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Miss Willie Elliott has returned
from a week’s visit to Hazle
hurst, having returned with her
cousin, Miss Gladys Wilson, who
had spent the week previous with
the family of her uncle, Mr. S. J.
Miss Alleen McKae returned a
few days ago from a visit to rel
atives at Sylvester.
Mrs. W. W. Pierce and chil
dren have returned from a visit
to Toombs boro, their former
Mrs. C. H. Wrigtit entertained
a number of young people with a
weiner roast on the lawn Monday
evening. A goodly number were
present, and a royal good time
was had.
Messrs. Lewis Burch and Her
schel Morrison of Savannah came
out Saturday to visit relatives
and friends in Mt.. Vernon. Mr.
Burch returned Monday and Mr.
Morrison remains over for the
Some days ago, near their
home, Messrs. A. P. and A. H.
Mclntyre killed a large alligator
near the public road. It is not
supposed that the gator was
moving on account of the scarci
ty of water.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hughes
and mother, Mrs. Ella Hughes,
have returned from a trip to
Louisiana and Mississippi, whore
they visited relatives.
Miss Goldie Mcßae is visiting
relatives in Macon this week.
Rev. T. J. Cobb of Statesboro
stopped over Friday night with
his son, Mr. N.'DurhamCobh, en
route to Jay Bird Springs, where
he goes for a few days. Mr.
Cobb is a well known Baptist
minister, and has a number of
friends in this section of the
state. •
************** **************************
5 Auction Farm Sale! |
* f
* *
* 176 Acres of the Henry Horne Farm, Subdivided *
* *
% 242 Acres of the Joe E. Horne Farm, Subdivided *
-* #
* Five Centrally Located Business Lots, in the Town of *
* *
* Soperton, Adjoining the Postoffice Building *
* 10:30 a. m. Sharpe OCpL* %J *
This property, 176 acres Henry Horne Farm, and 242 acres J. E. Horne *
Home Farm, has been sub-divided into smaller farms, good grade land, red * ;
pebbly loam, well improved, and good location, graded roads; everything de- *
sirable, has been consigned to us by the owuer, J. E. Horne, to absolutely sell in
its entirety, to the highest bidder until all is sold. Also all personal property, *
consisting of 6 good mules. 45 head cattle, 50 head hogs, wagons, log cart, hay J
press, grist mill, all farming implements and machinery, FOR CASH. A good
time to buy a small or large farm at a bargain, as we will sell ail this property *
to the highest bidder. J |
* Sale starts promptly at 10:30 o'clock on the Henry Horne Farm, 2 miles *
* southwest of Soperton, rain or shine. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED. *
* *
* Terms: 1-3 Cash, and 1 and 2 years on Farms and Lots *
* Personal Property Cash *
* *
* PQPP A Big Dinner and Refreshments CDCC £
* J. E. HORNE, Owner *
* Sales Managers, CORDELE, GA. *
* I
************** **************************
; Misses Mildred McMillan and 1
;Sarah Jordan and Ruby Ratch
■ j ford of Bartow have been visitors
1 at the home of Mr. S. Z. Salter
for the past week.
Mr. N. L. Spooner has return-j
ed from a trip to Lumpkin and
i other points in West Georgia.
Mrs. J. E. Hunt and children j
have returned from a visit among
relatives in Sandersville.
Mr. Vernon Wooten of East
man spent a part of this week
with relatives in Mt. Vernon.
Miss Bessie Higgs has returned
from Atlanta.
Miss Janie Mae McQueen, af
ter spending the past month with
relatives and friends here, has
returned to her home in Way
Miss Clyde Rack ley of Uvalda
spent part of last week with rel- j
atives in Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. W. G. Mason of Tampa,
Fla., is visiting the family of Mr.
. C. A. Mason. She is accompanied
by her sons. Masters William and j
, Robert, and daughter, Miss Ruth
; Masters Randall and Folsom
McQueen left a few days ago for
Waycross, where they will visit
j before returning to their home in |
» Mrs. Lula Beard of Monroe
• ville, Ala., is spending the week 1
with her sister, Mrs. C. A .Mason.
; Messrs. W. A. Peterson and D.
A. Mcßae left yesterday morn
( ing for a short trip to Savannah
t and Ty bee.
1 Miss Anna Morrison, who has
' bjen in Macon for several months,
■ returned a few days ago. She is
[• recuperating from a severe ill
. ness and the resultant operation
I for throat trouble.
Miss Juanita Morrison return
ed this week from a trip toTrion,
Mr. G. V. Mason returned yes
terday from Atlanta, where he
was called on account of the ill
ness of his father-in-law, Mr. W.
C. Ryals, who underwent a suc
cessful operation. The condition
of Mr. Ryals is said to be very
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Haugh of
Jacksonville are visiting the fam
ily of Mrs. Polly Adams and
other relatives south of Mt. Ver
non. Mrs. Haugh is a daughter
of Mrs. Adams. Mr. Haugh is a
prominent newspaper man of the
Florida city.
Miss Elizabeth Barrett and
brother, Lomis, are spending a
while with relatives and friends
at Harrison, Ga.
Mrs. Carrie Foster, after spend
ing some time with relatives in
this section, left Tuesday after
noon for Dublin, where she will
visit her daughter, Mrs. Jim
Smith, before going to her home
in Macon.
Miss Ruth McCullough of Vi
dalia arrived yesterday afternoon
to spend the week with Miss
Quinelle Mcßae.
Mr. Chas. Beugnot, recently
returned from an extended ser
vice overseas, is spending a few
days with relatives north of Mt.
Vernon and mingling with friends
j here. . He is a former citizen of
i Mt. Vernon.
• Senator Calhoun Better.
Col. M. B. Calhoun returned a
few days ago from Atlanta,
where he was called on account
of the critical illness of his
brother. Senator John C. Calhoun,
who was stricken during the
closing days of the session.
Latest state that Mr.
i Calhoun is considerably improv
ed, and friends trust that he will
1 soon be able to return home.
| Small Farms; Easy Payments |
(\) The A. M. Moses Tract of 2,500 Acres, located two 0
0 miles southwest of Uvalda, Ga., has been subdivided
$ into 17 lots of 40 acres and up and will be sold at
0 auction on easy terms. ®
0 At 11:30 a. m. Eastern time, on the premises ®
Buy a small or large farm at your own price! As small as 40 acres or as
large as 1300. Choice hill land and good, well timbered swamp pasture land.
Nearly every lot has a clearing on it. Hill land is gently rolling and soil of best
grade pebbly land. Good land and good location to make a permanent home; $)
close to churches and school, on public road, one mile of railroad station, good
community and in one of most progressive counties of Georgia; 15 miles from ®
Vidalia, the coming metropolis of South-east Georgia which furnishes a market &
for tobacco, wheat, cotton, corn, potatoes and other products of the farm. A ®
1 portion of this place can be made into a choice cattle and hog farm. r &
Look these lots over before the sale. Mr. A. M. Moses will be on the farm
on Friday, Saturday and Monday before the sale for the purpose of showing the
property to those interested. v©
11:30 a. m., Tuesday, August 26th. qa
THOMAS BROTHERS, Auctioneers |
Presbyterian Services.
Regular services will be held
at the Mt. Vernon Presbyterian
church next Sabbath. At the
morning service, 12 o’clock, the
pastor, Rev. Frank Baldwin, will
deliver a sermon on the subject
of Job. The public invited. Sun
day school 10:45.
Medicos Hold Annual Meet
Athens. —The eighth district Medi
cal society convened in annual session
at Watkinsville with about one hun
dred of the representative physicians
of the district present. Dr. S. S.
Smith of Athens, president of the
society, called the meeting together.
The address of Welcome was made by
Hon. Robert Ashford, which was re
sponded to by Dr. John Gerdine of
Quitman People Rescued In Flood
Quitman.— For the first time in the
history of- the city the people -vere
rescued from floods which swept
through the city. A terrific rain, fol
lowed by a downpour that assumed the
proportion of a cloudburst, swelled
Okapilco creek fat out of its banks.
The city was practically isolated ex
] cept by railroads. On South Court
street the flood came almost with
out warning, reaching a depth of ten
Thomas Marshal For Reunion Parade
Atlanta. —James A. Thomas of Dub
lin, Laurens county, was elected grand
murshul of the parade of the Confed
erate veterans to be held during the
coming reunion Os the I’nited Confed
erate Veterans in Atlanta. For three
years Mr. Thomas, who entered the
Confederate army when 16 yeans of
! age. has been grand commander of the
! Georgia division of the U. C. V.
Major Koch Goes To Philippines
Savannah. —Maj. P. M. Koch, om- '
I manding Officer at Fort Screven, has !
I been ordered by the war department
j to the Philippine service, to sail, it ;
!i s expected, from San Francisco. Oc
i tober 6. Hi- successor has not been
j named. Major Koch relieved Colo- ]
nel Campbell when the latter was or
j dered to France.
Ninth District School Opens
Cornelia. —The ninth district agricul
tural school, located near Clarkesville,
In Habersham county, opens its fall
term August 20. By opening this ear
ly in the fall the term will finish a
month earlier in the spring. Some
noted speakers will be present. Hon.
John Holder, chairman of the board
I of trustees, will deliver the main ad
dress. Plans will be perfected to erect
the new girls' dormitory and the new
agricultural hall. The school expects
a feeord attendance this fall.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
i for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with.lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
•at the county site and believe that
I am m position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Ford cars are importaut servants
everywhere. They help the family
l enjoy life, bring the pleasures and
advantages of the town within reach
of the farmer and give practical ser
vice every day in country and town.
They require a minimum of attention;
’ any one can run the Ford and care
tor it, but it is better to have repairs
I and replacements taken care of by
' those who are familiar with the work
| and have the tools, the genuine ma
-5 terials, and skilled men to do the work
| promptly. We pledge Ford owners
* the reliable Ford service with real
Ford parts and standard Ford prices.
II P. J. McNatt, PS" Uvalda |j
Farm For Rent.
Seven horse farm, Wheeler
county, at Ochwalkee on S. A. L,
Ry., ample buildings, good land
with good pasture for stock, good
farm for general crops and stock
raising. Will rent for one or
more years at annual cash rental.
See me at once.
Mrs. J. B. Geiger,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Farm Loans.
For quick loans on farm lands
Uee A. L. Lanier Mt. Vernon, Ga.