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Mr. Don A. Lanier of the U. S.
Navy is visiting his parents, Col,
and Mrs. A. L. Lanier, for a few
days. He is with the Steamship
Vestal, and during an experience
of something over two years, has
had opportunity of seeing a great
deal of the world. Montgomery
county friends are glad to greet
him again.
Mr. Owen Higgs of Atlanta
spent last Friday night with rela
tives here.
Mr. Chas. A. Abt, recently re
turned from France, and after
spending a few weeks with rela
tives and friends here, left Mon
day morning for Dublin, where
he will play baseball with the
Dublin team this summer. Chas.
is a popular guy, and friends in
Mt. Vernon wish him success
wherever he goes.
Mrs. H. C. Fentress and daugh
ter of Mcßae are visiting the
family of Messrs. Everett and
Angus McLeod south of Mt. Ver
non. Mrs. Fentress is a sister of
the McLeod brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mcßae and
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mason spent
Sunday and Monday in Savannah
and on Tybee. Mr. Mason and
wife left yesterday for Rochelle,
where they will spend some time
before returning to their home in
the West.
Col. M. B. Calhoun, member of
the board of trustees of the
Twelfth District Agricultural and
Mechanical School, recently lo
cated at Cochran, attended a
meeting of the board at that place
Dodge: Parts
Dealers , Garages and Owners of
Dodge Brothers Motor Cars
Let us have your orders for DODGE
PARTS. Our hi rise and complete stock
and efficient service* enables us to make
shipments same day orders are received.
» '
Telephone 333 SAVANNAH, GA.
i rfvvTmvmvmTVVTWfTV’t »vTUwvvv»TvvffffmTm*
: Modern High School for Boys J
and Girls <
» 4
► 4
» 4
► 4
► —————————— *
: s
► -
I 4
P 4
P - .
► 4
P •
► 4
Extensive Improvements in Progress. Fall Term S
Opens Sept. 2, 1919. For further information and {
catalogue, write 2
p 4
• L. S. BARRETT, President \
► 4
P 4
» 4
Mrs. W. L. D. Rackley suffered
quite a painful injury a few days
ago on account of a fall. She is
somewhat improved, and her
many friends will look forward to
her recovery.
Mr. J. C. Calhoun, who has
been in Atlanta for treatment,
has returned, much improved in
health. He has been indisposed
for some time, and friends trust
that his improvement will be of
a permanent nature.
Miss Marion Lee, who has been
teaching at Madison, Fla., has
returned to spend the summer
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. D. Lee, on College Heights.
Mrs. M. B. Calhoun and chil
dren are visiting relatives in
Athens. Mr. Calhoun went up
with them a few days ago, but
returned Tuesday.
Mrs. Mariah Meyers and little
son, Billie, arrived a few days
ago to visit the family of Mr. F.
M. Mcßae and other relatives in
this section.
Mr. J. A. J. Walker, a former
citizen of this county but for the
past year a citizen of Johnson
county, came down a few days
ago with his family to visit rela
tives in Montgomery county. Mr.
Walker mode a good citizen, and
friends trust that he may again
be counted as a citizen of Mont
Telegrams from Lieut T. H.
Cockfield announce that he has
afrived in New York and is now
en route home, after about a year
in France. Friends will be glad
to greet him.
Theft Os $50,000 in Bonds Solved
Atlanta. —A story that would have
held the Interest of old Jeese James
himself is that tlod by the postoffice
inspectors here of how, with the as
sistance of police and detectives in
some dozen cities, they ran down clue
after clue and finally solved the mys
tery of approximately $50,000 worth
of Liberty Bonds that disappeared
from safes in Georgia during the last
nine months, along with a substantial
amount of cash and a not inconsider
able number of War Savings Stamps.
The climax of it all being that two
men are now held in Fulton tower, one
woman is out one $6,000 bond and an
other man who is held in Missouri is
claimed here upon his freedom.
Seek Money For Georgia Memorial
Atlanta.—lt has developed that the
forthcoming Georgia legislature will
be vigorously urged by the federal
government to make an appropriation
for a state memorial and three monu
ments in the Vicksburg national mil
itary park. The Vicksburg commis
sion of the war department is earn
estly beginning a campaign for that
purpose, and the measure will be
urged as an “appropriation to com
memorate on the battlefield the devo
tion to duty, study, patriotism and
faithful service of the Georgia sol
diers in the Vicksburg operations.”
State Pharmacist* Seek New Laws
Savannah. —The pharmacists of
Georgia will be placed on a footing
level with the standing of the profes
sion in other states, if a law which
is lo be suggested to the legislature
is passed. A committee was named
by the association in session at Ty
bee tc frame such a law and urge its
passage. It will raise the statue of
the profession, eliminate largely the
Anomalous position of the pharmacist
which was the condition during the
war and will altogether elevate the
profession in Georgia in dignity and
Anti-Mosquito Drive Planned
Atlanta. —The greatest anti-mosquito
campaign in the history of the state
of Georgia will be started in about
two weeks in Lowndes county and
will eventually be extended to every
county in the state, according to plans
disclosed at a meeting of officials of
the Georgia Land Owners Association,
under the auspices of which organi
zation the campaign will be conduct
ed, with the aid of officials of the
State Federation of Women's Clubs,
which organization will render all aid
possible to the Association.
Debs And Hailey Now In Atlanta Pen
Atlanta.—The Atlanta federal prison
opened its doors to receive two guests
t: more than ordinary prominence. One
was Eugene V. Debs, noted Socialist
und labor leader, convicted of obstruct
ing the draft and sentenced to ten
years. hTe other was quite the re
verse. He was H. Kelso Hailey, of
Chattanooga, clubman, bon vivant and
owner of an apartment house, where
he conducted a wholesale size illicit
still until local revenue men smelled
it out.
Jim Smith Estate In Courts Again
Atlanta.—An injunction suit against
E. J. Bray, tax assessor of Oglethorpe
county, to restrain him from assess
ing for taxation the estate of James
M. Smith, or issuing fi. fas. against
it, was filed in the district federal
court here by attorneys for L. K.
Smith and the administrators of the
estate. A temporary injunction has
been signed by Judge Pardee, and June
20 set as a date for a hearing here
Sta'e Police Chiefs Meet In Session
Bainbridge.—The convention of the
chiefs of police, marshals and special
agent*, of the railroads of Gooigia
assembled in this city. Mayor Ksy
of Atlanta made an address and on
that evening the entire delegation was
taken on a boat ride down the Flint
river on the steamer John W. Calla
han. A big barbecue was served at
Spring creek after which the Cvnveu
lion adjourned.
Savannah (Honors Heroes Again
Savannah. —Savannah for the sec
ond time gave expression to her ap
preciation of the boys who represent
ed this city, county and section in the
war in 0 program welcoming home
the boys of the 82d division and many
others of commands which have come
home since the general welcome some
weeks ago.
Macon Firemen Call For Two Shifts
Macon. The Macon city firemen
have served notice on the mayor and
council that if they do not grant them
a double platoon system which gives
the men twelve hours off after twelve
hours' duty, they will adopt other
1 means of seeing that the system is
| put into effect.
Meeting of Church Workers
Valdosta. —The annual state conven
| tiun of the Baraca-Pbilathea associa
tions convened in this city for a three
day session. Between two hundred
and two hundred und fifty delegates
j are attending.
Soldier Land Board Is Favored
Atlanta.—The Georgia Landowners'
Association will attempt to get the
legislature to take the necessary steps
| to csea’e a soldier land settlement
hoard, obtain land for experimental
| farms and obtain from the government
a leu u illion dollar fund under the
Moudoll bill. The Mondell bili car
! nes an appropriation of three hundred
million dollars to be apportioned out
among the states taking advantage
of the offer and to spend in providing
rural homes and farms for meu in
the army and uavy.
IBe Conservative! I
a—BMaMBM—B—B———MB Qti
iand get real electrical service. 1
Ask a DELCO owner. They |
are all around you. J
Dealers Salesman It
Notice to Public.
There will be an election held
at the Cross Roads between the ;
home of J. E. Horn and Wiley;
Taylor on the sth of July between
the hours of ten o’clock a. m.
and three o’clock p. m. to de- i
termine whether or not there j
shall be a consolidation of schools
by the abolishing of the present;
Kemp, Hancock and Violet Hill j
schools. Regular qualified voters
residing in the school districts ol
the above named schools will be j
entitled to vote. Done by order
of the Board of Education this
4th day of June, 1919.
T. B. Conner, C. S. S.
Notice of Local Legislation.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that
there will be a bill introduced in
the General Assembly, and Sen
ate of the State of Georgia, du
ring the Session of 1919, entitled:
An Act to create a new charter
of the City of Mt Vernon, Ga.,
in Montgomery County, to fix
the incorporate limits: to create
officers of said City and define j
their duties and fix their com-|
pensation; to provide for public:
improvements and the proper
sanitary and Police Regulations
for said City: to declare the
rights, powers and liabilities of
said corporation: to authorize
said City to issue bonds and
other evidences of debt for pub
lic purposes, such as for schools,
buildings and equipments for
same, sewers, electric lights and
water works, and for other pur
Stray Mule.
Taken up at my place June 7th, j
one certain bay mare mule.
Owner may call, prove property, j
1 pay cost of advertising, and se-
I cure the animal.
W. T. McArthur.
619tf. McGregor, Ga.
Stray Cow.
Taken up at my place, one cow
of very mischievous tendencies.
Owner may describe the animal,
prove ownership, pay cost of
keeping, etc., otherwise it will
sold according to law.
D. H. Phillips.
5154 Rt. 3, Soperton, Ga.
A party of ~iTell known Mont- 1
gomery county citizens was in
Reidsville for a short while Last
Friday, having motored over on
a business mission. In the party
were F. E. Long, formerly of
Elza, Charles Abt, and Horace B.
Folsom, editor of The Montgom
ery Monitor, published at Mt.
Vernon.—Tattnall Journal.
Mr. Carl C. McAllister has
been quite ill at his home at Long
pond for the past two weeks,
but is now improving.
m i Co ca -Co UI
answer to thirst that no
; v imitation can satisfy. S |
|j! Coca-Cola quality, recorded
in the public taste, is what m j
holds it above imitations.
ill Demand the genuine by hill name Ij@ I
|P nicknames encourage substitution. Hi ;
1 I
—m, "-■ - ai 'saa-r - ■ I,—r ■ --=r-=-r a
Wanted: Stave bolts,
white oak, red oak
and water oak. For
|full particulars apply
Rocky Ford, Ga.