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Mrs. Charles Mauldin and
daughters, Mary Frank, Clara
and Barbara, arrived Monday
afternoon to visit the family of
Mr. W. A. Peterson. Mrs. Maul
din is from Cairo, and is a cousin
of Mrs. Peterson.
Mr. W. W. Grimsley and family
have returned from a triptoCary,
Cochran and other points. They
were accompanied home by
Messrs. J. H. O’Neal and R. D.
Perry of Danville, who spent
Monday in Mt. Vernon. Mr.
Grimsley reports very poor crops
in the sections visited by him.
Master Herbert McCrimmon is
spending the week with relatives
and friends in Warrenton and
Mrs. J. M. Foster and children
of Mcßae spent last Sabbath with
the family of Mr. C. E. Poore.
After visiting the family of
Mr. J. E. Cockfield, Mrs. R. F.
Joiner and children have returned
to their home in Lake City, S. C.
Mr. Troy J. Mason, after a
service of two years with Uncle
Sam. half of which was spent in
France, returned home Sunday
morning. He is the only son of
Mr. (1. V. Mason of this place,
and his record of service is one of
which any young man may feel
We are located between drug
store and the post office, and
carry the most choice line of
canned goods and fancy gro
ceries in this section. Call on
us. Cockfield Crocery Co., Mt.
Vernon, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilt and
little son, Clay, are visiting in
Atlanta. Before returning home
they will probably stop over for
a few days at Sandersville.
Mr, Owen Higgs of Atlanta
stopped over with relatives here
Tuesday night.
Mrs. D. W. Folsom and little
daughter. Frances, have returned
from a trip to Savannah.
Miss Mattie Mcßride returned
Tuesday from Savannah, where
she was the guest of the family
of Mr. H. C. McLemore.
Mrs. L. J. Cowart of St. Marys
is visiting her brothers, Messrs. !
A. D. and Neal Hughes, south of
Mt. Vernon.
Miss Bertha Brew ton of
Macon is visiting her parents,
Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Brewton.
Messrs. 11. J. and C. H. Wright
and Richard Wilson spent Sunday
and Monday in Savannah.
Mr. John Burnett of the Sadie
section spent Tuesday with the
family of Mr. John W. Mclntyre.
There are more than 3.000,000 Ford | I
! t cars in daily operation in the United | J
States. This is a little better than one- * 1
j [ half of all the motor cars used in I |
America. The Ford car is every man's I f
necessity. No matter what his busi- I I
| ness may be. it solves the problem of I j!|
cheapest transportation. We solicit I I
i, your order now. because production is I i f
|| limited, and we must make it the rule I •jjl
to supply first orders first. Touring j iil
Car, $525; Runabout, S 500; Coupe, Ii f
5650; Sedan, $775; Truck Chassis. I 'if
$550. These prices f. o. b. Detroit. I I
P. J. McNatt, Uvalda I I
Mr. S. Z. Salter and daughters, ‘
Charlie Will and Beverly, accom
panied by Elizabeth Mcßae, spent
Sunday in Bartow, returnnig
Tuesday, having been detained
Monday on account of excessive
Miss Mary Stanford, after
spending several weeks in Savan
nah, where she was taken for
treatment, has returned home
greatly improved in health.
Mr. C. G. Thompson and fami
ly of Ailey were among friends
in Mt. Vernon Monday afternoon.
Mr. J. M. D. McGregor of Ailey
was a business caller at this office
For a limited time we sell 6
bars laundry soap for 25c. Wash
ing powders, sc. Good green
coffee, 30c lb. Canned prunes
(ready for serving) 15c can.
Best grade dried apples, 15c.
Apricots, 30c package. Cockfield
Grocery Co., Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. J. L. Cockfield of Way
cross is visiting the family of
Mr. J. E. Cockfield. Misses
Estell James and Edna Cockfield
will return with her tomorrow,
after a visit to Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. Ada Blizzard and daughter
of Waycross spent Tuesday with
the family of Mr. J. W. Mc-
Intyre. Other guests for the
day were Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre
and children of Sadie.
Votan Coffee, the best ever, (50
cents per can. Full line of the
better grades of canned goods,
and fancy groceries, at Cockfield
Grocery Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Fountain
made a business trip to Dublin
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Mcßae
are spending the week in Atlanta.
Mr. Clement McArthur has re
turned home after a service of
several months overseas in the
U. S. Marine Corps. He is a son
of Mr. F. F. McArthur of Long
Misses Pearl Williamson of
I.ongpond and Sara Williamson
of Ailey are guests of the family
of Mr. A. M. Hughes this week.
The former is a sister and the
I latter a cousin of Mrs. Hughes.
_ ___
Working the Streets.
Considerable work is being
done on the streets of Mt. Ver
non adjacent to the court house
square. When completed this
will add greatly to the appearance
of the place. Marshal Mcßae is
in charge of the work. Graded
and well kept streets add much
to the appearance of any town,
and it is hoped that Mt. Vernon
will be able to keep up the work.
For Sale.
401 i acres farming land, stiff
pebbly soil, gently rolling, located i
about 5 miles northeast of Lyons, j
100 acres cleared ready for plow, j
Known as C. C. Moseley place, j
Some timber. S2OOO cash and
balance to suit buyer at 8 per I
cent interest. This is good land
and would make a splendid farm
home will cut into smaller tracts
if desired.
30 acres at city limits western
part. 28 acres in cultivation and
stumped. Good 4 room tenant
house. Good road frontage, good
pecan orchard started. Land as
good as there is in Toombs coun
ty. Running water on place.
This place is cheap at $3150.
236 acres, 100 in cultivation, 40
stumped, 4 houses, 3 barns and
other out buildings, fencing, good
wire, soil red pebbly loam, lies
gently rolling. Located 3-4 miles
of Petros and 6 miles south Vi
dalia. Price SSO per acre. Half
cash and balance to suit purchas
203 acres two miles Southeast
of Ohoopee. 100 acres cleared.
Two good houses. Good land.
Access to good range. On pub
lic road. The price is right and
we can make terms to suit.
304 1-4 acres, with 50 acres in
cultivation, five miles Southeast
of Lyons. One tenant house,
, barn and other outbuildings. 75
acres under fence, on public road
and R. F. D. Price $25.00 per
acre. Terms if desired.
306 acres, 150 in cultivation
. mostly stumped, 1 excellent home
settlement three tenant houses,
1 red pebble land, watered by
creek and branch; choice land,
“ excellent stock farm, about 2 1-2
■ miles Southeast of Vidalia. Look
this over and you will want it.
393 acres in Bulloch county on
1 Ogeechee river. 90 acres in cul
‘ tivation, mostly stumped, 2
houses, about half river swamp
I land, balance hill land. Good
timber and river frontage. Good
farming place, good fishing and
i hunting, good stock farm. Loca
, ted two miles of Hubert station
on S. & S. Ry.. 30 miles Savan
J 351 acres, 9 miles of Alston, 18
miles of Vidalia and Lyons, two
horse farm open, 8 room two
story dwelling house, tw r o barns,
f store house, out buildings and
> three tenant houses. This is the
, Henry Mann Old Home, in choice
community and one half mile of
school. This is a bargain at
$25.00 per acre, and we can
make terms. Talk to us quick
or you will be too late.
283 acres, 9 miles of Alston, 18
miles Lyons and Vidalia, part of
Henry Mann old place, 150 acres
' in cultivation, 125 acres stumped,
never failing water supply, soil
of best grade red pebbly land,
gently rolled, two tenant houses.
Price $70.00 per acre, one third
cash, balance to suit.
182 acres, 7 miles northwest of
Vidalia, 2 miles of Kibbee, two
s public roads, with church and
* school on place. Red pebbly
i land, 120 acres in cultivation
I with two tenant houses. Cheap
i at $40.00 per acre.
150 acres on clayed road, one
' mile of Ailey, two miles of Mt.
Vernon, one mile of school, 100
acres cleared and partly stumped,
two good houses, running water
on place, good wire fencing,
good grade soil and good loca
tion. Price $60.00 Der acre with
terms for part.
206 acres. 100 cleared, good
wire fencing, good main dwelling
and tenant house, 2 miles Alston,
on good clayed highway, soil stiff
pebbly loam, gently rolling. One
of the best places in the country.
Price $65.00 per acre, terms on
66 acres on Mt. Vernon Soper
ton highway, three miles of Tar
rytown, all cleared, mostly
stumped. Excellent main dwell
ing. barn, garage and tenant
house, good wire fencing. Good
grade soil and a good home for
somebody. Price $4500.00.
164 acres 3 miles south of Vi
dalia on Cedar Crossing Road.
100 in cultivation. 50 stumped, 15
more cleared, 3 good tenant
houses, good wire fencing, red
pebbly soil, good pecan orchard.
A good place and choice location.
Price #10,000.00, one-third cash,
balance to suit.
911. J acres, 500 cleared and
stumped, good main dwelling and j
barns, 4 2-room tenant houses, 2
miles of school and railroad sta
tion, soil dark loam and stiff red
land, lies gently rolling, near
church. Running water on place.
Good community. Located 10
miles north of Cochran in Bleck
ley county and 32 miles of Macon.
Good place for general farming
and stock raising. On main high
way Macon to Cochran. Price
00000000000000 000000000000000000
I Be Conservative!!
land get real electrical service. §
Ask a DELCO owner. They |
are all around you. |
After August Ist till Delcos will necessarily advance 10 per &
cent. Orders accepted prior to that date, future delivery, 0
§ at regular prices. Act now, and save additional cost. ||
Dealers Salesman 0
* r\or\tgorr\&ry -
* -
* NO DELAY Get your money in a week or ten days
1 after application is made. k
PRIVILEGES Pay off all or any part of principal at
any time and stop interest, or loan can be renewed
J without additional cost. J
jjjt Conservative but liberal value placed upon property WAII&CC & Dill ddl
and 40 to 50 per cent, of value loaned. Call on us SOPERTON GA
or write and we will call on you.
* #******^*************
$30,000.00, 40 per cent, cash and
balance to suit purchaser.
What do you say?
We have Vidalia property of
all kinds for sale. Tell us what
you want.
Small, well improved farms for i
sale. We have several buyers
We specialize in subdivision of
large tracts of farm land and
selling at public auction. See us
if you have farm land to sell.
Georgia Realty and
Auction Company
J. B. Brewton, Pres.
First National Bank Building
Vidalia, Ga.
Salesman Wanted.
Lubricating Oil. Grease, Spe
cialties, Paint. Part or whole
time. Commission basis. Man
with car or rig preferred.
JRiverside Refining Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Corn Wanted.
I will pay the highest market
price for corn in the shuck. Call
or phone at once.
T. L. Tatom,
7174 Alston, Ga. t
Dodge Parts)
Dealers , Garages and Owners of jjj
Dodge Brothers Motor Cars
| Let us have your orders for DODGE j;
i|| PARTS. Our large and complete’stock |ji
i and efficient service enables us to make jj
I I shipments same day orders are received. ij;
Telephone 333 SAVANNAH) GA. ;j;
Increases Schools Appropriations
Atlanta.—After a lengthy debate the
house of representatives disposed of ,
the common school appropriation by
adopting the *4,000,000 appropriation
for 1920, as recommended by the ap- ;
propriations committee, and by in
creasing the appiopriation to *4,500,- j
000 for 1921. The house further amend- ]
ed this section of the bill by insertiing j
a proviso that the common school ap
propriations shall be kept in a sepa
rate fund in the state treasury and
that no money shall be drawn out of
this fund for any other purpose.
J me *
Eastman Mill Burns.
Eastman, July 22. — Fire to
night destroyed the grist mill
operated by J. C. Shipes, causing
an estimated loss of $3,000. In
surance was carried on the mill
and it is understood the plant
will be rebuilt at once.
Near-by property was endan
gered but the good work of the
Eastman firemen saved it.