Newspaper Page Text
Drtwu by Gtutx William*, Division ot Pictorial Publicity.
Food savings of millions of Americans during our first year of war enabled this govern
ment to send enormous food shipments abroad for our fighting forces and the Allied nations.
Our savings in cereals—out of a short crop—amounted to 154,900,000 bushels; all of which was
shipped to Europe. We increased our meat and fat shipments 844,600,000 pounds. This was
America’s "box from home” to our army abroad and the civilians and military forces of the
Allied nations.
Much Cotton Yet Unginred.
Stillmore, Jan 12.—Emanuel
County has much cotton unginned
yet. One traveling through this
county sees a great deal of cot
ton in the fields and at the farm
houses. Several gins in this
county were unable to run this
fall because of shortage of labor,
and this, together with the fact
that this county has made prob
ably the largest cotton crop in its
history, has made it necessary
for the gins which were in ope
ration to continue to run long
after the usual period for shut
ting down.
Jury List.
List of Jurors drawn to serve at
the February term of Montgomery
superior court, 1919.
Traverse Jury.
D H Mitchell H B Braddy
B A McArthur H B Folsom
r l hos Morris J R Adams
Austin Morris C W Graham
W L Schwulls 8 A Sohnson
J A HaU H H Gal breath
John A Mcßride E L Melntvre
JG Wilkes J B Canady
W G McDonald J O Clifton
S W Hamilton M C Graham
J S Kennedy E Dixon
W 0 Mcßae G F Garrett
J A Kitchens F E Wardlaw
J M Phillips J A Reynolds
GW Smith J R Dixon
II G Williamson I. W Beckum
G G Horton W C Langford
G W Gal breath Joe Hilton
P H Daniels W J Peterson. Jr
J M McDonald L M Outlaw
D E Morris E G Smith
CJ Phillips O M Pool
H V R g w rs J L Memory
C L All mood J H Gray
Grand Jury.
J C McAllister J W Calhoun
J T Brack J W Ward aw
J M McDonald W A Peterson
B A Conner W P Moore
D A Mcßae Grove Shurpe
B. R. Snooks N A Downie
J A Hughes D N Hughes
J T Walker W N Clarke
H V lhompscn M D Hughes
F M Mcßae Louis Roberson
C A Mason W P Ca ho tin
W J Hamilton E .J Wells
D W Folsom B F Hurt
Marriage of Interest.
&rs. L. C. Youngblood and
Mr. John C. Williams were mar
ried at the Methodist parsonage
at 6:30 Sunday afternoon, Rev.
J. E. Sampley performing the
Mrs. Williams is an estimable
lady of the Lothair community,
and Mr. Williams is a progress
ive business man of this place.
Their marriage came as a pleas
ant surprise to their many
friends who extend to them
heartiest congratulations. So
perton News.
Cotton Seed for Sale.
Covington’s Toole Early Wilt-
Resistant Cotton Seed. Forty
percent, lint; 99 per cent, wilt
resistant. None better. $1.75
per bu. unsacked; sacks furnished
$1.85 per bushel.
J. T. Walker,
126 Rt. A, Uvalda, Ga.
Found—A Mule.
Taken up at my place some
[time ago, and uncalled for, one
certain mule. Owner may call,
prove ownership to the animal,
pay expense of keeping, cost of
advertising, etc., and get proper
ty. J. C. Bird,
194. Rt. 1, Ailey, Ga.
Ford for Sale.
One used Ford in excellent
| shape; good top; crown fenders;
! new radiator. A bargain. See
Hicks Bros. & Peterson,
103tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Feb., 1919, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
| for cash, certain property, of which
j the following is a complete descrip
i That, certain tract or parcel of land
j situate, lying and being in the 275* h
JG. M. district, of said county and
I state, containing 170 i-2 acres more
I less and bounded as follows: On the
j north by lands ot Ben Bird, J. A. J.
! Walker and Mcßride Brothers, east
by lands of J. A. J. Walker and Me
Bride Brothers, south by lands of
the A. A. Peterson estate’anti Ben
Bird and west by lands of Ben Bird
and < has. Mcßae. Levied on - and
will be sold as the property of Ira L.
Anderson to satisfy four justice court
(i fas issued from the .Justice’s Court
lof the 275th district G. M. in favor
lof The Citizens Bank of Alston vs
Ira L. Anderson. J. J. McArthur and
{F. C. Adams, Written notice of levy
I given in terms of ihe law. This the
i 9th day of January, 1919.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Keep Baby Well —
Feverish colds that distress the
little ones, that cause difficult
breathing, that irritate their sensitive little
throat* and give them troublesome disturb- •
ing cough., are readily helped and toothed
by Foley's Honey and Tar.
The wise mother gives it for croup,
whooping cough» measles cough and bron
chial coughs.
Foley’s Honey Tar
is just as good for grown-ups as
for children. For hoaraeneM, tickling throat,
troublesome night cough., la grippe cough,
and chronic cough, of elderly people it i.
_ widely recommended. It contain, no
morphine, chloroform or other drug that
- N> “' you would not like to give to young ehil
tdren, delicate peraon. or elderly people. Do
not accept a substitute. ,
"When our baby waa 10 days old he took whoopla,
eou.h io the worst form, and the paroxyama ot cou.h
almost overcame him. Our nei.bbor a I. aerated
Foley's Honey and Tar and that (ave him ah
moat immediate relief, lor which we feel very iratc
fui." Mrs. J. ML Hightower, Odem, Texas.
"Ur baity was stricken with a severe cou.b and cold
at one montn old. 1 .ave him 10 to IS drops ut
Foley’a Honey and Tar every three hours and it
sure did help him.” Mrs. B. H Garrett, School
field, Va.
Trespass Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
This is to forewarn the public
against hunting with gun or dog,
fishing, removing wood yr timber
of any kind, or in any manner
trespassing on the lands of the
undersigned ; and all parties vio
lating this order will he prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
This the 7th day ot November,
1918. Mrs. Dioy Phii.lirs.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of au order granted
by the Ordinary of said county, i
will sell at public outcry on the
first Tuesday in February, 1919,
betweeu the legal hours of sale, at
the court house Mt, Vernon, suid
county, to the highest bidder,
the following described real estate
to wit:
All of that certain tract or lot
of laud situated in said county
and Btate and bounded as follows :
On the north by hinds of Mrs. M.
A. Warnock’s estate, on the east
by lands of Stella Braddy, Leader
& Rosansky and Minnie Memory,
on the south by lands of D. H.
Phillips and Minnie West and on
the west by lands of Saphrooie
Collins, Minnie West and Chas.
Co'lins, containing 175 acres more
or less. Sold as the property of
the estate of Sikes Collins.
H. A. Braddy,
Adr. Estate of Sikes Collins.
Post Your Lauds.
Open your woodland to the pub
lic and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on it.
Put the public on notice by post
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
The quality has never failed:
The ownership and manage
ment have never changed:
The sales have grown from
250 tons to 400,000 tons
a proof of satisfaction.
Norfolk, Va., Baltimore, Md., Toledo, 0., Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte,
N. C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga.
Macon, Ga. Columbia, S. C. Montgomery, Ala.
Administrators’ Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of un or
der granted by the court of ordi
nary of said county, will be sold
on the first Tuesday in Feb., 1919,
before the court house door in
said county, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash the following de
scribed property:
One house and lot in the Town
of Alley, said county, bounded as
follows: North by lot of land
No. 7, ot Block No. 81; east by
Broad street, south by Lot No. 5
of same Block and belonging to
Mrs. Ann Fuqua and on the west
by an til’ey. Said lot known as
Lot No. 6 in Block No. 81 and
fronting on Broad Street 100 feet
and extending back 185 feet to an
Also a one-third undivided in
ferest in five acres of land, loca
ted in the Town of Ailey, bounded
as follows: North by lands of
J. A. Kitchens and Mrs. Sadie B.
Frizzelle, east by lands of Mrs.
Sadie Belle Frizzelle, south by
College street and west by lands
of J A. Kitchens, and known as
the Mcßride land.
Sold as the property of Mrs.
M. L Skipper for division.
J. M D McGregor,
Adr. Estate of Mis. M L.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he soli! before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Feb., 1919, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain lot or parcel of land,
situate, lying and being in the Town
of Tarry town, said state and county,
anil being Lot No. 5 in Block No. !J,
and bounded as follows: Fronting
50 feet on Second street, bounded on
tlie north by .Second street, east by
Lot No. 6 in Block three, south by a
fourteen foot alley and west by lands
of C. H. Calhoun, being 50 x 142 feet.
Levied on as the properly of I). P.
Usry to satisfy a fl fa Issued from the
1054th (J. M. District in favor of The
Bank of Tarrytown vs I). P. Usry.
c. Adams and B. F. Hamilton,
securities, transferees. Levy made
and returned to me by I. J. Joiner,
L C M and written notice given de
fendant in possession. This the 9th
day of January, 1919.
K. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Atty at Law,
Mt ’Vernon, Georgia
\ * n Traveling «
► // ' a If your car suddenly goes *
► / “dead," because of burned out *
► Ijtlii "f batteries, plugs or for any «
► MU I fiffi other reason phone us and we J
► W-T—Wirr jrjffJ will send you what you want <
» \Q i TS! > j iKJ at once. Our stock is com- .
► W plete in every respect. *
C ....... *
t We Have Several* Thousand <
l Tons of Fish Scrap Fertilizer, for Sale \
l to the Farmers of Georgia at Wholesale «
l Prices. write us for further particulars :
1 The Fisheries Products Co. <
l National Bank Bldg. SAVANNAH, GA. J
«mr rTTTmTfTumfTmTT»TTTTTmTTTm»m»»»f»y«
: First District Agricultural j
J <
: and Mechanical School \
J 4
J 4
► A branch of the University of Georgia, located at States- *
► boro, in one of the healthiest sections of the state. *
£ Thorough preparation for college or business is given *
► under an efficient faculty. Each individual receives special «
I* instruction. Boys and girls are taught how to study. <
Literary studies, book keeping, military training, super- J
vised ateletics, music, expression, domestic science and art «
are given. *
Splendidly equipped agricultural, biological, physical and .
# chemical labratories. I
► Non-denomination, but strictly Cnristian in character. *
l Boys and girls are required to attend the church of their .
J choice. *
► Spring Term Opens Thursday, Jan. 2, 1919. *
J 2
► For catalogde and information, apply to *
J 4
\ F. M. Rowan, Principal <
: <
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