The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, February 26, 1920, Image 4

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    ■ •: "v 0 O' G 0 !
i' Brewton-Parker By Regular
I NeWS Correspondent II
W@ 7 & e®:g g 0 ®s o -x* g OSS999@RnMHI
r ~~ # j
The joint program of the liter
ary societies was enjoyed very
much by every one present. Bolh
societies will present interesting
programs next week. They will
give no program this week on
account of examinations.
Mr. Barrett preached the ser
mon and conducted the examina
tion for the ordination of Mr. C.
E. McDaniel, who is a student at
8.-P. 1., at Rentz last Sunday, j
In spite of the extremely bad
weather, they report a large con
The authorities of B.P. I.
placed the “flu” ban on going
home for the week-end last week
on account of the dangers of stu
dents being exposed to the di
sease on the train. The number
of “boxes” received indicate the j
inability of teachers to prevent
students from getting sick.
The basket ball game with
Dublin has been postponed until
Saturday on account of examina
tions et cetera.
A basket ball game between'
the senior girls and lady members
of the faculty has been proposed;
but on account of the high feeling
which exists at the present time
between the members of each
team and those on the opposite
team, brought on by the ap
proaching, examinations, it was
thought best to call oil the game
temporarily, at least. However,
if matters can be adjusted satis
factorily for both parties in the
Stray Hog.
One certain male hog; took up
at my place latter part of 1010.
The owner may call, prove owner
ship, pay cost of keeping and
advertising and &et animal
Otherwise the animal will be dis
posed of according to law. This
the 26th day of Feb., 1920.
S. J. ('lark,
2-26-4 Rt. 2, Vidalia.
Seed Cane for Sale.
16(H) Seed Cane at my old home
place near Alston. For price,
write G. G. Horton,
212tf Rt. 3, Baxley, Ga.
I lants One < .ion Seed
at a Time
Here’s a money-saving once, dropping a single m*4
hem we want to call o vour ot a time equal distance*
attention right now. Plant- apart in the row.
ing one cotton seed at a time Come in and look at
at regular intervals gives special shaped saw tooth
you just as big a yield us type picker wheel used on
when seed is planted in these planters. The teeth,
bunches, and just think of shaped liked those on a gin
the saving in seed. saw, deliver from the hop
* per without ipjury the exact
Such planting does not quantity of seed you want
require any extra work or r^ ant> T his P'cker wheel
any expensive machinery. h idles the lmtiest. fuzziest
Just use one of the John Wlt f ° ut C
"L .... , ' , choking. It puts the seed
P** re Two-VV heel hiding into the ground just as you
Planters which we have want it. These advantage*
for sale. With this planter, mean a bigger crop, aeed
you can plant two rows ut saving and larger profits.
Don't oivrloal the fact that these Cotton Planter*
a handle corn, com, heant, etc., and can
be equipped u*th fertiliser attachment. Come
in and inspect them.
Heavy stock of Plows. Planters. Distributors.
Syracuse Plows and Parts, at Reduced Prices.
' contest, we hope still to have the
privilege of witnessing what
would probably be the most skil
fully played game of the season.
The faculty team realizes fully
what it has to face; and if they
| have as hard time beating the
senior girls in basket ball as they
had in getting some of them to
study, the outcome will indeed be
doubtful. As wisdom directs,
the male members of the faculty
will be silent spectators of the
The influenza situation in the
high school department seems to
be well under control. None of
t he dormitory students have “flu”
at this time and efforts are being
made to keep the students who
have been exposed to it in town
from scattering it in school.
In accordance with the rule of
similar schools and of the colleges
all over the United States, the
faculty last week passed a regu
lation to the effect that every
student who failed to appear at
the time set for examination
must pay a fee of one dollar for
the privilege of getting examina
tion. This regulation is designed
to prevent students from evading
examinations at the time set for
them and later making requests
of the teachers to give them
The 8.-P. I. basket ball team
will go to Hazlehurst for a game
with the Hazlehurst High team
Monday afternoon.
Notice of Application for
State of Georgia—Montgomery
To all whom it may concern;
Notice is hereby given that
John C. Mcßae, who was convic
ted for the homicide of Ben Hines,
at the Nov. term, 1904, Superior
court of said county, and now
serving a life sentence under said
conviction, will make application
i.o the Prison Board and Governor
of Georgia for parole; said appli
cation will be filed to the April
rm of the Prison Board Court.
This the 26th day of February,
1920. L. C. Underwood,
Atty. for John C. Mcßae.
Miss Juanita Morrison, teach
ing at Trion, is at home on ac
count of the serious illness of her
sister, Miss Nina Morrison.
Mr. Walter Morrison, student
in the Tech. Atlanta, arrived a
few days ago. He is recuperating
from an attack of influenza. He
returned to Atlanta today.
Miss Anna Morrison of Macon
spent the Sabbath with home
folks in Mt. Vernon.
Mr. L. N. Thompson has re
turned from a visit with friends
in North Carolina.
Mr. E. O. Hicks of Jackson
ville is here on account of the
illness of his mother, Mrs. Alice
Hicks. .
Mr. A. W. Mobley of the Long
pond section was a business visi
; tor to Mt. Vernon Monday after
i noon.
1 Mr. W. F. McAllister of At
lanta spent last Sabbath with
' relatives at Longpond.
1 Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hicks have
been quite ill with flu for the past
■ week.
Mr. H. L. Wilt is again at his
’ desk as assistant cashier of the
bank after an attack of flu.
Messrs. B. Mathias and S. J.
I Clark of the Sadie section were
r here on business Monday after
■ noon.
Mr. C. A. Mason is serving on
i the Federal grand jury in Savan
nah this week. Mrs. Mason went
down Wednesday afternoon for
1 a few days.
A few large draft horses at
1 attractive prices. Will exchange
either horses or mules for other
- stock. See the stock at our
stables at once. Hicks Brothers,
Mt. Vernon.
MORE EGGS.-Reefer’s More
j Egg Tonic makes hens lay. See
Francis Brewton, agent, Mount
Vernon. 219 ts
t Just received carload of close
haired mules, now offered at close
margin for quick sale. Hicks
• Brothers.
Favor Merger of Hletory Society
‘ Savannah.—At its annual meeting
the Georgia Historical Society approv
' ed of the union of that organization
with the Georgia Historical Society
I which has headquarters in Atlanta. In
his annual report President A. R. Law
ton urged this amalgamation of the
two associations, which have purposes
in common. A committee was appoint
ed form the Georgia Historical Socie
ty looking te the effecting of this
Fitzgerald Auto Club Formed
Fttsgerald.—The Fitzgerald Autc
club was organised and the following
representative dealers have been elect
ed officers: President, L. L. Griner;
vice presidents, Harry C. Vinson and
H. K. Sleigh; secretary, T. M. Waldon;
treasurer, J. B. Salter. The club antici
pates holding Its annual automodile
show, ths third svent of its kind, the
early part of May.
Watchman Burned To Death
Savannah.—E. A. Best, night watch
man for ths Savannah River Lumber
company's hotsl near Savannah, was
burned, when ths hotel was destroy
ed, ths loss amounting to SB,OOO. The
commissary was saved by hard work.
Beat ia said to have been asleep when
ths firs broke out.
Americas Sued By Woman
Americas.—As the result of a fall
sustained December 29 last Mies Li 1
lian Braswell has just filed suit again
ths mayor and council of Ainericus foY
$5,092. The complaint alleges that Miss
Braswell fell upon an improperly plac
ed grating in the sidewalk, sustaining
personal Injuries due to the neglect of
municipal authorities.
Public Mlrkst Given Approval
Atlanta.—Approval of the plan for a
city market for Atlanta and the opin
ion that this is one of Atlanta's most
pressing needs, were expressed at the
meeting of the housing and public wel
fare committee of the Atlanta city
planning commission
For Sale.
Cheap. A Good Horse, Buggy
and Harness. Would trade for
other property. See
S. O. Milligan.
2194 Rt. 2, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Attorney at Law
Officß with Marcus B. Calhoun
Ilf in Need of Money |
, Come to See me At Once, 1
Either Short or Long Term Loans. |
j§ and can secure money on either farm or city
I property within ten days or less. ||
I See me at once, as I have clients now for both
farm and city property in this section.
come to see me, or phone and I will call on you. <gj
% 9 $0
J. Wade Johosonl
To the People of Montgomery
I respectfully ask the honor of j
representing Montgomery county l
in the lower house of the General
Assembly of Georgia, 1921-1922,
hereby announcing my candidacy,
subject to provisions of the State
Democratic Executive Committee
and rules of the Democratic Exe
cutive Committee of Montgomery
county. Very truly,
Horace B. Folspm.
I hereby announce my candi
dacy for the office of Solicitor
General of the Oconee Judicial
Circuit. Should I be elected to
this office I promise to discharge
its duties fairly, fearlessly,
honestly and to the best of my
ability. M. B. CALHOUN.
Mount, Vernon, Ga.
To the Voters of The Oconee
For seven years I have served
you as Solicitor-General. During
which time you have had an op
portunity to judge my fitness for j
public office. I now desire to I
serve you as Judge of our Circuit.
I, therefore, subject to the Demo
cratic Primary, hereby announce
my candidacy for that high office.
If you elect me. I promise to be
as fair and fearless in the dis
charge of its duties as I have al
ways tried to be as Solicitor-
General. Your vote and endorse
ment will be duly appreciated.
W. A. Wooten.
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
Atty at Law,
kit. Vernon, Georgia
: We have on hand about 200 tons of ij
!|r slightly damaged cotton seed hulls that jj
i we will sell while they last at $5.00 per ij
ton loose, cash with order. This is ij
a bargain, but we are making this eon- ij
cession in price in order to clean up our \
storage warehouse. ij
Empire Cotton Oil Company j
Auto Tax Up To Solons
Atlanta. Following announcement
that all automobiles of whatever own
ership, federal, state, county or city,
were under the law liable to the li
cense fees, Secretary of State S. Guyt
McLeondon was in receipt of so many
letters from county commissioners,
school authorities and others telling of
the hardship that the strict enforce
ment of the law would produce, that
he has addressed a letter to the coun
ty officers, charged with the enforce
ment of the law, suggesting that they
call a meeting in each county and
report to him the cases in which the
collection of the tax would work a
| hardship, in order that he might sub
! mit the matter to the general assem
bly when it convenes next summer. It
was brought to Mr. McLendon’s atten
tion that some of the country schools
might be to give up the
truck in which they have been carry
ing children if they were compelled to
pay the $75 license tax laid upon pas
senger automobiles carrying ten or
more passengers.
College Experts To Visit Sumter
Americus. —Five experts from the
state college of agriculture will visit
Sumter county Monday, February 9.
in connection with the better farming
campaign, to be commenced on that
date. George O. Marshall, county farm
demonstration agent, who will direct
the campaign, has arranged for these
experts to address farmers and busi
ness men in the morning at Leslie
and at Plains In the afternoon. Sub
jects to be discussed include the
proper use of calcium arsenate, for
controlling the boll weevil, obacco
growing, fertilization and permanent
Alston News.
: Special Correspondence.
We are having some bad weath
er now.
The flu is in our town now,
but in a mild form.
Dr. Dees is on the sick list.
Hope he will soon be out again.
John Albert Dees is home from
Oliver Darby is visiting home
folks here.
Dr. Dees went to Ailey Satur
day to meet his son.
The post office has been moved
to the top of the hill.
Miss Nora Harrell is now in
Alston, her school having been
Mrs. John Goff will leave for
for her old home in Washington
county the last of the month.
Grinding Da vs.
KJ a
I have resumed operation of
my grist mill, near the home of
J. E. Horne, and will grind regu
larly on Mondays and Fridays of
each week. The patronage of
the public invited.
Carl Adams,
i 2264 Rt. 1, Mt. Vernon.