The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 25, 1920, Image 4
TF\e .Montgonriery Monitor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL ORGAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Entered At th*- Postofflce in Mt. Vernon. Ga. ae Second-Class Mail Matter. H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Owner. sl.s® • Vear, ill Advance. *1 »()»erti»( nu ntK mnM invariably be paid in advance, at the legal rate, and a« the law direct*; and mn*t l><- in hand not later than Wedneaday morning of the first week of insertion Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, March 25, 1920. mmTTYYYYTfYYYrYYYTYTf • t Georgia State « ► i ► Press Expressions. ◄ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA * - In the presidential preferential ! primary in Georgia the race is narrowing down to Palmer and Reed. Watson and Hardwick and their few followers are back ing Reed, and it’s a foregone conclusion that Georgia’s delega tion to the convention will be in structed for Palmer.—Southeast Georgian. Prohibition enforcement officers are being provided with real guns and ammunition. Those who drink liquor may expect to get more than half-shot in case they came in contact with the en forcement officers. Claxton En terprise. Hon. Geo. B. Davis is “cleaning up’’ in his race for attorney-gen eral. For several weeks now he has been canvassing the state in the interest of his candidacy and all indications point to the fact that he will he a sure winner when the contest ends. All that can be brought against Geo. B. so far in his campaign is that he combed his hair when he had his picture made. —Soperton News. There are a great many people in the state who are going to be slow about voting in the presi dential primary next month. They want to wait and see what the platform of the democratic party will be before pledging themselves to vote for any candi date. Vidalia Advance. The following rules which have been tried out are prescribed for the successful grower of cotton under boll weevil conditions: First, plant early; second, plant early variety; third, plant on good land; fourth, fertilize well; fifth, pick first weevils; sixth, pick fallen squares. Soil should be well prepared before planting and growing crop should be cul tivated often but shallow.—Lyons Progress. The peace treaty fight is still going on in the United States Senate, but there is little hope for its ratification. The Presi dent says he will not accept it with reservations that will kill its usefulness and the Republi cans with a few sore head Dem ocrats say it shall not be ratified without the reservations, so there the matter hinges.—Springfield Herald. The women of the United Sta tes are going to vote in the presi dential elections this fall beyond a doubt, and we would earnestly call the attention of party leaders to this important fact when they go to make their platforms. If the women were so narrow as to charge up to the I) mocratic party the insults offered tin m by . the last Georgia legislature, they | would east few votes for that party.- Marietta Journal. Staves Wanted. White Oak Flat Sawn or Split Staves. Will pay $175.00 per thousand cash at your shipping point. Will arrange with local 1 bank to make weekly advances to responsible parties. Write me for full information. F.d C. Bruce, 346 Box 294, Brunswick, Ga. Ford For Salt*. Good car, in perfect running order. See at once C. A. Abt. Mt. Vernon. Ga. Best Seed Irish Potatoes. Buy early. Mt. Vernon Mercantile Company. i | Can the Cash Crops Be Produced at Profit? Are the crops and live stock the farm is producing for sale to the nonproducers of the com munity or for export to other communities such as can be made profitable when produced and sold locally or exported? The best guide here, says the United States Department of Agriculture, is the practice of the community; enterprises should be adopted that are found generally on its farms. A limited demand from the nonproducers of the community for some product not generally grown locally, and for which many local farms are not adapted, will sometimes afford a few farms opportunity for ex pansion. For instance, the plan suggest ed by the department for provid ing dairy products should, if fol lowed, produce enough surplus calves to develop here and there cattle-raising and cattle-feeding farms. Some farms will be specially adapted to this purpose by having an abundance of suit able but unsalable by-products, cheap pasture, or pasture land unadapted to the cropping. Other farms may develop a considerable business in the production of pork, or of pigs for supplying farms where brood sows are not kept. An occasional farmer will develop a business of producing seeds of some particular farm crop or crops to meet the needs of those lacking suitable skill and experience for such production. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be Hold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues day in April, 1920,between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete descrip tion : One certain Ford automobile of the roadster type, model of IBIS, and motor number 78117. Levied on and will he sold as tile property of Wal lace Moses to satisfy a mortgage execution issued from the superior court, of said county in favor of The Commercial Hank. Uvalda, Ga., (a branch of The Mt. Vernon Hank, Mt. Vernon, Ga.) vs Wallace Moses. Property pointed out for levy by pi it iit t i ts, in the possession of defen dant, and written notice of levy given defendant in terms of the law. This the 2d dav of March. 1920. K. E. Hu 1011, Sheriff. For Long Term Farm Loans, SEE A. B. HUTCHESON. I am negotiating some ver> attractive Long Term Farm Loans for the best companies doing bus iness in Georgia, with lowest rates of interest and the most liberal terms of payments 1 have several years experience in (lie loan business, am located at the county site and believe that l am in position to give you the best, terms and as prompt services as any one. If vou need a loan see me before application. A. B. Hutcsheon, Mt. Vernon, Ga. GEO. a COWART Attorney at Law Office with Marcus B. Calhoun MT VERNON, QA. j FIFTY MEN WANTED. At New Bridge. Wages $3.00 per day. DAWKINS CONSTUCTION CO. i i Mt. Vernon, Ga. M oTxew road. Georgia—Montgomery County. To ail Whom it May Concern : Take notice that W. T. Mcßride, E. L. Carpeuter, T. L. Tatom and others have applied for an order seeking the establishment of a new road, which has been laid out and marked conformably to law by commissioners duly appointed, aud a report thereoi made on oath by them, said road commencing at the Towu of Alston, Ga., and running in a westerly direction through the Litt Sharpe old home place, thence to the Ira Anderson place, and thence to Longpond, said proposed new road bordering the lauds of W. T. Mcßride, Gibbs lands, Walter Byrd, John Jay McArthur and T. C. McAr thur. Said petitioners also pray for the abolition of that certain road running from Alston. Ga., to Longpond through lands of Mrs Ala Mcßride, J. A. J. Walker, W. N. Clark and John Jay McArthur, the same Heing parallel to said proposed new road. Also pray for the discontinuation of that road' intersecting lunds of D. A Mcßae and Mrs. Ala Mcßride, runfling in a southerly direction through lands of Mrs. Ala Mcßride, Joe W. Sharpe, the G. G. Horton place and thence to the place of A. T. Johnson. Now, if no good cause be shown to the contrary, by persons interested in the mat ter, the order will be granted bv the Board of Commissioners of Roads aud Revenues of said coun coiinty on the 6th day of April, 1920, establishing said new road. This the 2d duy of March, 1920 Board of Commissioners of Roads and Reuenaes M. C., Ga. J. H Dees, Chm. A. B. Hutcheson, Clerk. Sheriff Salfe. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before thneourt house door iu Mt. Vernon on the first, Tues day in April, 1920, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of whicli tlie following is a complete descrip tion : All that tractor parcel ot land situ ate, lying and being in the 275fh dis trict G. M. of said county,containing one and one-half acres mere or le-is. located in the Town of Charlotte, Ga., and bounded as follows: On till sides by lands belonging to the estate of F. C. Adams and being lots Nos. 6, K and 7, in Block No. 12. Said lots being 100 feeton Jackson Avenue and running back 200 feet and being the same land conveyed to L. S. Adams by I). K. Hollis by an escrow deed dated Feb. 18, 1920, and recorded in Rook No. 26, folio 287 of the records of deeds iu the office of tlie clerk of superior court of said county. Levied on and will be sold as the property ! of L. S. Adams. In possession of 1,. S. Adams and written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This tile 2d day of March, 1920. E. E. Burch. Sheriff. M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Pllf. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia— Montgomery County. By virtue of an order heretofore granted by the court of ordinary of said county, I will sell before the court house door in Mt. Ver non, Ga., said county on the first Tuesday in April, 1920 between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described personal prop erty of the estate of W. H. 11. Stephens, deceased to-wit: “One 5 Pnosengei- Overland Automobile, Model 1917.” Said sale made for the purpose of making distribution among the heirs at law of the deceased. This the Ist dav of March, 1920. J. W. Stephens, Adm. estate of W. 11. 11. Ste phens. W. M. Lewis. Attorney. Citation. Georgia—Montgomery County. 1- L. Horne, as administrator; of Henry Horne, deceased, repre sents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Henry Home’s estates. This is therefore to cite all persons con* | cerned, kindred and creditors, to j show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not lie discharged from his adnnnistra- I tion and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday iu April, i 1920. J. C. McAllister, Ordinary. | Highest Prices Paid for Live Stock. 1 We are constantly in the mar ket for cattle and hogs. Many years experience qualifies us to offer superior advantages to the producers of this section. We are in position to handle your business in a most satisfactory manner. Get our prices, i W. D. & C. W. Peterson. '9192m Alley, Ga ONITOR—THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1920. Peas for Sale. Field Peas, Iron, Brabham and Mixed peas for sale. Peas are very -scarce this season so get your jupply while they last. J. Wade Johnson, 212tf Mount Vernon, Ga. Farm Loans Louns on Improved Farm Lands in Montgomery and Wheeler Counties. Interest rate 6 per ct. Reasonable commission. I can ! handle good propositions for col ored people owning farm lands. FRED M. HARRIS, Mt. Vernon, Ga. Wire Fencing. tt * Justy° nica ceived, two car looted sun Best Wire /Two notes ■ Fen if 1 is reatI > iou can V to the oi Save™ was di ** by seeing new' ~ me. (HV? I*rices 1 *rices from tipitul ai others “compare P. J.V’.NATT, Uvalda, Ga. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. Loans on improved farm lands of Montgomery County can be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in terest in "amounts of SI,OOO and above, with the privilege of re paying part of the principal at any interest bearing periods in amounts of SIOO or multiples thereof, thereby stopping the in terest on amount paid. Loans can be made for periods of 57, or 10 years to suit the borrower. Commissions charged are reason able. M. B. Calhoun, Mt. Vernon, Ga, R. E. Ward, Soperton, Ga. Post Your Lands. Open your woodland to the pub lic and soon there will not be a , stick of wood or timber on it. Put the public on notice by post ing up printed notices. Get the printed notices at The Monitor office, 10 cents each. Building Material. Best grades of Rough Lumber, Framing, Sills, etc., cut on short notice. Mill six miles north of Mt. Vernon. See or phone Jas. W. Adams, 1113tf Mt. Vernon, Ga. 1 l j A THE UNZVER&AJ, CAR The Ford Touring Car is literally the pioneer in the solution of the Good Roads problem, because three million or more in operation brought up to the millions of America the necessity of good roads if quick transportation at low expense was to be enioyed. The simplicity of the Ford car, its stability in , construction, the famous heat-treated Vanadium steel with its marvelous strength and flexibility, the low cost of operation and maintenance, its ease in operation, all have made the Ford car the great favorite in every land in the world. It’s the one car that always satisfies and nerves. A utility beyond question that all can afford. We sell them and will be pleased to have your order. Don't delay, because the demand is heavy all the time. We have almost everything ir. motor car accessories, carry the genuine Ford Parts, and assure the best in mechanical repair work. j. McNatt Uvalda ; Wire Fencing. Carload American Wire Fence just received. Standard sizes. Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co., Mt. Vernon, Ga. i Woodland for Sale. ! 400 acres of best woodland for i farm purposes in Montgomery, county. Good soil and convenient j to railroad. Fair price—cash or terms. For particulars apply at Monitor office, Mt. Vernon. l : Monumental Work. We carry a complete line of monuments. Please call at yards and inspect designs, get esti mates, etc. Vidaiia Monument Co., ts Vidaiia, Ga. Cypress Shingles. I have on hand an unlimited number of hand-drawn number one cypress shingles for sale. See me at once. A. B. Hutcheson, 1016tf Mt. Vernon, Ga. - Lumber for Sale. A lot of good Weather-Boarding and Ceiling, the latter in thick and thin sizes. See or write G. W. Pharr, 212tf Higgston, Ga. | FARM LOANS \ N * % Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and « > Toombs County Lands + l QUICK ACTION ATTRACTIVE TERMS < l GILLIS & HALL \ £ SOPERTON, GA. 3 * 4 • AAA&AA AAAAAAA&AAAAAAAAAAA 4AAAAAAA4. AAAAAIAA tAA&AAAA* • (BUILDING fIATERIAL I WE HAVE A FULL LINE IN STOCK 1 g Lumber, Lime, Cement, Brick, Lath | | Plaster, Shingles, Windows | Doors and Frames | I In fact, everything used in building. If you are going I | to build, get our prices. They are right, and we can si Y. make prompt deliveries. « : I JOHN T. RAGAN & CO. 1 I VIIiAUA, GA. I Sale of Persona! Property. Georgia—Montgomery County. By virtue of an order of the ; Court of Ordinarv, granted-at chambers. March 16, 1920, I will 'sell at puhlic outcry at the home jof Oscar Ruts, decease d, on the j 27th day ot March, 1920, within ■ the legal hours of sale, the follow ! ing personal property: 22 head of stock cattle. 7 head lof hogs, two one-hor e wagons, 1 buggy and harness, 1 oii drum, 2 j gallons, of oil, 160 pounds of lard, •40 gallons of syrup. 7":0 pounds of bacon, 100 pounds of salt, 1 pair cotton scales. 1 farm bell, 1 cook ing stove, 3 bakers, 1 table, 1 lot of crockery ware, fruit jure, etc., 2 kitchen safes, 1 oil stove, 3 ■ bedsteads, 2 sets bed springs, 1 j organ, 1 dresser, 1 wash stand, 1 sewing machine, 1 clock, 8 bush els potatoes, 1 Ford car, 957 pounds lint cotton, 2 shot guns and one pistol. Terms cash. Temporary Adm Oscar Kuis and Mattie Ruis. T. IP Second Round. 1 I will be at the following places on the dates named for the pur pose of receiving state and county , | taxes for the year 1920: Uvalda, March 22, 9 to 12 m. | Alston, 22, 1 to 4 p. m. i Higgston, 23, 9 a. m. to 12 m. I Ailey, 23, 1 to 4 p. m. ; Tarrytown, 24, 9a.m. to 12m. ‘, Kibbee, 24, 1 to 4p. m. Mt. Vernon, 25, 9. a. m. to 12 m. W. L. Stiow, Tax Receiver.