Newspaper Page Text
Os the Board Commisioners of Roads and Revenues Montgomery
County for the Year 1919, Showing Disbursements.
(Vouchers Numbers 774 to 1033 inclusive and
Warrant Numbers 774 to 1033 inclusive.)
Feb. 4.
Noah Horn, work on road $ 4.00
J M Hughes, repairs 75
M J Brantley, work on road 44 25
Alston Mercantile Co., camp supplies 238 95
W P Calhoun, camp supplies 51 24
J T Walker, camp supplies 4 00
Chas A Garbutt, lumber 35 73
Champion Supply Co., camp supplies 272 68
Mt Vernon Drug Co., camp supplies 27 65
W A Johnson, lumber * 43 23
John O’Neal, work on road machine 25 35
H G Martin Drug Co., camp supplies 5 50
J W Thompson, camp supplies 114 60
Currie Drug Co., camp supplies 3 00
W E Evans & Son, camp supplies 6 00
Tom Boyd, camp supplies 63 15
W D Dowd, camp supplies 10 50
Mcßride Brothers, camp supplies 136 85
Lem Whitaker, lumber 5 00
John Pool, corn 73 70
M H Thigpen, corn 90 57
R F Mills, guard 35 00
J M Trull, guard 35 00
W F Hendricks, guard 35 00
W G Whitaker, guard 20 00
J E Crawford, machinist 50 00
John Gaskin, machinist 50 00
C F Ferrell, Warden 100 00
C F Ferrell, gas and oil 20 00
Ga Supply Co., Dec. statement 9 53
The D A Mcßae Store, jail supplies 27 59
S B Morris, services 6 00
A D Hughes, services 3 00
M D Hughes, services, 3 00
G R Mason, services 3 00
J M Phillips, services 3 00
J E Braswell, services 3 00
J D Taylor, services 3 00
Geo. Hamilton, services 8 00
J R Carr, services 8 00
John J McArthur, lumber 248 32
J A Beck worth, tax equalizer 16 00
F M Mcßae, tax equalizer 16 00
E E Burch, sheriff 102 29
A D Hughes, sheriff 3 00
Foote & Davies Co., office supplies 32 57
H L Wilt, Agt., premium on bond 5 00
L C Underwood, Atty., 12 50
J E Hunt, physician 25 00
A B Hutcheson, purchasing agt and clerk 50 00
M Bridges, ferryman 25 00
S J Elliott, janitor 40 00
Garrett & Slack, engin’rs for steel bridge 1902 59
W A Odom, lumber 265 39
Hassie Bryant, pauper 5 00
Susan Grimsley, pauper 5 00
Dave Swiney, pauper 10 00
W G Kelley, pauper _ 10 00
A B Hutcheson, exp. on business trip 13 62
M D Hughes, Treas., Nov. Dec. Jan. 25 00
A M Hughes, repairs 5 80
E E Burch, expenses to Brunswick 20 00
E E Burch, sheriff _ 116 80
March 1.
W C McAllister, court stenographer 60 00
L C Cato, corn 76 00
March 4.
R F Mills, guard 35 00
J M Trull, guard 35 00
J E Crawford, machinist 50 00
W T Hendricks, guard 35 00
John Gaskin, machinist 50 00
C F Ferrell, warden 100 00
C F Ferrell, gas and oil 20 00
E Leggett, corn 5 00
D H Phillips, work on road 5 00
R .T Boyd, work on bridge 28 00
J H Dees, camp supplies 78 75
J C Johnson & Son, repairs 33 75
E J Wells, camp supplies 286 44 v
Good Roads Machine Co., parts machinery 17 10
Geo D Morris, Jr., work on road 3 00
T G Gibbs, corn 24 00
W P Calhoun, camp supplies 157 57
W P Calhoun, camp supplies 53 12
Good Roads Mach. Co., parts machinery 23 46
A B Hutcheson, amt. paid J J Williams 6 72
Ethan Stephens, non res. witness 11 68
T N Thompson, work on road 7 00
Mt Vernon Drug Co., jail supplies 9 00
S J Elliott, repairs on jail furnace 3 50
H C Davis,-jail supplies 40
Empire Product Co., jail supplies 7 50
Mt Vernon Telephone Co., sheriff's calls 345
J C McAllister, services 1 85
Marshall & Bruce Co., jury scripts 30 84
Vernon Bank,
Located at Mt. Vernon, Ga., at the Close of Business June 30, 1019:
resources : liabilities:
Demand loans 11.23119 Capital stock paid in, $15,000 00
Time loans 147,653 57 ! Surplus fund, 35,(XX100
Overdrafts unsecured 369 73 Undivided profits, less eur-
Bonds and Stocks owned by ex’s., int. and taxes pd. 14,460 16
the Bank 20,000 00 j Individual deposits subject
Banking bouse, 6,500 (X) to check, 182,530 67
Furniture and fixtures, 3.964 74 Savings deposits 19,320 59
Due from banks and bank- Time certificates 67,980 05 |
ers in this state 116,459 06 Cashier’s checks 2,830 24
Due from banks and bank
ers in other states 8,783 40 ,
Currency $8,090 (X)
Oold ‘ 215 00 i
Silver, nickels, etc. 3,708 36 12.013 36
Advances on cotton 6,958 40 6,958 40
Profit and loss 27 20
Advanced on Lib. Bonds 3,250 96
Total, $337,111.61 Total. $337,111.61
STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Montgomery.
Before me came W. A. Peterson, Cashier of The Mt. Vernon Bank, who being duly sworn
lava that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by
the books of file in said bank W. A. f'ETEit.sO.V.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this Bth day of July, 1919.
J. E- Mcßae, C. 8. C-, M. Co.. Oa. I
The D A Mcßae Store, jail supplies 90
J E Mcßae, clerk 51 80
M E Fountain, jail supplies 21 65
E E Burch, sheriff 115 70
E E Burch, expenses 17 56
E E Burch, services 10 00
M E Fountain, trip to Vidalia 4 00
J E Mcßae, cost 12 75
E E Burch, order by John J McArthur 111 90
The Gillette Grain Co., oats 69 71
Mt Vernon Mercantile Co., camp supplies 31 59
The D A Mcßae Store, farm supplies 8 60
W A Wooten, cost 21 00
E E Burch, cost 12 65
Mrs M A Abt, meals for jury 49 00
A B Hutcheson, order John A Morris 12 00
E E Burch, sheriff 30 00
A B Hutcheson, order J C Dixon 50 00
W A Hughes, services 15 00
W L Snow, services 14 00
Bernie Abt, services 6 00
M A Peterson, services * 200
A B Hutcheson, Harry Lee warrant 18 10
Hassie Bryant, pauper 5 00
Susan Grimsley, pauper 5 00
Dave Swiney, pauper 10 00
W G Kelley, pauDer 10 00
Joe Lewis, pauper 6 00
L C Underwood, Atty. 12 50
J E Hunt, physician 25 00
A B Hutcheson, clerk & purchasing agt. 50 00
S J Elliott, ianitor 40 00
M Bridges, ferryman 25 00
March 8.
The Mt. Vernon Bank, car of hay 259 00
March 10.
F M Mcßae, lumber for bridge 200 00
March 11.
Chatham Motor Co., 1 Indiana 2 ton
truck 2672 50
March 18.
W C McAllister, services 90 00
April 1.
W T Hendricks, guard 35 00
J M Trull, guard 35 00
O T Cody, guard 35 00
J E Crawford, machinist 50 00
John Gaskin, machinist 50 00
W G Whitaker, guard 1 50
C F Ferrell, warden 100 00
C F Ferrell, gas and oil 20 00
Good Roads Machine Co., road supplies 101 00
W J & T A Peterson, road supplies 91 16
The D A Mcßae Store, road supplies 12 00
T 0 Gibbs, road supplies 18 15
E M Rackley, ex. for convict 5 00
Minter Smith Hdw. Co., road supplies 244 45
J C Johnson & Son, shop repairs 11 00
H G Martin, drugs for convicts 8 10
W P Calhoun, corn 32 97
W P Calhoun, camp supplies 76 92
Champion Supply Co., camp supplies 435 33
E J Wells, hay for camp 81 00
W A Johnson, camp supplies 8 75
S L Wilson, building bridge 5 00
J E Brooks, building bridge 4 00
Minter Smith Hdw Co., rope and pulleys 840
Champion Supply Co., sup. for convicts 3 72
Ailey Hardware Co., road supplies 31 91
J P Mixon, lumber 8 00
E G Smith, work on road 9 00
E E Burch, sheriff 129 70
E E Burch, expenses 33 04
Sea Island Gin Co., W. Pin for pump 2 50
The D A Mcßae Store, jail supplies 1 90
The D A Mcßae Store, hauling furniture 50
J C McAllister, services 46 00
J E Mcßae, expr & drayage on typewriter 153
Underwood Typewriter Co., typewriter 112 50
S J Elliott, repairs on jail sewer 7 00
Hassie Bryant, pauper 5 00
Susan Grimsley, pauper 5 00
Dave Swiney, pauper 10 00
W G Kelley, pauper 10 00
Joe Lewis, pauper o 00
J E Hunt, physician 25 00
L C Underwood, Atty. 12 50
A B Hutcheson, elk and purchasing agt 50 00
S J Elliott, janitor 40 00
M Bridges, ferryman 25 00
Mt Vernon Mercantile Co., farm sup. 136 17
Ailey Hardware Co., farm supplies 50
J M Moxley, farm supplies 81 52
Fielder & Allen Co., furni’re for ordinary 53 75
W A Odom, lumber 113 65
F M Mcßae, lumber 418 34
Total First Quarter 1919 $11,931 29
Loans on improved farm
lands of Montgomery County can
be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in
terest in amounts of SI,OOO and
above, with the privilege of re
paying part of the principal at
any interest bearing periods in
amounts of SIOO or multiples
thereof, thereby stopping the in
terest on amount paid. Loans
can be made for periods of 57,
or 10 years to suit the borrower.
Commissions charged are reason
able. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon. Ga,
R. E. Ward, *
Soperton, Ga.
A tty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
IBe Conservative! |
I and get real electrical service. §
Ask a DELCO owner. They jj
are all around you. §
Dealers Salesman O
I The Ford Coupe, with its permanent top, big sliding win- |
dows, generous seating capacity, splendid upholstering, is |
surely the ideal, as well as the most practical and profitable |
motor car for traveling salesmen, physicians, stockmen, etc. |
Is It means quick transportation without fatigue. It means d
| comfortable transportation regardless of weather conditions. |
| It means good, long service at the minimum of expense. |
b Wise to give us your order now. Price 1. o. I). Detroit, |
| $650. I
I P. J. McNatt, Uvalda, Ga. I
Post Your Lunds. !
Open your woodland to the pub-'
lie and soon there will not be ai
stick of wood or timber on it.'
Put the public on notice by post- j
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Send The Monitor the news
from your section.
'Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
: We are constantly in the mar- j
ket for cattle and hogs. Many ,
jyears experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the
; producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory j
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga.
Wagons and Wire
Have just received a carload of
Florence One- and Two-Horse
Wagons. Also a Carload of Wire
Fencing. Come and see me be
fore buying.
E. L. Meadows,
11213 Vidalia, Ga.