Newspaper Page Text
Series of Brilliant Attractions
and Special Days to be
In another column appears an
advertisement announcing the
fourth annual Dodge County
Fair, which will be held in East
man on Oct. 20-25. Indications
are that the Fair this year will
surpass any exhibition staged in
that city heretofore.
Despite poor crop conditions,
the big agricultural buildings will
be crowded to capacity with
splendid showings of the pro
ducts of South Georgia’s fertile
soil. Largely increased premiums
have been offered in the Live
Stock Department, and the ex
hibits of pure-bred cattle and
hogs promise to be especially
fine. All branches of woman’s
activities and boys’ and girls’
club work will be well represent
Governor Hugh M. Dorsey will
visit the Fair on Tuesday, Oct.,
21st. This day has been set aside
as a holiday for the schools of
Eastman and Dodge county, that
the students may attend the Fair
and meet the Governor. In view
of the fact that this will be one
of the very few fairs of the state
to be honored by the presence of
the chief executive, an unusually
Urge and representative attend
ance will in all probability be in
On Thursday returned soldiers,
sailors and marines and Confed
erate veterans will be guests of
the Fair management. A big
parade, commanded by Major
Joel B. Mallett, former Adjutant
General and Selective Service Of
ficer for Georgia, will move
through the streets to the Fair
grounds during the morning.
Friday will be “Fraternal Or
der Day”, the program being in
charge of the local Shriners. A1
Sihah Temple, Macon, will be on
hand with its band and patrol,
and Shriners from this entire sec
tion will be present in great num
bers to participate in the fun.
The amusement and entertain
ment features have been well
provided for. The midway at
tractions will be furnished by the
Metropolitan Shows, one of the
leading carnival companies of the
country. Horse races over a fast
half-mile track will take place
each afternoon; while the latest
and most elaborate innovations
in fireworks will be shown every
Wednesday, Oct., 22nd, is
“Circus Day”, when Sparks
World Famous Shows will pre
sent two performances at the
Fair. The customary parade,
enlivened with music by two
calliopes and three brass bands,
will be given on the streets of
Eastman at noon of that date,
terminating at the Fair grounds.
Many other events have also
been arranged for the pleasure
of the thousands of visitors who
will come to the Fair during the
Very low round-trip fares have
been authorized by the United
States Railroad Administration
to Eastman on all lines.
Hogs vs Cotton.
We cannot depend alone on
cotton in weevil infected terri
tory for our money crop, so in
addition to tobacco, peanuts, etc.,
for sale as a cash crop, we must
grow more feed stuff and market
it on four feet—hogs and cows.
There is no better hog for our
section than the HAMPSHIRE,
known as the Mortgage Lifter.
They are Quick, Prolific Mothers,
Heavy Milkers, best by test in
Agricultural Colleges and Boys
and Girls Feeding Contests. Fine
grazers, develop early and fat
ten at any age—in fact, the Ideal
Hog for this section of Georgia.
We have Registered Hamp
shires from suckling pigs to
grown hogs for sale at all times.
Buy a pair of pigs and raise them
yourself, or buy a sow or gilt
bred for Spring litter or Fall lit
ter or get a boar and breed to
your grade sows.
Call on or write
Hall Hampshire Farm,
Soperton, Ga.
Notice of Application tor Leaye
to Sell.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Montgomery Court of Ordinary,
September Term, 1919.
I The within and foregoing peti
tion of Jennie Lee Hughes, guard
ian of Alice Thompson and Ethel
Thompson, read and considered.
And it is therefore ordered that
citation do issue and be published
as required by law, directing any
person at interest to be and appear
1 at the Court of Ordiuary, to be
held in and for said county of
Montgomery on the first Monday
in October next, 1919, then and
there to show cause, if auy they
have, why an order should not be
granted authorizing and empower
ing the said guardian aforesaid to
sell the property belonging to said
Alice Thompson and Ethel Thomp
son. Said land is fully described
in the petition aforesaid. Wit
ness my hand and official signa
ture this Sept. 1,1919.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Service by Publication.
Ella N. Palmer vs B. W.
Palmer. Libel for Divorce in
Montgomery Superior court, May
term 1818. Verdict for total di
' vorce granted, the 6th day of Au
gust, 1919.
| Notice is hereby given to ail
concerned that on the 3rd day of
August, 1919, I filed with the
clerk of the Superior Court of j
said county, my petition address-j
ed to said court, returnable to the 1
next term thereof, to be held 3rd !
day of November, 1919, for the j
removal of the disabilities resting j
upon me under the verdict in the j
above stated case by reasou of my j
intermarriage with Mrs. Eila N. j
Palmer, which said application
will be heard at the November
term of said court, which com
mences on the 3rd day of Novem
ber, 1919.
B. W. Palmer.
Administrator’s Sale,
Georgia —Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order ;
granted by the Court of Ordinary
of said county, will be sold before |
the court house door in Treutlen !
county, between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in Oc- j
tober, 1919, to the highest bid-!
der tor cash, the following de- j
scribed property: j
All that tract of land situated
in the 1886th G. M. district of I
Treutlen county, Georgia, con-1
toining 98 acres more or less and !
bounded on the north by lands of;
W. L. Sessions, east by lands of j
W. J. Smith, south by lands of
C. G. Mishoe and west by land of
W. L. Sessions, being the lands
deeded to W E. Williams by A.
R. Davis Sept. 24, 1917. Also a
5-year old mule, a guano distrib
utor and a few farm tools. S a *d
property to be sold as property of
the estate of W. E. Williams, de
ceased, for the purpose of settle
ment and distribution.
L. M. Williams,
Adr. W E. Williams.
• m»fvfmuTTm mrfmr vmvmvmmummTf •
► 4
l As reported to the State Bank Examiner at the close 3
£ of business March 14th, 1919. 4
► 4
► . 4
► ◄
: Loans and Investments $263,469.52 ;
l Bank Bldg, and fixtures 20,000.00 3
t Casn on hand, in other J
f banks, advances on <
l cotton and LIBERTY - J
\ BONDS 96,093.11 :
: Total $379,562.63 :
l Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 :
l Surplus and Profits 25,063.06 1
l Dividends Payable 4J4.00 <
: Bills Payable 30,000.00 :
|f Notes Re-discounted 10,876.95 :
I TOTAL DEPOSITS 288,598.62 :
E Total $379,562.63 3
► «
. 4
i Petition for Divorce.
Georgia,- Montgomery County.
Atha Airing toll vs L. A. Arring
ton. Petition for Divorce in
Montgomery Superior Court, No
vember Term, 1919. To the De
fendant, L. A. Arrington: The
plaintiff, Atha Arrington, having
tiled her petition tor divorce
against L. A. Arrington, m this
court, returnable to lhis court,
and it being made to appear that.
L. A. Arrington is not a resident
of said county, aud that he can
not be fouud, an order having
been made for service on him, L.
A. Arrington, by publication,
this is therefore to notify you, L.
A. Arrington, to be and appear
at the next term of said court, to
be held on the first Monday m
November, 1919, then and there
to answer said complaint. Wit
! ness the Hon. E. D. Graham,
judge of said court, this the 7th
day of September, 1919.
J. E. Mcßae, Clerk.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that B.
P. Palmer, administrator of Luve
uia Palmer, deceased, having
applied to me by petition to sell
one certain house and lot in rhe
Town of Vidalia for the purpose
of distribution and payment of
I debts, all the heirs at law and
j creditors of said Luvenia Palm
ier, deceased, will take notice
! that 1 will pass upon said appli
| cat ion on the first Monday u?
;Oct., 1919, and that unless cause
lis shown to the contrary, at said
j time, said leave will be granted.
This the Ist day of Sept, 1919.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
A. S. Dukes, guardian of Fred
Dukes and Nanie Lou Horne, has
applied to me for a discharge from
his guardianship of Fred Dukes
and Nanie Lou Horne; this is
therefore to notify all persons
concerned to file their objections,
i if any they have, on or before the
first Monday in October, 1919,
i next, else A. S. Dukes will be dis
charged from his guardianship as
■applied for. This the Ist day of
September, 1919.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
, Georgia —Montgomery County,
j To all whom it may concern :
J. T. Warnock having applied
for guardianship of the persons
and property of Bernice Warnock,
Herman Warnock and D. F. War
nock, Jr., minor children of D. F
Warnock, late of said county, de
ceased, notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at
my office at 10 o’clock a. in., on
the first Monday in October next.
This the Ist day of Sestember,
J. C. McAllister, Ordiuary.
* #
* * Attend the Fourth Annual %
! * OCTOBER 20-25 %
- * ȣ
; * *
. * *
* *
* *
4 “Governor’s and Educational Day/’ Tuesday, 21st, when
* Hon. Hugh M. Dorsey will visit the Fair. j
■ * “Circus Day,” Wednesday, 22, featuaing Sparks’ World
J || Famous Shows, at two performances. £
» J “Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Day,” Thursday, 23, on which the
| # Boys who were in the service will head a big parade.
■ # “Shriners Day,” Friday, 24, attended by A1 Si hah Temple, £
* Macon, with its band and patrol. *
* &
l * Fast Horse Racing Each Afternoon—Latest t
* Innovations in Fireworks at Night %
3ft &
* Metropolitan Shows Present Fifteen Absolutely £
jt Clean, Fun-Making Riding Devices and Attractions. &
• * f
************** **************************
Tax Value* Show Increase
Atlanta.—An increase of more th.
seventy million dollars in tax value.
in Georgia for 1919 shown in a re
capitulation of the digests for the va
rious counties. The stale’s entire tax
able values for 1918 were $1,079,236,-
826, while the increase in values ex
cluding public service corporations for
1919 is $64,671,731. Public service ;
corporations show an increase of $3,- ’
000,000 for the year, not Including the '
property of the Georgia Railway and j
Power company and some other prop- j
erty now in arbitration which, it is ,
estimated, will bring the total up to i
approximately $1,152,000,000. Os this j
amount, Fulton furnished $149,681,760;
of taxable value*, which is 15.2 per
cent of the total taxable values of j
the state. With the state tax rale of
5 mills applied to this amount, Ful
ton’s personal and real property will 1
pay into the slate treasury a total of j
$748,409.80. Tax Commissioner Full- j
bright has arranged a series of group
conferences o* county tax officials to
discuss ways and means of securing
an equalization of tax assessments for
1920. i
Great Water Power Dam Going Up
Albany.—Construction work on the
big concrete dam, which is to he built
in Flint river two miles above Al
bany for the Georgia-Alubama Power
company, has begun. This will be
the largest hydro-electric power de- !
velopment in south Georgia. The new
dam will be in sight of the one on j
Muckafonee creek, built some years !
ago for the Albany Power and Man- |
ufacturing company, which the Geor*
gia-Alabarna Power company recently
absorbed. More than 130 carloads of
cement will be put into- the dam und
foundations for the powerhouse. The
contractors will build a new railroad
bridge across Muckafonee creek, and
150 huts are to be built immediately
for the accommodation of laborers on
the work.
75 Dipping Vats For Bulloch
Statesboro. —Although work was be
gun several months ago on dipping ’
j vats in this county, the war coudi- 1
tions hindered the work to the extent j
that not more than one-third of then, j
bad been completed up to the first '
of the present year. The contract has !
been re-let, the work is now in prog- !
ress and within a very short time thi*
section will he rid of the tick peat.
There will be 75 vats In all. This j
county is in the midst of a new era
in the way of atock raising, having de
cided last year that they could not de
pend altogether on cotton, many farm
ers purchased imre-bred cattle aud
have gone in for stock raising and are
raising cotton as a side line.
CUFF BUTTON-Found in Mt.!
Vernon certain cuff button. Own
er may get same by calling at
this office, describe and pay for
this local.
Statement Os the Condition of
XP\e Citizens Bank,
Located at Alston, Un., at the Close of Business Sept. 19, 1919:
; Time loans $26,685 52
1 Overdrafts, unsecured 2,187 20
I Hoods and stock owned by
| the Bank ' (1,100 00
j Blinking house 2,500 00
i Furniture and fixtures 2.500(H)
I Other Real Estate 2 060 00
J liue from banks and bankers
ill this state 6,3811 45
; Due from banks and bankers
in other states 2,420 31
I Currency $1,854 00
: Gold 00 00
Silver, nickels, etc. 235 38
| Cash items 442 48 3,781 88
Total $52,688 30
State of Georgia—County of Montgomery.
before mo came K 8. Marlin, cashier of Tlic Citizens hank of Alston, aim, being Only
1 sworn, says tbat the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Hank as shown
j by the books of file in said bank. E. H. MARTIN,
j .Sworn to and subscribed before *ne this 2fith day of Kept. 1019.
D. W Martin, If. P. M. 0., Oa.
Located at Mt. Vernon, Oa., at, the Close of Business Sept. 19, 1919:
resources :
Demand loans 11,060 02
l ime loans 148,84844
Overdrafts secured 1,337 07
Overdrafts unsecured 541 88
Bonds and .Stocks owned by
the Bank 20,400 00
Banking house, 7,00000
Furniture and fixtures, 3,584 74
Due from banks and bank
ers in tills state 108,144 70
Due from batiks and blink
ers in other states 11,544 57
Currency $13,083 00
Gold 245 on
Silver nickels, etc. 8,002 54 16,400 54
Advances on cotton 8,200 78 8.20*178
Profit and loss 20 16
Advanced on Bib. Bonds 1,000 22
Capital for Branch Bank,
tJvalda, Oa. 15,00*) no
IT. S. Treasury Certificates 20,000 00
Total, $373,227.47
STATE OF GEORGIA -County of Montgomery. "
before me came W. A. Peterson, Cashier of The Mt. Vernon bank, who being duly sworn
says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said back, as shown by
I the books of tile in said bank W. A. PE I’EltsOA'.
Sworn *o and subsciibcd before me tins 30tli day of .Vent., 1010.
H. E. Wilt, 0. N. P., M. Co . Ga.
('npitiil stock paid in $15,000 00
llndivided Profit, less Cur,
Exp., Inf. and 'Faxes Paid 463 80
Individual deposits subject
to check 18.882 60
Time certificates 17,261 27
Caphior’s Checks 530 68
Total $62,588 36
* Capital stock pain in, $15,000 00
1 Surplus fund, 11,663 62
1 Undivided profits, less eur
-1 ex’s., inf. and taxes pd. 7.883 15
Individual deposits subject
I to check, 210,433 48
) Savings deposits 17,544 80
I Time certificates 78,460 32
Cashier’s checks 2,132 10
! Total, $373,221 47