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§ Brew to n=Parker By Regular W
A i
§ NeWS Correspondent g
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Among those who spent the
week-end at their homes were:
Stephen and Joseph New, Nor
mantown; Vivian, Truman and
Olan Stubbs, Lanier: Holmes
Pinholster, Daisy; Hubert Hogan,
Dexter: Walter Fordham, Rentz:'
Jerry McDaniel, Dublin; and
Howard Ennis, Alvin Freeman,
Harvey Kent, Curtis Browning
and Lee Rivers, Glen wood.
A feature of the Damon Liter- 1
ary Society last Thursday after
noon was the scene from “Bring
ing up Father” by Walter Ford-!
ham and Esther Mason. The
program for the Pythian Society
for today will be as follows:
Piano Duet, Catherine Boynton
and Margaret Currie; Reading,
Johnnie Baldwin; Violin Solo,
Charlie Will Salter; Chorus Mar-|
garet Currie, Catherine Boynton, j
Effie Lee Currie, Esther Geiger, !
Johnnie Hilbun, Carol Hutcheson, |
Willie Allene Elliott, and Alma
At sto (> | kt cent, in Amounts of #IOOO ij
to $ 100,000, on Five to Ten Years time, i
I represent one of the largest Life Insurance
Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can
close loans on short order. j;
W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. j
If you wish to borrow money, you should
write to
Citizens Trust Building. SAVANNAH, GA.
J. Wade Johnson, Local Correspondent
Amounts to suit the needs of all on the
following rates and terms:
(1) <> per cent, interest for five to ten years on 40 percent, security
(2) 6 per cent, interest for five or ten years on 40 percent, security
value with annual reduction of ten to twenty per cent, of the
principal, with reduction of interest correspondingly.
(3) 7 per cent, interest for five to ten years on 50 per cent, security
value, with annual reduction of ten to twenty percent, of the
principal, with reduction in interest accordingly.
(I) 7 per cent, interest for five to ten years on 50 per cent, security
value with no reduction of principal for term of loan.
(5) 7 per cent interest for ten years on 50- per cent, of security
value, with privilege of paying one-fifth of principal amount
annually at any time during the year, and when such pay
ment is made, interest to cease immediately on amount paid.
Under this plan the borrower lias the privilege of paying in
full a tc>n year loan after four years from first interest date,
(fi) 4 J per cent, interest on the amortization plan. Under this
plan principal and interest paid in twenty annual installments.
If you desire, you may pay up the entire loan at any time
after it is made with aGj per cent, discount on all payments
not due.
This plan is better than a short term loan at your bank. You
can make the loan short or long as you prefer. It is also bet
ter than the Government Farm loan because.
(a) It can hi* made quickly and you get your money.
(b) The term is twenty years and not thirty-five years.
(c) It can be paid up at any time after loan is made, where
as. by the Government plan, you cannot reduce the principal
or pay off loan in full in less than five years.
(d> No local organization is necessary. You are not re
sponsible in any way,for your neighbor's loan.
(7) 6 per cent, interest for five to ten years interest and principal
payable in monthly installments.
Loans oil town or city property negotiated.
For further information see or write
J. WADE JOHNSON, Local Correspondent, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Citizens Trust Building SAVANNAH. GA.
PHONES: Savannah, 2993. Mt Vernon, 41 and 70-2 i
)'0 ; 0/00 0J0^0J0f0!0
Mason; Jokes, King Evans; Cam
pus Notes, Lee Rivers; and I
Prophecy, Rosa Cochran.
Mrs. R. H. Panter and her;
little sons, Harmon and William
Brewton, the latter an addition
to the family since her departure
for North Georgia, returned Tues
day morning. They were accom
panied by Mr. Panter’s sister,
( Josie.
The baseball material for the j
8.-P. I. team has arrived, but
there seems to be very little in
terest among the students in that
direction right at the present. A
call for volunteers to work on
j the diamond Tuesday afternoon
met with little response, as there
were only one or two who re
ported, It is hoped that a strong
i coach may be secured for the
j team next year so that the 8.-P.
I. team may be second to none in
South Georgia.
Miss Jeddie Cockfield of this
| place returned Sunday from a
trip to Waycross in company with
her brother, Mr. T. H. Cockfield,
of Vidalia. Mrs. Rountree of
Vidalia took the trip with them.
Mr. W. C. Coleman of Savan
nah spent Sunday with relatives
in Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Coleman
has returned to Savannah.
Mr. H. H. Morrison of Savan-,
nah is spending the week with
j his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, W.
Miss Grace Currie, after a visit
home, has returned to her studies
in the G, N. & I. C. at Milledge
▼ille. She was accompanied as
far as Macon by her father, Dr.
J. F. Currie.
Col. M. B. Calhoun returned
last evening from a business trip
to Macon.
Mr. S. V. Hicks spent a part of
last week in Ocilla and Rochelle.
Mr. H. L. Wilt spent Sunday
and Monday with relatives in
Reports from Alamo state that
Col. Eschol Graham, while at
tending court there yesterday,
was stricken with appendicitis.
On being removed to his home in
Mcßae he was found to bfe suf
fering greatly. Friends in this
section will look forward to his
Col. Fred M. Harris, who has
been quite ill at his home here
for two weeks, was Sunday morn
ing taken to the Vidalia hospital,
where he underwent an operation,
as a result of which he was some
what relieved. It is hoped that
he will soon be beyond the dan
ger point.
Among those attending Wheel
er county superior court in Alamo
this week were Cols. L. C. Un
derwood, A. L. Lanier and M. B.
Calhoun and Sheriff E. E. Burch.
Court was adjourned over until
Monday, when the criminal dock
et will be taken up.
Mr. E. J. Brown was yesterday
called to the bedside of his fath
er, Mr. J. L. Brown, of Cobb
town, who was recently stricken
with paralysis. Mr. Brown is a
man of many years, and his con
dition is not very promising.
Mr. D. A. Mcßae., returned a
few days ago from Atlanta,
where he underwent an opera
tion. The condition of his health
is greatly improved and he will
doubtless be able to resume his
business in a short while.
Mrs. Clifford Geiger and Mrs.
J. Wade Johnson were called to
Glen wood yesterday on account
of the illness of their father, Mr.
R, Morrison, Mr. Morrison was
last might carried to the hospital
at Vidalia and reports are that
he is resting well this morning.
Services at the Mt. Vernon
Presbyterian church next Sab
bath morning. No service in the
evening on account of the pro
tracted services at the Baptist
Mr. Robert McCrimmon of
Lincolnton spent lest Sabbath
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. McCrimmon.
See McCrimmon Grocery Co.
for white Spanish peanuts. Tne
right kind at the right price.
From Vidalia Advance.
Col. George Cowart of Mt.
Vernon was a visitor to the citv
| *
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dickson of
Higgston were visitors to the city
Misses Sara Mae and Minnie
McWhorter returned to their
schools in Mt. Vernon and Soper
ton last Monday, having had a
vacation of about two weeks on
account of the influenza.
Mr. A. J. Hilton from out on
route one was a visitor to the
city Thursday.
Mr. T. B. Conner, superinten
dent of the public schools in
Montgomery county, was in the
city Tuesday. i
Attractive Play for
for Vidalia April Ist.
The new comedy “La La Lu
cille” which comes from a long
and highly successful run in New
York will be the attraction at the j
City Auditorium, Vidalia. Thurs
day, April Ist. “La La Lucille”
; has a plot chock full of laughs
and funny complications concern
ing principally the difficulties of
a young couple who contemplate
a divorce in order to comply
i technically with the terms con
tained in the will of a sinister
old aunt. The scenic production
of the piece is regarded as one of
■ the handsomest seen in recent
years. /
‘Lai* ajid He” boasts of one
of the #e. rivec singing and danc
ing c/the 21, t jjr. ad.
____torn- the * 1
j sieg A*
! <3? jLs | tang I*L r * 9$
1 feW Need of Money |
/rougr QA
£ j ‘'jairer*
| Come to See me At Once, 4
| Either Short or Long Term Loans. i
|j and can secure money on either farm or city j|
I property within ten days or less. #
p See me at once, as I have clients now for both 1
Ifarm and city property in this section. §
come to see me, or phone and I will call on you. M
J. YVacle Johnson I
One Night, Thursday, April Ist
A Swirl of Merriment, Youth, Beauty and Melodies of
Memory Haunting Witchery
Oist of notable players including’ Julia Gifford, Neil Pratt
and half score others with a chorus of bewitching Broadwav Mai
Fresh from live months run at the Henry Miller Theater,
New York City and positively the only company. Cast and pro
duction complete.
Atlanta Journal says: It is genuinely funny. Even a Sun
day School teacher would he hound to laugh at Fanny, the jani
tress, who agrees to act as co-respondent for not less than 85.00.
Admission; A few seats at $2.00, entire lower fleor 51.50, balcony SI.OO plus war tax.
I Seats now on Sale at Meadows Pharmacy.
' Services at Baptist Church
* Are Now in Progress.
Protracted services began at
the Mt. Vernon Baptist church
last Sabbath, and will doubtless |
be continued until the middle of
next week —possibly longer.
The services have been well
attended and genuine interest is
manifest. Rev. I. R. Walker,
state evangelist, is doing the
preaching. He is a man of won
derful force and deep spiritual
The public is cordially invited
to attend each and every service
—both afternoon and at night.
A safe investment —$1.50 in
the county paper.
'flu's department will contain
! the names of subscribers who
have made payments on subscrip
tion for the week ending with
date of publication. The appear
ance of few or no names (as
is often the case) indicates a
shortage of funds in The Monitor
office. This week:
H. K. Carpenter. Mt. Vernoon 2.
I. £. Brooks, Tarry town.
Jas. W. Adams, Mt. Vernon, 1.
Missionary Meeting.
The Ladies Missionary Society
of the Presbyterian church will
meet at 3p. m. next Monday,
the 29t.h, with Mrs, W. C. Mc-
Rae. This is an important meet
ing and all the ladies are urged
to be present.