The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 06, 1920, Image 5
NEW MAP OF STATE HIGHWAYS Every Public Road Under State Supervision be Marked. The State Highway Depart ment of Georgia, in addition to the already numerous activities of road construction and main tenance and the distribution of government surplus war equip ment, has undertaken to compile an automobile touring guide of the highways of the state. Mr. W. R. Neel, State High way Engineer, has recently is sued instructions to the Division Engineers throughout the state to secure the data necessary to make the new guide. The proposed state system of roads, which has recently-been established, will be taken up in the order of the highway route numbers and a separate descrip tion and map of each route will be published as soon as each is completed. The descriptions to be issued will not in every case follow the proposed highway but will place before the traveling public a guide of the roads that are now in the best condition for travel. The descriptions will be corrected from time to time as the roads are improved and new roads ar.e constructed. As soon as the routes are completed throughout the state the descrip tion and a route map will be compiled in booklet Ijprm and issued from the office of the State Highway Department in Atlanta. Information will be continuous ly coming in to the office of the Highway Department from all parts of the state and the condi tion of the roads in any locality will be known at all times. The touring guide will be kept up to date by means of road bulletins which will be issued monthly, or oftener as the condi tions warrant. Money in the Ground, And How to Get It Out. Yes. there is money in the ground, but you must know how to get it out. The successful farmer knows how to get it out— by correct farming methods and stock raising. The Progressive Farmer, the leading farm paper of the South tells how it is done. Send me SI.OO and I will have the Progressive Farmer sent you one year, and in addition I will give the Farmer’s Account Book, in which you can keep record of all accounts having to do with the farm. Also. I will send you, with complete directions, a pack age of seed, from which you can produce an endless supply of green cow feed. Grows five in ches in 24 hours. Planted in May and June and lasts until frost. Greatest feed on earth. If you are already getting the Progress ive Farmer, kindly allow me to extend it another year and get the benefit of the valuable pre miums, either of which is worth the price. No such offer ever made the people of Montgomery county. Send all remittances to T. L. Tatom. Alston, Ga. Notice to Public. State of Georgia—Montgomery County. Notice )b hereby given that about the last of March or Ist of April, 1920. three notes were given to me for rent, one by Joe Brown, for $375 00, one by G. W. Betba for $250 00 and one bv Sam Davis for $125 00, each due Sept. Ist, 1920. I have lost said notes or the same have been taken from my pockets. Neither of said notes have been traded or sold by me, or delivered to any one; that the Betha notes had my name written on the back of it, but the same has never been transferred or delivered to any one. 1 forewarn anybody from trading for either of said notes. I request that any one who may find said notes or locate any of them to let me know at once, and oblige. This the 23d day of April, 1920. W. C. McCrimmon. For sale cheap, two Ford tour ing cars. Hicks Bros, Highest Prices Paid! for Live Stock. We are constantly in the mar ket for cattle and hogs. Many years experience qualifies us to j offer superior advantages to the j producers of this section. We; are in position to handle your business, in a most satisfactory manner. Get our prices. W. D. & C. W. Peterson, 9192 m Ailey, Ga Cypress Shingles. I have on hand an unlimited number of hand-drawn number l one cypress shingles for sale. See me at once. A. B. Hutcheson, 1016tf Mt. Vernon, Ga. ; IDuroc Jerseys | (Registered Stock) i I FOR SALE, A FEW j I! I CHOICE YOUNG | I 1 BOARS. I I I ALSO A LIMITED 1 1 I NUMBER GILTS. 1 I 1 THE PUBLIC COR- | I I DIALLY INVITED 1 I I 1 TO INSPECT OUR I I I STOCK. | Richmond & McArthur | AILEY, GEORGIA | ►nmwmmwmmvfnMvwfvvvvvvvvvvw*»*vnv»' \ The Vidalia Variety Works 1 ► SCREEN SASH AND DOORS, ftANTELS 3 : WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, TURNED 3 ; COLUMNS AND BALUSTERS 3 i Phone No. 116 Vidalia, Ga. 2 > 4 • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'AAAA * * —— : We Sell Genuine International Repairs • Made For By the International Harvester Company REPAIRS made for International implements and other farm equipment by the Harvester Com pany are the only repairs made from the original patterns. All others are copied from copies, and in this roundabout reproduction they may lose in correct ness of shape, sharpness of detail, closeness in fitting, and quality of material. These repairs are made for Deering, McCormick, Milwaukee, Titan and other International-made machines. Genuine (JJ) Repairs Are Better in Quality Fit Better and Wear Longer The Harvester Company stands back of its machines. Be fair in the matter. Do not substitute imitation repairs for the genuine and expect best service. Repairs made by other concerns and marked “Made for” or “Will fit”, are not genuine IHC repairs. They often lack weight, are not always correct in shape, are imperfectly finished, do not fit properly, or are made of inferior material. Buy Genuine International Repairs for your International Farm Equipment. Beware of Any Other Kind! * Vidalia Buggy Co., Vidalia, Ga. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1920. For Long Term Farm Loans, SEE A. B. HUTCHESON, I am negotiating some very j attractive Long Term Farm Loans i for the best companies doing bus iness in Georgia, witt lowest rates of interest and the most liberal terms of payments I have several years experience in the loan business, am located at the county site and believe that I am in positiou to give you the best terms aud as prompt services as uny one. If vou need a loan see me before application. . A. B. Hutcsheon, Mt. Veruou, Ga 11f in Need of Money I * * * #• * ♦ I* • * * Come to See fine At Once, f * * * * | Either Short or Long Term Loans. £ * * * * *■ i | i MONEY IN BANK FOR SHORT TERM LOANS I * * * . * J and can secure money on either farm or city + * * J property within ten days or less. * * 5 i ! IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY ! * * See me at once, as 1 have clients now for both 3ft ... J farm and city property in this section. * | come to see me, or phone and I will call on ycu. % * £ * ■ - '* - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- % |J. Wade Johnson! * J % MT. VERNON t * * THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Garden farmer will find the Ford Model T One Ton Truck an especially valuable factor in his business because of the flexibility as well as the reliability of the service given by this splendid truck. The worm-drive of manganese bronze carries all the power of the motor to driving the Truck, and there are com bined in larger and heavier form all the elements which have made the Ford Model T Car the greatest motor car in the world in point of service. The Ford Truck with its worm-drive is most economical in operation and maintenance. There is very little, if anything, to get out of order at any time; there is the sim plicity in control; there i 3 the convenience in the flexibility of the car, it will turn in a circle of forty-eight feet; it accommodates itself to narrow alleys, and it “stands the gaff” of hard work day after day, and month after month, to the great satisfaction of the owner. There i 3 hardly a line of business activity where the Ford One Ton Truck is not really a necessity. Come in and talk it over. P. J McNatt | Uvalda. Fords are plentiful, and easy to get —if your order is placed with me at once. No guaran tee on the future. My exclusive territory embraces all of Montgomery south of M D 6 S. Ry. except Kibbee and Tarrytown—and I am suppling it with the “Old Reliable.” Mount Vernon Wood Yard W. A. GUYTON, Proprietor The Best Grades of Oak and Pine Wood, Cut to any Dimensions. Heady for the Stove or Fireplace. PROrtPT DELI VERY AND FULL HEASURE See me for prices. Yards near Mt. Vernoti depot Building Material. Best grades of Rough Lumber, Framing, Sills, etc., cut on short notice. Mill six miles north of Mt. Vernon. See or phone Jas. W. Adams, 1113tf Mt. Vern<yi. Ga. You will find the Amber Cane Seed at McCrimrnon Grocery, ad I Begistored Duroc* For Sale, 13-Mos. Old Duroc Boar; weighs 250 lbs. Grand-sire sold for $20,000. Also 2 younger boars, of same strain, weighing about 60 lbs. See at once T. B. Conner, ! 422 Mt. Vernon. — Two Fords in A 1 shape for 1 sale cheap at Hicks Bros. Garage.