Newspaper Page Text
Raise Tobacco
Pierce County .
Waycross, June 9.—The pros
pects for the tobacco crop in
Pierce county are very bright at I
present, according to reports from
Blackshear. The crop as com-;
pared with last year is seventy- j
five per cent better and it is a
noticeable fact that the tobacco !
crop in all parts of the countv i
are much better than other crops.
Corn, watermelons and other
crops seem to be retarded by the j
late weather but not so with the j
tobacco crop, which is growing 1
rapidly. Over twelve hundredj
acres have been planted by the
A. P. Brantley Company alone,
besides about two hundred addi
tional acres in the county. Sev
enty-five per cent more tobacco
will be made to the acre than
was made last year and indica- 1
tions are that it will be of very
much better quality.
With a good season from now
on and with proper care in hand
ling and curing an average price
of 30 to 35 cents should be ex
pected. This new industry in the
next few years will come to the
front in South Georgia as a mon
ey-crop and it can be seen that it
will largely replace the cotton in
Tarry town.
Special Correspondence.
Miss Alice Anderson is visiting
friends and relatives in Wrights
Misses Mattie Lou Chi vers and
Lillian Gillis of Soperton and
Town Waller were guests of Miss
Martha Mixon Monday.
Mrs. D. 0. Calhoun is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Lowrey,
of Soperton.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Branch
and Misses Mettie Moxley and
Alice Anderson motored down to
the movies in Vidalia Tuesday
Miss Lottie Davis and Alonzo
Gillis of Gillis Springs spent Sun- j
day afternoon with Miss Mettie:
Mr. Henry Branch of Rock
ledge was in town a short while
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Rosa Belle Mixon of Ly
ons is visiting her grand-mother,
Mrs.*M- L. V. Crawford.
Messrs. Chas. H. Branch and
L. E. Stanford were transacting
business in Rockledge Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Calhoun
visited the latter’s parents near
Uvalda Sunday.
Mr. Onie Duncan has returned'
to his home near Uvalda after a!
week’s visit with his sister, Mrs.
Floyd Calhoun.
Mrs. J. P- Clay of Macon and
Mrs. D. Z. Lindsey of Dry Branch
were week-end guests of their
sister, Mrs. Mettie Moxley.
Mrs. L. M. Kemp and Mr. and
Mrs. S. Z. Simons spent the week
end with relatives.
Miss Mary Lee Hall, teacher
at Poplar Head, spent part of last
week with friends here.
Messrs. Vera and Zelma Burns,
Alice Anderson, Essie Mae Phil
lips and Mettie Moxley and
Messrs. R. W. Anderson and W.
B. Cadle attended the box supper
at Poplar Head Thursday night.
Miss Mabel Burns has returned
home for the summer after teach
ing a very successful term at
Mr. Dan Wiggins is visiting
his parents in Jasper Fla., this
After a very successful term,
our teachers have returned to
their respective homes —Miss
Alma Morrison. Mt. Vernon; Miss
es Clina and Clio Carr and Ruby
Coleman, Vidalia; and Miss Mary
Conner, Cartersville,
31jp monitor.
Industrial Home Boys
Will Give Concert.
The Drum and Bugle Corps of
the Georgia Industrial Home of
; Macon will appear in Mt. Vernon
i tomorrow evening, Friday, 11th
i inst., and will give their usual
creditable performance in the
| auditorium of The Brewton-Par
ker Institute.
The entire public invited to at
; tend and enjoy the performance.
The boys have been here several
j times, and have always been
j greeted by large and apprecia
| tivejaudiences. Concert opens at
8:U0 o’clock. Go out and hear
Higgstou News.
Mr. Oglethorpe McLemore, who
is studying medicine in Atlanta, ;
;is spending a while with his pa
! rents, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. McLe
Miss McL. Knight has returned
to her home in Vidalia after a
very successful school term here.
Miss Mattie Thompson attend
ed preaching in Vidalia Sunday
We are sorry to report that
Mrs. L. D. Morris is on the sick
list this week.
Higgston is glad to welcome
home Ouida Mae and W. J. Ma
l thias of the First District Agri
cultural School, Statesboro; Des
sie Johnson of the University of
Georgia, Athens; and Lillian Con
ner of the Brewton-Parker, Mt.
Vernon, after successful school
Mr. M. C. Carpenter spent the
week-end with friends and rela
tives here.
Misses Helen and Sue Lee of
Mt, Vernon spent the week-end
with Misses Lillian and Eva Con
Several from here attended
preaching at McGregor Sunday.
We are to have an all-day sing
at*the Baptist church here Sun
jday. The public invited to come
! and bring baskets.
Whistling Pete.
Stockholders of Hotel
To Hold Meeting.
Some time next week will be
held a meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Mt. Vernon Hotel Co.
At this meeting stock certificates
will be issued, and those who
have not paid in the required
amount of their subscription are
requested to do so at or before
j the meeting.
Work will soon begin on re
modeling the residence recently
purchased from Mrs. Alice Wil
| son, and which will be put in
ia creditable condition for hotel
I purposes.
Road Notice.
! (Jeorgia—Montgomery County*
To all Whom it May Concern:
Take notice that S. P. Mills,
:C. D Williams, Green Smith, E.
;G. Pollett, Warren White and
j others have applied for an order
seeking the discontinuance of that
certain public road leading from
Cedar Grove to the Soperton and
Mt. Vernon public road, tor the
reason that same is of little or no
utility, and is unnecessarily ex
pensive to keep up by the county.
Mow, if no good cause be shown
to the contrary, by persons int«-f
--ested m the matter, the order
will be granted by the Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Rev
enues of said county on the oth
day of July, 1920, discontinuing
said described public road. This
the Bth day of June, 1920.
Board* of Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues.
, J. H Dees, Cbm.
A. B Hutcheson, Clerk.
Special Correspondence
Miss Willie Hudson has re
turned to her home in Dublin af
ter visiting her uncle, Mr. J. H.
Mr. John C. Peterson spent last
week in Sandersville.
Little Mae Carter Peterson has
been real sick.
Miss Adine Stanford spent the
week-end with parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Stanford.
Mrs. Remer Kitchens enter
tained the Sewing Club Thursday
j Miss Sara Smiley of Claxton is
the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Julian Peterson.
William Henry Peterson and
Russell McArthur, students of
; Locust Grove Institute, are at
home for the summer.
Miss Corine Blount of Savan
nah, after spending several weeks
with her brother, Mr. N. Blount,
has leturned home.
Miss Florence Conner spent 1
several days in Sandersville last
Messrs. Laing, Smiley and Per
kins, students of the G. M. C.
at Milledgeville, will stop over a
part of the week with Mr. and
Mr. J. H. Peterson, en route to
their home at Claxton.
Mr. Dan Riddle and sister,
Miss Lila Riddle, have returned
from Jacksonville, Fla., where
they visited their brother, Mr.
Jim Riddle.
Miss Ida Mcßride is the guest
of Mrs. S. A. Sikes at Mcßae.
Mrs. Tom Thompson has recent
ly received treatment at Hall’s
Hospital at Hazlehurst.
Mr. and Mrs. Tippens of Baxley
came over last Saturday to help
organize a Ladies’ Methodist Mis
sion and Society. The ladies
were very much pleased to have
Mrs. Tippens with them. The
following officers were elected:
President, Mrs. Will Peterson;
Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. R.
Kitchens; Superintendent Junior
Division, Mrs. J. H. Peterson;
Vice-President, Mrs. J. M. D.
McGregor; Corresponding Secre
retary and Treasurer, Miss Jessie
Child is Killed as He
Fell in Front of Saw.
Statenvilie. June 8. —W. C.
Dean, sawyer at the big Garbutt
Lumber Company mill here, to
day pulled the lever which sent
the oody of his five-year-old son
into the whirling saw. The child’s
i head was severed, its body
dropped into the dust conveyor
and almost at the great crusher
which grinds un blocks of wood
and feeds the refuse to the fur
naces before the father knew of
the tragedy.
The child was playing in the
mill house when he fell on the
carriage about the time Mr. Gar
butt "started it to the saw. It
i was a fast feed of the gunshot
type, and there was hardly a
chance that the child might have
been saved had the father seen
him fall. The father was pros
Trip to Milledgeville.
Mrs. J. F. Currie and daugh
ter, Miss Grace Currie, accom
panied by Mr. N. Durham Cobb,
returned Monday afternoon from
Milledgeville, where they attend
ed the commencement exercises.
Miss Katharine Currie, the eider
daughter, finished at the G. N. I.
this year, and she, with her cous
in, Mi3B Ulna Cranberry, of
Lumpkin, accompanied them
Oak Grove Dots.
i Soecial Ourreaimndonoe.
! Mr. J. A. Reynolds and daugh
ter, Annie, were in Alston Friday
We were very glad to see a
large crowd out to Sunday school
and preaching Sunday a. m.
There was quite a large num
at prayermeeting Saturday night.
We are .very glad to say that
Oak Grove invited some of the:
Longpond B Y. P. U. people to
come over Sunday afternoon and
give them a propram. After!
i which Oak Grove young people
organized aB. Y. P. U. They
will meet every Sunday after
Sunday school. We hopetoseea
large crowd present.
Mr. I. A. Stewart and family !
took dinner at Mr. J. A. Rey
nolds Sunday.
Miss Julia Register took a car
of youngfolks to Longpond to the,
B. Y. P. U. meeting Sunday night, i
Mr. Herman Clark called to
see Miss Gladys Legett Sunday
Miss Sudie Graham was visiting
Miss Annie Reynolds Monday!
Mr. D. S. O'Brien and family
visited Mr. Leggett’s Sunday
Everybody invited to come he
with us at Sunday school and B.
Y. P. U. meeting next Sunday, 1
starting at 3 o’clock.
Lost Aoto Tag.
Tag No. 36579, lost from car
between Mason’s mill and home
about June 1. Finder please no
tify H. W. Connell,
Ailey, Ga.
| World’s Champion I
iDurocs 1
!Viclalia, Saturday, June 12 |
This will he the opportunity of a lifetime lor the farmers
of this section to get acquainted with the correct idea of 0
being delivered from the curse of cotton culture. Other
!! men make easy money on hogs, and the Duroc hog will 0
enalde you to do the same. This is self-evident. O
See the Pictures of the Grand Champions p
at Vidalia, and then visit our stock farm. \\
The public cordially invited. \\
Duroc Jersey Farm A! LEY, GA.
To Organize Camp
Woodmen of World.
Mr. W. R. Wood of Hazlehurst,
1 district deputy of the Woodmen
iof the World, has been in Mt. i
I Vernon for several days in the
interest of a lodge of this order
which is soon to be instituted j
Mr. Wood will return next
week and hold the final meeting 1
j looking to the organization, which
j will be effected later. This is a i
j commendable order and will be|
liberally supported in Mt. Vernon, i
■ Fifteen -or more have already
been enrolled as prospective
members, and the required num
ber will be secured before the
I week is out.
, i
Charlotte. I
j Special service to Monltrontery Monitor.
The farmers of this section are 1
very busy at this writing.
Our Sunday school is still Dro-,
gressing, and we hope it will con-|
tinue so.
Mr. Steve Carter left Sunday
for Locust Grove, where he will
enter school.
j Mr. W. F Glosson of Waycross ;
j was up on business first of last
week. He is a former citizen of
i Mr Otis Gordon of Savannah
spent last week with friends and
relatives here.
| Mr. Chester Poole and Miss
j Julia Mae Adams were out driv
j ing Sunday.
| Mr. Bernon Gibbs of Uvalda
was in town Monday.
Miss Jennie Lee Conner of Ha
zlehurst was the week-end guest
of Miss Ora Lee Vaughan.
Will Conduct
Revival Meeting.
The Rev. A. D. Wauchope,
(commonly pronounced Walkup)
who is the evangelist of the Pres
! byterian church for this section
of the state, is to begin a meet
ing in Mt. Vernon on the fourth
| Sunday in this month.* He is a
I a man of spiritual power and of
i pleasant address—a likeable fel
! low. Those who have the privi
lege of hearing him will be
pleased with him. He is a very
friendly man, and Mt. Vernon is
fortunate in securing him for this
series of services.
Mr. Wauchope has conducted a
< number of meetings in South
| Georgia since he made Waycross
! his home in December last. All
i these meetings have been suc
cessful, and a number of addi
! lions have been acquired by all
the churches in the communities
lin which he has held them. So
' far the other denominations have
'received more of the converts of
the meetings than have the Pres
byterians. As he is not zealous
for his own denomination, he is
rather pleased with this record,
j His desire is to help all God’s
; people, and he is proud that the
Lord has given him the honor of
serving all his churches. The
Presbyterians of Mt. Vernon are
! looking forward with great antic
ipations to Mr. Wauchope’s com
' ing. and will be glad to share this
j service and its blessings with
their brethren of the other
1 churches.
F. M. Baidmn,
: Ice for the Season.
| Am prepared to supply ice,
wholesale and retail, during the
season. Guaranteed service.
H. L. Smith,
56tf Mt'. Vernon.
NO. 6.