Newspaper Page Text
An ordinance for the assessment of special taxes or business 1
license, and to provide for and regulate the registration of all per
sons doing busines of any kind whatever in the Town of Mt. Vernon.
Section I. be it ordained by the mayor and council of Mount ,
Vernon that from and after the passage of this act every person,
firm of corporation that exercises within the town of Mount Ver
non, any profession, trade, calling or business of any nature what
ever, shall register in the hooks kept for said purpose by the Clerk
of said town, their name, professions, calling or business, their lo
cation, if any within the town of Mount Vernon.
Section 2. Be it furthur ordained that upon failure of any firm,
person, company or corporation to register as aforesaid and to ob
tain license, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance and upon
conviction shall be punished as prescribed in the by-laws of said ;
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to make cases against
all parties who fail to obtain license.
Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the town of Mount
Vernon that the following license and taxes shall be levied and col
lected in the town of Mount Vernon for the year 1920.
Said taxes to be paid in semi-annual installments on the dates
of Feb. 15 and July 15th.
Agents who reside in the town and who advertise to lend or in
other ways engage in the busiru sos money lending, whether the
property upon which tne money is loaned is in the town. SIO.OO
Agents in real estate 10 00
Agents in real estate and loan business 15 00
Architect 10 00
Auctioneer per day in addition to business tax required
for selling articles offered by him. 10 00
Automobile garage, covering sale of automobiles,
supplies and sundries, renting storing and repairing 25 00
Automobile dealers, in or agents for 12 50
Automobile, supplies and sundries, dealers in or agents
for whether in connection with other business or not 10 00
Automobile for transportation or delivery of passengers,
each car 5 00
Automobile repairing 10 00
Bank or Bankers 25 00
Bakery 5 00
Barber Shop, each chair 5 00
Bicycle, gun and pistol repair shop 5 00
Bicycle dealers 5 00
Billiards and Pool table, per table 250 00
Blacksmith Shop 6 00
Boarding House (private) (License Free)
Boot and repair shop 5 00
Bond company, agent for' 5 00
Book and stationery dealer, not connected with any other
business 5 00
Bottling works, for soda water, etc. 20 00
Bottled soda water 5 00
Box Ball or Bowling Alley 50 00
Brokers for sale of merchandise by sample stock 10 00
Buggies, wagons, harness dealers not connected with
other business 15 00
, Builders supplies, other than hardware house 10 00
Brokers in lumber, shingles, etc. 10 00
Bill Posting, for theaters, circus or shows, etc. 10 00
Carnivals, street fares each tent where admission is
charged, directly or indirectly, and for each place where there
is any place for obtaining profits 25 00
Carriage and buggy repairs, not in connection with other
business 5 00
Cotton ginnery 10 00
Collection agency / 10 00
Cigarettes, cigarette papers, either furnishing or giving
or storing same ’ 10 00
Circus with one or more rings, performance 50 00
Clothing, taking orders for mens tailoring, made not in
connection with clothing house.
Confectioneries, or retail dealers in fruit and candy 5 00
Dog and pony show, each performance 25 00
Drovers, cows or hogs 15 (X)
Dray , 10 00
Drugs, retail, patent and proprietary 10 00
Drugs, dealer, connection with other business 10 00
Drygoods, notions, clothing, hats and shoes 5 00
Express Coni pa ny . 10 00
Farm produce, including grain, etc. 10 00
Fertilizer and chemical dealer, or agents for 10 00
Fire insurance agent 10 00
Fish and oysters, dealers in 10 00
Flying Jenny 50 00
Furniture and house furnishings, retail 10 00
Furniture in connection with other business 10 00
Grain, hav, cotton seed hulls meal 5 (X)
Grist mill or Hour mill 5 00
Groceries, retail, including cigars and tobacco 5 00
Hardware, general line, crockery stoves, house furnishings 15 00
Hardware in connection with other business 10 00
Horse traders, offering to sell or swap 25 00
Hotel 10 00
Ice Dealer 5 00
. Newspaper and job office 10 00
Insurance, accident, sick benefit, or casualty, agent for 500
Jewelry, street stand 10 00
Junk dealer 10 00
Indies ready-to-wear, hats, millinery, etc. 10 00
Lightning rod, dealer in or erecting 10 00
Mule or horse, dealer in, not maintaining sale stand in town 25 00
Machinery, mill supplies not connected with other business 10 00
Meat, wagon, dealer in, except sale by quarter or in bulk,
which shall be license free 5 00
Meat curing plant 25 00
Market for sul6 of meat in connection with other business 5 (X)
Market for sale of meat not in connection with other bus’ns 10 00
Marble works or agents soliciting for same 10 00
Planing mill 25 00
Palmistry and fortune telling 5 IX)
Photographer 10 00
Pressing and cleaning 5 00
Pistols and cartridges 25 00
Retail oil A gas dealers, not in connection with other bus 10 00
Restaurant 5 00
Saw mill and lumber manufacturing 10 00
Sewing machine agents or dealers not connected with
other business 10 00
Shoes, dealers not connected with other business 10 00
Shooting gallery 10 00
Show of any kind, under t> nt, ' cii coses each performance 25 00
Soda fountain, including bottled unnks 5 00 |
Sales, stable, dealer in mules and horses 10 00
Sign painters 6 00 1
Telephone exchange 15 00
Telegraph Company 5 (X)
Undertaking, including coffins and supplies 10 00 !
Wire fencing, sale of 5 00
Wholesale gasoline and oil dealer 15 00
Warehouse, cotton, storage 10 00
Wood yard, for manufacturing wood 10 00
AIJ business or trades m t i.» ie:n specifically provided for shall be
fixed by the Mayor aud Council.
Read, adopted and approved Fob. 9. 1920.
Troy J. Mason. Clerk. Fred M. Harris, Mayor.
I. Troy J. Mason, certify t! ' above is a true and correct copy ■
ordinance passed v by mayor and council Mt. Vernon, Feb. 9, 1920.
Tkoy J. Mason, Clerk.
TF\e l\or\lgorr\&iry Monitor.
Kntered at the Postoffice in Mt. Vernon, Ga. as Second-Class Mail Matter. |
H. b. FOLSOM, Editor sad Owacr. $1.50 • Year, in Advance.
«r Legal advertisements must invariably be paid ia advance, at the legal rate, and as the law 1
directs; and mast be in band not later than Wednesday morning of the first week of insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, February 12, 1920.
► Georgia State
> Press Expressions. 3
a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
This is to advise the editors of
South Georgia that the Nashville
Chamber of Commerce has agreed
to back the Herald to the limit in
entertaining them next May.
We are going to try to duplicate
the Quitman meeting.—Nashville
One of the real needs of our
county commissioners is an accu
rate road map of the county on
which the distances, the bridges
and general character of the
roads are shown. So far as the
condition of the roads at this time
is concerned, it is all the same
and is spelled m-u-d. —Marietta
Last November in the meeting
of the Executive Committee it
was voted that all who attend the
1920 State Sunday School Con
vention would pay their own en
tertainment expenses, as. is the
case in practically all other con
ventions. It was also voted that
there would be no registration
fee charged, but the Convention
would be open to all Sunday
School workers who wished to
attend.—Springfield Herald.
Wealth is not the real prize of
life, it is only a trophy, a symbol,
and may carry with it no satis
faction ; indeed it does not carry
with it genuine lasting satisfac
tion unless it has been won fair
ly, honestly, honorably.—Butler
The Savannah Morning News
has been making some revela
tions as to lawlessness and im
morality in that city that is
awakening the advocates of law
and order to action. And the
municipal gang is peeved over
the exposure. The better element
of Savannah should back the
Morning News to the utmost in
its brave stand for a clean city.—
Southeast Georgian.
A man who will slip around
and try to rent a building that is
already occupied and which the
tenant still wants to occupy, will
steal dough from a crippled
biddy.—Swainsboro Forest-Blade.
The Presbyterians are now
making a drive for funds and
are asking for only a modest
sum. They are among the best
people on earth. — Adel News.
To Rebuild Mill.
This will inform the public of
our intention of shortly rebuilding
our grist mill in Mt. Vernon. We
will appreciate a renewal of the
patronage accorded us prior to
the destruction of our former
plant by fire.
Cockfield Milling Co.,
25tf Mt. Vernon. Ga.
Wire Fencing.
Carload American Wire Fence
just received. Standard sizes.
Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co.,
Mt Vernon, Ga.
Woodland for Sale.
400 acres of best woodland for
farm purposes in Montgomery
county. Good soil and convenient
Ito railroad. Fair price—cash or
terms. For particulars apply at
Monitor office, Mt. Vernon.
Lost Suit Case.
On road between Wadley and
Mt Vernon, via Swainsboro,
Louisville, Vidalia; Feb. 2: case
contained men’s wearing apparel,
two razors, shot gun, two insu
rance policies, etc. A suitable
reward to finder. Notify
Dr. E. A. Odom.
Norway, S. C. i
|* Sheriff Sale.
i Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be Hold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the find, Tues
day In March. 1920, between the legal (
! hours of Hate, to the highest, bidder
for cash, certain property, of which <
the following is a complete descrip- <
One certain black horse, about five j
years old and weighing about one
thousand pounds. Levied on and
will be sold as the property of Will
Josey, to satisfy an execution issued
from the Justice’s Court of the 1967th
G. M. District of said county and
state In favor of M. B. Peterson vs
Will Josey. Alice Josey, claimant.
Levy made and returned to me by
H. K, Carpenter, constable, and
written notice of same given in terms
of the law. This the sth day of Feb
ruary, 1920. E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
G. B. Cowart, Atty.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in March, 1920, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
tiie following is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain iron safe, No. 55639,
manufactured by the Macueale & Ur
ban Safe and Lock Co.. Hamilton,
Ohio. Said property being located
in tiie garage of P. J. McNatt, Uval
da, (ia., and levied on and will be
sold as the property of the Bank of
Vidal ia to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by
H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs Bank
of Vidalia, for state and county taxes
for the year 1918. Written notice of
levy given in termw of the law. This
the 3rd day of February, 1920.
E. E. Burch, Sheritf-
Velvet Bean Huller.
Huller operated on Saturdays,
in connection with grist mill, at
Longpond. W. A. Johnson,
1296 Rt. 2, Mt. Vernon.
Seed Catalog Free
It’s ready now. One hundred hand
somely illustrated pages with brilliant
cover in natural colors. It is both
beautiful and helpful, and all that Is
necessary to get it is a postal card
request. You will find our 1920 cata
logue a well worth while seed book.
Hastings’ Seeds are sold direct by
mail. You will never find them on
sale in the stores. We have some
five hundred thousand customers who
buy from us by mall. We please and
satisfy them, and we can please and j
satisfy you in 1920.
Planting Hastings’ Seeds in your j
garden or in your fields Insures “good |
luck” so far as results can be deter- j
mined by the seed planted. For 30
vears Hastings’ Seeds have been the
standard of seed excellence and pur- |
ity in the South. Only varieties i
adapted to the South are listed. Qual- J
Ity of the best and prices often less
than those you pay at home. Write
for free copy of this splendid cata
logue now. H. G. HASTINGS CO.,
Seedsmen, Atlanta, Ga.—(Advt.l
The Ford Sedan with electric starting and lighting system and
} I demountable rims with 3 tires all around, for every day in the *
year has no equal as a family car. Just as popular on the farm as it
| is in the city. In fact, it fits the family demands in every vocation of
} I life. Large, roomy seats, finely upholstered, plate glass windows make I
if it an open car in pleasant weather, -while in rainy and inclement !
j j weather it becomes a closed car, dust-proof and rain-proof. It is
j j ideal for social functions, the theatre, or parties; carrying the children
I | to school, or for touring. It is not only comfortable, but really cozy, ;
and above all, economical in operation and
maintenance, and has all the Ford merits cf
j | strength and durability. We solicit your order I
for one. Come in and see it. ' r \- I
1 P.J. McNatt
Georgia—Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of Mrs. Bessie H.
Dixon, for valuation and setting
apart a twelve months support tor
herself and three minor children
out of the estate of D. L. Conner,
deceased, having filed their re- j
turn, notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at
my office on the first Monday in
March, 19*20. This the 2d day of
February, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court bouse
door in Mt. Vernon on the lirst Tu<*'- .
day in March, 1920, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which |
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
All of the undivided interest in re
mainder of Laurence W. Williams j
in and to all of that tract or parcel of j
land situated, lying and being in the ]
1664th, District (formerly tin* 12215 t. I
District) G. M. of Montgomery coun
ty, Georgia and being bounded on the j
North by lands belonging to Lillie
M. Williams; on the East by lands
formerly belonging to R. A. Berner
and on the South and West, by lands
belongingto W. C. McCrimmon and
containing three hundred (300) acres,
be the same more or less, and known
as the Ladson place; and being the
same tract of land conveyed to H. H.
Williams for and during his natural
life with remainder over to E. M.
Williams and the children of the;
said H. H. and E. M. Williams by j
Thomas F. Williams by deed bearing *
date on the 29tli day of Janiiarv In
the year of our Lord One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Ninety Four
(1894) as shown by tlie record of said
deed book “R” folios 411 and 412 of
the Records of Deeds in the office of
the Clerk of tin* Superior Court of
Montgomery County. Georgia. Said
land levied upon as the property of
Laurence W. Williams to satisfy an :
execution issued from the superior
court of said county in favor of The
Mt. Vernon Rank vs L. W. Williams,
principal, and J. C. and M. B. Cal
houn. In possession of Lillie M. 1
Williams and written notice of levy I
given as required by law. PoiAted
out for levy by attorneys for plain
tiff. This the 3d day of February, !
1920. E. E. Burch, Slifiriff.
Underwood <& Harris,
A ttys, for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house .
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in March, 1920, between the legal
hours ot sale, to the highest bidder
fbr cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain Jersey wagon, now in '
my possession. Levied on and will I
be sold to satisfy an attachment is-!
sued from the justice’s court of the I
1343rd (4. M. district of said county I
and state in favor of W. G. McDonald
vs Lindy Joyce. Written notice of
levy given in terms of the law. This
the"3d day of February, 1921).
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
Waare constantly in the mar-
Iketfor cattle and hogs. Many
j years experience qualifies us to
i offer superior advantages to the
j producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Lost Hog.
Young Hampshire sow; un
marked; about 18 months old.
Disappeared from my residence
in Mt. Vernon Jan. 12. Infor
mation leading to recovery will
be suitably rewarded.
W. L. Snow,
1224 Kibbee, Ga.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
To all Whom it May Concern :
Take notice that J. W. Adams,
,T. J. Moses. H. A Moses, W. H.
Denton. W. K. Pluliips, 0 M.
Pool and 6thers have applied for
1 an order seeking the establishment
|of a new road, which lias been
laid out and marked conformably
to law by commissioners duly ap
pointed. and a report thereof
made on oath bv them, said road
commencing at the mcoporate
| limits of the Town of Uvalda and
I running in a southwesterly di
rection through the lands of H.
A. Moses, W. A. Conner, W. K.
Denton, J. W. Adams, W. R.
Phillips, the Clayton Morris old
home place, O M. Pool, and in
tersecting the Old River Road
near Dead River Cemetery, being
about two and one fourth miles in
length; now, if no good cause be
shown to the contrary, hv persons
j interested in t he matter, the order
1 will be granted by the Board of
; Commissioners of Roads and Rev
enues of said county on the 2d
day of March, 1920, establishing
said new road.
This the 3d day of February,
: 1920.
Board Commissioners of Roads
i and Revenues*M. C-, Ga.
J. H. Dees, Chm.
A. B. Hutcheson, Clerk.
! Georgia—Montgomery County.
W. G. Mcßae, as administrator
IT. J. Thompson, deceased, repre
; sents to the court in his petition,
duly filed and entered on record,
j that he has fully administered
j said Thompson estates. This is
| therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to
| show cause, if any they cau, why
said administrator should not be
discharged from his administra
tion and receive letters of dismis
! sion on the first Monday in March,
; 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
B. A. Conner, a resident of this
state, having in due form applied
to the undersigned for guardian
| ship of the persons and property
lof Grace Conner, D. L. Conner
: and Ernest Conner, minor child
ren of D. L. Conner, late of said
county, deceased, notice is hereby
giveD that his application will be
heard at the next court of ordinary
for said county, on the first Mon
day in March, 1920. Witness my.
j hand and official sigifhture, this
I 2d day of February, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary,