Newspaper Page Text
Modem Road Will be Built
Between Toombs and
Engineers are making the
foundation survey of the high- 1
way from the new bridge on tne
Oconee river to the Toombs coun- j
ty line. This work has been in '
progress several days, but will,
probably not be finished under
four weeks.
Leaving the bridge there will:
be cut two curves before reach- j
ing Mt. Vernon, and the highway!
will pass near the Mcßae mill 1
and thence up the street east- j
ward, crossing Railroad avenue
at the Mcßride Kent corner and
intersecting College avenue op
posite the home of Col. A. B.
Hutcheson, when it will follow,
in general, the public road to the
Toombs county line.
The contract will doubtless be
let during the summer. This
being a government project, the
county road force will not take
part in the work of construction.
When finished this will be the
most modern roadway in this
Will Treat Hogs
Against Cholera.
Dr. Murray King, the Federal
inspector recently assigned to;
Toombs and Montgomery coun- j
ties for the purpose of administer- 1
ing hog cholera remedies and
instructing the stock raisers in
the use of serum and virus, will
be in Mt.. Vernon regularly on
Thursdays, Fridays and Satur- j
days, of each week. He will be !
in Lyons the first three days of
each week.
Those desiring treatment for
hogs should call on him. There '
is no charge for his services
aside from the actual cost of the
The services of Dr. King will!
add greatly to the hog raising!
industry in this section and the i
farmers are invited to consult!
him for information on the sub- 1
1 Duroc Jerseys |
I (Registered Stock) j|
| || FOR SALE, A FEW |
I ■ " if
I Richmond & McArthur j|
f The Vidalia Variety Works :
> V 4
I Phone No. 116 Vidalia, Ga. \
Unnfcjmttm; Htnnitur.
The Elopement of Ellen.
The comedy, “Elopement of
Ellen.” was successfully staged
at The Brewton-Parker Tuesday
evening despite the inclement
weather, and proceeds amounted
to a respectable sum.
The Athletic association of The
j Brewton-Parker and the Mt.
, Vernon haseoall team have ar
ranged to have the play restaged
tomorrow (Friday) evening, 30th
! inst.. in the auditorium, and the
• public is asked to extend liberal
support. The ball team and the
association will divide up on the
; affair.
| Miss Sula Estelle Truitt of
Ailey and Mr. Joseph M. Haskin I
of Savannah were married onj
Sunday, Aprii 25, at the residence '
of Rev. John S. Wilder, pastor
of Calvary Baptist church. The
bride’s only attendant was Miss
Miriam Clark, and Mr. Joe Cooly ,
was the groom’s best man.
! The bride is the youngest (
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
C. Truitt of Ailey and her marri- j
age will come as a surprise to her
many friends here where she is
well known.
The happy couDle left im
mediately on a honeymoon trip
through Florida.
The bride wore a traveling suit
of midnight blue French serge l
I with hat to match. They will he !
at home after May Ist at 212 W
Hull St.
Interesting Programs for
Baptist Sunday School.
The officers of the Mt. Vernon
Baptist Sunday School are making
special efforts to enlarge the in
terest in the work, and to this
end they are planning some
; special feature for each Sabbath
The public is cordially invited
to attend. The school, under the
supervision of Col. L. C. Under
wood, is very progressive, but
: their renewed efforts are calcu
! lated to carry the work to even
I higher standards of efficiency and
! profit. Hereafter the programs ;
1 will be varied more than former- 1
j ly, and will be entertaining and !
| profitable to both old and young.
Special Correspondence.
Miss Serepta Palmer of Kibbee
was the week-end visitor to the
Misses Burns.
i Mr. J. J. Walker of Soperton
delivered a splendid address at
the Baptist Sunday school Sunday
afternoon. Bro. Walker is a
splendid Sunday school worker,
and any Sunday school in need
i of a worker can secure his ser
vices by writing him at Soperton.
Messrs. Chas. H. Branch and
J. F. Mixon motored over to Vi
dalia Monday afternoon.
Mr. James Hester of Mt. Ver
non was here Monday afternoon.
Mr. Will Callahan of Savannah
spent the week-end with home- i
folks here.
, 1 i
| Mr. 0. A. Burns of Glennville
I was here a short while Monday
Miss Mary E. Conner attended
the teachers’ institute at Mt.
Vernon Saturday.
Born -at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Landrum Monday
! morning a boy. May he live]
long and do well.
Judge Wallace of Soperton was
transacting business here Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. George Rogers of Soperton
was a business visitor here Tues
Tax Receiver W. L Snow was
receiving taxes here Tuesday.
Messrs. W. B. Cadle L. E.
Stanford, W. L. Calhoun, R. D.
i and B. S. Beaty, J. T. Warnock
and son, John Whit Crawford,
Wiley B. Phillips and J. P. Mix
on are off to Middleton’s lake for
a week's fishing trip. Here is
luck to you gentlemen.
Dr. Grimes returned to the city
Sunday after a visit of several
days in Colquitt county.
Mr. H. Zeesman and family
were after dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Estroff at Soperton
Miss Mary Zeesman had as her
! guests Monday Miss Anna Sis
kund of Soperton and Mr. Arthur
Atken from Louisville.
Miss Mary Zeesman returned
from a two week’s visit at Louis
ville and Savannah.
A large crowd attended the
commencement exercises at Zai
dee Monday nignt. Among those
were, Mr. Newton Moxley, Misses
Ruby Coleman, Cleo and Clina
; Carr. Mr. Moody Calhoun, Miss
i Mettie Moxley, Miss Mary Zees
-1 man and Mr. Cecil Cooper.
A very interesting affair to the
community around here occurred
when Mr. Floyd Calhoun of this
city was joined in the Holy bonds
of matrimony to Miss Marv Dun
can of below Uvalda, on Wednes
day last. After a delightful
! honeymoon at Jacksonville, Fla.,
they returned home to his pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Cal
houn. They have the best wishes
of the community.
Mr. Felton Mixon was attend
ing business in Macon Tuesday.
Mr. Bill Tanner of Davisboro
came down Sunday for a few
days visit at the home of Mr. C.
F. Ferrell.
It is raining today, Tuesday,
and the farmers sav grass is
: growing.
Notice to Public.
‘ State of Georgia—Montgomery
1 County.
i Notice is hereby given that
| about the last of March or Ist of
; April, 1920, three notes were
;! given to me for rent. one by Joe
’ j Brown, for $375 00, one by G W.
'! | Bet ha for $250 (X) und one by Sam
! I Davis tor $125 (X), each due Sept,
j: Ist, 1920. I huve lo9t said notes
• I or the same have been taken from
, | my pockets. Neither of aaid notes
| | have been traded or sold by me,
>j or delivered to any one; that the
i Betha notes hud my name written
j on the back of it, but the same
> has never been transferred or
! j delivered to any one. I forewarn
I anybody from trading for either
fJ ot said notes. I request that any
II one who may find said notes or
' : locate any of them to let rn*- know
'j at once, and oblige. This the
{23d day of April, 1920.
W. C. McCrimmon.
Another Play at 8.-P. I.
The sixth grade of 8.-P. I. will
j present Lightheart—a child’s
allegorical play, next Monday
evening, May 3rd, at 8:30 oclock.
, The play is given for benefit of
grammar school play ground,
i Admission 25c.
Longpond Dots.
Special Correspondence.
' Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Moses and
! children of Lumber City visited
the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. McAllister.
Miss Ruth Mobley has returned
; from a visit to her sister, Mrs.
Fletcher, at Americus, Ga.
Mr. Dewey Brantley and wife
[ and Mr. John M. Byrd and wife
of Charlotte visited Mr. J. W. 1
Gillis Sunday.
Mrs. D. Q. Coleman and son of
Uvalda spent the week-end with
| her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. J.
i Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hughes of
Mt. Vernon spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. J. S. Williamson.
Rev. Walker, who is holding
a meeting at Uvalda, filled the
pulpit here Sunday afternoon.
He preached an interesting ser-
I mon, and it was enjoyed by all
; present. !
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McAllister
! spent Sunday with the latter’s
| sister, Mrs. H. J. Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goff and
Ison visited relatives at Tarry
-1 town and other points last week
Miss Belle McAllister visited
her brother, Mr. H. G. McAllis
ter, at Scotland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strickland
and baby, Mr. Southwell and Mr.
Glenn Strickland of Claxton were
visitors at the home of Mr. A.
W. Mobley last week-end.
Mr. F. D. Carpenter attended
quarterly conference at Glenwood
the first of the week.
A play, “The Coonville Aristo
crat Club,” will be given bv the
Longpond school Friday evening,
April 30.
Give ’Em a Chance.
“Give your tires a chance,” i
pleads Mr. Hicks. Firestone rep
resentative at Mt, Vernon, in
suggesting ways to secure great
er miles for the auto owner.
“The use of foot or emergency
brakes is taught to the new car
owner early.” he says, “and |
being somewhat nervous and
timid, the driver mav apply the
brakes very hard, with the result
that one or both rear tires receive
tread damage.
“When so damaged the tire
should be given immediate atten
tion or the injury will result
seriously if dirt and dampness is
allowed to work beneath the
tread. It is also advisable to in
inspect. brakes frequently to see
that they are properly adjusted.
If upon application of the brake,
one wheel moves faster than the
other, the tire on the one moving
the slower receives most of the
strain, and under these circum
stances excessive wear to the
tread may be expected.”
“The Coonville ‘Ristocrat
Club” will be given by the Long
pond school Friday evening,
j April 30 at 8:30. Admission 15
and 25c. Proceeds to go for
school improvement.
County Pensioners Will
Be Paid Shortly.
Judge J. C. McAllister has
daily been expecting the pension
money for this county, but to
date it has not arrived. Upon
I receipt of the funds all pension
ers will be notified, by letter and
through the paper.
Those who have made applica
tion during the past year cannot
anticipate payment until the ap
plications have been passed on
and therefore cannot be paid
until later. This matter may not
be adjusted until after the sum
mer session of the State Assem
Services Sunday.
Regular services at the Mt.
| Vernon Presbyterian church next
Sabbath, both morning and even
. ing.
At the morning service the
sacrament will be administered,
and the evening service will he
in the nature of an illustrated
sermon. All invited toattend.
Notice to Public.
This is to certify that on the
13th day of April. 1920, I E. W.
I I Mcßride, made toW. E. O’Quinn
i ; onelcheck for $75.00, post dated
, to May Ist. All persons are
hereby notified not to accent this
. | check. This the 23rd day of
April, 1920.
• | E. W. Mcßride.
J Uvalda, Ga.
Quarterly Conference !
at Alston Saturday. |
l The second quarterly confer
ence will be held at Alston Satur
day, May Ist. The presiding
!elder, Rev. L. W. Colson, of Mc-
Rae, was to have preached Satur
iday and Sunday, but on account
,of illness it is quite probable that
Rev. A. G. Brewton of Mt. Ver
non will preside in his stead and
preach for him. Mr. Colson has
j been quite ill for several days.
Rev. L. A. Brown, pastor of
the Methodist church at Baxley,
will assist the pastor, Rev. J. M.
Hancock, in a protracted meeting
at Alston, beginning Monday,
May 3. Miss Pearl Mathews of
Talbotton will assist with the
singing during the series of ser
vices. The public invited to
Miss Anna Morrison of Macon
spent Saturday and Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mr. Owen Higgs of Atlanta
visited his mother, Mrs. Flora
Higgs, Sunday.
Mr. W. P. Stephens of Treutlen
county was among friends in
Mt. Vernon yesterday morning.
Solicitor W. A. Wooten of East
man spent yesterday morning in
Mt. Vernon. He has no special
arrangement to announce for the
criminal docket any further than
to say that criminal cases will be
taken up during the second week
of superior court, which begins
next Monday. The schedule for
criminal week will be given in
next issue.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mcßae and
little daughter. Quinelle, visited
i relatives at Cedar Crossing today.
Messrs Ben and Max Segall of
Glenwood were among friends in
Mt. Vernon a few hours this
morning. They are former citi
zens of Mt. Vernon and are
pleasantly remembered by our
i people.
Mib. Orion Hill visited relatives
in Grayrnont Sunday last. She
was accompanied home by her
sister. Miss Maude Bryant.
Mt. Vernon friends will be glad
to learn that Col. Fred M. Harris,
who has been in the Vidalia Hos
pital for over thirty days, is im
proving rapidly, and will soon
be able to return home.
In last week’s reference to pro
posed new dwellings in Mt. Ver
non, and those recently finished,
no mention was made of the
rebuilt home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Hicks. This work has been
in progress some time, under the
direction of Mr. Jas. A. Hughes,
and when completed will be one
of the most attractive little homes
in the place.
Mrs. F. C. Higgs and daughter,
Miss Bessie Higgs, left this
morning for Atlanta, where they
go for treatment for Mrs. Higgs,
who has been quite unwell for
several weeks.
Mrs. T. S. Bush of Macon spent
Sunday and Monday with her
sister, Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae.
Mr. Cecil McCall of Savannah
spent Sunday last with friends in
Mt. Vernon.
Messrs. T. W. Timmerman and
P. H. Clements of Vidalia visited
Mt. Vernon Sunday, guests of
the family of Mr. J. E. Cockfield.
The local ball team will plav
Alamo on the 8.-P. I. diamond
tomorrow afternoon. Admission,
j 25 cents. Charles Abt insists on
i the public lending every aid pos
sible toward the success of the
“business men” in this engage
ment with a visiting team.
Messrs. E. C. McAliister, F.
I). Carpenter and C. C. McAllis
ter, Jr., of Longpond and E.
Leggett of Uvalda attended con
ference at Glenwood Monday.
Dr. J. W. Palmer of Ailey is
! I attending the annual session of
i the American Medical Associa
j tion in New Orleans this week.
| ■, --t
Services at Bethel.
> i
, The Monitor is requested to
i announce the service at Bethel
1 Church Sunday next, when, in
connection with the service, will
i be held an all-day sing. Preach
f by the pastor. Rev. W. T. Cole
man. Regular services are held
on each first Sunday and Satur
day before, all invited.
Mt. Vernon People Plan for
Future Observance of
the Days.
Memorial exercises were held
at the Mt. Vernon Baptist church
Monday afternoon. On account
of the short space of time in
which the notice was given, there
were but few present, but the
interest was none the less marked.
Exercises were opened by the
election of H. B. Folsom as chair
man, who expressed his attach
ment for the cause and deplored
the seeming lack of interest on
the part of Southern people in a
cause dear to them.
A ladies choir rendered a num
ber of selections, including pa
triotic airs.
The address of the occasion
was delivered by Rev. F. M.
Baldwin of the Presbyterian
church. This was heard with
interest and appreciation. Col.
L. C. Underwood also made an
appropriate talk.
There was appointed a com
mittee to arrange for the next
annual occasion, empowered also
to provide for the observance of
May 30 as national memorial day.
This committee is as follows:
Col. L. C. Underwood, Mr. W.
A. Peterson. Mr. F. Lee Mcßae,
Prof. L. S. Barrett, Mr. Herman
Mcßride and Mrs. M. B. Calhoun.
Far in advance of the occasion
this committee will have provided
a program, which will be re
ferred to in the paper, and the
public will be expected to attend.
The chairman called attention
to the need, as Southerners, of
observing each April 26 as me
morial day, regardless of the fact
that May 30th will become na
tional memorial day. This date
will coincide with the Northern
memorial day, hut should not
necessarily interfere with the
26th of April and it is hoped that
before another year more intense
interest will be taken in the
April occasion, followed by the
national occasion on May 30th.
Made Visit to
Col. D. Roscoe Peacock of
Eastman, candidate for congress
man from the Twelfth district,
spent the first part of the week
in Montgomery county on a cam
paign tour. He will be in Mt.
Vernon during court week, and
will later return to this c< unt/
for a more extended personal
contact with the people cf Mont
Mr. Peacoch is a young man
< f genteel and scholarly bearing
and is winning many friends
throughout the district. He was
formerly state senator from the
Fifteenth district, vice-president
of that body in 1917. He resign
ed his commission and entered
the army and served with distinc
tion in France with the American
expeditionary forces.
Play for Sadie School.
The young people of Sadie
i school will present “Mrs. Tubbs
of Shantytown,” a three act
comedy, Friday evening. Mav 7th.
The exercises will be held at
the home of Mr. B. Mathias, and
the proceeds will go to the bene
fit of the school. Admission 25
and 15 cents. The public invited
to attend.
NO. 51.