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Miss Anna Morrison of Macon !
arrived yesterday afternoon on
account of the illness of her
father, Mr. John W. Morrison.
He is very much improved, and
friends trust that he will be well
in a few days.
Best prices on Abruzzi Seed!
Rye. McCrimmon Grocery, Mt.
Mrs. J. H. Martin and little!
Miss Helen spent last week in At- j
• lanta visiting their daughter and
Bister, Mrs. G. O. London.
Mrs. A. Pinholster of Vidalia;
is selling Hats, Ribbons and |
Velvets very reasonably. Do
not fail to see her line. ad.
Miss Sue Lynn Stone of Glen-1
wood is visiting Miss Lessie Mae 1
Rackley this week.
I am giving special prices on
Ladies’ Coat Suits and Coats for
a few days. J. H. Hudson, Ailey.
Mr. Vernon Wooten of Uvalda,
assistant cashier of The Com
mercial Bank, visited friends
here Sunday.
Cypress Syrup Barrels, good as
new. See McCrimmon Grocery.
Also Coarse Diamond Crystal
Dr. R. H. Mobley, a very suc
cessful physician of Uvalda. was
a business caller at this office a
few days ago.
Sold by J. H. Hudson, Ailey,
good Grade of Ginghams, Chevi
ots and Sea Island at 25c cash,
until October Ist.
Mr. Herman Mcßride, for many |
years connected with The Mont-!
gomery Monitor, left Saturday
for Flint, Ga.. where he accepts
a position with Mr. G. M. Coch
ran, one of the largest planters
in West Georgia.
See J. H. Hudson, Ailey, for|
special bargains in Dry Goods, !
Shoes. Hats, Ladies and Child-1
ren’s Ready-to-Wear Goods.
After a few days with home
folks, Mr. Chester Mcßae has re
sumed his studies in the State
University at Athens.
Baptist 75 Million Campaign
Grips Georgia Baptists.
Following the Scarborough Truett ]
tour ie the doubllug up of the work- j
ere iu .the Baptist 76 Million Cum i
palgu lu Georgia for a great record
lu this greatest of all efforts of the
Baptists of this state.
The meetings of the associations re
veal a hearty pulse beat In every seo- j
tlou of the state on the campaign.
The largest attendance in the history
of each body Is the report sent to
the etutc headquarters. The people |
are responding to the call of the cam-!
paign with uni r< <-• dented assurance.
Dr. Arch C. free, state director,
finds bis desk covered every moruiug
with letters and telegrams of actual
progress from the 3.16,000 Baptists of |
the State. The men, the women and
the children- ull the departments of
the church life are giving full to- j
operation to the movement.
Juwt now the feature of tl.e work
la gettiug the Service Holla up In
every church In the state. These rolls
afford the medium of relating the 2,600
churches of the Georgia Baptist Con
vention to the great call of the cam
paign. Every worker's name will ap
pear on this roll. The roll was de
signed by Ely R. Callaway, of La-
Grange. who is associate stale director
for Georgia.
John \V. Jenkins, director of organ
isation for Georgia, Is meeting with
the heartiest support from the district
organisers, the association organisers
and the church organisers in the per
fecting of be service roll plun.
The Information on the campaign
Is golug out lu dally loads from the .
Atlanta office There will be ample
provision for every Baptist In the
state to know In detail about the
campaign The publicity department
will appreciate special requests for
literature where the regular channels j
have failed to supply needs.
The speal'ers on the campaign are
busy every day. The associations fur
nish fine mediums for reaching the
people with ius.tring addresses, and
the workers are showered with e- ;
quests to eend speakers to every pgrt
of the state to present the big move
When asked a few days ago *f
Georgia would raise her quota of
«ven and one-half millions and if the
would raise the enure amount,
res replied;
McCrimmon Grocery, head
quarters for Sweet Feed, Feed
Oats and Peanut Meal.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mason of,
Cordele spent the latter part of <
last week with relatives and
friends in Mt. Vernon.
j LOST —Gold link cuff button
; lost on the streets of Mt. Vernon.
If found return to A. B. Hutch
iOson, Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. Alice Hicks and son, Pat,
came over from Mcßae Saturday
afternoon to spend Sunday and
Monday with relatives in Mt.
I Vernon.
Checked Homespun at J. H.
Hudson’s, Ailey, 12 1-2 and 15c.
Miss Irene Martin left last week
for Atlanta, where she enters
j school.
An Entertainment at
Tarrytown Oct. 10th.
On Friday evening, 10th inst.,
there will be given a box and
shadow supper at the Tarrytown
school, 8:30 sun time. A vote
will be taken on the most popular
girl present. All invited to at
tend. Miss Mary Conner is the
principal of the school.
A Splendid Property
For Sale.
75 2-6 acres, 70 acres in culti
vation (45 acres free of stumps),
just outside corporate limits of
Mt. Vernon. Eight tenant houses
1 and wire fencing, near railway
station. Price $75.00 per acre,
'one-third cash, one, two and
three years on balance.
If interested write to the un
Chas. E. Cone Realty Company,
Statesboro, Ga.
Shoes Repaired.
Good Work, Fair Prices. Sat
isfaction given. Sewed work a
specialty. Rubber Heels, Ladies’,
50 cents and up. Men’s, 00 cents
and up. Wm. M. MELTON,
1024 Mt. Vernon, Ga.
| "l am confident we will go over
! one hundred millions.”
| This Is the spirit of the campaign
j lu every part of the state, and there
I is every reason to believe that Geor
gia will be among the first to reach
her quota when the actual canvass
is made.
Good news comes from every part
I of the state and from the South in
ihe campaign. Several Georgi.
i churches have raised their quotas, and
many assoclationul quotas are being
j raised by the vote of the associations.
More than a dozen associations have
done this already.
The Atlanta and Macon and Colum
bus organizations are among the lead
ing city organizations thus far. The
towns and smaller cities of the state
have gone forward with the work
In unanticipated fashion.
The First Baptist Chun h of Or*f
flu was thv first to be organized In
the slate. The Morgan County Asso
ciation was the first association to
complete the organization out through
every church. Many other associa
tions have done this now.
From Texas comes the word that
the Baptists of that state have raised
their quota from sixteen to seventeen
million. This Is the most remarkable
Illustration of the spirit lu which the
campaigu Is being received on record
One man has given a million dol
lars In Texas. Other big gifts are
coming in from every part of the South
aud It Is expected that before the ac
tual drive for funds Is made In De
cetuber that there will I e five million
dollars in baud as a result of these
special and unsolicited gifts.
A number of big gifts are in pro*
pect In Georgia and Dr. Cree hopes
to anuounce these before very -ong
There has ' eon no effort to get these
gifts In Georgia yet. and the fact that
they are coming unsolicited Is good
evidence of the response of the people.
When the Georgia Baptist Conven
tion meets lu Macon In November, It
is the plan of the officials of the cam
paign to have every worker in the
state present. hit will result in _n
attendance of more than five thousand
people which will break all records f
any state convention in the South.
"The campalrn is going fine, and
wc are very grateful for the co-oper
atiou of Georgia Baptists " is the
ihuJlaallc comment of Dr.‘ Cree.
The Sparks World Famous
Shows are to Exhibit at
Vidalia, Saturday, Oct. 11,
and from the newspaper reports
preceding them their exhibition
will be worth going many miles;
to witness.
• Os the many features carried j
by the shows this season, some
of the Animal Acts are without
doubt the most wonderful and
thrilling ever presented to an
American audience. The big
group of fighting forest-bred
lions, all full grown males, give
an exhibition that is full of thrills,
and the audience is left with a
positive feeling of awe at man’s
wonderful mastery over the brute
Another extraordinary feature
with the show is Capt. Tiebor’s
troupe of educated Seals and Sea
Lions. These interesting sea
animals perform the most seam
inglv impossible feats; balancing
chairs, umbrellas and whirling
brands of fire while climbing lad
ders, walking tight ropes and
riding the backs of galloping
horses. This feature baffles de
scription and must be seen to be
a )preciated.
Many other wonderful things
are to be seen with this mam
moth show, and the main perfor
mance beneath the big tents will
present a number of the most
marvelous foreign acts of the
The menagerie of wild animals
carried with the show is complete
in every detail, and contains rare
and curious specimens of the
earth’s most interesting and curi
ous animals.
A mile long street parade of
dazzling splendor, beautiful wom
en, and handsome horses, inter
spersed with three brass bands
and a steam calliope will traverse
the streets shortly before noon,
and this feature alone will be
worth going many miles to see.
Don’t forget the date and the
place of exhibition, Saturday,
Oct. 11, at Vidalia.
Cotton Drive Being Organized
Atlanta. —Maj. D. F. McClatchey,
campaign manager of the Georgia di
vision, American Cotton Association,
announce., the rapid completion of t e
state organization by counties for the
bits membership drive which is to be
undertaken during the month of Oc
tober In behalf of the American Cot
ton Association in Georgia. County
chairmen are being appointed in ev
en county of the state as rapidly as
possible, and these in turn will se
cure active executive committeemen
in the various school districts to push
the drive for members. In addition
to these, come of the most prominent
and influential men of Georgia are
lending their efforts and assistance
in presenting the aims and purposes
of the organization to the farmers
of the state in a series of public
speakings and addresses at state fairs,
mass meetings and other gatherings
of cotton men. Practiealy no raiser
of cotton or dealer in the South s
greatest staple will be ignorant of the
association or the tremendous serv
ice whcth it is attempting to do for
the Soult and its citizens by the eud
of the campaign.
Big Incrcease In Pension List
Atlanta. —More than two thousand
pension applications have been receiv
ed by Pension Commissioner Lindsay
due to the amendment of the state
pension lavt by the last legislature.
Under the old law no Confederate vet
eran or widow of a veteran could
secure a pension from the state of
Georgia if he or she possessed prop
erty to the value of $1,500. This prop
! erty restriction was ren.cved by an
I act of the 1019 legislature. Another
amendmeut to the pension law pro
vides that widows of Confederate vet
erans may secure pensions prov ided
they were married pr or to 1881. thus
eliminating another restriction •vhich
had preventec. many widows of vet
, erans from securing financial aid from
the state. In the -'hs» of Confederate
veterans, it is now necessary only to
, show actual service in the Confeder
ate urmies and no property consider
, attons can militate to prevent the ap
proval of uch applications.
Farm Bureau for Mitchell County
Thomasville. —The matter of a farm
bureau is being agitated for Mitchell
county and will probably be taken up.
i This bereau is an association of those
interested in county affairs and the
[ development and furthering of the well
' being and prosperit of the people of
the rural districts, through co-opera
i tion with the state, local and national
agencies in the development of exten
sion work in agricultre and home eco
' uoiuics.
*±**±±±±*±%r*'*'*'*r*'*'*r*'*'*'*'*'*r*'* *******'*******
jj A Heavy Fall Line!
* &
* Embracing all your needs in reliable merchandise
J is now on display at our place. It is our aim to
* supply the public needs at living prices, suited to &
* the strenuous times. Large new stock of &
* . *
♦ . »(b
We invite particular attention to our Shoe Department.
1 In this we have bought as advantageously as possible, and
J £.
J naturally we desire our patrons to take advantage of prices
J &-
2 now in effect in our establishment.
* *
? . *
* Just Received. Place Your Orders Now
* t
* McQueen Corner Mt. Vernon, Ga. &
* &
First Entertainment at
Brewton-Parker Institute.
Tomorrow evening, 9 o’clock,
Miss Eunice Burkhalter, head of
the department of exDression at
the Brewton-Parker, will appear
in an attractive monologue,
“Come Out o’ the Kitchen.”
A general admission of 25 cents
will be asked, and the proceeds
of the entertainment will be de
voted to the upbuilding of the
school library. The public asked
to go out and support the occas
ion with a liberal patronage.
Card of Thanks.
To those who ministered to us
during the illness and death of
our wife and mother, we desire
to extend out heartfelt apprecia
ciation. May the blessings of
Heaven be with them all.
J. R. Adams
and Family.
Tourist Hotel For Hartwell
Hartwell. —The chamber of com
merce of Hartwell was reorganized
with L. L. Morris as president, W. H.
William and J. K. Stephens as secre
tary and treasurer, respectively. An
executive board the leading citizens
was appointed. The main object of
the reorganization is to boost Hart
well and to build a large modern ho
tel here. Hartwell is the ntecca of
a large number of tourists en route
to and front Asheville, N. C., and ex
cellent accommodations are to be af
forded by the new proposed hotel. A
charter has been applied for.
$500,000 Paid For Timber Lease
Vienna. —John K. Barfield of Enter
ick has bought the D. B. Leonard es
tate timbei in this county. The price
paid was SaOU.OOO and was a cash
transaction. The lease is for five
years. It is generally believed by the
people of Vienna that this will prove
to he a big boom for Vienna and Dooly
county, as it will open up thousands
of acres of land for cultivation, and
while the timber is being cut it will
give employment tc hundreds of bands.
Highway Work Has Begun
I.yeriy. —Work on the Georgia-Ala
bama highway from Summerville to
Menlo is progressing nicely The Chat*
tooga county convict camp is situa
ted about three miles form Summer
ville and a spendid road is being
builL it is hoped to have the road
completed within the next three
months. Proposals for the building of
,-oncre e bridges and culverts on the
tighwav will be received by the board
at their ntj.l meeting
1080 Acres. Seven miles from Baxley, Ga. , on public road !j
and R. F. D. Three miles from railroad station. 250 acres 1'
in cultivation. 5-room house and four tenant houses. A fine
stock farm proposition for you. Price SIB.OO per acre. One- ;!
half cash, balance terms. j;
Also a few choice small farms at $15.00, $20.00, 22.50, ,'
j[ $30.00 and $40.00 per acre. Write for list at once and get !j
i j! first choice. j|
E. J. Youmans,
■ !» Baxley, Ga.
The Ford Motor Company have
instructed us to sell the genuine Ford
Parts to any and every reliable Garage
who will pledge their use in the repair
of Ford cars. The genuine Ford Parts
are absolutely necessary to the owner
of Ford cars that he may get full
service from his car. We carry them
and so. we hope, in a short time will
every reliable Garage. We solicit your
service business because we have the
Ford Methods, the Ford Parts, the
Ford Mechanics ane the Ford prices.
Incidentally would be glad to get your
order for one or more Ford cars.
P. J. McNatt, Uvalda