Newspaper Page Text
Three-Day Program to Mark
Close Most Successful
As was announced in the cata
log for this year, the commence
ment at Brewton-Parker Institute
will begin Friday, May 21st, and
last thru Monday, May 24th.
The program in general will be
as follows:
Friday flight, B:3o—Contests
in the Music and Expression De
partments. The contestants in j
music will be Goldie Mcßae and
Margaret Currie. .Those in ex
pression will be Johnnie Baldwin,
Johnnie Hilbun, Henrietta Pierce,
and Elizabeth Mcßae.
Saturday morning, 10:30—Class
Day Exercises for the Seniors.
Saturday night,
Champion Debate between the
literary societies. The subject
for discussion will be: Resolved,
That the Peace Treaty should be
ratified without reservations, j
The affirmative side will be up
held by Laris Burkhalter and
Holmes Pinholster, while the
negative will be defended by
Hugh Burch> and William Peter
Sunday morning, 11:00—An
nual Commencement Sermon, by
Dr. R. L. Baker of Dublin.
Monday Morning, 10:30-Bac-.
calaureate Address by Dr. George
W. Macon, of Bessie Tift College,
Forsyth, followed by the Gradu
ating Exercises.
Monday Night—Alumni-ae Ban
The President of the Board of j
Trustees has called a meeting of
that body Thursday, May 20th, I
at 10:30 o’clock. On account of
the growth in the school work
and greater plans for the coming
year, it is the earnest desire of
every one who is interested in the
school work at 8.-P. I. that a
large number of the trustees will
be present at this meeting.
Oak Grove Dots.
Special Correspondence.
Miss Viola McDougald of Sa
vannah was visiting friends and
relatives in this section the latter
part of last week.
Mr. D. S. O’Brien and wife
made a business trip to Hazle- j
hurst Saturday.
Miss Annie Reynolds gave a
sing Saturday night which was
enjoyed by the following: Misses
Gladys and Sbe Leggett, Sudie
Graham, Viola McDougald, Flor-.
ence and Della Hughes, Willie
and Leona Meeks and Vitus j
O’Brien. Messrs. Will Hughes, 1
Henry Carpenter, Owen and Ed
McDougald, Willie and Jim Gra
ham, George and JoeGiilis, How
ard Leggett, Clyde Roberts, B.
Hughes, Dick Wood and Jack
Morris. -
Mr. J. A. Reynolds and daugh
ter and sons went over to Alston
to services Sunday morning.
We were verv glad to see a
large crowd out to Sunday school
Quite a number of young folks
from this section went to Alston
Sunday night.
Mrs. M. A. Peterson spent
Saturday with her mother, Mrs.
Mr. Jodie Walker of Denton is
visiting relatives near Oak Grove, i
Miss Annie Reynolds is spend
ing this week at Tarrytown.
Box and Ice Cream Supper.
There will be a box aad ice !
cream supper at Longpond school
house Friday night, May 14th.
Ladies are invited to come and
bring boxes. Gentlemen are in
vited to come prepared te buy
boxes and cream. Proceeds for;
school improvement.
©jp Mmtspmrg MmxtQt.
Special Correspondence.
| Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Branch, ;
Mr. Homer O’Brien and Miss
Sallie Mae Calhoun went to see
the new bridge, that is under
j construction near Mt. Vernon,
S , I
Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Monday of
Dublin were week-end visitors to
the city.
Mr. Robert Palmer of Mt. Ver
non called on Miss Alice Anderson .
i j
We are glad to see our post-j
mistress, Miss Mettie Moxley,
out again from a few days of j
Mr. W. A. Keen of Dublin was
was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
McGahee Sunday.
Mr. L. E. Stanford is quite sick
at this writing. We hope him a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. R. D. Beaty and daughter,
Miss Mattie Mae, were business
! visitors to Dublin one day last
Mr. John Watson of Dublin
was a Sunday visitor to the city.
Mr. M. E. Burns was transact
ing business in Mt. Vernon Mon
The baseball team of this place
is expecting much progress with
their newly elected captain, J.
Whit Crawford, who retired from
the “mound hill” last summer.
He has quite a reputation as an
athletic coach.
Mr. P. P. Waller, and son, Lu
ther, attended church at Soperton
Miss Mabel Burns spent Satur
i day in Vidalia.
Messrs. Henry Branch and Ar
thur Wilkes of Rockledge visited
friends here Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Emmit Alman of Vidalia
was a Sunday school and B. Y.
P. U. visitor here.
Mr. Jim Davis of Macon was
in town Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Aubrey Brooks and sister,
Addie Lee, of Crooked Run were
Sunday guests of Miss Lessie
Mae Crawford.
Mrs. Lizzie Flipings of Dowling
Park, Fla., state evangelist, is
i conducting a series of meetings
at the Advent Baptist church:
this week.
Mr. Jodie Price and Miss Jessie
Lou Harris of Vidalia were the
guests of Miss Mabel Burns Sat
urday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mixon, Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Mixon and Mrs.
; M. L. V. Crawford attended the
birthday dinner of Dr. Marcus
Peacock Saturday.
Messrs. B. S. Beaty, V. C.
Calhoun, J. E. Calhoun and N.
G. Cooper were business visitors
in Vidalia Saturday.
If in the Eternal
Fitness of Things— j
We paid a visit to the sanctum
of Editor H. B. Fol
som. of the Montgomery Monitor,
last Monday afternoon, and it was
indeed a pleasant hour that we
spent chatting with this affable
brother of the Fourth Estate.
Editor Folsom is a candidate for
representative from Montgomery
! county and up to the present he
has no opposition. It would be
a fitting tribute to the great work
that he has accomplished in Mont
gomery county if the voters will
send him to the House unopposed.
| —Soperton News.
Peas for Sale.
Field Peas, Iron, Brabham and
Mixed peas for sale. Peas are
very scarce this season so get
• your supply while they last.
J. WadeuJohnson,
212tf Mount Vernon, Ga. i
Elaborate Plans for the
County School Contest.
Plans for the Montgomery County School Contest have been
developed into an interesting program for Friday, May 21. The
exercises will be held at the Brewton-Parker Institute and will in
clude a number of interesting features.
In addition to contests in literary, athletic and club wofrk, there
will be addresses by two or more prominent educators. Dr. M. L. j
Brittain, superintendent of state schools, will deliver an address at
12:30. Prof. Carleton B. Gibson, superintendent of the public
schools of Chatham county, will address the audience at 1:00 p. m.
This will be followed by a basket dinner.
The literary and clufi work contests will doubtless be held in
j the forenoon and the athletic contests in the afternoon, followed
|by a ■match game of ball. Delivery of prizes to the winners will
I begin at 4:00 p. m.
The program is very comprehensive, and the exercises will
i necessarily last all day. All school trustees of the county are urged
to attend, and at some convenient hour will be held a convention of
these officials. Also the county board of education will hold a
special session during the day.
The contest having been planned for April 30, and preparation
for the event having been interfered with by influenza, the program
has been altered and enlarged to such an extent that the different
features cannot be given in fixed order at this time. But suffice it
to say that it will be the greatest event of this nature ever held in
Montgomery county.
Os late years remarkable progress has been made in the educa- 1
tional interests of Montgomery county, and the public will gain a
more definite idea of the development of the public school system
by attending this occasion. Every school in the county will be
represented and the work of both Dupil and teacher will be fully
exemplified to the public.
While the people of Ailey and Mt. Vernon will do everything l
possible toward the success of the occasion, as far as entertainment'
is concerned, the patrons and friends of the other schools will please
bring baskets: and above all, come and enjoy the occasion. If |
there are any material changes in the program, such will be an- |
nounced next week.
Protracted Services at
Methodist Church.
Protracted services will begin !
at the Mt. Vernon Methodist
church Tuesday evening, May
25th, as announced by the pastor, I
Rev. A. G. Brewton, last Sabbath
The preaching will be done by
by Rev. W. M. Blitch of Eastman,
a well known Methodist minister!
of the South Georgia Conference.
The public is invited to attend to j
and participate in the services, i
The hours of service will be an
nounced later.
Preachers’ Meeting *
At Bethel Church.!
There will be held at Bethel J
church, beginning on Thursday j
night before the first Sunday in
June, a preachers’ meeting. The,
meeting will last until the fol-;
lowing Sunday. t
The public of the entire neigh- j
' borhood cordially invited to at- 1
tend these services.
w®x®M@®m®w®m® .©
ft Brewton-Parker By Regular !
j| NeWS Correspondent |
Uw®mmmM®x®imm m®m®i®w®m®Wßmfy
In spite of the knowledge of j
the serious illness of the mother |
of Miss Maude Sewell and Mrs. ‘
Espy, the faculty and student J
body were shocked to learn that!
a message had come calling them I
to their mother’s bedside. The
different classes composed in
formal personal letters, in which
j they expressed their love and
sympathy for their teacher and J
their matron, and presented them !
Friday before Miss Sewell and J
Mrs. Espy left for their home atj
Summerville. Last reports from j
them say that Mrs. Sewell is
temporarily better, but that there
were slight chances of her re
j covery. The dining hall is being
cared for by Miss Ethridge, the
Home Economics teacher, assist
jed by Mr. and Mrs. Barrett.
j Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, little
Mary Lucy, and Lomas accom
panied Mr. Barrett’s mother to
the home of Mr. Harry Barrett
at Harrison last Sunday. Mr. j
Barrett returned Monday, Mrs.
Barrett and the children waited j
until Tuesday.
Barton Herndon spent the!
week-end with Gilford Autry at
Rockledge, while Walter Ford
ham was with Homer Davis at
: Sing at St. Mary’s
Congregational Church.
The Monitor is requested by
the good people of that communi
-Ity to announce a sing at St.
Mary’s Congregational Church
on the fourth Sabbath in May.
The church is located near the
home of Mr. R. D. Beatty and
! those attending will be expected
to bring dinner and stay all day.
The singing will be conducted
: by Mr. Smith, a well known sing
ing master of Laurens county,
and also well known to the peo
ple of this county. All invited
| to attend and enjoy the affair on
jthe fourth Sunday.
Notice to the Public.
, Georgia— Montgomery County.
This is notice that a petition
: has been filed with the Ordinary
of said county, calling for an
; election on the first Wednesday
! in July to vote on the question of
! Fence or No Fence. This the
1 10th day of May, 1920.
J. C. McAllister,
I Ordinary.
j Dessie Davis*' and Dorothy
jTharpe visited homefolks at Or
j land last week.
I Mr. C. E. McDaniel preached
at Ohoopee Sunday, and also
organized a B. Y. P. U. in his
Mr. W. B Underwood filled his
appointment at Kibbee Saturday
| and Sunday.
The final program of the Damon
Literary Society for this year
will be given next Thursday af
j ternoon. It follows: Biography
of a Student's Tablet at 8.-P. 1.,
Lomas Barrett; Piano Solo, Fred
McSwain; Reading, Willie Care
lock; Chorus—Nellie Long, Gene
va Long, Goldie Mcßae, Eliza
beth Mcßae, Marie Cockfield,
and Lillian Conner; Adjective
Game, Truman Stubbs; Ukulele
Duet, Vannie Leek Tyler and
Dolores Auz'a; Farewell Address,
C. E. McDaniel.
i Both literary societies have
been practicing yells every after
| noon for the past week. From
j the sounds which have been
| coming from both halls it is cer
tain that there will be no lack of
spirit in the debate during com
- Longpond Dots.
Special Correspondence,
I Mrs. E. C. McAllister is visit
ing her son, Mr. Grady McAllis
ter, at Scotland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Leggett and
son of Uvalda attended services
here Sunday.
Mrs. F. D. Carpenter and chil
dren, Mae and Henry, were
visitors to Alston Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wade Johnson
and children of Mt. Vernon visit
ed at the home of Mrs. J. C.
Johnson Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bendimire
of Odum vis Led the latter’s pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mc-
Allister, the first of the week.
Mr. I. P. McAllister visited at
at the home of Mr. W. T. Mc-
Arthur, Sr., at McGregor last
Mr. George Hester of Hazle
hurst was here on business last
Friday. »
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McArthur,
Sr., and children of McGregor
' were among friends and relatives
! here Sunday afternpon.
Miss Pearl Williamson is visit
|ing at Hazlehurst this week.
Miss Ruth Chapman spent the
week-end with her parents at
A large crowd from here at
tended ths funeral of Mrs. Mc-
Bride last Friday.
Mrs. Ala Mcßride *
. Died Last Week.
Mrs. Ala Mcßride, one of the
best known ladies of the county,
died at her home in Alston Wed
nesday morning of last week
after an. lasting only
through the previous night.
She waain apparent good health
and had attended services Tues
day. In the evening she was
stricken and her children were
immediately summoned.
Remains were interred in the
Sharpe cemetery near Alston
Thursday, the funeral service
biing condncted by her pastor,
Rev. J. M. Hancock, assisted by
Rev. L A Brown of Baxley,
The pallbearers were H. S. Barr,
Sr, J E Braswell, W G. Wil
liamson, H G- Martin, J. G.
Martin, E S Martin.
Mrs. Mcßride was the widow
of the late William Mfcßride and
was a lady of lovable character
and hospitable disposition. She
leaves a number of children, all
of whom have reached the estates
of manhood and womanhood:
E. T Mcßride of Vidalia, W. T.
Mcßride of Alston, Hugh Mc-
Bride of Lumber City and Mar
vin, Clifford and Henry Mcßride
os Alston, Mrs. McLean of Lum
ber City, Mrs. Willie Calhoun of
Uvalda and Mrs Dan Martin of
She was a consecrated, Chris
tian mother and her passing will
be a great loss to the community
in which she lived Her life was
filled with good deeds and then
will be many to remember het
Entertainment at McGregor
In connection with the pie sup
per to be gjven at this place nex
Friday night, May 14th, the Sadii
Dramatic Club has kindly con
sented to give “Mrs. Tubbs o!
Come and spend a few hours o<
real enjoyment. Admission If
and 25 cents. Program opens at
8 o’clock. Proceeds goes to th<
school funds of the two schools.
Vina Hooper, Teacher,
• McGregor School.
Mary Martin, Teacher,
Sadie School.
Hicks Bros, offers best bargain
you ever had offered in two Ford
touring cars. Ist class condition.
Both new engines.
List of the Cases Disposed of
During Week Superior
The following is a list of cases
disposed of during superior court
last week:
Mrs. I. V. Smith, administra
trix, vs O. O. Hamilton, J. I.
Dixon, W. H. H. Stephens, El
bert Adams and Jafunia McGa
hee. Dismissed.
Leader & Rosansky vs W. M.
Phillips, Jr., and W. M, Phillips,
Sr. Dismissed.
Citizens Bank of Alston vs A.
I). Hughes, Adr. Verdict for
i Deft. Appeal.
Inetta Troup vs W. T. McAr
thur. Settled.
Altamaha Fertilizer Co. vs G#
W. Beckworth. Ver. for plff.
Augusta Bedding Co. vs G. V.
i Mason & Son. Ver. for plff.
J. Wade Johnson vs Carr Mc-
I Lemore. Settled.
M. L. O’Brien, Adr. vs Mrs.
[ Maggie Adams. Ver. for Deft.
Mrs. Maggie Adams vs M. L.
O’Brien, Adi*. Settled.
R. K. Moseley vs M. L. O’Brien
Adr. Dismissed.
Peoples Bank vs Geo M. Tapley.
W. F. McAllister vs Hiram
Johnson and Bruce Sharpe. Dis
L B. God bee vs H. D. Lee and
I>. M. Currie. Settled.
S. L. Morris vs D. E. Morris et
al. Withdrawn.
Altamaha Fertilizer Co. vs W.
M. Taylor and B. F. Palmer.
Ver. for Plff.
L. B. Holt vs Citizens Bank of
Alston. Settled.
Altamaha Fertilizer Co. vs A.
W. Harris. Ver. for Plff.
Altamaha Fertilizer Co. vs Lin
dy Joyce. Ver. for Plff.
Altamaha Fertilizer Co. vs Cy
rus McArthur. Ver. for Plff.
M. B. Calhoun and Lewis
Roberson. Adrs., vs Jacob Beck
worth. (2 cases) Ver, for Plff.
Altamaha Fertilizer Co. vs T.
B. Hughes. Ver. for Plff.
Mt. Vernon Bank vs I. J. Col
lins et al. Ver. for Plff.
Vidalia Chemical Co. vs J. F.
Mills. Ver. for Plff.
Baltimore Bargain House vs C.
W. Warnock. Ver. for Plff.
F. M. Simons vs J. T. Warnock.
Ver. for Plff.
Crescent Stove Works vs G. V.
Mason. Ver. for Plff.
Neva C. Wilkes vs Kate Wilkes.
John Outlaw vs Estella Outlaw.
Total divorce.
J. E Glover vs Bettie Glover.
Total divorce.
Martha J. Cooper vs Clem
Cooper, Jr. Total divorce.
Bank of Tarrytown vs D. P.
Usry, C. F. Ferrell, clt. Settled.
Lewis Hill vs J. D. McDaniel.
G. & F. Ry. vs G. C. Conner.
State vs Tom Stone. Plea of
guilty. 12 months.
John Cooper. Verdict of not
Major Myles, murder. Verdict
*nr manslaughter. 12 to 20 years.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
I will offer for sale on the'first
Tuesday in June, being the first
day thereof, at the court house
door of Montgomery county, to
he highest "bidder for cash the
'"ollowing property, to-wit:
Five (5) shares of the Capital
itock of the Citizens Bank of
\lston, Ga., held in my name
and owned by me.
F. B. Gibbs.
Tax Assessors Are
Now in Session.
The Board of Tax Assessors of
Jontgomery county are in ses
ion in their office in the court
The Board, is composed of
Messrs. J. B. O’Conner, W. T.
(arris and W. C. Mcßae.
Me<ftrs. F. M. Mcßae and W.
r. Williamson, who served last
vear, it is understood, have re
NO. 2.