months were approximately as
bad. It was established also that
in a large number of cases the
firm had paid no attention to the
rule requiring the sale of substi
tutes with flour.
Services Sunday
Presbyterian Church.
There will be services at the
Presbyterian church here Sun
day morning and evening. The
use of this day is induced by the
fact of the pastor. Rev. F. M.
Baldwin, leaving shortly for a
vacation North, where he will
attend a series of Bible confer
At the evening service will be
given an illustrated sermon. Mr.
Baldwin will doubtless be absent
forty or fifty days.
Special Corr#;i«i>onrl**nce.
(intended for Ixat week.)
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Fields of
Brunswick returned home Mon- !
day after a visit with relatives
Mr. M. E. Burns and daugh
j ters, Misses Vera and Mabel,
(attended the Sunday School Con
-1 vention in Norristown last week
Miss Effie Mae Kemp of Swains
boro left for her home Sunday,
after a visit with relatives in
Soperton and Tarrytown.
Miss Maggie Bailey of Mt.
Vernon gave a demonstration on
canning corn and tomatoes at
Mrs. C. H. Calhoun’s Monday.
Several of the ladies and club
girls were present.
Mr. D. O. Calnoun has pur
chased a five-passenger Chalmers.
Mr. Dumas of Camp Wheeler
spent a short time in town Mon
day afternoon.
Miss Lillie Mae Joiner and
several boys and girls from Kib
bee spent Sunday in Graymont.
Miss Susie Calhoun spent Sun
day in Stuckey.
Mr. Ilarlie Canady motored to
Swainsboro Sunday.
Mr. M. E. Burns made a busi
ness trip to Vidalia Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Z. Simons of
Hazlehurst are visiting relatives
in town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Paradise
and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Layton
spent Sunday with Mrs. M. E.
Mr. C. W. Warnock made a
flying trip to Savannah last week.
Miss Lorna Cadle is ill at this
writing. Hope she will soon be
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Calhoun
of Savannah visited their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Calhoun,
last week.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Odinary’h Office, July 1. 1918.
The appraisers on the applica
tion of Georgia Adams, widow of
W. K. Adams, deceased, for a 12
months support for herself having
filed their return, all persons are
hereby cited to show cause, if
any they have, at the next regular
term of this court why said appli
cation should not he granted.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 1, 1918.
D N. Hughes has app’ied for
letters of guardianship of the
persons and property of Fiank
Athaand Julia Odom, minors ol‘
Lillian J. Odom, late of said
county deceased. This is there
fore to notify all concerned that
same will be heard on the first
Monday in August, 1918.
Ah*x McArthur, Ordinary.
Citation :
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Ordinary’s Office, July 1, i9lB.
Eliza Mcßae has in proper form
applied for letters of administra
tion on the estate ot Ben Mcßae,
deceased. This is therefore to
notify all concerned that same
will he heard on the first Monday
in August, IV*lB.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Sale of Real Estate Under
Power of Sale in Deed to Secure
Geonrix - Montg*om«»ry County.
Cnd#r and by virtue ol a power of sale contained
in a certain deed to secure debt, executed by P.
M Moseley to P. R. Cohen, on October 26til. 1917,
and recorded on November 2nd. 1917 in deed book
number twenty-four, pages 272 and 278 of the
Clerk's office Superior court of Montgomery
county, (ieorxta. the undersiimed will sell at pub
lic outcry at the court house door id said county
dunn* the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday
in August, being the 6th day, in the year 1918. to
the highest bidder for cash, the following de
scribed lands, to-wit:
All that tract or parrel of land, situate, lying
and being in the 275th L>ist. G. M.. Montgomery
county, tleorgia. bounded north by waters of |
MiUurans creek, east by K. S. Gibbs and estate of [
I Rich Farmer, south by lands of Davis, (formerly j
P. M Mosley) the public road being the line and
w est by 1) F Wolfe, containing one hundred and
six (106) acres, more or less as shown by plat of l
the same made by S. B. Morris, Surveyor, on Oc- j
tober 27th. 1917, and being known as the home
place of the said P. M Moseley. For the purpose
of paving an indebtedness of Fifteen Hundred
($1600.00) principal.and sixty-two dollars and fifty- |
three cents interest to August Ist. 1918. The
total amount due being $1562.53. principal and
interest. to*eteer with the costs of this proceed
ing as provided in such deed to secure debt. De
fault having been made in the pay metit of interest
due May Ist 1918. and under power of sale in said
security deed, w hen any of the notes mentioned
therein falls due and are not paid promptly at
maturity the whole amount of said indebtedness
mature, and the said P. R. Cohen is authorixed
to proceed to collect the full amount of principal
and interest.
A conveyance will be executed to the purchaser
by the undcasigned as authorised in said deed to
secure debt, the purchaser paying for titles and
revenue stamps. This July sth. 1918.
PR. Cohen. Attorney in Fact for j
P- M. Mosley under power of sale. 1
But This Number Does Not
Include Troops Already
Special service to Montgomery Monitor.
Washington.—ln a month or lews j
General Pershing will have more than ;
half a million men under his direct j
command on the western front ready j
for the fighting line, according to in- \
formation received by members of the ;
senate military affairs committee. The 1
251,000 Americans now in the fighting !
line, according to General March. :
chief of staff, do not include Ameri
cans brigaded with the British and
French. In addition to these, all the
groups sent over (luring June are still :
in training. There are nearly 300,000 :
of these, who by the first of August ; ;
will be ready for battle duty.
Submarine Sinks Ship In Mid-Atlantic <
An Atlantic Port. —Another neutral
ship, the Norwegian steamer, Aug
vald, 2,098 tons, bound from a French ,
port for Baltimore, has fallen a victim j
of a German submarine. A trans-At- i
lantic liner in port brought the news j
of the sinking of the Augvald in mid- ;
ocean June 23, and also landed eleven j
members of the crew of 27 men. i
Three of the crew were drowned and j
the remaining thirteen are unaccount- !
©d for. The rescued men were piaked j
up by the liner after having drifted I
helplessly for eleven days, subsisting ]
most o fthat time on seaweed and rain
water. i
Present Berlin Ration Is Slim Diet i
Amsterdam —The present rations in j
Berlin are as follows, the quantities
being for one person for one week:
Bread and flour, 4 pounds; Butter and
margarine, 2 1-2 ounces; Potatoes. 7
pounds; Meat, 4 1-2 ounces; Bones,
13-4 ounces; Sausage, 134 ounces;
Sugar 6 ounces. In addition, each
person is allowed one egg a month.
Milk is provided only for children un
der six years of age and for invalids.
Counter Revolution Begins In Moscow
London.—A serious counter revolu
tion has broken out in Moscow, ac- |
cording to a semi-official Wolff bureau
telegram from Moscow and transmit
ted to Ix>ndon by the Exchange Tele
graph company’s correspondent at j
Copenhagen. Fighting of great se- ]
verity is taking place in the streets i
between the Bolsheviki troops and So- ■
cial revolutionaries. A message in i
London from the Russian wireless ;
service says that a counter revolution |
was started in the Russian capital, but !
that it had been suppressed.
French Gain On A Two Mile Front '
New York—Continuing their ag
gressive defense in the face of the i
impending German offensive along the
western battle front, the French have
once more attacked the enemy south
west of Soissons. Launching their ,
blow' from the eastern side of the Retz !
Forest, north of Longpont, the French j
have advanced over a front of ap j
proximately two miles, taking Cha j |
vigny Farm and the slopes to the J j
north and south of it. Several hun- J |
dred prisoners were captured by the j
French in their sudden attack.
Will Run for Senate.
The Monitor is requested by |
Mr. E. S. Martin to state that he |
will positively be in the race for j
senator from the Fifteenth dis- j
trict; and his announcement to
this effect will doubtless appear
at an early date.
He is a successful business
man, vice-president of The Citi
zens Bank of Alston, and has a
strong following in the county.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, witklowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
1 have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believs that
I am in position to give you the
best terms aud as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Office over Mt. Vernon Postoffice.
MT. VERNON. <l4.
A. L. Lanier,
Attorney at Law,
Will Practice in all the Courts of
the State.
I am offering a few Boar Pigs from two ;
of the most noted families of Duroc j
Jersey Hogs—the Orion Cherry King j
and Defender blood lines. Some sired j
by Arles’ Orion Cherry King, Junior I
Champion Fla. State Fair, and a full |
I brother to Peacock & Hodges, $3500 ijj
j boar. Others by grand-son of that old :jj
| hero of the breed, Defender.
Your opportunity to purchase and develop a real boar. ;
| Visit or write : ;
| B. A. CONNER, Higgston, Ga. |
t , i
> Wholesome Bread for All. Under *
► ;
t Government Regulations <
t . 3
t Expert millers in charge. Guarantee 1
\ as great a per cent, of high-grade flour «
; to a bushel of wheat as any mill in state. :
: :
l Conveniently located and equipped to <
I render the best service. Special delivery J
> service from Soperton to Mt. Vernon, s
l Ailey and Uvalda. Grind at home, and "«
► avoid unnecessary delay. Prompt ser- :
► vice and fair treatment to all. <
► <
f :
: The Fowler Warehouse Co.:
► <
► 4
[ Mile After Mile \
r**- i 1 N; your car spins over the road *
► A\-s\\ with never a halt if you use ■*
►pj£, United States Tires —our long 1
£:#>; 1 service tires. It is not what *
- -*
Cipj f/J vice you get out of them. Ours ,
£ j aiy i)/ A/ , have a record unexcelled. J
§§y/ hicks brothers ’ garage 5
Arj Mt. Vernon, Ga. 2
■ ■■ ■— ■ —————— l
Ii |
5 1-2 per ct. Money
j I have plenty of money to lend on farm j
|l| lands in Montgomery and Wheeler |
||| counties, interest at 5 1-2 per cent., |
||| You have the privilege of paying part j
I of the principal at any interest period,
and stop interest on amount paid; but
no annual payment of principal required
Prompt Attention to All Loans
Entrusted to Me
I Come to see me at once if you want a ii
loan. lam well equipped to take care jj
of the loan business. See me.
Protect your soldiers with your
War Savings Stamps save lives.
Pro-Germans probably think
the War Savings Campaign a
foolish one.