Newspaper Page Text
T?\e r\or\tgorr\&ry Monitor.
Entered at the Poetufflce in Mt. Vernon. Ga. an Second-Class Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM. Editor and Owner. Si. 5° * Year, in Advance
*4vcrti«c-mentn mnst invarisbly be paid in advance, at the legal rate, and sh the law j
direct*; aud mint he in hand not later than Wednesday morning of the Brut week of insertion
Mount Vernon. Ga.. Thursday Morning, October 2, 1919.
Will Teach Thrift
to School Children.
Two million school children in
the Southeast will receive a mes
sage direct from Secretary of the
Treasury, Glass, on October 3rd,
“National Thrift Day.”
The message will be an appeal
to the boys and girls to continue
“to practice and make permanent
those same habits of industry and
economy, that through your in
fluence and example America
may soon become a nation of
savers and cease to be a waste
ful nation.”
The same message will be read
in every school room in America,
The seventy thousand teachers
who will deliver the message to
the children in the Sixth Federal
Reserve District, will supplement
the Secretary's letter with a re
quest that children bring their
savings to school regularly once
a week so that their pennies,
nickels and dimes may he put
in Government Thrift and Sav
ings Stamps and returned to
them. A letter making this re
quest of the teachers has been
sent out by Silas W. Davis, Gov
ernment directer of savings of
this district.
Berrien Citizens Held
for Postoffice Robbery.
Valdosta, Sept. 26. — D. L. and
Green Luke, citizens of Berrien
county, were lodged in jail here
today on a federal charge of hav
ing robbed the postofficeat Enig
ma, Ga., on Sept. 19. The safe
in the postoffke at Enigma was
blown open by robbers and a
considerable sum in money and
stamps obtained.
The arrest of the Lukes fol
lowed information furnished the ,
district attorney, and the men 1
were arrested and brought to
Valdosta by Deputy Marshal R. I
L. Thomas, where they were
given a commitment hearing be- i
fore Commissioner 1). B. Small,
who placed them under tempo
rary bonds of SI,OOO each.
Another hearing will be given
them. The accused men deny all
knowledge of the robbery and
say they will have no trouble in
proving an alabi. D. D. Ben
nefield. charged with complicity
in the robbery, is confined in the
Berrien county jail at Nashville
on a state charge, but is under
stood that lie will be turned over
to the federal authorities for a
No Need For Farmer to
Plant for Seed Corn.
This year’s corn, over most of
the United States, is good corn,
the kind of corn that a man can
plant with greatest assurance of
getting a good crop. There is no
knowing what next year’s corn
will be. It may be late, caught
by early frosts, soft, and unfit
for seed. The farmer who looks
ahead, say corn experts of the
United States Department of
Agriculture, will save enough
seed corn out of this crop to meet
his needs for two or, better still,
for three years.
The old erv, of course, will be
raised that there is not time at
this busy season to select seed
corn even for one year’s planting,
fb say nothing of two or three.
It does take time—but it takes
less time to select the corn now
than it will take spring after
next to scour the country for a
crib of old corn or, failing that,
to find seed farther south. For
tunately, the right way is the
least expensive and safest way.
Also, it enables the farmer to go
on growing the strain of corn
that has “made good.” instead
of getting something haphazard
that he knows nothing about.
£ Georgia State 4
► Press Expressions. 3
It is certainly amusing to hear |
folks criticise the League of Na- j
tions and follow up the criticisms ,
by making the statement that
they know nothing of the object!
of such a covenant. —Milledge-
yille News.
If a man will stop to think, he
will find that failure to support
those progressive plans for the
benefit of our city in order that
he may save a little tax money is
a very short-sighted policy. Just
show us a place where there are
no taxes paid and we will show
you a dead place. If we want to
escape taxes we will have to go
to a wilderness or desert where !
there are no conveniences and no j
business. Let every man who,
loves Cochran and wants to see !
her grow vote for the bonds, and
get everybody else he can to do
the same. — Cochran Journal.
The Mayor of Milwaukee, the
place which a certain brand of
beverage is said to have made fa
mous, and which has a large Ger
man population, refuses to issue
an invitation to the King and
Queen of Belgium to visit his city,
stating that he*is “for the work
ing man.” Isn’t that a big hunk
of demagoguery. Everybody else
is for the working man and if
they have any sense they are for
capital, too. One is mutually de
pendent upon the other.—Adel
An effort is now being made to
work up sentiment in Georgia in
favor of a state wide stock law,
and we don’t know but what it
would be a good idea. We have
had some doubt about the feasi
bility of the county no fence law,
but if we could have a law that
would make it state w ide it might i
be an advantage. Such a law’
certainly would mean better stock j
in the long run, but it might
work a hardship on the man that
has very little land.-Springfield
If you have in mind doing big
things, do them right where you
are. They are just as easy to do
at home as they are to do at other
places, besides little things done
at home are appreciated more
than the average big things when
done among strangers. They
don’t know how to appreciate
you as they do at home. —Butler
One of the compensations of
the newspaperman’s life is the
privilege of welcoming new set
tlers and boosting their business
and having them send to a neigh
boring price-cutter for their first
jobs of printing.— Metter Adver
When a man persists in doing a
wrong for which he has absolute- j
ly no excuse, he generally has a ;
conscience which can make an
excuse for him which is satisfac
tory unto itself. —Marietta Jour
If there is no other business
before the house we would like
to inquire what has become of
the old-fashioned midwife.—
Nashville Herald.
J. C. Sullivan, a union labor or
ganizer, was landed in jail when
he went to Savannah to organize
the policemen there. The jail is
a good place for these gents, who
work not and who toil not. — Ly
ons Progress.
It must be said with a great
deal of regret, that the national
prohibition act did not bring
about a reduction in the high cost
of living promised by the antis. i
. Swainsboro Furest-Blade.
Citat ion.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Ordinary’s Office, Sept 1, i© 10.
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of Hubert War
nock, a minor son of D. E. War
nock, late of said county deceased,
through his next friend, T. J.
Hester, for a twelve months sup
port out of said estate, for said
minor, having filed their return,
all persons are hereby cited to
show cause, if anv they have, at
the next regular term of this court,
| why said application should not
j be granted.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Post Your Lands.
Open your woodland to the pub
| lie and soon there will not be a
; stick of wood or timber on it.
' Put the public on notice by post
: ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Monumental Work.
We carry a complete line of!
monuments. Please call at yards 1
and inspect designs, get esti
mates, etc.
Vidalia Monument Co.,
ts Vidalia, Ga.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Turin Farm Loans
| for the best companies doing bus
iness in Georgia, with lowest rates!
of interest and the most liberal j
terms of payments
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
1 am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcheson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Lost Pocketbook.
Lost in Mt. Vernon, Sept. 18th,
pocketbook containing land deeds
and about $13.00 in cash and a
wrist watch bracelet. Finder;
| will please return to Mary Riser
or Dock Riser and receive a suit
able reward. Dock Riser,
Tarrytown, Ga.
ChtfF 1 r
|§ Lowest in
■ Mileage Cost ||
Sa rTsHE next time you need fiai 1 :
I a new tire or new tube,
"*■ try a GILLETTE. Tires *3B
£■ and tubes made the new im-
M proved way— the Gillette w
}m Chilled Rubber Process. Watch K
■ and see which tire or tube gives ■
■ you the greatest service value.
fl In tests of this Wind-the only depend
■ able method of determining merit
■ Gillette Tires and Tubes ire invariably
Gillette Mileage is
Fabric, 6000 miles
Cord, 8000 miles
Solid, 10,000 miles
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
0000000®®®®®®® 000000000000000®®®
I Be Conservative! |
land get real electrical service. 1
Ask a DELCO owner. They §
are all around you. 1
The Delco is a worthy and lasting addition to the home, 0
and no one can fail to appreciate the utility and convenience ||
lof this modern and most efficient plant. ||
Healers Salesman g|
* /'Yontgorrpsry and "Treutlen Counties #
* NO DELAY Get your money in a week or ten days
% after application is made. it
# PRIVILEGES Pay off all or any part of principal at J
* any time and stop interest, or loan can be renewed
i without additional cost. £
£ Conservative but liberal value placed upon property WflllclCC & DuruCll #■
& and 40 to 50 per cent, of value loaned. Call on us a.
J or write and we will call on you. - SOPEKIOIN *
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that
John Cooper, administrator of
Arabella Cooper, deceased, having
applied to me by petition to sell
a certain tract of land located in
the 18453 d district of said county,
containing 100 acres more or less,
| for the purpose of distribution
and payment of debts, all heirs at
law and creditors of said Arabella
j Cooper, deceased, will take notice
that 1 will pass upon said applica
tion on the first Monday m Oct.,
1919. and that unless cause is;
shown to the contrary, at said
time, said leave will be granted.
This the Ist day of dept., 1919.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Notice to Public.
This is to forewarn all parties
against accepting or trading for
any or all of a series of promis-1
sory notes, dated June 24th, 1919,
given by the undersigned to
Barber & Hipp. The series com
prises twenty notes for the sum
of $50.00 each, the first falling
due July 15th, 1919, and two a
month thereafter, on the Ist and j
45th of each month up to and
including May Ist, 1920, aggre
gating the sum of SIOOO.OO. The
consideration for which said notes
was given having failed, they
will not be paid, in part or as a
whole. This the 16th day of
September, 1919.
F. Lee Mcßae.
Mt. Vernon. Ga.
• TTTTmmTTTmmTTrm* *▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼*▼ ▼▼ TTTTTT ' rTTTTT *
[farm loan s i
t ON 5
l Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and :
► Toombs County Lands <
t 4
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar- j
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to;
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
' are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. &C. W. Peterson. j
9192 m Ailey, Ga.
Shingles for Sale.
No. 1 Yellow pine shingles, $6.50
per thousand; No. 2. $4. Mill
two miles south of Alston.
W. B. Jones,
7313 m Alston, Ga.
Send The Monitor the news
from your section. i
Loans on improved farm
lands of Montgomery-County can
;be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in
terest in amounts of SI,OOO and
above, with the privilege of re
paying part of the principal at
any interest bearing periods in
amounts of SIOO or multiples
thereof, thereby stopping the in
j terest on amount paid. Loans
can be made for periods of 57,
or 10 years to suit the borrower.
Commissions charged are reason
able. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon. Ga.
R. E. Ward.
Soper ton, Ga.
A tty at Law,
iMt Vernon, Georgia