The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, September 18, 1919, Image 4

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Judge O. P. Blount of Vidalia
spent yesterday in Mt. Vernon.
He is well remembered as a
former citizen of this county.
Mr. W. C. Kyals, after spend
ing some time in Atlanta for
treatment, has returned home,
and is improved in health.
LOST—Cameo brooch on pub
lic road between Ailey and Tarry
town. Suitable reward if re- 1
turned to Miss Sola Truett, Ailey, j
Mr. John It. Stanford of Macon j
spent a part of last week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J.
Mr. Francis Brewton, a student
in the South Georgia College,
spent the week-end with his pa
rents, Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Brew-j
Misses Catharine and Grace
Currie and Eula and Lucille Mc-
Rae leave today for the G. N. &
1., at Milledgeville.
Among the young men who
have left for college during the
week are Messrs. Walter Morri-'
son and Ernest Smith, to the
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, and Ches
ter Mediae to the State University
at Athens.
Checked Homespun at J. H.
Hudson’s, Ailey, 12 1-2 and 15c.
Miss Theodosia Geiger has re-j
turned to her studies in Cox Col- j
lege, College Park, Ga. I
Mrs. J. A. Riddle is very ill at
her home in Ailey.
See J. H. Hudson, Ailey, for
special bargains in Dry Goods,
Shoes. Hats, Ladies and Child
ren’s Ready-to-Wear Goods.
Mrs. J. E. Hunt was called to j
Sandersvilie a few days ago on j
account of the illness of her
mother,. Mrs. Henderson. She
was accompanied by her little |
daughter, Virginia.
Mrs. W. T. French and Miss
Catharine God bee of Vidalia
visited friends in Mt, Vernon one
day last week.
Sold by J. H. Hudson, Ailey,
good Grade of Ginghams, Chevi
ots and Sea Island at 25c cash,
until October Ist.
Mrs. W. T. McArthur, Jr., and
little W. T. the Third came up
for a short while Tuesday morn
|M or “refreshing" without think- J1
ing of Coca-Cola. h
Ia! You can’t drink Coca-Cola B 1
O’ without being delighted and jl *
wn\ refreshed. IJjul '
M\ j Demand the genuine by tull name * It'! I
j- j, W —nickname* encourage substitution. jJSjm
11E CA jnj
Mrs. T. B. Wood of Opelika,
Ala., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
C. A. Mason. Another sister,
Mrs. Lula Beard, of Monroeville,
Ala., after a visit here, left Sun
day for her home. Mrs. Wood
will shortly move to her new
home in Florida.
Lieut. Bradwell Lanier, after
spending the week in Mt. Vernon,
has returned to Camp Gordon,
from which place he will doubt
less receive his discharge in a
i short while.
Miss Mattie Mcßride has re
turned to Chauncey where she
will teach again this fall.
Miss Arlia McLemore, after
spending the summer in Mt. Ver
non, will leave shortly for Colum
! bia, S. C., where she will resume
her studies in Chicora College.
| CUFF BUTTON-Found in Mt.
Vernon certain cuff button. Own
er may get same by calling at
this office, describe and pay for
this local.
The revival meeting being con
ducted at Uvalda will doubtless
continue throughout the week.
Interest in the meeting is increas
ing, and a summary of the work
will doubtless be prepared for
next issue oy the pastor, Rev J.
M. Hancock.
Mr. S. V. Hicks made a busi-
I ness trip to Rochelle the first of
the week.
From Vidalia Advance.
Mr. E. 0. Dixon of near Higgs
ton was here Tuesday.
Misses Arlie and 11a McLemore
of Mt. Vernon were the guests
the first of the week of their
aunt, Mrs. A. A. Peterson.
Mrs. M. B. Calhoun and Mrs.
J. E. Hunt of Mt. Vernon were
visitors in the city last Monday.
Mr. J. Wade Johnson, real
estate agent of Mt. Vernon, has
sold to Dr. J. E. Mercer the
house and lot on Jackson street,
formerly occupied by Rev. T. E.
sikes. It is now occupied by
Mr. G. C. Smith.
Mr. I. T, McLemore of near
liiggston was in the city Tues
Nashville’s meat curing plant
will be a revelation to the entire
state, as vyell as the home folks.
No other enterprise captured by
,our town in years is of greater
importance.- Nashville Herald.
Program W. B. M. U. <
to be Held Soperton.
The annual meeting of the W.
B. M. U. of the Daniell Associa- i
tion convenes with the Soperton
j church on Friday, Oct. 10, 1919, !
10 o’clock a. m. The program is
as follows:
Hymn—Jesus Calls us O’er the
Devotional —Mrs. 0. O. Wil
Welcome—Mrs. G. W. Williams.
Response —Mrs. D. 0. Calhoun.
Supt’s Message and Call for
Messengers Report—Mrs. J. H.
Report of Treasurer—Mrs. J.
A. Bland.
Report of District Sec’y —Mes
dames Chivers, Hart and Price.
Report of Personal Service
Chairman —Mrs. J. C. Timmer
man. I
The Importance of Missionary
Training for our Children —Miss
Julia Meadows. ,
The Importance of Missionary
Training for our Young Women
Mrs. T. R. Lee.
The Importance of Giving
Mrs. J. C. Price.
Our Special Objects—Mrs. T.
L. W. McDonald.
Address-Leadership—Mrs. E.
K. Overstreet, Supt. S. E. Divi
sion, Ga. W. B. M. U.
Announcement of Committees.
Lunch —One Hour.
Afternoon Session, 2 p. m.
Devotional—Mrs. J. J. Walker,
State Missions- Mrs. E. 0.
Home Missions —Mrs. J. E.
Foreign Missions—Mrs. H. M.
Round Table Discussion of
Methods in Local Society.—Mrs.
China, Lyons.
W. M. U. Study Course Ex
plained—Mrs. H. W. Williams.
Survey of Our Field —Mrs. J.
H. Oliver.
Expressions of What This Day
Has Meant to Me and What I Can
Carry to Any Society (open to
all)—Miss Maggie Langford.
Report of Committees.
Georgia Cotton Crop Short
Atlanta. Georgia will be short
3:18,000 bales of cotton this year, com
pared to the 1914 crop, according to
ihe view issued by the State Depart
ment of Agriculture. On a basis of 36
cents a pound, this means the state
will be short $143,312,000. Commission
er Brown's review of the situation
lays: “If it bad not been for condi
ious now prevailing as to foieign ex
change and other conditions effecting
both America and Europe, the Ameri
can Cotton Association would have
ixed a price of 40 cents a pound flat.
Even that price will not pay tlie pro
ducer the profit to which lie is en
;it led, as it was shown at the meeting
that the average cost of production
hroughout the belt is 31.46 cents a
Georgia Montgomery County.
Ordinary’s Office, i-Upt 1. 1919
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of Hubert War
nock, a minor son of P F. War
nock, late of said county deceased,
through his next friend, T. J.
Hester, for a twelve months sup
port out of said estate, for said
minor, having tiled their return, J
all persons are hereby cited to J
show cause, if any they have, at j
the next regular term of this court
why said application should not
be granted.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
For Long: Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans '
for the best companies doing bus- j
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most hberul '
terms of payments.
I have several years experience j
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
lAm iu position to give you the
beet terms and as prompt services ;
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
application. I
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Veruon, Ga.
IA Heavy Fall Line |
Embracing all your needs in reliable merchandise l)
is now on display at our place. It is our aim to
supply the public needs at living prices, suited to 0
the strenuous times. Large new stock of §2
We invite particular attention to our Shoe Department.
In this we have bought as advantageously as possible, and
naturally we desire our patrons to take advantage of prices
I now in effect in our establishment.'
Just Received. Place Your Orders Now ®
McQueen Corner Mt. Vernon, Ga.
- ?• ’' x :
Lowest in ||p !
g| Mileage Cost H|.
| a new tire or new tube, i
WBB x try a GILLETTE Tires Wj2 l
SB and tubes made the new im- H| |
B proved way— the Gillette Bft |
2S ChilledßubberProcess. Watch IS
:S and see which tire or tube gives H
8 you the greatest service value. ■
m In tests of this kind—the only depend- a
B able method of determining merit— ■
B Gillette Tires and Tubes are invariably ■
A \ M f for ve ion into II |
Bear t iaSeLjJVbar steei.^Givea
Gillette Mileage is
Guaranteed: j
Fabric, 6000 miles
Cord, 8000 miles
Solid, 10.000 miles
Mt. Vernon, Ua.
|On Public Highway Between
Soperton and Adrian
At 11 O’clock Sun Time
$2.00 for First Day
I $1;00 for Second Day
Pond has not been fished in four years.
Plenty of fish for all who come.
! .
Adrian, Ga. Rt. No. 1
1080 Acres. Seven miles from Baxley, Ga., on public road il
and R. F. D. Three miles from railroad station. 250 acres jj
in cultivation. 5-room house and four tenant houses. A fine jj
stock farm proposition for you. Price SIB.OO per acre. One- jj
half cash, balance terms. Jj
Also a few choice small farms at $15.00, $20.00, 22.50, jj
SIO.OO and $40.00 per acre. Write for list at once and get jj
jj first choice. jj
E. J. Youmans,
Baxley, Ga.