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’© '©'.©■©;© G. ©G © © ©•© © © © ©'.o.'®.',© I
© Brewton-Parker By Regular
NeWS Correspondent gl,
The weather was too bad last
Wednesday for the Lyons basket
ball team to come, but the 8.-P.
I, team will meet them today.
The Hazlehurst team came,
saw, but did not conquer. The
8.-P. I. team led the score all the
way through, except for a few
minutes right at the start, when
the Hazlehurst tejyn shot a field
goal after Pinholster for 8.-P. I.
had shot a foul. It was a close
game all the way through, as
well as a clean one. Mr. Allen
Cutts of the Hazlehurst' High
faculty did splendid refeering.
The final score was f> tos in favor
of 8.-P. I. Every player for 8.-
P. I. played a good game. The
goal shooting of Burch and Pin
holster and the guarding of Ben
Alexander deserve special men-!
In the game at Vidalia Monday!
the 8.-P. I. boys were defeated.
At the special request of one of
the players the correspondent
announces that the score may be
had from Vidalia by wireless tele
The 8.-P. I. team goes to Dub
lin Saturday to play the high
school team there. Quite a crowd
is expected to accompany the
team. They go to Hazlehurst
Dolores Auza has been quite
sick for several days but is up
MissGeorgeie Rogers of Kibbee
entered school here last week.
A social feature following the
game with Hazlehurst was a re
ception given by Miss Tingle to
the basket ball team. Those
present were: Hugh Burch, Laris
and George Burkhalter, Holmes
Box Social at McGregor.
There is to be a l>ox social given
at McGregor school house on Fri
day night, Feb. 20, for the bene
fit of the school. Every one is
cordially invited.
Vina Hooper, Teacher.
Seed Cane for Sale.
1500 Seed Cane at my old home
place near Alston. Tor price,
write G. G. HORTON,
212tf Rt. 2, Baxley, Ga. j
Lumber for Sale.
A lot of good Weather- Boarding
and Ceiling, the latter in thick j
and thin sizes. See or writo
G. YV. Ph \kr,
212tf Higgston, Ga.
Notice to the Public.
This is to forewarn all minis
ters or qualified officers against
performing a marriage ceremony
for my daughter, Gladys Palmer,
a minor, with any party whomso
ever. And any violation of this
order will be he prosecuted to the
full extent of the law. This the
19th day of January, 1920.
B. F. Palmer.
Vidalia. Ga. |
- - !
Attorney at Law
Office with Marcus B. Calhoun
We have on hand about ‘2OO tons of i;
slightly damaged cotton seed balls that i
we will sell while they last at $5.00 per
ton loose, cash with order. This is
a bargain, hut we are making this con
cession in price in order to clean up our
storage warehouse.
Empire Cotton Oil Company
Pinholster, Vivian Stubbs, Fred
McSwain, William Peterson, Mil
lard Windham, Mr. George Cow
art and Mr. Panter. Young ladies
who were invited were Misses
Catherine Boynton, Rosa Coch-j
ran, Johnnie Hilbun, VannieLeck
Tyler, Helen Lee, Sue Lee, Eliza
beth Barrett, Ester Geiger and
Gladys McAllister and Mrs. Tyler.
A'nother social affair of more
than passing notice was the re
ception given by the Sophomore
class last Saturday night. The .
special feature of the occasion
was the contest in love-making,
in which the prizes were awarded
to Frank Williams for the boys
and to Helen Mixon for the girls.
The students of the high school
will render a Georgia Day pro
gram at the auditorium Thursday
! night.
The public school and high
school will join in a Valentine
party for next Saturday night.
Mr. John G. Harrison, Secre
tary of the Committee of Educa
tion of the Executive Committee
of the Baptist State Board, was
here Monday night and Tuesday
in the interest of the school work.
The literary societies will give
a joint program next Thursday
afternoon as follows:
Reading—Wdlie Carelock.
Song Senior girls.
Campus Notes- Maxwell Lasse
Duet—Goldie Mcßae and Mar
garet Currie.
Hyperbole Game— Lee Rivers,
Francis Brewton, Sarah McAr
thur and Esther Geiger.
Violin Solo Elizabeth Mcßae.
Prophecy—Nellie Long.
Vocal Solo —Helen Lee.
Oak Grove Dots.
S|mmmiil CoiTcapondenre.
Mr. J. A. J. Walker and wife
of Wrightsville are visiting their
son, Mr. J. M. Walker.
The candy pulling and peanut
parching at Mr. J. C. Gillis’ Fri
day night was enjoyed by the
following: Mr. Henry Gillis and
family, Sudie, Willie, Jim and
Randolph Graham, Annie George
and Felton Reynolds, Dessie and
Geneva Brantley.
Herbert and Herschel O’Brien
spent Saturdy night with their
aunt, Mrs. P. H. Daniels.
Miss Etta Mae Jackson gave a
sing Saturday night. There was
u large crowd present.
Miss Sudie Graham and Messrs.
Owen McDougald and Willie Gra
ham visited Miss Annie Reynolds
Sunday afternoon.
Oak Grove Sunday school is
doing fine. There were forty
present Sunday afternoon.
Mules for Sale.
Four head of good mules. See
at once. W. W. Pierce, %
212tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
m • -
Teas for Sale.
Field Peas, Iron, Brabham and
Mixed peas for sale. Peas are
very scarce this season so get
your supply while they last.
J. Wade Johnson,
212tf Mount Vernon, Ga.
Dr. J. C. Brewton left Tuesday j
afternoon for Bulloch county i
where he was called on account |
of the illness of his brother-in- (
law, Mr. Stephen Thorne. | (
Mrs. J. T. Smith of Dublin is i
visiting lyr sister, Mrs. A. L. h
Lanier. Mrs. Smith will doubt- 1
less remain some time.
Mr. J. R. Coickfield is located
at Cades, S. C., where he will
engage in tobacco growing. It is
not known what brand Coot will
plant for—Brown’s Mule or Sun
Do not forget the Valentine
party and box supper February
14, given by the grade teachers
of The Brewton. Parker for both
young and old. Admission 10
See McCrimmon Grocery for
Egg Mash Chicken Feed, the
feed that makes the hens lay
every day. , ad.
Miss Jeddie Cockfield is in At
lanta, where she is taking the
trained .nurse’s course in St.
Joseph’s Hospital.
We sell Tuxedo Hog Ration and
the best of all feeds for hogs and
chickens. McCrimmon Grocery,
Mt. Vernon.
Just received carload of close- -
haired mules, now offered at close
margin for quick sale. Hicks
Advices from Atlanta 9tate
that Mr. Ernest Smith, who has
been critically ill, is improving.
Mr. Walter Morrison, also sick,
is recovering. Both are students
at Georgia Tech.
Miss Bessie Higgs has returned
from a week’s trip to Atlanta,
where she went to select spring
millinery. The date of her spring
opening will be announced later.
A few large draft horses at
attractive prices. Will exchange
either horses or mules for other
stock. See the stock at our
stables at once. Hick 9 Brothers,
Mt. Vernon.
Mr. D. J. Mcßae of Mcßae is
spending a few days with rela
tives in Mt. Vernon.
Mr. W. L. D. Rackley, Dr. F.
L. Rackley, of Millen, Mr. C. A.
Rackley of Longpond and Attor
ney George B. Cowart left Tues
day for a trip to St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rackley
and little daughter, Martha, have
to their home at Abbe
ville after spending a few days
with relatives here.
Best Seed Irish Potatoes. Buy
early. Mt. Vernon Mercantile
Alston News.
Npoci*l Correspondence.
Mr. M. D. Kirkland and wife
have returned from a visit to
Rev. J. N. Oliver filled his ap
pointment at Alston Saturday and
Mr. John Brack of Hack Branch
was in Alston on business Satur
day afternoon.
Last week was bad weather,
and there was not anything done
on the farms.
Some of the farmers killed hogs
last w’eek and took the meat to
the Mt. Vernon curing plant.
Mr. J. A. J. Walker of Wrights
ville attended preaching here -
Sunday. He spent the night with
his son. Mr. Mark Walker.
Miss Nora Harrell of Towns
attended preaching here Sunday.
Dr. Dees was called to Mr.
Homer Sharpe on Sunday.
Miss Pauline Goff is on a visit
to Statesboro.
Miss Mary Bland of Statesboro
i visited Miss Pauline Goff last
j week-end.
j .* |
Mr. Jessie Goff spent Sunday
with his father, Mr. John Goff.
Send The Monitor the news
| from your section.
Ilf in Need of Money |
Come to See me At Once, I
Either Short or Long Term Loans. |
I and can secure money on either farm or city ®
property within ten days or less. - M
< See me at once, as I have clients now for both
farm and city property in this section. ||
0 Come to see me, or phone and I will call on you. ®
|J. Wade Johnsonl
'----■ - - ■ - -
To the People of Montgomery
I respectfully ask the honor of j
representing Montgomery county
in the lower house of the General
Assembly of Georgia, 1921-1922,
hereby announcing my candidacy,
subject to provisions of the State
Democratic Executive Committee
and rules of the Democratic Exe
cutive Committee of Montgomery
county. Very truly.
Horace B. Folsom.
I hereby announce my candi- i
dacy for the office of Solicitor!
General of the Oconee Judicial
Circuit. Should I be elected to
this office I promise to discharge
its duties fairly, fearlessly,
honestly and to the best of my
ability. M. B. Calhoun.
Mount, Vernon, Ga.
To the Voters of The Oconee
For seven years I have served
you as Solicitor-General. During
which time you have had an op
, portunity to judge my fitness for
■ public office. I now desire to
serve you as Judge of our Circuit.
I, therefore, subject to the Demo
| cratic Primary, hereby announce
my candidacy for that high office.
If you elect me, I promise to be
as fair and fearless in the dis
charge of its duties as I have al
ways tried to be as Solicitor-
General. Your vote and endorse
ment will be duly appreciated.
W. A. Wooten.
——— i
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
Atty at Law,
kit. Vernon, Georgia
Post Your Lands. J
Open your woodland to the pub-!
lie and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on it.
Put the public on notice by post
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each. 1
Mil Bill— 8811 I IHI
Plants One Cotton Seed
at a Time
Here’s a money-saving once, dropping a single seed
item we want to call to your at a time equal distances
attention right now. Plant- apart in the row.
ing one cotton seed at a time Gome i n and look at the
at regular intervals gives special shaped saw tooth ,
you just as big a yield as type picker wheel used on
when seed is planted in these planters. The teeth,
bunches, and just think of shaped liked those cn a gin
the saving in seed. saw. deliver from the hop
per without injury the exact
Such planting does not quantity of seed you want
require any extra work or to P* ant- This picker wheel
handles the lintiest, fuzziest
any expensive machinery. , , ’
. . r T u seeds without clogging or
Just use one of the John , , ■ T . . J? .
t. , c A - choking. It puts the seed
Deere Two-Wheel Riding into the ground just as you
Planters which we have want it. These advantages
for sale. With this planter, mean a bigger crop, seed
you can plant two rows at saving and larger profits.
Don't overlook the fact that these Cotton Planters
also handle corn, cow peas, beans, etc., and can
be equipped with fertilizer attachment. Come
in and inspect them.
| Heavy stock of Plows. Planters, Distributors.
Syracuse Plows and Parts, at Reduced Prices.
Farm Loans
| Loans on Improved Farm Lands
: in Montgomery and Wheeler
i Counties. Interest rate 6 per ct.
[Reasonable commission. I can
I handle good propositions for eol
-1 ored people owning farm lands.
i * Mt. Vernon, Ca.