The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 10, 1919, Image 4
&>©©'G'G : G 000 0 o®'©: W@}®<3%bX®. © 1 £L % I LOCAL- - PERSONAL § H % @1 ©G. .©•© .©'.© ® © G G o'.©.©.'© ©■,©■,©'.©',©■© W . Mr. L. M. Williams of Soperton ! was transacting business in the Ordinary's court here Monday morning. Mr. Robert Smith of Jackson-, ville, Fla., arrived a few days ago to visit his grand mother, Mrs. Polly Adams, and other rel atives in and around Mt. Vernon. Mr. N. L. Spooner returned last week from a visit to Tifton. He was accompanied home by Miss Mary Will Spooner and Master Eben Wade Spooner, a niece and nephew, who are visit ing home folks. Votan coffee, the best ever, 60 cents per can. Full line of the better grades of canned goods, and fancy groceries, at Cockfield Grocery Co. Mrs. A. B. Hester and little son, James, Jr., have returned from an extended visit to rela tives in Macon. Misses Norden Rogers of Au gusta and Nannie Reddick of Sardis have been spending the week with Miss Lessie Mae Rackley. Mr. W. D. Rackley of Abbe ville spent Tuesday with relatives and friends here. Mr. John A. McMillan of Bar tow came down Monday to visit the family of Mr. S. Z. Salter, north of Mt. Vernon. He was accompanied by his daughters. Misses Harriet and Laura, and son, Bud, and niece, Miss Dollie McMillan, of Bartow. We are located between drug store and the post office, and carry the most choice line of canned goods and fancy gro ceries in this section. Call on us. Cockfield Crocery Co., Mt. Vernon, Ga. Miss Esther Geiger of this place and Miss Sarah McArthur of McGregor have returned from a visit to friends in Cordele. Miss Juanita Morrison, who has been teaching in North Geor gia, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lola Morrison. | What Is The Rcason^j^ *°"°wlnj{ IcOcr explain* the reason why 9 Mtm Fole y Kidney Pill* have such a widespread f •nd constantly increasing sale. It i* written by f Mr*. Cha*. Gray, 270 Sixth St., Detroit, Mich.: B *1 must say I have gotten such good result* from K Foley Kidney Pill* that I can *leep much better and 8f the pain in my back and aide* i* • good lot better. M I have never had the reaulta from other mediciue 9 that 1 have gotten from Foley Kidney Pills.** Thousand* of letters like the above have been 9 received by Foley and Co. These letters tell how ■ the writer* have been benefited and helped to B health. They explain the ever-growing demand for 3 foley Kidney pills j The kidneys are blood filters that pick out from 9 the blood certain waste products which would JB act as poisons, together with enough water to dis- m solve them and waah them out of the body. When tha I kidney* are out of order, these* impurities are not removed IB front the blood and they remain to poison the avatem, cans- ■ •ng backache, swollen or stiff joints, rheumatic pain* and 9 even more set i»ua complaint*. Minor symptom* of kidney 9 trouble are pufhneaa under eves, floating specks, dry mouth, K VI biliousness. weakness, and pale, waxy dry akin. When the 9 9 kidneys give any indication of weakness or derangement, 9 ——J they should t eceive aid at once. 4 9 , P°}*y KiJnvv Pill* strengthen and Invigorate wreak, inact- W 1 ive sluggish kidneys. When the kidneys and bladder prop- BDI perform their functions, poisonous waste is removed Bpa SOLD EVERYWHERE Statement of tin? Condition of T Jr\o Citizens Bank, Located at Alston, Ga., at the Close of Business June 510, 1919: * ' Resources: Time loans $-jt 3:17 73 Overdrafts, unsecured 1.380 87 lionds and stock owned by the Hank 1,350 00 Banking house 8,000 00 Furniture and fixtures 2.600 00 Other Real Estate 4 400 00 Due from hanks and bankers iu this state 22,214 60 Due from banks and bankers in other states 3.044 41 Currency ,1,275 00 Gold 30 00 Silver, nickels, etc. 130 00 Cash items 810 44 2,276 18 Total $04,562 04 Sttte of Georgia— County of Montgomery. Before roe cam-- E S. Martin, cashier of The Citizens Bank ol Alston, who, being dulv ■wort), says that the above aixl foregoing statement t» a true condition of said Bank as altoaii by the books of file in said Bank. K. S. MAKTIN. •Sworu to aud subscribed before ute this 7th day of July, 1919. 1). W Mai tiu, H. P, M. 0., Qa. Mrs. Wade Hinson of Savan- j nah visited friends and relatives < here a few days last week. Mrs. Maggie Abt is visiting \ her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Lynn, ‘ i in Lyons this week. 1 Mrs. W. A. McQueen of Wav-1 cross visited friends and relatives | here last week. < I Miss Mattie Lee Strickland of : Reidsville and Mr. Talmadge I' Stanfield of Waycross were the j guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. , Rogers Monday. Col. and Mrs. Fred M. Harris : have returned from a visit to , 'relatives and friends at Leslie. Mrs. R. F. Joiner and daugh ters, Misses Helen and Lessie, | and son, Horace Joiner, of Lake City, S. C., arrived a few days | ago to visit the family of Mr. J. E. Cockfield, Miss Edna Cock field of Waycross is also visiting the family, the latter a cousin of Mrs. Cockfield, and Mrs. Joiner a sister-in-law. For a limited time we sell 6 bars laundry soap for 25c. Wash ing powders, sc. Good green coffee, 30c lb. Canned prunes (ready for serving) 15c can. Best grade dried apples, 15c. Apricots, 30cpackage. Cockfield Grocery Co., Mt. Vernon. Mrs. H. C. Davis spent Mon day in Savannah. Mr. Roache Wilkes of Cobb town was a visitor here Tuesday. Mrs. M. B. Calhoun and chil dren have returned from a visit to Athens. Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that L. M . Williams, administrator of W. 10 Williams, deceased, having applied to tn« by petition to sell one 7-room house, one 2-room house anil 27 acres of land located m the Town of Soperton, Treutlen county, known as the () 0. Wil liams home place; all the heirs at . law and creditors of the said W. , K. Williams, deceased, will tuke I notice that I will pass upon said 1 app.ication on the lirst Monday in August, 1919, and that unless ( cause is shown to the contrary, at said time, said leave will be granted. This the 7th day of July, 1919 J C. McAllister, Ordinary. OO W UIIV t/V, U’JV • Liabilities: Capital stock paid in $15,000 00 l ((divided Profit. less Cur. 1 K.xii., Int. and Taxes Paid 817 30 Individual deposits subject ' to check 22.042 85 Time certificated 11,101 27 ( ashler’s Checks 1,(44110 Bills Payable, Including Time Cert ideates Rep i Borrowed Money 15,000 00 Total $04,502 04 THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR —THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1919. For Sale. Farms. 401 i acres farming land, stiff pebbly soil, gently rolling, located about 5 miles northeast of Lyons, 100 acres cleared ready for plow. Known as C. C. Moseley place. Some timber. S2OOO cash and balance to suit buyer at 8 per cent interest. This is good land and would make a splendid farm home will cut into smaller tracts if desired. 30 acres at city limits western part. 28 acres in cultivation and | stumped. Good 4 room tenant house. Good road frontage, good pecan orchard started. Land as good as there is in Toombs coun ty. Running water on place. This place is cheap at $3150. 236 acres, 100 in cultivation, 40 stumped, 4 houses, 3 barns and other out buildings, fencing, good wire, soil red pebbly loam, lies gently rolling. Located 3-4 miles of Petros and 6 miles south Vi dalia. Price SSO per acre. Half cash and balance to suit purchas er. 203 acres two miles Southeast of Ohoopee. 100 acres cleared. Two good houses. Good land. Access to good range. On pub lic road. The price is right and we can make terms to suit. 304 1-4 acres, with 50 acres in cultivation, five miles Southeast of Lyons. One tenant house, barn and other outbuildings. 75 acres under fence, on public road and R. F. D. Price 125.00 per acre. Terms if desired. 306 acres, 150 in cultivation mostly stumped, 1 excellent home settlement three tenant houses, red pebble land, watered by creek and branch; choice land, excellent stock farm, about 2 12 miles Southeast of Vidalia. Look this over and you will want it. 393 acres in Bulloch county on Ogeechee river. 90 acres in cul tivation, mostly stumped, 2 houses, about half river swamp land, balance hill land. Good timber and river frontage. Good farming place, good fishing and hunting, good stock farm. Loca ted two miles of Hubert station on S. & S. Ry.. 30 miles Savan nah. 351 acres, 9 miles of Alston, 18 miles of Vidalia and Lyons, two horse farm open, 8 room two story dwelling house, two barns, store house, out buildings and three tenant houses. This is the Henry Mann Old Home, in choice community and one half mile of school. This is a bargain at 125.00 per acre, and we can make terms. Talk to us quick or you will be too late. 283 acres, 9 miles of Alston, 18 miles Lyons and Vidalia, part of Henry Mann old place, 150 acres in cultivation, 125 acres stumped, never failing water supply, soil of best grade red pebbly land, gently rolled, two tenant houses. Price $70.00 per acre, one third cash, balance to suit. 182 acres, 7 miles northwest of Vidalia, 2 miles of Kibbee, two public roads, with church and school on place. Red pebbly land, 120 acres in cultivation with two tenant houses. Cheap at f 40.00 per acre. 150 acres on clayed road, one mile of Ailey, two miles of Mt. Vernon, one mile of school, 100 acres cleared and partly stumped, two good houses, running water on place, good wire fencing, good grade soil and good loca tion. Price $60.00 oer acre with terms for part. 206 acres, 100 cleared, good wire fencing, good main dwelling and tenant house, 2 miles Alston, on good clayed highway, soil stiff pebbly loam, gently rolling. One of the best places in the country. Price $65.00 per acre, terms on part. 66 acres on Mt. Vernon Soper ton highway, three miles of Tar rytown, all cleared, mostly stumped. Excellent main dwell ing. barn, garage and tenant house, good wire fencing. Good grade soil and a good home for j somebody. Price $4500.00. What do you say? We have Vidalia property of all kinds for sale. Tell us what you want. Wanted. Small, well improved farms for sale. We have several buyers waiting. We specialize in subdivision of large tracts of farm land and selling at public auction. See us ! if vou have farm land to sell. Georgia Realty and Auction Company J. B. Brew ton. Pres. Flnt Nitioosl l a tk Buil.lflf Vidalia, Ga. A Triumph of §|i Toughness * ' 11 And yet, the ‘Royal Cord’ pos- §§|f j| sesses amazing buoyancy and life. extra miles, combined with the car. They are the utmost in equip meat—the finest tires in the world. I We know United States Tires are good tires. That’s why tkiam HICKS BROS. GARAGE, Mt. Vernon, we sen mem. MINTER-SMITH HDW. CO., Uvalda. HINSON HDW. CO. Alamo. L. B. GODBEE, Vidalia. CARTER-CHRISTIAN BUICK CO., Vidalia. D. A. McRAE STORE, Mt. Vernon. * FARM LOANS f * r\o r\tgorr\ery 'Freutler\ Counties & & *£ * NO DELAY Get your money in a week or ten days £ J after application is made. * PRIVILEGES Pay off all or any part of principal at J J any time and stop interest, or loan can be renewed i without additional cost. £ jfe Conservative but liberal value placed upon property Wallace & Durden *- a and 40 to 50 per cent, of value loaned. Call on us * >&■ or write and we will call on you. SOPERTON, GA. Horn’s Chapel Rally Was Marked Success. The educational rally held by the colored people at Horn’s Chapel school house on the 4th was a success in every sense of the word. On this occasion thev raised, it is understood, S2OO, making up their SIOOO fund, to which will be added SSOO by the state authorities (disbursing the Rosen wald fund). They also deed to the board of education three additional acres tor school purposes, and work will doubt less begin at once on the im provements contemplated. Uncle Jim Roberson, despite his years, is a most active figure, and to his efforts is very largely due the success of the enterprise. Their fall term will open under ; very promising conditions. Revival Services for Week in Charlotte'. The pastor. Rev. J. M. Han cock, began a protracted meeting at the Charlotte Methodist church Monday evening. The series of services will continue through next Sabbath. He is assisted by Rev. Moody Booth of Willacoo chee. The public cordially in ! vited attend all services. I Dodge Parts | Dealers , Garages and Owners of J | Dodge Brothers Motor Cars | Let us have your orders for DODGE | | PARTS. Our large and complcte'stock j P and efficient service enables us to make I I shipments same day orders are received. ; TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPHIC ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION, | C. E. VINSON MOTOR CO. jj Telephone 333 SAVANNAH, GA. j Brethren of the exchanges, we J warn you that newspapers rolled . tightiv like candles and those! apparently folded on corn shellers' so that they cannot be opened without tearing are dropped into the waste basket without any attempt to pursue their contents. —Metter Advertiser. Duroc Tigs. i Three mos. old; thoroughbred; and subject to registration; male and a female. For sale. See T. B. Conner, 6263 Mt. Vernon, Ga.